Thursday, August 09, 2018


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Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 1:00 PM
Subject: THANK YOU 

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Together we are making history!

You stepped up. You raised your voice. You made a commitment to our kids.
You didn't just whisper, you roared. Which is why on Tuesday we turned in 63,499 signatures petitioning the Allegheny County Board of Elections to add the Allegheny County Children's Fund to the Nov. 8, 2018 General Election ballot.
You read that correctly. Our goal was to collect 40,000 signatures, but nearly 64,000 of our community members took the question seriously and were open to having this dialogue about early learning, after school, nutrition and our future.
We are incredibly grateful for your commitment to our kids.
The 63,499 signatures came not only from all 130 municipalities but from each and every one of the 1,322 voting precincts in Allegheny County. More than 200 people collected signatures from friends, family and neighbors, and notaries helped us get the petitions finalized to submit.
Thank you to all of you who signed, spread the word, circulated petitions and showed your support! This is just the beginning, but we are one step closer to creating an even brighter future for all kids in Allegheny County.
Until we receive the official word from the Election Board that the question is on the November ballot (and you can believe we'll let you know as soon as we do), please continue to spread the word about having this conversation about our kids and investing in our region.
For more ways to get involved, visit

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Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Friday, August 03, 2018

Fwd: Our guy did it -- if you're not celebrating, you missed the news

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August 3, 2018
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This is a big deal -- and could be an even bigger deal down the road.

Glenn Jacobs, the WWE wrestler Kane, was just elected mayor of Knox County (which includes Knoxville), Tennessee.

Jacobs (who has over 7.2 million Facebook likes, by the way) is extremely impressive and very knowledgeable. He can speak intelligently about everything from the Constitution to business cycles, from foreign policy to the nonaggression principle.

Not to mention: he believes in Austrian economics, he supports the Mises Institute, and he's a member of my

Now I need to toot my own horn here a bit.

When I last had Glenn on my show, I asked him, with regard to his race for mayor:

"What made you decide to do this all of a sudden?"

His answer:

"A guy named Tom Woods."


He went on:

"The last time I was on your show, you asked me a question that really got me to thinking. It basically was, 'What are you going to do,' or 'Where do you think our movement is going to achieve success?'

"That show was about 2013, right? And I told you I was fed up with politics, especially after what happened with Ron Paul and the RNC in 2012, I think. You know, I wasn't naive enough to think that Ron was going to win, but I felt very slighted that the RNC went to great lengths not to allow him to even speak and not to let the viewpoint of the liberty wing of the Republican Party be represented at their national convention. So I was fed up. I really was.

"And...when I said, 'I'm fed up. I'm done,' you said back to me, 'Well, it's not like you're going to have the majority of Americans suddenly withdraw their consent.' And that got me to thinking. You're exactly right. I think that the political process is still something that those of us who want to see positive change — and what I mean by that is change in the direction of liberty and free markets — we have to do what we can do to cause that to happen, and that includes sometimes being in the political process."

I went back and looked at the transcript from that earlier episode, and he's indeed right. I said: "I'm not totally sure what the theory is according to which we can solve our problems without politics. Can we really imagine that enough people will just withdraw their consent from the system and it simply collapses of its own weight? I understand that politics is not going to solve the problem. Then what? What else is our alternative?"

Well, whatever influenced Glenn's decision to run, the fact is that Knoxville and all of Knox County now has a hardcore libertarian mayor. And for all we know (and I have no inside information here), he has further ambitions.

Now, before I sign off for today:

If you've ever been interested in starting an online business, self-publishing a book, launching a podcast, or earning affiliate commissions, or whatever, I wrote a free eBook with all the step-by-step instructions you'll need.

You should listen to me on this because I've done all these things myself, with much success.

Now go get your copy:

Tom Woods
Copyright © 2018 Tom Woods, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at,,,, or, or you received a free eBook by texting various words to 33444.

Our mailing address is:
Tom Woods
PO Box 701447
Saint Cloud, FL 34770


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Fwd: Neoliberal Fascism and War

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From: John H

Attached are two really important documents and I hope that you will take the time to read both in full.  The first is a rather brief memo to Trump from Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) concerning the incredibly foolish but increasingly likely probability of war with Iran.  The second is a much longer essay by Henry A. Giroux focused on the current existence of what he terms neoliberal fascism.  I can't overstate just how important I believe this essay is in understanding the perilous situation we are now facing in this nation and in much of the rest of the world.  I recognize that many of you will not want to take the time to read this, but I certainly encourage you to do so.


