Tuesday, July 23, 1996

Market Research Software for World Wide Web to be part of New High-Performance Software Bundles

News release from Yearick-Millea, 700 River Ave #216, Pittsburgh Contact was Mark Rauterkus for SSS. 
CHICAGO, July 23, 1996 -- The Planet Group, an Internet Service Provider (ISP), announced today that its Virtual-Poll softwrae will be included in a World Wide Web software package called Village Compass Bundle. Virtual-Poll is an optimized Web Server that manages the creation and analysis of market research data at a fraction of the cost of phone surveys, focus groups or mailing. The software enable users to collect real-time market data information on the Internet and receive immediate results. It automatically produces, manages and administers the entire market research process. Surveys, tests, evaluations, quizzes and polling of all types can be customized to the end-user's specifications. Village Compass Bundle is a package of high-performance, service-software-tool sets that help businesses develop or expand sites on the World Wide Web. Virtual-Poll software will be included on Village with as many as 21 other software programs, which exhibit superior product harmony. "Village Compass Bundles enter the marketplace offering a turn-key solution with some of the most advanced software available on the market today," Mark Rauterkus, organizer of the Village Compass Bundle, said. "Virtual-Poll adds one more highly cost-effective solution to an already strong package of software." The bundled package of Village software creates dramatic savings for end-users -- as much as 65 percent off retail prices. The initial package, in addition to Virtual-Poll, contains a variety of highly-sophisticated softare functions strategic to building a web site, such as cataloging, information handling, communication, graphic production, and site management and maintenance. Village has numerous bundled software packages, with prices starting at $1,475. Most of the software titles run on Macintosh computers, but some titles are for Windows NT. A free working copy of Virtual-Poll can be downloaded from the Web by visiting, http://pg.net, or call Plante's customer service. More information on the Village Compass Bundle can be found at http://village.compass.bundle.com/ or by sending email to bundle@. Village Compass Bundle is a worldwide coalition of software developers in six countries who produce products for Web site development. Village was organized by Pittsburgh software and book publisher, Mark Rauterkus.

Cover Letter

Executive Summary
Some of the original goals for the Village Compass Bundle have been reached.	
The sales of the VCB has been below expectations - due to a number of reasons.	
We have plenty to do - and progress is occuring.	
Sales for the Village Compass Bundle are poor and well below expectations.	
Some of my original goals for the VCB have been reached.
Successful happenings:	
Right from the outset of this bundle process, I thought that it was important for the first release of any bundle to be a high-performance, cutting-edge, money saving, better than Apple Computer’s Internet Server Solution - eye-popping bundle. Well, IMHO, I feel that the VCB is a great solution, and it is better than Apple’s. 	
The VCB is huge in terms of product titles and capabilites. It was too big for us to master in a couple of months given our starting point. 	
Here we are in September, and I have played with each product but I’ve not been able to master them. 	
The desire to team with smaller to mid-sized developers with hot technology applications from all-across the USA and world has been met.	
Getting a “turn-key” solution to the marketplace was also a priority.	
Fact: The Trade Press does NOT cover bundle news. Bundle news is considered a non-news event. New products are news. Bundles are not newsworthy.	
Trade Products Among Bundle Players	
Long Shot Ideas	
Java Use and the Java Venture Capital Fund	
Use server-side Java and take InfoDepot documents onto the WWW.	
Use server-side Interaction and client side Java for CHAT faces from DB	
Presentation Program for the WWW 	
Original Goals	
Thirty-Six Web Developers Join iCat

Monday 96.09.23 - (E.COMMERCE TODAY) - Seattle, WA USA - iCat Corp.
announced that 36 Web development companies have joined the iCat Commerce
Partner (iCP) program.

These firms are now using their Web development expertise to customize and
extend the iCat Electronic Commerce Suite, offering their business customers
the most complete and flexible electronic commerce solution for selling
products and services via the Internet and CD-ROM.

The following list of iCat Commerce Partners can assist those merchants and
businesses that need help in developing commerce-enabled Web sites:

Compudoc of Warren, NJ (www.compudocinc.com) 
Oculus Interactive of New York, NY (www.ocu.com) 
Vision Graphics of Ludlow, MA (www.visiongroup.com) 
Didax LLC of Chantilly, VA (www.didax.com) 
Image Soft, Inc. of Halifax, 
PA Shablow/Beaumont of Birmingham, AL (www.sbmc.com)
Web Adept of Daytona, FL (www.webadept.com)
Free Range Media of Seattle, WA (www.freerange.com) 
01 Publishing of Seattle, WA (www.01pub.com) 
DigiCOLOR of Seattle, WA (www.digicolor.com) 
Printing Control of Seattle, WA (www.printingcontrol.com) 
AcmeNET of Woodinville, WA (www.acmenet.com)
ComVista of Bellevue, WA (www.comvista.com) 
Quebecor Interactive of Bellevue, WA (www.qinteractive.com) 
Ogle Publishing of Lake Oswego, OR (www.oglepub.com) 
The Catalog Site of Santa Monica, CA (www.catalogsite.com) 
Hybrid Media of Palo Alto, CA (www.hybridmedia.com)
Computer Network Specialists of Irvine, CA (www.netspec.com) 
Entrusted Design of San Jose, CA 
Internet Commerce Company of Exeter, CA (www.icomco.com) 
Intermedia Synergy of Aliso Viejo, CA (www.intermediasynergy.com) 
On-Line Foods of Oakland, CA (www.onlygourmet.com) 
Insentiv Media of Oakland, CA (www.insentiv.com)
Network Architects of San Ramon, CA (www.archnet.com) 
Interactive Cafe of Vancouver BC (www.icafe.com) 
COSMO21 of Burnaby BC (www.cosmo21.com)
Characters of Houston, TX (www.characters.com) 
POS one of Houston, TX 
TruNet / Truco Enterprises, Inc. of Dallas, TX (www.truco2@airmail.net) 
Tesseract Systems Group, Inc. of San Antonio, TX (www.liquidwebs.com) 
Data Pub Group of Chicago, IL (www.datapub.com)
Mmedia.com Industries of Manhattan, KS (www.mmedia.com) 
The Virtual Flyshop of Ft. Collins, CO (www.flyshop.com) 
Custom Tech Systems, Inc./Cosmo21 of Milwaukee, WI (www.customtech.com)
Netalliance, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN (www.netalliance.net) 
Pathlight Data Systems of Rocky River, OH

iCat is at http://www.icat.com

Saturday, May 18, 1996

Pondering domain uses at SportSurf.Net - names

Domain plans for SportSurf.Net:


See the PDF at https://cloh.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/SportSurf-plan-DOMAINS.pdf

Domains for Email Usage domain description example priority

Headquarter’s controled For headquarters staff and internal projects.

•root <none> This is for headquarters staff and internal
webmaster@sportsurf.net 1

•robots bot For robot usage. news1@bot.sportsurf.net 2

•auto-responder auto For auto-responder mailings. offer1@auto.sportsurf.net 2

•temporary temp Short-term email accounts used for a semester
or so. Good for probation periods.
Joe_Blow@temp.sportsurf.net 5

Associates and partner
assistance is permitted
Partners who are operating in the range of the
guidelines set forth by the umbrella
organization can use a set quantity of these
mailing addresses to further everyone’s cause to
bonified people.

•moderator aid forum leader, moderator, list-assistant music_guru@aid.sportsurf.net 4

•reader read for those who are in a reading group 3

•sponsor sponsor advertiser, business person in these industries Ted_Turner@sponsor.sportsurf.net 4

General Population Anyone can sign-up for these domains based
upon the honor system.

