PAWW Prints
July 1985
- Published by Coach Mark instead of the PAWW Parents
Mrs. Karen Lamb and family are in transition to new home in the Chicago area. The PAWW Team will miss them and it will be hard to replace the volunteer support with the board, newsletter, swim and many other duties.
We need parental support to make this program a success. Can you help. We need it!
Come to the picnic after the Journal Star meet at the Lake View Complex. The park board wants to "thank you" -- all PAWW parents and families for their many volunteer hours graciously given to the swimming program.
Ice skating, roller skating, and the pool will be available for all adults and children at no cost from 6-9 p.m. Passes will be available at the picnic. The regular fee will apply at Rainbow Bend.
Bring your own eating utensils, sandwiches, chicken, McDonalds, or whatever your own family desides to eat. Ice tea and lemonade will be furnished. Also bring lawn chairs and/or blankets.
On August 9-10-11, the 1985 Central Zone Championships will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas. Qualifying time for this meet is AAA for each event. Swimmers who have achieved the short course AAA standard but not the long course time may enter at the qualifying time. There will be standard events for the following age groups: 10 & under, 11 & 12, 13 & 14, 15 & 16, 17 & 18, (see attached). The age of the swimmer on the first day of the meet, August 9th, will govern the entire meet. This is a prelim and finals meet, with the top eight fastest times swimming in finals at night.
The Zone Meet -
The Zone Meet is a fantastic experience and one of a swimmers highlights in a career. Mark wants as many swimmers as possible attending this meet. Become an Illinois All-Star - shoot for AAA times. Attend these important meets even the first time you have qualified so you will be further motivated to keep improving. Too often swimmers qualify and do not attend- so they never have the drive to qualify the next season, then they fizzle-out and burn-out. Swimmers who go to big important meets do not burnout as the have challenges and new dreams to work toward. And, most PAWW swimmers who are toughly prepared will go to meets at the season's conclusion and score points.
Mark will encourage most swimmers to attend zones instead of nationals this summer season. Swimmers of this ability level and with these types of goals should be meeting regularly with the coach to make future plans.
State Fair Spectacular
SUSA-SAC-PAWW will hold a two day long course meet at the beautiful pool next to the state fair. The meet will be smaller than the big ones and much better than the little ones. Cost is only $1.00 per swimmer in all events with medals/ribbons too. we want to offer this meet on our schedule as an alternative to not swimming. If you go to only one long-course meet this summer, this should be the one. Any swimmer who would like to go is welcome. It will be a great relaxing morning meet. The information is posted on the team bulletin board. Sign-up with Coach Mark.
PASS Championships- August 6-8, 1985 Central Park Pool
Peoria Area Summer Swimming Championships is a new meet for summer swim teams. The Peoria Park District is hosting the meet with the help of the PAWW parents and all the swim teams that enter. Get your summer swim team involved in this fun exciting new meet. Call Mark for details. PAWW WILL NOT BE ENTERING AS A TEAM. PAWW swimmers should swim with their local clubs. However, Logan and Central Park Pool will be fielding teams.
Zone meet cont...
Illinois Swimming requires that all Illinois entries be sent through one source. The source in Illinois is:
James Buresh xxxxxx Oak Brook, Il 60521
Mr. Buresh will accept applications for the Zone entries up through August 4th. There will be a booth at the Senior Championships at Chicago Circle Campus and at the Illinois. Junior Olympics Meet at Rock Island to answer your questions and accept your entries. Enclosed is a form to make application. All information must be filled in, in order, for the application to be accepted.
Entry fees for the meet will be $2.50 per individual event, $5.00 per relay team, and $1.00 per individual swimmer.
On august 7th and 8th Illinois Swimming will conduct Pre-Zone Festivities in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Director of Pre-Zone Festivities will be Fred Evans, Head Coach, Chicago State. Because of the distance to Little Rock, Arkansas, Illinois Swimming has arranged for a bus to transport swimmers and parents (first come, first served basis). The bus will leave Hinsdale on August 6, 1985 at 3:30 P.M. A second stop will be made in Springfield at 7:30 P.M. for downstate swimmers. Arrival in little Rock will be at approximately 12:00 noon the following day. Arrangements have been made with the Little Rock Hilton to provide rooms as well as breakfast and dinner for the swimmers. Swimmers will be housed 4 to a room. Swimmer's cost for the bus trip, meals, rooming and the zone festivities will be $200 per person*. A non-refundable deposit of $50 per swimmer, must be made by July 12, 1985. The check should be made payable to Illinois Swimming, Inc. and sent to:
James Buresh xxxxxx Oak Brook, IL 60521
The balance of $150 must be paid in full by August 2, 1985. Only in th event sufficient swimmers do not sign up for the bus will your $50 deposit be refunded. Swimmers will need money for lunch. Parents. can reserve rooms at the Little Rock Hilton by sending a deposit of $45 to the above address. (check made payable to Illinois Swimming, Inc.) If parents are interested in riding the bus, please contact Mr: Buresh by July 12th.
*Illinois Swimming Incorporated is partially underwriting the cost of transportation, lodging, and food.
The Illinois U.S.S. swim meets this summer have filled within one week of their opining. The PAWW team sign-up procedure is established on a two week turn around time. We have taken one week to notify swimmers/parents with posters and details. Then the next week we hold the sign-up, compile the totals, money, and send it to the meet directors. Our system has worked for 3 seasons untill this demand for entries into meets has reached the one week close time. We will now have to turbo-charge the entry process at PAWW to beat the one week close-outs. This winter's schedule looks just as intense as there are few meets and plenty of swimmers. With a team of our size, we will need everyone's cooperation and full support for the teams system. More news later. Please volunteer.