Article 1

Article 2


Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell


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From: KenK4Pa <>
Date: Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 6:45 AM

Introducing the 2018 Libertarian Candidates!


August 3, 2018

For more information, please contact Ken Krawchuk at or 224-Krawchuk (224-572-9248)





ABINGTON, PA – Ken Krawchuk, the Libertarian Party candidate for Pennsylvania Governor, will be holding a "Meet the Candidates" rally on the steps of the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg from 1 PM to 5 PM on Sunday, August 11, 2018.  In addition to Krawchuk, most of the 18 Libertarian Party candidates for 2018 will be in attendance, including Lieutenant Governor candidate Kathy Smith.  Following the rally, from 6 PM to 10 PM there will be reception at the Capitol Gastropub, 310 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.  Both events are free and open to the public, and additional details will be made available as the event comes closer.  RSVPs for the evening event are requested via


Krawchuk, 65, is an Information Technology entrepreneur from Abington, Pa.  He has appeared on the gubernatorial ballot twice before, facing Democrat Ed Rendell in 2002 and Republican Tom Ridge in 1998.  Smith is a retired retail merchant from Canonsburg, Pa, and has served two terms on her local school board, one of them as board president.  Because of Pennsylvania's onerous ballot access laws, Krawchuk is the last third party or independent gubernatorial candidate to appear on the Pennsylvania ballot since 2002.  His return to politics comes on the heels of his federal court victory in 2016 that ruled unconstitutional the $80,000+ fines that have been levied against statewide candidates who are unsuccessful in their attempt to appear on the November ballot.


Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the state and the nation, with over 150 elected and appointed officials currently serving in office nationwide, and 40 in Pennsylvania.  Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially liberal, and like the Founding Fathers, Libertarians believe that you have the inalienable right to conduct your life as you see fit, without interference, so long as you respect the rights and property of others.


For more information about the Libertarian Party, the public is invited to contact the Krawchuk campaign at,, or (224) Krawchuk (224-572-9248), the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania at or (800) R-RIGHTS, or the National Libertarian Party at or (202) 333-0008. 


Krawchuk appears weekly on a Facebook livestream at 8 PM every Wednesday night,





Release 18-04

Copyright © 2018 Libertarian for Pennsylvania Governor, All rights reserved.
Please say subscribed if you would like to receive all the press releases from the Ken Krawchuk Campaign for Governor.

Our mailing address is:
Libertarian for Pennsylvania Governor
PO Box 260
Cheltenham, PA 19012-0260


Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Czech Parenting Policy

The Czech government is primarily interested in giving the families true and genuine freedom to decide on the form of reconciling their family, personal and professional lives, but not only in relation to the support of employment. The Czech Republic perceives the home parental care for small children as a full-value and socially relevant alternative to gainful activity, while fully respecting different preferences and strategies of the parents in taking care of their children. In order to implement the principle of freedom to choose the duration and scope of care for the child itself, the governments considers it essential to create suitable conditions also for those parents, who decide to care for their children largely themselves, without making use of the child care services. 

The Czech Republic supports such parents, in particular, by a sufficiently long period of maternity and parental leave. In addition, it provides financial support throughout the parental care for a child during the maternity and parental leave in order to compensate as much as possible the loss of wage and the lost opportunities, by granting tax allowances for the working parent, supporting family services focused on prevention of social exclusion of parents caring for children under maternity or parental leave (such as mother and family centres) and supporting projects to enhance parental competence through appropriately targeted subsidized facilities.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Fwd: The Russian Menace

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From: John H

If you do nothing else this week watch these two interviews on The Real News Network with Stephen F. Cohen.  Cohen is one of the most prominent and knowledgeable experts on the Soviet Union and Russia.  If you have bought in to the mainstream media's freaking out over the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki, you really need to listen to these interviews.  The risk of nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia may never have been greater and all of the bruhaha over Trump's meeting is only making things dramatically worse.  This is not fun and games, but it is a game of political one-ups-manship on the part of the Democratic Party and its media co-conspirators in a foolish attempt to "get" Trump while risking catastrophe.  There are many reasons to despise Trump and want to see him gone, but this should not be one of them!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Fwd: Terry Featured In NYT Bestseller “Tribe of Mentors” by Tim Ferriss– and FREE Video from “The Tim Ferriss Experiment”