•professor prof university professors in health, physical
education, recreation, dance, and many other
allied health fields such as nutrition as well as
other fields such as psychology and sociology
Will_Smith@prof.sportsurf.net 5

•author author for those who have or expect to authored book,
magazine articles, software. May be creative
works put into the public domain.
Kevin_DeForrest@author.sportsurf.net 5

•media media Those who work as journalists, broadcasters,
editors, publishers, photographers
Jim_McKay@media.sportsurf.net 6

•athletic department ad athletic directors, athletic department workers,
recreation department leaders, administrators,
league office personnel, band-directors
Peter_Uberoth@ad.sportsurf.net 7

ump Rule makers and rule enforcers for on and off
the field in volunteer or paid capacity in any
Ron_Luciano@ump.sportsurf.net 7

•coach coach head, assistant, on-court, retired, want-a-be,
Paul_Bryant@coach.sportsurf.net 5

•star athlete star athlete or former athlete that has experienced a
groove performance
Tiger_Wood@star.sportsurf.net 8

•medical body medical doctors, allied health practitioners
from audiologist to zoologists
David_House@body.sportsurf.net 6

•student student for those under the age of 21 - can get a second
handle when desired - with the student handle
-- later this person can pick-up a second alias,
i.e. Bill_Smith@HIS-PICK.sportsurf.net

•booster go board members, parents, avid fans, friends of
sportsmanship, etc.
Tiger_Paul@go.sportsurf.net 9

•inventor/problem solver solve inventors, programmers, problem solvers,
engineers, Ben_Franklin@solve.sportsurf.net 9

Bonified Targets People who wish to sign-up for these domains
are going to need to supply some extra information on their application.

•professional athlete pro professional athletes. Those who have ever
gotten paid to play
Michael_Jordan@pro.sportsurf.net 8

•Olympian oly Olympians - summer, winter, James_Ryun@oly.sportsurf.net 8

•trainers act certified athletic trainers Barry_McGlumphy@act.sportsurf.net 6

•soul soul PENDING Pending 9

•cyber punk punk computer artist, software wizards Bill_Gates_Jr@punk.sportsurf.net 5

Friday, May 17, 1996

Name Spectrum Standard, part 2


Name Spectrum  for Majordomo Services at SportSurf.Net

The community email lists, web pages and MajorDomo services in operation at SportSurf.Net utilize a spectrum of names to help organize your mailbox, clarify topics areas and customize content interests. With so many lists and such a wide audience, please become familiar with this name spectrum standards. This tutorial covers the subject in full detail.

Under Construction:
Suggestions and changes are welcomed. Mailto:List-Clerk@SportSurf.Net

This tutorial is available via web-pages, email auto-reply messages and PDFs.

Name Spectrum Standard: A Cornerstone
This tutorial details one aspect of our services.  Mastering this network includes an awareness of this name-spectrum standard, as well as: swelling, stimulating, splintering, syncronizing and sub-hosting.

Name Spectrum:
   Three-part naming structure of Prefix-Topic-Suffix. Could become a new internet/community standard.

   Easy on and off subscribing with one-stop command.

   Starting and growing a subscriber and scratch for subscribers on the way to a viable virtual community

   Injecting ideas and discussions so the load of conversation is spread among other services

   Dividing one major topic area into sub-groups for specializations for various topic areas and various populations.

   Groups in various locations can ride aboard this server's sub-hosting bandwagon.

Name Spectrum Standard: three-part identificiation
The name spectrum uses a three-part naming structure with Prefix + Topic + Suffix. Hyphens, not plus signs, join the three words into one. The hyphen is on the top row of the keyboard between the zero and the equal sign. For example, the first list ever hosted at SportSurf.Net was the Better-Swim-List. 

This identification system can confuse at first glance. In due time, the names help to understand, grow and navigate these virtual communities. 

Various names, much like part numbers, are used to better identify, locate and describe things. For example, the term of "football-player" can come to represent number of various things to different people in different places. These names help to ground the conversations in shared meanings with various spaces and times. Specializations are important, as is shared understandings. 

Within the spectrum of names, the middle word describes a specific topic. Obviously, to talk about swimming, go to a list with "swim" in its title. Then check to see if your understanding of swimming matches that found in the info and intro documents you'll get as a process of your subscription welcome.

Behavior ramifications, both implied and expressed, become a secondary purpose for this name-spectrum formula. Public email messages should blend with one's expectations and fit within appropriate settings. Behaviors differ at scientific seminars, honor banquets, marketplaces and competitive events.

For example, you'll find that it is okay to blab about one's new commercial invention with postings to better-swim-noise. However, blabing about commercial products isn't a good idea unless you've got some new supporting research data to back-up your claims when posts go to  better-swim-peer.

Smorgasboard of the Various Names within the Name Spectrum Standards
A combination of more than 50 words are used with the various names. Some of the names used here are obvious. Others are not. Bluff lists are about geographical locations. Local lists are about body-parts. Look stands for futurists. Peer comes to represent scientific peer-review.

A Name is a Name is a Name:
The decision to create additional top-level domains may not solve the
current crowding in Internet domain names, says columnist Wendy Grossman:
"Judging from the comments I've seen, people hate the names: .firm, .store,
.web, .arts, .rec and .nom (for personal domains).  'What is the problem we
are trying to solve?' asks Donna Hoffman, an electronic commerce specialist
at Vanderbilt University.  If, she argues, we want to create more 'good'
names, this system fails because companies will register multiple names.  If
the goal is a directory structure, it fails again, because the names are
confusing.  'The categories should be mutually exclusive and exhaustive but
also flexible enough to accommodate evolution,' she says...  The right
structure could solve a number of persistent problems if it took into
account the changing nature of the Net, the fact that rules will always be
broken, and the increasing value names and concepts acquire with use.  The
current plan does not do enough of the first two things, although it
correctly says that domain names are a public trust, reflecting the human
ability to create something valuable out of nothing."  (Scientific American
Oct 97)

PrefixTopicSuffixSubject-line PrefixFamily Strata

Spectum words in no particular order.
<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>


Prefix Spectrum Names Include:

Subject-Line Prefix Include:

Topic Terms Include:

Suffix Terms Include:

Subject-line Prefix

<H5>Sports-Specific Suffix Spectrum:</H5>

<H5>Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Spectrum</H5>

<H5>Sphere of Proving Ground Spectrum</H5>

<H5>Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Family</H5>


<P ALIGN=Right><FONT SIZE=-1>* Key:  <FONT COLOR="990099">Read Only <FONT COLOR="663300"> In-house use for moderators/volunteers </P>

Prefix Keywords
The prefix part of the name helps to group lists in various target groups. For example, all the competitive sports lists with a focus of self-improvement and performance have the prefix, "Better". 
Prefix keywords in use include:

Better, covers competitive sports, self-improvement, higher performance
Bluff, covers geographical destinations
Elsewhere, covers topics not dealt within SportSurf.Net - and perhaps ANTI overviews too
Inside, covers SportSurf.Net insider and agent news
Local, covers body-parts
Look, covers lookout and future
Midas, covers finances, greed, money, professional-sports, poverty issues too
Prove, covers technology-related topics of the Proving Ground

Topic Keywords
The middle word in the name spectrum deal with the central topic, activity or location. With so many keywords and a growing list, don't expect to see all the topics listed here. However, the best way to get a look at the listing is to visit our <A HREF="http://www.sportsurf.net/majorcool/majorcool.cgi" TARGET="MajorCool">MajorCool Interface.
<H4>Sports Keywords</H4>
In time, nearly every sports, health, fitness topic is going to be covered.
<H4>Elsewhere Keywords:</H4>

Suffix Keywords
Suffix keywords are utilized in the name spectrum for easy identification of content-flavors and list-policies. The suffix keywords come in a few different families. Each suffix family has an associated string of siblings.
Suffix Families:
Sport-Specific (and Technology-Specific) Suffix String
Spheres of Mostly Water Suffix String
Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Strings/UL>

<H5>Specific Suffix Strings</H5>
Noise  -  Hype  -  Chat  -  Folks  -  Lime  -  Tykes  -  Globe  -  Swap  -  Dealers  -  Talk  -  List  -  Peer  -  Sum -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Announce  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Dig  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Digest  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Dust  -  Gate  -  <FONT COLOR="663300">Aid

Example: <BR>
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF">Specific_Topic-Noise@sportsurf.net


Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on noise.

