Monday, May 21, 2001

UPMC Eye and Ear Institute Open House

You are cordially invited to an open house to celebrate the newly renovated audiology and hearing aid department.

20-minute hands-on demostrations:

- Noise reduction technology
- Directional microphone technology for hearing and noise
- Disposable hearing aids
- Assistive listening devices
- Video otoscope - come see your own ear canal and ear drum

Monday, May 21, 2001, 1-4 pm

203 Lothrop Street

Evening Program

4:30-4:45 Catherine V. Palmer, Ph.D., Director, audiology and Hearing Aids, UPMC Health System, Welcome

4:45 to 5:30 Mead C. Killion, Ph.D., President, Etymotic Research, Missing Dots: Audibility or Missing Inner Hair Cells -- It's All the Same to the Brain

5:30 to 5:45 Eugene N. Myers, MD, Professor and Chairman, Dept of Otolaryngology, Remarks

5:45 to 6:45 Dinner

6:45 to 7:15 pm Gail Dudmundsen, MA, Gundhear Inc. LOBAT-Standard or Option on All Hearing Aids

7:15 to 7:45 pm Robert Sweetow, PhD., Univ. of California, San Francisco, The Efficacy of Disposable, Entry Leval and Instant Fit Hearing Aids

7:45 to 9 pm, Dessert and reception in the newly renovated audiology and hearing aid department, Eye & Ear Institute, 4th floor

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

InPgh: Tribune-Review Causes Republican To Convert to Liberal Views: Antichrist consults publicist about future

This article ran in the InPgh, an alternative newsweekly, on 5-16-01. It was by Marty Levine
Too late for the primary but far ahead of the general election, presumptive Republican nominee Jim Carmine has had a change of heart about the Citzens Police Review Board and the federal consent decree under which Pittsburgh police operate. He's now in favor of them. And it's all thanks to that bastion of leberalism, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, which has not covered Carmine the way ti pushed James Roddey for county executive over Cyril Wecht. A Trib reporter (whom Carmine wishes to keep anonymous, lest the poor man lose his job) asked Carmine some challenging questions that proved a conversion experience shortly before the primary. "yes, indeed, we deserve the consent decree," Carmine now says. "we did some awful stuff in Pittsburgh. We did it, we got it, we earned it." The CPRB is a much more complicated animal -- limping and toothless actually -- but Carmine believes it could work with the right support from the mayor's office. He cites the Garrity warning, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which lets police testify without being prosecuted by such review bodies as the CPRB. "I would indeed be willing to coerce police testimony" using Garrity, Carmine says. "What is happening now is despicable. The police sit there with their hands folded" before the CPRB while the board hands out sentences unenforceable by Chief Robert McNeilly, Jr. under current police contracts. "Which means the mayor's office will be sued." Carmine concludes. "But it makes it very, very clear that the mayor is behind the CPRB." Imagine that.

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

Last mayoral debate stars all 7 hopefuls

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

By James O'Toole, Politics Editor, Post-Gazette

The men who would be mayor traded views on schools, public safety and transportation issues last night in the final debate before next Tuesday's primary election.

For five of the candidates, it was the only chance to share a televised stage with Mayor Tom Murphy and City Council President Bob O'Connor, the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination that has for decades been tantamount to election in Pittsburgh.

"Thank God for public television. We finally have all the candidates together," Democrat Leroy L. Hodge remarked as the 90-minute session opened.

The incumbent was, as expected, the most frequent target of criticism, but the tone of the evening was more earnest than contentious.

O'Connor challenged Murphy's management of the police department, faulting the fact that the city entered into a federal consent decree governing police conduct. The councilman also criticized the fact that last year's police recruiting class had no minorities and only three females.

Murphy strongly defended his management and the department's performance while again criticizing O'Connor for his promise to fire Police Chief Robert McNeilly Jr.

"We've made big changes; we're batting 100 percent on the consent decree," Murphy said. "We've changed the culture."

James Carmine, a Republican candidate, saw a lack of leadership on Murphy's part over police officers refusing to testify before the Pittsburgh Citizen Police Review Board.

Mark Rauterkus, the other GOP hopeful, said he would increase awareness on police issues by televising deliberations of the police review board.

Hodge said he would stress improved education and training for officers and do more to recruit city residents for the force.

In response to a question on the problems of trash and dumping in the city, Murphy said he was considering establishing a special environmental court to increase visibility and prosecution of environmental crimes.

O'Connor said the answer was not a new court but a larger budget for the city's Public Works Department.

"We don't have to reinvent the wheel all over again," O'Connor said.

Earl V. Jones Sr., another Democrat, said that the answer to the problem was personal example."I spent two years of my life cleaning up my neighborhood," said the Hazelwood retiree. "You have to show the people even if you have to do it yourself."

On transportation, O'Connor said that the completion of the city portion of the Mon-Fayette Expressway offered promise in easing congestion in city neighborhoods such as Squirrel Hill.

But Murphy sounded a distinctly skeptical note on the mammoth construction project, which is strongly supported by some of the same labor unions that support him in the coming primary.

"I have not embraced the Mon Valley Expressway yet," he said.

In elaborating after the debate, Murphy said, "The fact of the matter is if you're going to spend millions of dollars on highways, you're never going to have enough money to build a mass transit system like you see in other cites."

On another issue, Murphy said the city had "learned some hard lessons on Plan B," where what he termed "pass-though shenanigans" have allowed the circumvention of promises that a specified portion of the stadium construction work would go to minority and female-owned firms.

Democrat Joshua Pollock called the Murphy administration's record on minority contracting "one of the most disgusting things this city has done."