For the remainder of the summer meets, Coach Mark will handle the entries. Coaches always handle championship meet entries anyway. Below are the details for:
1) Illinois State Senior Championships
2) Illinois Junior Olympics
3) Zone Meet
4) Nationals
5. (The SUSA-SAC-PAWW) Long Course State Fair Spectacular
6) PASS Championships
Seniors - July 26, 27, 28, 1985 Univ. of Illinois Chicago campus
The cuts and order of events for Seniors are enclosed. A meeting with swimmers and parents will be held on Thursday July 11, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. at Central Pool bleachers. Every
one must attend or call Mark both before and after the meeting.
J.O.'s - August 2, 3, 4, 1985 at Rock Island
The cuts and order of events are enclosed. A meeting with swimmers and parents will be held on Monday July 15 at 5:00 p.m. at Central's bleachers. Please attend even if you don't have meter cuts but do have yard times - or would participate in relays. If you can not attend, call Coach Mark (685-6207) before and after the meeting.
September 14, 1985 at Lake Camelot sponsored by Peoria Park District, Vitesse Cycle shop, Methodist Hospital, and PAWW. We will need racers and helpers for this special event. Triathlon: 1 mile swim, 20 mile bike, 5 mile run. Biathlon (10under, 11-12, 13-14, high school and high school graduates) Swim 1,000 yards (1Km) Run 3.1 miles (5Km). Start running.
Pick up an application available soon at the pool.
National Sports Festival
ESPN will have live swimming coverage from the National Sports Fest on Fri. July 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1985 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm every night. Watch the swimming! Swimmers qualified for this meet while at the National Junior Olympics in New York. Perhaps PAWW will have more swimmers in more events at Nationals and one day have our swimmers at the Sports Festival. It could be next year if they work and work, and work some more to make it.
Senate Bill no. 42
The I.H.S.A. has a set of rules and bylaws which cause plenty of problems to athletes including the fastest U.S.S. in our backyards. A bill in the state house is progressing through proper channels to amend some of the overbearing restrictions and interpretations which damage such things as particpating in National Junior Olympics, All-Star Meets and all sorts of practice problems. It is a new trend in the swim world in Illinois and we thought you might be interested in being slightly informed.
Fund Raiser was held at the pool with the PAWW swimmers, and in one weeks time we were able to generate $200. for spending on special equipment. Thanks to those who helped. We were far under our goal, however it is better than nothing. In the future we need active, intense fund generating schemes and organizers to get the type of materials to keep our swimmers competing at the top levels. There is plenty of truth, sad to say, that you can buy a good swimmer. You need special tools, devices and motivations to get that little extra work and fantastic results. It is a great benefit to have the funds available.
Our swimmers this summer are not -as a group- performing up to their utmost capabilities. In the summers there are too many things which pull us all away in every which direction. As a result, our performances suffer. United States Swimming is top notch, high quality, fast swimming. We hope our team can come back for a strong finish at J.0.'s, Seniors and Zones. Let's all work hard and always remember, "Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice does."
Swimmers who compete at meets which are not team meets must write down their times, name, date, etc. and submit them to Mark for the team record keeping system. All times, all meets are needed so we can properly track the performances.
New State Record Holder -- PAWW SWIMMER -- Kara Bauernfeind
At the Rock Island meet Kara set a new Illinois Swimming State Age Group Record in the 50 meter free. Her time was 30.48 which was faster than the previous record held by the now famous and superstar herself. Bridget Bowman. Bowman's time set in 1980 was a 30.93. With a little more streamline dive, higher head and exciting setting, Mark feels Kara can get even faster. Last year there were only two girls in the whole nation to go under :30. Kara's time ranks her as the seventh fastest from last year's results. The national record is 28.68.
Moreover, in the 100 Free, the state record is 1:06.64 and Kara's time was 1:07.81. Her time ranks as 15th in the nation for 1984's results, Then in the 50 Breast Kara swam a blistering :40.34 and the state record is 39.21 held by Christine Interone. The national record is 38.13 and Kara's time ranks at 11th. Keep up the fantastic swimming Kara. Way to go!
Journal Star Meet
The Masters entries were expected to be plentiful, and they are not." Come on parents, lets put in the laps and get swimming in the meets. Then, you will be abel to have an experience to share with the young swimmers. Besides, it is all for fun and experiences anyway.
The swimmers in the meet will be shooting for a record breaking hammer while at the pool for the meet. Plenty of records are sure to fall. In fact, many swimmers are seeded below the record now. For instance, Beth Veerman is making her first appearance in the 13-14 girls age group and comes into the meet with a time that is 12 seconds faster than the existing record. The records are fast. It just so happens that the Peoria Area Swimmers are improving every year and the record books are being re-written at every meet. Go for it swimmers!
A few swimmers have expressed a desire to continue to keep up the conditioning for the month of August. At this time we are looking into the ideas for a practice one time a day throughout the week. Keep this in mind, and let the coaches know of your intensions.
Winning Swimming Rookie Camp
Applications will soon be available for the Winning Swimming Rookie Camp which will start in August. The camp cost $35. and there is instruction in all strokes, turns, conditioning and a T-shirt to the finishers. We are looking for an advertiser to donate $150. to help pay for the cost of the shirts. We will put a message on the back of each of the T-shirts.
Free Clinic
The one week free stroke clinic, held for the second year the first week of July, was a huge success. Thanks for everyone's help in getting the new faces to the practices. Hopefully they learned a thing or two and will join us in the future on the Spirited Wizard Team.