ChatInformal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Younger-participants go here!

HypeMessages for the masses. Sports leaders often wonder about how to bring their games and athletes to a wider audience. Often rule changes need to occur, but those drastic measure can upset the traditions. Another option is to bring the masses to the games and not the game to the masses. My sport is better that that hype is fair grounds here too. Plus, all the PSA (public service announcements) take root here.

FolksPersonal introductions, welcome messages. The postings to folks must follow the rigid guidelines. See the info files. Any and all follow-ups to the introductions at Folks go to that person and not to any list. The introductions help build community and provide insights and all the people in these discussions. Everyone can posts introductions from scientist to volunteer to youthful athletes.

Lime: i.e., LimelightHeadlines, breaking news, covering those people, events, and happenings in the limelight, media and analysis.

Globe: i.e., Global/International/Multi-LingualNon-english posts are welcomed here.

SwapPerson to person swaps, trades, barters concerning sport-specific goods, services and equipment.

DealersShop owners, institutional equipment providers, inventors, dealers, manufactures, trade-show coordinators, sales reps, sponsors, publishers, import/exporters, bulk-specials mentions are all welcomed.

TalkSuited to serious posts, more advanced knoweldge base, only on-topic tips/hints

ListOften owned by closed organizations or must join "club" with FAQ guidelines

Peer: i.e., Peer ReviewMost academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired

Sum: i.e., SummaryFAQs, summary posts, significant follow-ups where information is synthizied from a few different sources

AnnounceModerated. Includes news releases. Read only.

DigDig is an informal digest. Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more informal siblings. Read only.

DigestBatches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more formal siblings. Read only.

DustDust in short for digital dust. The pack-rat subscribers get all the posts to all the lists in the family in an individual fashion with one "subscription" message. Read only.
to the dust lists get individual posts as they occurto this family in an indiv sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format. Read only.

GateGate stands for gateways(s). A gate is like a meta lists, Gate lists are often best-of lists hosted at other locations on the net. Mirrored lists can converge on a meta lists at SportSurf.Net. Even usenet discussions can be gatewayed to these lists. Read only.
Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Tips
The subscriptions in this section utilize the following suffix plan. For further information visit the tutorial on the SportSurf.Net's Name Specturm Standard.

<A HREF="#study">Study  -  <A HREF="#peeks">Peeks  -  <A HREF="#pride">Pride  -  <A HREF="#trips">Trips  -  <A HREF="#tours">Tours  -  <A HREF="#stretch">Stretch  -  <A HREF="#hq">HQ  -  <A HREF="#test">Test  -  <FONT COLOR="990099"><A HREF="#dig">Dig  -  <FONT COLOR="990099"><A HREF="#digest">Digest  -  <FONT COLOR="663300"><A HREF="#aid">Aid

Suffix Key for Bluffs -- Center of the Universe Family

<A NAME="study">StudySuited to school studies, pen-pals, language exploration, easy research. Posts from abroad are welcomed here. Noisy school-yard study stuff tolerated.

<A NAME="peeks">PeeksOn and off-topic tips, hints, insights. Commercials need to be about sports and localized! Digital landscape posts welcomed too. Pointers to politics, weather, cutlure, industry, entertainment and such must be very brief.
<A NAME="pride">PrideCulture, Sports, teams, leagues, professionals, updates, news. Positive first-person accounts are fine.
<A NAME="trips">TripsFor those planning individual and small group travel, and locals who might like to offer suggestions. 
<A NAME="tours">ToursSuited for those with advanced travel plans and group travel. All-star matches, training trips, etc.
<A NAME="stretch">StretchStrictly business, high-class travel talk that is suited for those with gold-card credit, corporate limo expectations, cyber-hook-up requirements, and high-performance fact-of-life mentalities.

<A NAME="hq">HQDesigned for the national and state sports authorities, Olympic Committee folks, scholastic sports organizers. Calling for tryouts, team directors, regional coordination.

<A NAME="test">TestAll things about TEST Matches, any sport. In test matches the teams are most often fielded from different countries.
<A NAME="dig">DigThe Digest format for the more infomal lists in this family. Included: Study  -  Peeks  -  Pride  -  Trips.
<A NAME="digest">DigestThe digest format for the more formal lists in this family. Includes: Tours  -  HQ  -  Test.
<A NAME="aid">Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers. English only.

Additional digests for regions are expected later.

<H5>Sacs of Mostly Water Suffix Family</H5>
Hurt  -  Injury  -  Rehab  -  Case  -  Peer   -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Digest   -  <FONT COLOR="663300">Aid

Example: <BR>
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF">Specific_Topic-Noise@sportsurf.net


Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, noise, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on hurt. Also the place for folks, limelight, meta, global, talk-like posts.

InjuryFormal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Hangout for trainers, coaches, those with new injuries. Suited to serious posts, more advanced knoweldge base, only on-topic tips/hints/help.

RehabClinicians, injured atheltes, long-term motivations and progress reports are okay.

CaseFormal case study presentations, poster-type sessions. Dedicated mainly to college students, continuing eductation, clinicians, coaches.

Peer: i.e., Peer ReviewMost academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired.

DigestBatches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for all the siblings. Read only.

Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

Additional digests for regions of the body may be started later, such as upper-body, lower-body.

<H4>For Future Standards:</H4>

Needs41: i.e., Needs for oneNeeds postings for one person, most often for yourself. Includes swaps.

Needs4org: i.e., Needs for organizationNeeds postings for an organization, group, team, league, school. Obviously more than one person.

SorrySorry Sports. More news to come.

GiversGive it up here. More news to come.

TakersLog in here. Componet with Givers. More news to come.

ForumForums can be for classroom use, and even for distance learning. More news to come.


Gateway Lists
Gate lists, gateways, and meta lists are coming. Meta lists are cool. However, no further information on meta lists, their policies and operations are going to be posted here at this time.

Various services are being rolled out this month. However, openings are expected to continue for some time into the future. The fluid creation process means that some lists are open but inactive. You are encouraged to submit your subscription but don't be surprised to find little or no mail at this time.

Suggestions Welcomed

If you have a way to improve upon our name spectrum standard, or the explanation of this standard, please send email to: list-mom@sportsurf.net.

Still Confused?
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF">Feeder@sportsurf.net<BR>
People operate a help-desk at the feeder address. If you are confused, send the message to that address, and the message gets reviewed, altered slightly if needed, and posted to suitable locations on the net. The feeder is a great place to go if you are unsure of things and if you don't want to make a goof with your email.

<H5>A Tip on CAPS and lower-case typing</H5>
Capitalizations and lower-case letters are not a factor with Majordomo. The webmaster types "
Better-Swim-List" for easy reading, but all of the following names work the same way: 
BETTER-SWIM-LIST; <FONT COLOR="FF0000">better-swim-list; or even <FONT COLOR="FF0000">bETTER-sWIM-lisT. When you send in your email to majordomo, you can use either caps or lower-case typing for the both address and the command. Of course, the hypen between words is a hypen and not an underline.

Just so you know, the CAPS and lower-case letters are very important when it comes to URLs (such as http://www.sportsurf.net/PROVING). The domain name part is not case sensative, but everything after "net" must be typed with the correct case. The domin here is SportSurf.Net, but you can type the domain with or without capitals. In the example within this paragraph, the word "PROVING" needs to be in capital letters. Other servers may or may not be case-sensative. On this server, typing "www" is optional. 

Thursday, May 16, 1996

Name Spectrum Standard, part 1

Name Spectrum Standards

The community email lists, web pages and MajorDomo services in operation at SportSurf.Net utilize a spectrum of names to help organize your mailbox, clarify topics areas and customize content interests. With so many lists and such a wide audience, please become familiar with the name spectrum standards.

This tutorial is available via email auto-reply message and PDF.