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From: Total Immersion


If you're a regular reader of this blog, or the blog of NY Times bestselling author and life hack/productivity guru Tim Ferriss, you already know that Tim and Terry became friends after Tim conquered a life-long fear of swimming in 2008 using T.I. techniques. He devoted a chapter of "The 4-Hour Body" to Total Immersion technique and even included T.I. in "The 4-Hour Chef" book as an exemplar of logically sequencing complex skills into a simple progression. In addition, Tim's podcast with Terry in Oct. 2017– entitled "The Master Who Changed My Life"– was the last long-form interview Terry gave before his passing, a couple weeks later. In the intro to the podcast, Tim writes: "He had a profound impact on me — teaching me to overcome a lifelong fear of water and swimming. But more than that, he's been an inspiration for the way I've done anything since."

Chapter on Terry in Tim's newest bestseller: "Tribe of Mentors"


Tim's new #1 NYT Business Bestseller and #1 Advice/How-To Bestseller– "Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World"– also features a chapter on Terry. We here at T.I. operations had intended to announce his inclusion in the book last autumn, but it got lost in the shuffle since it was published very soon after Terry's passing. We're happy to finally announce it here! Below is Tim's description of the book…Check it out!

Terry teaching swimming on "The Tim Ferriss Experiment" (2014)


We're also delighted and appreciative to share that Tim and his team posted the full episode of Terry teaching open water swimming (in 2014) on the show "The Tim Ferriss Experiment."

Total Immersion PO Box 370 New Paltz, New York 12561 United States (800) 609-7946


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Fwd: What we ignore . . . at our peril

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From: John H

With all the yammering about Russian interference with our democracy, why is it that we keep asserting that Israel is a democracy at all.  Our so-called democracy is manipulated and controlled by the American oligarchs, while Israel's is controlled by neo-fascists under Netanyahu – so where is the democracy.  And with the establishment media covering nothing but Trump and his fondness for Putin and the young women with whom he has had affairs, what ever happened to the main concern of our age – global climate change.  If nothing else, our priorities have become a laughable farce.




Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fwd: Let me introduce myself: Head Coach OHIO University Swimming and Diving

I graduated from Ohio University. For four years, I was also the assistant coach for the Men's Swimming and Diving program -- a team that does not exist any longer.

In many ways, Ohio University is dead to me. My sons did not consider Ohio University because the opportunities I had in the late 70s and early 80s are no longer afforded to the young men of these recent generations.

Women's swimming was a thing at Ohio University when I was there as well.

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From: Mason Norman
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This introduction is a long time coming. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Mason Norman and I am the new head coach of the womens swimming and diving TEAM at OHIO University. It is a pleasure to be welcomed to such a storied program and athletic department. I am delighted to become part of the legacy that the swimming and diving program has created spanning many decades.
I am arriving to Athens by way of the University of Kentucky where I spent the last five years as an assistant coach and associate head coach for the last year. My wife, Samantha, and I have one daughter, Emorie, who will be two in September. We both swam in college together at Wingate University in North Carolina where we met while in school.
My coaching philosophy focuses on the whole person of each student-athlete. My goal as a coach is to teach and demand growth in four areas of life as a college student athlete at OHIO: academic life, athletic life, social life, and spiritual life. If the members of this TEAM have grown in each of these areas during their time with the OHIO swimming and diving FAMILY, we have done our job.
The environment of the program is going to be one saturated with positive energy. Positive energy breeds love, love breeds success.
The communication among the staff and the TEAM will always be open and honest, just like a FAMILY.
Every single day we will have a put your hand on the wall first mentality as we raise the expectations and build a championship culture.
The program will always have a caring, players first culture, providing the student-athlete with what they need to have the best experience possible at OHIO.
As a TEAM, we will be disciplined, respectful, and give back through selfless service throughout each year.
I am excited to begin this amazing adventure at OHIO and look forward to all the experiences that I will have! I look forward to meeting each one of you personally if I am able.  My door is always open. Please feel free to contact me directly. I have provided my cell phone number and email below.
As this program moves forward, please understand there will be many changes, but there are many traditions that I would like to keep that make this program unique. We will begin to connect with the alumni group through this email service. I would love for each one of you to follow the program and social media accounts for the team and staff to gain more access into our story as a program.
#TheNewOU | #BleedGreen | #BeAllHere
Head Coach Mason Norman
(859) 684-0514

family 2

This message was sent by Ohio University Women's Swimming and Diving, 1 Ohio University Ave, Athens, OH 45701, US