Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ferlo's presence looming larger at city hall

Poor, poor Jim Ferlo. He says he doesn't have anything.
Ferlo's presence looming larger at city hall 'I have no personal agenda. I don't have friends or relatives looking for a job. I have no business ventures in the city of Pittsburgh. Maybe that's why it's so good to work with me, because I don't have anything,' he said.
On a certain level, I agree with the "island-type nature" of Jim Ferlo, PA Senator. Jim is free to do what he wishes with one rather large weight of obligation around his neck that is failed to be mentioned.

Jim Ferlo is a die-hard Democrat. The loyalty there can not be overlooked. He is with a single vision in party politics.

That is where Jim Ferlo and I part as people who both are able to crow about NOT needing to kiss butt to any special interest groups. I can -- and do -- fly freely among all party types: left, right and center. Jim Ferlo's wing outreaches only to the left.

I admire Jim Ferlo for many reasons and deeds. He'll talk to me when I bump into him in the hallways of life and pull a button-hole move to keep him within conversation's reaches. In some instances, we'll be at odds, politically.

Putting Jim Ferlo onto the URA Board was a wonderful move by Bob O'Connor. I said that the at City Council the first time I spoke after that news was announced. It makes for a dramatic shift in direction away from the failures of Tom Murphy.

I hope Jim Ferlo's status among URA projects increases greatly. Perhaps iut isn't best to have him as the 'chair' of that organization. The time sink for that duty is sure to be great. However, I'd love to see him be able to pull all the wires he wants in dealings with the URA, its projects, vision, mission, budget, priorities and people.

I would love the opportunity to work hard next to Jim Ferlo in the future. We'd tackle healthcare and come up with some excellent solutions and see that they were launched for the benefit of all of Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

Mark Rauterkus said...

City Councilman Doug Shields, a former aide to Mr. O'Connor, said he believed the friendship had its genesis in efforts to save the City Pride bakery, a campaign in which Mr. O'Connor assisted Mr. Ferlo in arranging a meeting with key business leaders. The Lawrenceville bakery, started by former Braun Co. employees, closed in February 1994 after two years in business. City leaders tried, but failed, to resuscitate it.

Jim Ferlo and Bob O'Connor failed in their efforts to save -- with government clout -- a bakery. That is a great example of where I part with Jim Ferlo's efforts. That venture is "CORPORATE WELFARE" and something that city council can not and should not be doing.

The respect for the marketplace that I have seems to be lost on some of the projects that Jim Ferlo chooses to engage.