Name Spectrum Standard: A Cornerstone

This tutorial details one aspect of our services. Mastering this network includes an awareness of this name-spectrum standard, as well as: swelling, stimulating, splintering and sub-hosting.

  1. The Name Spectrum Standard: (below) Three-part naming structure of Prefix-Topic-Suffix
  2. Swelling: Starting and growing a subscriber and scratch for subscribers on the way to a viable virtual community
  3. Stimulating: Injecting ideas and discussions so the load of conversation is spread among other services
  4. Splintering: Swells splinter into splashes of various topic areas for various populations
  5. Sub-Hosting: Special interest groups for various locations can ride aboard this server's sub-hosting bandwagon

Name Spectrum Standard: three-part identification

The name spectrum uses a three-part naming structure with Prefix + Topic + Suffix. Hyphens, not plus signs, join the three words into one. The hyphen is on the top row of the keyboard between the zero and the equal sign. For example, the first list ever hosted at SportSurf.Net was the Better-Swim-List.

A combination of more than 50 words are used with the various names. This identification system can confuse new users at first. Once people become aware, the names help to better understand, grow and navigate our virtual communities.

Various names, much like part numbers, are used to better identify, locate and describe things. For example, the term of "football-player" can come to represent number of various things to different people in different places. These names help to ground the conversations in shared meanings with various spaces and times. Specializations are important, as is shared understandings. Within the spectrum of names, the middle word describes a specific topic. Obviously, to talk about swimming, go to a list with "swim" in its title. Then check to see if your understanding of swimming matches that found in the info and intro documents you'll get as a process of your subscription welcome.

Behavior ramifications, both implied and expressed, become a secondary purpose for this name-spectrum formula. Public email messages should blend with one's expectations and fit within appropriate settings. Behaviors differ at scientific seminars, honor banquets, marketplaces and competitive events.

For example, you'll find that it is okay to blab about one's new commercial invention with postings to better-swim-noise. However, blabbing about commercial products isn't a good idea unless you've got some new supporting research data to back-up your claims when posts go to better-swim-peer.

Smorgasbord of the Various Names within the Name Spectrum Standards

Some of the names used here are obvious. Others are not. Bluff lists are about geographical locations. Local lists are about body-parts. Look stands for futurists. Peer comes to represent scientific peer-review.
  1. Prefix
  2. Topic
  3. Suffix
  4. Subject-line Prefix
  5. Family Strata

Spectrum words in no particular order.


Prefix Spectrum Names Include:

  • Subject-Line Prefix Include:

  • L2k:
  • Splash:
  • News:
  • Topic Terms Include:

  • Suffix Terms Include:

  • Subject-line Prefix

      Sports-Specific Suffix Spectrum:

      Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Spectrum

        Sphere of Proving Ground Spectrum

          Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Family

          * Key: Read Only In-house use for moderators/volunteers

          Prefix Keywords

          The prefix part of the name helps to group lists in various target groups. For example, all the competitive sports lists with a focus of self-improvement and performance have the prefix, "Better".

          Prefix keywords in use include:

          • Better, covers competitive sports, self-improvement, higher performance
          • Bluff, covers geographical destinations
          • Elsewhere, covers topics not dealt within SportSurf.Net - and perhaps ANTI overviews too
          • Inside, covers SportSurf.Net insider and agent news
          • Local, covers body-parts
          • Look, covers lookout and future
          • Midas, covers finances, greed, money, professional-sports, poverty issues too
          • Prove, covers technology-related topics of the Proving Ground

          Topic Keywords

          The middle word in the name spectrum deal with the central topic, activity or location. With so many keywords and a growing list, don't expect to see all the topics listed here. However, the best way to get a look at the listing is to visit our MajorCool Interface.

          Sports Keywords

          In time, nearly every sports, health, fitness topic is going to be covered.

          Elsewhere Keywords:

        • Tickets
        • Steroids
        • Tobacco
        • Gambling
        • Drugs
        • Hunting
        • Motorized
        • Animalistic
        • Fishing
        • Celebrity
        • Flaming

          Suffix Keywords

          Suffix keywords are utilized in the name spectrum for easy identification of content-flavors and list-policies. The suffix keywords come in a few different families. Each suffix family has an associated string of siblings.
            Suffix Families:
          • Sport-Specific (and Technology-Specific) Suffix String
          • Spheres of Mostly Water Suffix String
          • Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Strings/UL>

            Specific Suffix Strings
            Noise - Hype - Chat - Folks - Lime - Tykes - Globe - Swap - Dealers - Talk - List - Peer - Sum - Announce - Dig - Digest - Dust - Gate - Aid

            Email your messages to: Specific_Topic-Noise@sportsurf.net


              Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on noise.

              Informal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Younger-participants go here!

              Messages for the masses. Sports leaders often wonder about how to bring their games and athletes to a wider audience. Often rule changes need to occur, but those drastic measure can upset the traditions. Another option is to bring the masses to the games and not the game to the masses. My sport is better that that hype is fair grounds here too. Plus, all the PSA (public service announcements) take root here.

              Personal introductions, welcome messages. The postings to folks must follow the rigid guidelines. See the info files. Any and all follow-ups to the introductions at Folks go to that person and not to any list. The introductions help build community and provide insights and all the people in these discussions. Everyone can posts introductions from scientist to volunteer to youthful athletes.

              Lime: i.e., Limelight
              Headlines, breaking news, covering those people, events, and happenings in the limelight, media and analysis.

              Globe: i.e., Global/International/Multi-Lingual
              Non-English posts are welcomed here.

              Person to person swaps, trades, barters concerning sport-specific goods, services and equipment.

              Shop owners, institutional equipment providers, inventors, dealers, manufactures, trade-show coordinators, sales reps, sponsors, publishers, import/exporters, bulk-specials mentions are all welcomed.

              Suited to serious posts, more advanced knowledge base, only on-topic tips/hints

              Often owned by closed organizations or must join "club" with FAQ guidelines

              Peer: i.e., Peer Review
              Most academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired

              Sum: i.e., Summary
              FAQs, summary posts, significant follow-ups where information is synthesized from a few different sources

              Moderated. Includes news releases. Read only.

              Dig is an informal digest. Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more informal siblings. Read only.

              Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more formal siblings. Read only.

              Dust in short for digital dust. The pack-rat subscribers get all the posts to all the lists in the family in an individual fashion with one "subscription" message. Read only.

              to the dust lists get individual posts as they occur to this family in an individual sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format. Read only.

              Gate stands for gateways(s). A gate is like a meta lists, Gate lists are often best-of lists hosted at other locations on the net. Mirrored lists can converge on a meta lists at SportSurf.Net. Even usenet discussions can be gatewayed to these lists. Read only.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

            Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Tips

            The subscriptions in this section utilize the following suffix plan. For further information visit the tutorial on the SportSurf.Net's Name Spectrum Standard.

            Suffix Key for Bluffs -- Center of the Universe Family

              Suited to school studies, pen-pals, language exploration, easy research. Posts from abroad are welcomed here. Noisy school-yard study stuff tolerated.

              On and off-topic tips, hints, insights. Commercials need to be about sports and localized! Digital landscape posts welcomed too. Pointers to politics, weather, cutlure, industry, entertainment and such must be very brief.

              Culture, Sports, teams, leagues, professionals, updates, news. Positive first-person accounts are fine.

              For those planning individual and small group travel, and locals who might like to offer suggestions.

              Suited for those with advanced travel plans and group travel. All-star matches, training trips, etc.

              Strictly business, high-class travel talk that is suited for those with gold-card credit, corporate limo expectations, cyber-hook-up requirements, and high-performance fact-of-life mentalities.

              Designed for the national and state sports authorities, Olympic Committee folks, scholastic sports organizers. Calling for tryouts, team directors, regional coordination.

              All things about TEST Matches, any sport. In test matches the teams are most often fielded from different countries.

              The Digest format for the more infomal lists in this family. Included: Study - Peeks - Pride - Trips.

              The digest format for the more formal lists in this family. Includes: Tours - HQ - Test.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers. English only.

