Wednesday, October 10, 1979

Foodstamps came after moving out of the dorm

Jimmy Carter was US President. When living off campus, sophomore year, the money was tight. This happened one year. In fall 1980 I moved into The College Inn. Senior year, moved back off campus and there was not a way to get the foodstamps. 

Saturday, September 15, 1979

Break from Athens Swim Club - dismissal letter

Fired. But they re-hired me some time later.
This one hurt. But, I was still coaching the OHIO U Men's Team. And, the next summer I'd be able to go to coach at Harvard and with BGSC.

Sunday, June 10, 1979

Report Card from OU

GPA, 3.4
Philosophy of Sport course, BANG!
Sports in our Society, BANG again!

Thursday, March 01, 1979

Report Card

Winter quarter, 1978-79.
Introduction to Coaching as a course is sometimes needed to show for coaching certification. 

The UP courses were University Professors. Great classes. 

GPA = 3.457