Wednesday, May 30, 2001

Quinn and Rose talk to Carmine

Dr. James Carmine, Republican candidate for Mayor of Pittsburgh, was interviewed today (May 30th) on the Quinn & Rose show. The interview lasted the best part of the final 35 minutes of the show.

I jotted down a few things I heard as best I could (in between phone calls, emails, etc. engineering equations) while listening at work today. Nothing here is verbatim, but I think I got the drift of the conversation for the most part. If you want the full interview or to confirm anything I might have possibly misrepresented then go to Quinn's show archives for today at:

** Offering tax incentives to bring businesses into an area often brings in bad businesses that wouldn't come in otherwise. This policy brings in outsiders at the expense of insiders.

** Tom Murphy is an arrogant man. He's subject to his vision overriding his common sense. All too often he gives away the farm to outside businesses in the form of tax breaks.

** It's bad to buy votes with public funds. Stadiums and a north shore "Disneyland" are examples of this. Democrats have sold out the black community time after time, but they still somehow manage to get their votes.

** The colleges and universities in Pittsburgh are a great local strength. (What would you expect a
local college professor to say?) He sees an opportunity for government to help to keep these
young people here. Quinn cautioned about adopting a "central planning" mindset and suggested just eliminating things like entertainment taxes, but Dr. Carmine didn't seem convinced that a more active government would be bad.

** Quinn said that he'd like to invite Dr. Carmine back for additional interviews to let voters know that there is another candidate out there.

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