            Additional digests for regions are expected later.

            Sacs of Mostly Water Suffix Family
            Hurt - Injury - Rehab - Case - Peer - Digest - Aid

            Email your messages to: Specific_Topic-Noise@sportsurf.net


              Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, noise, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on hurt. Also the place for folks, limelight, meta, global, talk-like posts.

              Formal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Hangout for trainers, coaches, those with new injuries. Suited to serious posts, more advanced knowledge base, only on-topic tips/hints/help.

              Clinicians, injured athletes, long-term motivations and progress reports are okay.

              Formal case study presentations, poster-type sessions. Dedicated mainly to college students, continuing eductation, clinicians, coaches.

              Peer: i.e., Peer Review
              Most academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired.

              Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for all the siblings. Read only.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

              Additional digests for regions of the body may be started later, such as upper-body, lower-body.

              For Future Standards:

                Needs41: i.e., Needs for one
                Needs postings for one person, most often for yourself. Includes swaps.

                Needs4org: i.e., Needs for organization
                Needs postings for an organization, group, team, league, school. Obviously more than one person.

                Basics, Newbies, Elementary Questions.

                ABCs areas are support forums that are for the K-12 market. Experts and productive users can join to answer questions from children and inexperienced users. In time enough well rounded kids can come to answer all questions being posted (they like to show off what they know). More appealing to schools, the ABCs areas are support list there specifically for schools and newbies.

                Sorry Sports. More news to come.

                Give it up here. More news to come.

                Log in here. Component with Givers. More news to come.

                Forums can be for classroom use, and even for distance learning. More news to come.

              Gateway Lists

              Gate lists, gateways, and meta lists are coming. Meta lists are cool. However, no further information on meta lists, their policies and operations are going to be posted here at this time.


              Various services are being rolled out this month. However, openings are expected to continue for some time into the future. The fluid creation process means that some lists are open but inactive. You are encouraged to submit your subscription but don't be surprised to find little or no mail at this time.

              Suggestions Welcomed

              If you have a way to improve upon our name spectrum standard, or the explanation of this standard, please send email to: list-mom@sportsurf.net.

              Still Confused?

              Email your messages to: Feeder@sportsurf.net
              People operate a help-desk at the feeder address. If you are confused, send the message to that address, and the message gets reviewed, altered slightly if needed, and posted to suitable locations on the net. The feeder is a great place to go if you are unsure of things and if you don't want to make a goof with your email.

              A Tip on CAPS and lower-case typing
              Capitalizations and lower-case letters are not a factor with Majordomo. The webmaster types "Better-Swim-List" for easy reading, but all of the following names work the same way: BETTER-SWIM-LISTbetter-swim-list; or even bETTER-sWIM-lisT. When you send in your email to majordomo, you can use either caps or lower-case typing for the both address and the command. Of course, the hyphen between words is a hyphen and not an underline.

              Just so you know, the CAPS and lower-case letters are very important when it comes to URLs (such as http://www.sportsurf.net/PROVING). The domain name part is not case sensitive, but everything after "net" must be typed with the correct case. The domain here is SportSurf.Net, but you can type the domain with or without capitals. In the example within this paragraph, the word "PROVING" needs to be in capital letters. Other servers may or may not be case-sensitive. On this server, typing "www" is optional.

  • Monday, January 15, 1996

    SSS NDA example

    Collected a big binder of NDAs, Non-disclosure agreements. This one is from a helper via NZ.
    Stopped doing NDAs, mostly, after this exercise. Never needed to really leverage them. But, our efforts for The Sports Dorm were in plans that went to AOL and elsewhere. 

    Sunday, January 07, 1996

    Book review: he Treasure Within - A Swimmer's Logbook

    Review was published in 1996, January / Feb edition of SWIM.
    By Kevin DeForrest, SSS publisher, 178 pages.

    Review by Wayne McCauley

    This book will appeal to many Masters swimmers who need a better way to focus on their goals. Kevin DeForrest, a top Masters swimmer, uses self discovery and self awareness techniques to develop not only the swimmer within but the whole person. His use of the Four Part hormony model for life may appeal to many. Throughout the book are pages upon page of inspirational quotations, from Einstein, Lao Tzu, and the Bible to Kermit the Frong. There are ten essays in the book coverin gmany different topics not specifically related to Masters swimming.

    The author believes all things are connected. He uses goal setting and goal sheets that are swimming specific, conbining these goals with a one week record of daily events. The goal sheets and weekly logs are designed for you to write in the book. Each week you reflect on the data from the log sheets and determine lessons learned and objectives achieved.

    Other version of the book scheduled for release are hardcover, spiral binding and audio and computer disk formats. But a goo dreview of a swim video or book focuses on the ideas that are expressed, not the packaging. The ideas contained in The Treasure Within make it an important asset to have and use.

    Friday, January 05, 1996

    NorCal / Pacific Coaches Clinic, 17th edition

    17th Annual Pacific Swim Coaches Clinic

    January 5, 6, 7, 1996

    Mariott Hotel

    Napa, California

    Sponsored by

    NorCal Swim Shop
    Sports Support Syndicate, Inc.

    A.S.C.A.Certified 20 Units

    Clinic Schedule

    Friday - January 5, 1996
  • 10-Noon - Coaches Safety Training (Re-certification Only)
  • Noon-2pm - First Aid
  • 12-6pm - ASCA Level 2 Stroke School- Rick Klatt
  • 2:00-5:00 - CPR
  • 5:00-8:00 - CST - 1st Timers Only and EWS

    Saturday - January 6, 1996

  • 7:30-8:30 - REGISTRATION - Hospitality Suite Open
  • 9:00-10:00 - Dr. Alan Goldberg - "Developing Winning Motivation"
  • 10:00-10:15 COFFEE BREAK
  • 10:15-11:15 - Peter Motekitis - "Teaching Backstroke from Novice to Nationals"
  • 11:15-12:15 - Dick Jocums - "Discipline and Desire in the 90's"
  • 12:15-1:15 LUNCH BREAK
  • 1:15-2:15 - Mark Schubert - "Butterfly"
  • 2:15-3:15 - Robert Strauss - "The Basics- Spatial Relationship with Water"
  • 3:15-3:30 BREAK
  • 3:30-4:30 - David Marsh - "Breaststroke"
    or - Pat Avilla - "Coaching the Swimming Dork"
  • 4:30-5:30 - Kevin King - Round Table Discussion: "The Future of Age Group Swimming"
    or - Catherine Palmer, PhD - "Communication Strategies and Technological Solutions- Make Sure Your Coaching Message is Heard-The First Time" A sample chapter can be sent to you. Into the SUBJECT: type 6009 and then SEND.
  • 9:00-11pm - Coaches Social Sponsored by Speedo

    Sunday, January 7, 1996

  • 8:00-9:00 - REGISTRATION - Hospitality Suite Open
  • 9:00-10:00 - David Marsh "The Auburn Sprint Program"
  • 10:00-10:15 BREAK
  • 10:15-11:15 - Mark Schubert - "Designing a Season Program"
  • 11:15-12:15 - Robert Strauss - "Practical Applications of Physiology to Training Methodology according to the Functional Areas"
  • 12:15-1:15 LUNCH BREAK
  • 1:15-2:15 - Nort Thorton - "Freestyle"
  • 2:15-3:15 - Ed Spencer - "Distance Training and 400 IM Training"
  • 3:15-3:30 Break
  • 3:30-4:30 - Alan Goldberg  "Training Parents" or - Mark Rauterkus  "Understanding and Applying the Internet -- Benefits for Your Team and the World"

    Pacific Swim Coaches 17th Annual Clinic

    Speaker Bios

    Mark Schubert - Trojan Swim Club and the University of Southern California. The winningest coach in U.S. club history, Mark's teams have won 63 U.S. national titles from 1972-1992. He was recently names one of two assistant coaches for the 1996 Olympic team in January.

    David Marsh - Head Coach, Auburn University. 1994 NCAA Coach of the Year. 3rd place finish last at Men's NCAA, the highest since 1978. Women's 4 year consecutive top 15 finish @ NCAA. Former club coach at Dynamo in Atlanta and Las Vegas Gold, Marsh believes "that athletes who have their life in order out of the pool tend to be more centered on their athletic endeavors once they get to the pool." A great speaker not to be missed.

    Nort Thorton - Head Coach, Cal Berkeley Men's swimming. ASCA Coach of the Year, ASCA President, Olympic Coach, one of the great thinkers of our time! Come listen to the new things Nort is doing with freestyle.

    Dr. Alan Goldberg - Competitive Advantage, Northampton, MA. Alan Goldberg is one of the leading sports psychologists in the field of swimming. Back by popular demand, this year marks his third speaking engagement with this clinic.

    Robert Strauss - An internationally renown speaker who operated Swim Gym Swim School in Florida, Robert has given presentations in South America and Mexico as well as being a translator for ASCA Clinics and the Elite World Clinic. Robert's Tai Chi approach will inspire you. (Presented by Richey Industries)

    Ed Spencer - Reno Aquatic Club. ed has done great things at Reno Aquatic Club after many successful years in Southern California at Industry Hills Aquatic Club. Seven swimmers at Nationals in the 400 IM is amazing.

    Peter Motekitis - Head Coach, Davis Aquatic Club and UC Davis. Recently appointed Men's Coach, UC Davis, Peter is a long time coach of Davis Aquatic Club, a club of over 300 swimmers ranked as one of the top 10 largest clubs in the United States.

    Dick Jocums - Santa Clara Swim Club. Dick returns to coaching after a brief absence having been a world class coach of the world class athletes. Dick has been there, knows how to get there and will be there again.

    Pat Avilla - Assistant Coach, San Ramon Livermore Aquatics. Long time assistant age group coach, Pat has developed many successful age group swimmers.

    Mark Rauterkus - Swimming Sports Syndicate, Pittsburgh, PA. This former swim coach and writer for Swimming World has gone out to the publishing world and has started giving back to coaches a source for information for swimming, water polo, sports psychology and fitness. The Internet looms large and Mark's perspective and direction can sort out the real issues for busy coaches. Get the tools and energy necessary for cyberspace.
    The Speaker's Notes from Mark's presentation can be sent to you by requesting:
    SUBJECT: 6020
    Note: You must type the 4-digits shown above into the header (SUBJECT) part of the e-mail message.

    Catherine Palmer - Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh, Department of Communication, Sciences and Disorders. Catherine recently authored the book, Time Out! I Didn't Hear You. She has lectured and published numerous articles in the area of communication strategies and technological solutions including extensive work in amplification. Catherine is a teacher, clinician, researcher and audiologist.
    sample chapter of Catherine's book can be sent to you by requesting:
    SUBJECT: 6009
    Note: You must type the 4-digits shown above into the header (SUBJECT) part of the e-mail message.

    Kevin King - Age Group Chairman, Pacific Swimming. Here is your chance to contribute to the future of age group swimming.

  • Monday, November 27, 1995

    Africa Book Services seek to sell SSS titles

    News and Notes

    Year End News & Notes from the SSS

    Business Plan Update

    A 50-page first draft of a business plan for the SSS including SportSurf.Net was sent to insiders in early October.

    The second draft, now available has an electronic book version and printed version. The third draft needs to be banker ready and should have plenty of financial history and projections for venture capital investigators.

    Management team members need to get a one-page resume to Mark ASAP. The listing of the management team is on-line in the AUTO-RESPONDER, but it is password protected for insiders only.

    If you want to see part of the plan and help to work to its eventual completion, and you didn't get a copy, contact Mark. We can send you part of the plan via fax or e-mail. The opening letter is three pages and the Executive Summary is less than five pages.

    Authors Booked at Big Book Events

    Kevin DeForrest was booked for two presentations at the Rocky Mountain Book Festival in Denver this fall, and Mike Collins got invited to the Sacramento Reads event.

    Judd Biasiotto had a book autograph session at the past American Booksellers Assn meeting in Chicago and three other SSS authors visited the windy city at that time.

    The publisher attended Internet World in Boston in November.

    Future events include:

    NorCal / Pacific Swimming Coaches Clinic in Napa in January
    MacWorld & MacActivity in SF in January
    Chicago visit for ISHA in January
    Visit to Denmark in January
    The Sports SuperShow in Atlanta in February
    Utah for AAA in March
    Volleyball Clinics with The Sports Group - held throughout the first half of 1996
    American Booksellers Association Show in Chicago in June
    Olympic Games in Atlanta in July!

    New Swim Book and Visiting Kona

    Ruth Kazez, a world championship racer in the triathlon and IronMan Competitor, plus a brilliant painter, will be publishing a new swim book with the SSS in 1996. She was featured in an article this summer in Triathlete magazine as someone who has a life outside of the sport.

    Ruth's book will have a different format and its artwork is outstanding. Like all of our books, this one will let the author's personality exude from its pages.

    Ruth made it to the IronMan in Hawaii in 95, turning in a great swim by the way, just as other books were being rushed to the event 2nd Day UPS. That book, The Road to Kona Never Ends is by Patrick McCary. Dr. McCary is on the IronMan Foundation Board and one day we hope to get his book into the organization's hands for use as a major fundraising tool.

    If anyone wants to volunteer to deliver books to Kona, please let us know. There are no book printers in the state.

    Equipment Arrives -- Installation Pending

    We picked up a used 20-inch paper cutter recently -- all eight of us and in pieces at that. Presently, the massive, manual cutter is unassembled, but is expected to come in handy for many jobs in the future. Jerry O'Neil swears the cutter would make a great boat anchor. The off-on "switch" is 6-foot tall and weighs 140 pounds. Assembly is expected the next time our weightlifting friends come to town.

    Additional equipment includes 2 Multi presses and the regular assistance of Mr. David Smith, retired printer from Penn Hills.

    News of Water Polo in Pittsburgh

    A local newspaper, The Post Gazette, did a feature story on Bucknell swimmer and water polo player, Jay O'Neil. Jay was a team captain when Mark coached swimming at Plum High School. Jay played in the experimental water polo program Mark conducted. Both were mentioned in the article.

    Chapters have arrived in-house for the second water polo, a more basic book to accompany the existing technical one. Photos are being taken now in California.

    Get an advanced peek at the pending book, Water Polo -- Learning and Teaching the Basics, by using our e-mail on demand AUTO-RESPONDERSUBJECT: 6025
    Note: You must type the 4-digits shown above into the header (SUBJECT) part of the e-mail message.

    Monte Nitzkowski has been busy. Monte is the head of the World Water Polo Coaches Association. Many rule changes are about to impact the game and behind the scenes work is being done for the good of the sport. Monte has visited 20 different countries and states in the past 2 years, writing a new chapter for the next book whenever the opportunity exists.

    See the testimonial letter from a customer / coach from the UK. His postal letter arrived to our office in September.

    Radial Saw & Fixtures

    In the heat of the summer, the offices were closed for custom construction of five birch, 7-foot-tall, free-standing book cases for the publishing office. Plus the mail-order table and room was finished. The self-help construction team continued the building fix-up and mastered the new radial saw and router. A production room was built in the past. Next job: Finishing the Publisher's Showroom.

    New Office Help Arrives

    Three new office helpers have come aboard in temporary capacities in the past number of weeks: Linda Ryan, former librarian and customer service helper; Mary Byram, BS from RIT in photography and experienced desk-top-publisher is learning HTML and pdf; Chuck Farah is the printing, physical space and inventory/binding assistant.

    "We are making some great progress, but we have a long way to go. Each person has a real chance of becoming a full-time employee," reports Mark Rauterkus.

    Insider Newsletter

    Insider E-newsletters, called Strokes, are now being delivered by the Sports Support Syndicate. Short, sweet and simple news goes out onto the net and via fax.

    The SSS is in a tremendous position and is embarking on rapid grow with a network of vendors, managers, investors, and insiders. Hopefully this news can extend our reach into your office and help to generate more business for us all.

    Thursday, November 23, 1995

    Sports Reader . com - to other publishers

    From: Sports Support Syndicate
    To: Publishers & Other Content Providers
    Date: Last updated December 1, 1995

    Dear Fellow Publisher,

    You are invited to join the Sports Support Syndicate in our efforts to sell more titles. We want to be able to sell your books, videos, audios and even computer software/multi-media titles.

    We are contacting small, independent publishers, much like yourself, and asking them to consider our plans. By putting all of our books into one, colorful, attractive, impressive, catalog, we'll all increase sales.

    Our sales mission includes book trade sales reps, international book shows, retail sales and, of course, sales to our consumer lists, plus internet sales.

    Our plan is comprehensive, and together, with you and all the other publishers working with our sales efforts, we can all be stronger and more profitable. The full text of our 50-page plan is now on-line. I hope you enjoy its review. Most of the details are presented in the option parts, and they are found as part of our E-MAIL ON DEMAND / AUTO RESPONDER. If you requrie a printed version of the plan, please contact me. It is okay to leave your name and address with our voice mail system.

    Plus, please send us samples of your titles right away. We need to close the next catalog with a firm deadline by October 25. Please pass the word to other publisher with titles of interest too. We are looking forward to hearing from you should you be interested. Thanks for the consideration.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mark Rauterkus, Publisher


    How Other Publishers*
    Increase Sales and Interact with the
    Sports Support Syndicate

    *Henceforth, Other Publisher = Original Publisher

    I. Cover Letter Notes

      A. The enclosed plan explains our mission and serves as the tool to engage Original Publishers, such as yourself, in a close business relationship.
      B. Examine the spreadsheet chart to compare and contrast the various plans.

    II. Exercise:
    A Simple Test for Publishers:

    Directions: Please answer each of the following yes-or-no questions. If you answer "no," then proceed to the next question. If you answer, "yes," then stop taking the test. A "yes" answer means we should not do business together.

    A. Does your company presently employ book trade sales reps?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Are you happy with their results? -- If you are happy, exit test. If you are not happy with the book trade sales reps results, then go on to the next question please.

    B. Are you a publisher in North America with 50 or more titles?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Your company is too large and would over power the SSS catalog at this time. Please wait one year and allow for SSS growth, then reconsider. Exit test.

    C. Are all of your titles presently in multi-media formats?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Exit test. Our priority this year is to deal with smaller and medium sized publishers.

    D. Are you a publisher that already has its own, in-house, internet server with a T1 line?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Exit test.

    E. Does your company already exhibit at more than 10 different book trade shows?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Exit test.

    F. Are your titles bland like rule-books and written by faceless authors who just sit and are only spectators?

    1. No - Next question please.
    2. Yes - Exit test.

    G. Do your backlist titles go out of print after a season or two?

    1. No - Exit test and continue reading this plan. The Sports Support Syndicate is please to welcome you into the examination process with the hopes you'll join and fully understand our publishing team and its mission of cooperation and outlook for increased successes.
    2. Yes - Exit test. We need to sell titles that are continually available as our customers preserve our catalogs and order for years to come.

    III. Exercise:
    Written Goals help in understanding one another.
    A. The Unique Selling Slogan for the SSS
    Intelligence Products and Progressive Publishing Sales, Distribution & Development
    B. Long Term Goals for the SSS
    1. To help others reach their goals by providing cutting-edge tools and information that impacts upon performance in and beyond the athletic arena.
    2. To organize and construct number of sport-publishing projects that generate sales into the millions of copies.
    3. To publish more than ten new titles each year.
    C. Short Term Goals for the SSS
    1. To build relationships with 10 to 30 different publishers and grow the SSS sales catalog to 80 pages.
    2. To fully support book-trade reps in all regions of the world.
    3. To enter the sporting goods markets with commissioned sales rep groups and strategic alliances if possible.
    D. The Unique Selling Slogan for:
    (company name) ________________________
    E. Long Term Goals include:
    F. Short Term Goals include:

    IV. Benefits & Highlights for Selling with the SSS
    A. The SSS catalog and sales team can be another outlet for the sale of your titles and create another revenue stream for your business.

      1. Make More Money
      2. Sell More Books
      3. Get onto the Internet
      4. Get Multi-Media Title Development without Charges
    B. The SSS publishing team can provide valuable networking assistance and create additional opportunities.
      1. Share Customer Referrals
      2. Get Business Leads
      3. Play upon and influence the Sports Publishing Trends by joining an organization with additional clout
    C. Share insider secrets, tips and knowledge and resources that can save money and prevent mistakes.
      1. Get increased purchasing power by using shared resources and proven vendors.
      2. Utilize others in our team for consulting and sharing of ideas.

    V. How to Use This Plan
    A. Don't read everything enclosed in this plan. Many points are repeated within each option enabling that option to serve as a stand-alone document.
    B. Read the sections that apply to your situation.
    C. Everyone should read:

      1. Cover letter
      2. The Call to Participate
      3. Executive Summary
      4. Read one or more of the following solution options: Exclusive Alliance, Non-Exclusive Relationship, Imprint Program, Life-Sustaining Title Program
    D. If you are going to participate, then you might wish to read:
      1. Benefits
      2. Goals
      3. How to Begin
      4. Background Info
    E. If you are new to publishing and are still uncertain about this plan and our unique offer to you, then read how other distributors operate.
    F. In the near future, this plan will be available in electronic media formats and accessible via the internet. Call, write or send e-mail to get the latest versions. The Hyper-Text presentation works for this plan.

    VI. A Call for Participation with the Sports Support Syndicate
    A. The SSS seeks original publishers with interesting titles to join our mutually-beneficial sales activities. The SSS welcomes other independent publishers and organizations to consider these plans. Putting your titles in the the SSS selection could become the pathway to increased sales and more-profitable, long-term successes.

      1. Titles from original publishers enter the SSS sales process through one of the four solutions presented in this business plan.
      2. The four solutions are diverse and each is designed to serve the specific needs of a select set of businesses. We hope you find the one, perfect solution that is most appropriate for your company and its titles.
      3. The four solutions options for increased sales are:
      a) The Exclusive Alliance
      b) The Non-Exclusive Relationship
      c) The Imprint Program
      d) The Life-Sustaining Title Program
    B. The SSS is searching for certain types of publishing businesses:
      1. Small-publishers in the United States and Canada with valuable messages for cutting-edge, sports participants.
      2. Large or small publishers from around the world with sports titles that might have an appeal with some US customers.
    C. Sporting topics are the top priority for the SSS catalog. However, the SSS catalog will include other topics beyond sports.
      1. Preferred subject areas included:
      a) how-to sports, fitness, health, wellness, recreation, education, travel, psychology, technical
      2. Acceptable subject areas include:
      a) spectator sports, business, lifestyle, children, outdoors

    VII. Executive Summary
    A. Universal Components of the SSS sales mission:

      1. The SSS produces a catalog.
      2. The SSS hires, communicates and pays commissions to independent trade sales representatives.
      3. SSS titles are shown at book trade-shows.
      4. The SSS maintains and develops an internet presence.
      5. The SSS develops multi-media titles.
      6. The SSS markets the speaker's bureau for author presentations and lectures.
      7. The SSS maintains sales activities for consumers and the trade.
      a) 1-800 service for USA and Canada
      b) voice-message system
      c) every-day UPS service
      d) UPS hundred-weight shipping
      e) credit card payments for VISA, MasterCard & American Express
      f) warehouse
      g) shipping center
      h) computerized sales reports and order processing
      i) internet sales
      j) 24-hour fax communications and fax broadcasting
      k) credit limits, invoicing and account receivables
      l) return authorization
      m) publisher's showroom
      n) trade-show displays
      o) postage meter mailings
      p) customized 3-part order forms printed
      q) e-mail on demand system
      8. All parties participate in a lead-generation and follow-up program conducted by the SSS to coordinate and further disseminate the mailing of the semi-annual catalogs.
      9. Each player is expected to do one service project each year for the benefit of the group.
    B. The Exclusive Alliance (Executive Summary)
      1. The SSS purchases titles from the Original Publisher at a 75% discount.
      2. The SSS sells the titles in the Exclusive Alliance just as vigorously as its own titles.
      3. The SSS sells titles in the Exclusive Alliance option to all markets, including other wholesalers, distributors, book-clubs, and specialty markets.
      a) With the full-range of sales outlets, some re-sellers can demand the highest of possible percentage discounts (exceeding 60% off the cover price plus sales commission payments).
      b) For the sake of comparison, the maximum possible discount for re-sellers never exceeds 40% under the Non-Exclusive Relationship. Hence, the Exclusive Alliance facilitates sales to wholesalers.
      4. The barter for front-list, full-color, single-title catalog display space averages 200 free books.
      5. Other stipulations are rare.
    C. The Non-Exclusive Relationship (Executive Summary)
      1. The SSS purchases titles from the Original Publisher at a 60% discount.
      2. The SSS sells titles from the Original Publishers to: bookstores, specialty stores and consumers; and does not cater to wholesalers, distributors, book-clubs, and premium markets.
      a) This limited-range of marketing outlets puts the re-seller discount to 40% off the cover price, and still allows for commissions to the independent trade-sales reps.
      b) In the SSS catalog, the titles in the Non-Exclusive Relationship option are marked with a "short discount" symbol.
      3. The barter for front-list, full-color, single-title catalog display space averages 200 free books.
      4. Other stipulations are rare.
    D. The Imprint Program (Executive Summary)
      1. Present imprints include:
      a) Sports Support Syndicate
      b) Support Syndicate for Audiology
      c) Cooperstown Review
      d) Water Polo Consulting
      e) Other imprints are probable for the future.
      (1) Sports Language Outfitters
      (2) Sports Mind Outfitters
      (3) Monongahela Rapids Uni Press
      (4) A is for Athlete
      (5) Spittsburg Sun
      (6) Getout Sports
      2. Most likely candidates for the Imprint Program
      a) Authors with manuscripts or outlines ready for consideration
      b) Expert coaches who want to work with the SSS editors and publisher to further promote their ideas
      c) Self-published authors
      d) Authors or organizations with a title(s) that has gone out-of-print and if that title is not scheduled for re-printing in its prior arrangement
      e) Original Publishers that want to form a joint-venture with the SSS with terms and scope beyond the boundaries of this business plan
      f) Publishers from outside of North America that want their titles sold in the USA for the increased exposure and profits
      3. The SSS pays all costs for the title’s printing, promotions and sales.
      4. The author(s) supply the manuscript and get royalties based upon sales.
    E. The Life-Sustaining Title Program (Executive Summary)
      1. The SSS obtains existing inventory along with the publishing rights to titles that, for whatever reason, are not expected to yield lucrative returns at their prior home.
      2. The SSS takes over the title, re-establishes goals for the title and keeps the ideas, project and/or titles alive in a viable presence.
      3. Depending upon the existing surplus of inventory, location,
      4. Other stipulations are rare.
    F. The Testing Options (Executive Summary)
      1. Testing new services, products, formats, price-points and countless of other elements in a sales organization such as ours is one way to continue our growth.
      2. One area of testing just about to begin deals with the re-sale of college text books in the SSS catalog.
      3. A few college text book publishers with interesting titles are considering options at this time. We might put these titles into the SSS catalog on a trial basis, and the exact terms of these interactions are not fully explained in the scope of this plan.

      Select : 

    Thursday, November 02, 1995

    Napa, here we come

    Letter from NorCal Swim Shop and Craig Dillingham, Clinic Director said, in part:
    Dear Mark and Catherine,

    Thanks very much for agreeing to speak at the 17th Annual Pacific Swi Coaches Clinic. We are looking forward to your presentations.

    We reserved a room for the Saturday night at the clinic site, the Marriott Hotel in Napa. On Saturday evening the clinic will be hosting a special dinner for the speakers and vendors. This is a very special tradition that many of our past speakers have enjoyed tremendously. Since this is a catered affair, we must know if you are NOT planning to attend.

    Yes, it was special!

    Wednesday, September 27, 1995

    Testimonial letter from reader in the UK about SSS Water Polo book

    Snail Mail Letter -- Testimonial

    89 Hambleton Road,
    B63 1JT,
    West Midlands,
    27th September, 1995.

    Dear Mark,

    I write to you concerning the First Edition of the book entitled United States Tactical Water Polo by four-time Olympic Coach Monte Nitzkowski which I have now read no less than three times from cover to cover this summer.

    At the age of 31, I have achieved success in competitive swimming having competed at International level in Europe, but I now take a more active role in the Sport of Water Polo. I still compete at Masters level but a serious switch from swimming to Polo over a decade ago. By profession, I am a serving Police Officer working on the Traffic Division in Birmingham, West Midlands & I Captain the Midlands Police Team and still play the game at senior Club level.

    I have recently formed a Junior Under 17 Water Polo Squad within my local Swimming Club at Stourbridge, West Midlands and they start league competition in October 1995 and conclude in March, 1996.

    My first impressions of the text are highly favourable and the ideas and techniques as illustrated have formed the backbone of my training sessions in the run-up to the new season. I've been inspired by the content which is clear, concise and is written and explained in an easy to understand, practical and common sense approach designed at enhancing the role of the Coach's teaching strategy. Other books on the subject, by comparison, fail to achieve a basic comprehension in "getting the message across" due to the complexity of the script.

    I am both apprehensive yet excited at the challenge that I am about to face with these young individuals. Water Polo is a team game and it is the first time in the Clubs 95 year history that a Junior Water Polo Team has been established. Hopes are high of achieving success in their first year of competition , but personally speaking, if the experience gained, coupled with the knowledge and application of the rules together with their "sportsmanship" that can be developed in a positive manner and used constructively next season - then their individuals and team performance and status will be enhanced for the benefit of the sport in the future.

    That having been said, being armed with the knowledge that I have gained in reading and digesting U.S.T.W.P., it has given me the confidence and inspiration to tackle my duties as Coach knowing that the techniques have proven themselves at the highest possible level within the sport.

    It is also true to say that my own personal standards of play have benefited greatly too, as a direct result of the book, and rewarded me with more time and space in creating that high percentage shot! The Police Team has also grown in confidence and results have improved to the extent of reaching the Semi-Final stage of the A.S.A Knockout Cup for the first time in their 40 year history. This came about following the implementation of one or two ideas!!

    Furthermore, the recognition and respect shown by fellow players has also improved sporting relationships in my official capacity as an A.S.A Water Polo Referee.

    I will write to you again in the Spring and let you know how these techniques have worked out at a Junior level in Europe, and what alternations and adaptions that I had to make, if any, to develop the team in a positive and collaborative way.

    My ideas are aimed at improving the tactical side of the sport for the yield of others and, I hope, in the long-term, material produced and processed can assist you with the future editions of your book and develop the growth of the great sport of Water Polo on both sides of the Atlantic!

    Best Wishes foe the future!

    Yours sincerely,

    Dave Swift
    Coach-Stourbridge Water Polo Club,
    West Midlands, England

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    Sunday, September 17, 1995

    Partnerships with other publishers. Plans from SSS.

    This plan was a big effort with the SSS. Sales reps were hired. Then this 50+ business plan went out via the mail. The other publishers were contacted based upon past interactions. Dozens of publishers came to consider the plans. 
    All in all, the economic business conditions for sales to independent book stores were headed south. Bookstores were going out of business more and more. Printing costs spiked too. 

    I was doing Amazon before Amazon was doing Amazon, sorta. The internet was just starting to get into gear. I had SportsReader.com, SportSurf.Net and Sandlot.com, among some other domains. FreeTeam.org too.