Tuesday, May 01, 2001


Homewood Brushton Meet the Candidates Forum
Homewood Library Auditorium

Pittsburgh Mayoral Candidates Only

Radio debate notes with James Carmine

Contrast with Jim Carmine

Roles: I'm a citizen. The professor has said that he started his political career.... Carmine ran for office in the past. I've never run for office. And, IMSHO, running for office does not make a career.

Cash: Professor Carmine thinks that big fundraising is ready to occur and serious contributions are expected after he wins the primary. Or, perhaps, after the primary season has ended. I don't. I'm ready to make a lot of waves with very little money. We don't expect to get more than $50 from any one contibutor. We need to bootstrap. We need to run the city on less money. We need to run our campaign on less as well. To spend 1/10th or 1/20th of what the Democrat spends will be a badge of accomplishment.

Role of the City Government: I think that we need to contract the role of city's long-arm and get out of the gross development deals. Carmine has said that government needs to do what the people want.

I think that the prime role of mayor's office is to follow the laws and administer jutice. I advocate a strong embrace for the constitution.

Taxes: Raise, Same, Lower? My answer is short: We'll lower taxes.
Let's start with the deed-transfer tax. There are some wreckless taxes that are holding us back. We need to take away those chains so we can reward and not punish the actions that we desire. To sell and buy your home needs to be rewarded and made easier, not more expensive. The deed-transfer tax hits hardest as it comes as an upfront fee taking money away from the down-payment.
Professor Carmine's long answer as to what he'd do with taxes made a fuzzy approach. He said, "We'll see when we get there," or after he figures out more of the details.

Notes were from from a 30-minute radio debate on the Jerry Bowyer show in the spring of 2001.

Thursday, April 19, 2001

American Academy of Audiology -- convention in San Diego

The 13th Annual Convention and Exposition means a trip to San Diego. We lived large. Got to visit on the convention floor. Had parties with top professionals and celebs.

Took a trip to Terje's home office too. He lives on the island and does impressive computer programs with LISP, mainly.

The dates: April 19 to 22, 2001.

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Speech: To Pump & Pittsburgh Next

Talking Notes from Mark's from April 11, 2001

An event at the Downtown Carnegie Library auditorium was held with five organizations including Ground Zero, PUMP and Pittsburgh Next. Pittsburgh Young Professionals ( was involved too.

The event's administration was bogus. Everyond did a fine job as far as being proper gentleman, but the event was silly from the outset. Strong objections to the format were voice weeks ago. All-in-all, the event was another sink and squandered opportunity. The organizers had plenty of clout, but they caved to the heavyweight candidates. They blinked. We all lost. So, these squeeking wheels roll for another day.

Ken Rice, you are a watchdog. You are part of the professional broadcasting media. You need to do your duties. Roles need to be filled. A bulk of the blame rests upon your shoulders.

The downside of the non-debate format includes the lack of will on the part of the young professional leadership for accelerated efforts in the next round. There is little hope that the group will get it right for the General Election if they so badly fumbled this round. This cycle was to be a dress-rehersal for events yet to come in the months of May, June, July, August, September and October -- getting set for the November 6th general.

My advice to the other organizations: Save face and plan your own events for the summer months. And, talk with the candidates or the ex-candidates in depth in advance of the program decisions.

Format Flaws:
Give and take among the candidates is needed. We need follow-up questions. We need to hear each other's replies. We need to run a campaign that isn't in a vacume. We need to get to the issues, and those who prevent that from happening are part of the problem. The Mayor is not being held accountable. The Mayor's show-and-tell is going to unravel as soon as the formats are done with some hints of fairness. There is very little justice at work in this city when there is no justice in the campaign process. It is not fair to be told that I can not listen to what my competitors say. Being closed minded is never a good option.

The news director at KQV said that the event was "worthless." He is right.

As a candidate who is going to trumpet justice, I can not take part in events that are unfair -- such as the one being organized for the next week by the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Alliance and the Warhol Museum.

Life isn't fair. But, we need to hold our government in the role of protecting freedoms, rights and fairness. It is the role of government to insure fairness in justice. That is the highest mission of order -- and the justice is lacking with Mayor Murphy and Bob O'Connor.

These themes are not new to my campaign messages. On the very first instance when I shared a podium with three of the other candidates, I made a big point to the hosting organization, then at the JCC, that I was not happy that all the candidates were not invited and provided with equal time. Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice does. At times 99% correct is 100% wrong.



Young man, Young Man!
Your arms are too short to box with God.

My arms are too short to box with God.

The late, great, #8, Willie Stargell had powerful, athletic arms -- and they were too short.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. -- his arms were too short to box with God.

    Mayor Murphy -- He can't even climb into the ring.

  • Lone Voice

    As a single voice, it is impossible to make serious changes against the forces of tides. As a lone voice, they will break you like a twig.

    A Struggle Brews within Pittsburgh

    A struggle is in our midst.

    This struggle is not between the Pirates and another franchise of million-dollar entertainers.

    Not between the spectator and the empty seats and quotas of Nacho consumption.

    Not between Bob O'Connor and Tom Murphy and a cast of sideline characters.

    Not between the Democrats and the Republicans.

    Not between the Liberals and the Conservatives.

    Not even between those that "Have" and those that "Have-Not."

    True, Real, Actual, Serious, Insightful, Wise battle / fight / wages / campaign

    The Real Struggle comes down to The New vs. The Old.

    As a Free-Market Republican, I'm going to claim that this struggle has on one-side: The natural marketplace forces. This is very organic and includes respect for the web-of-life.

    On the other side is what is known as "corporate welfare." Government intrusion for the sake of a few corporate entities. It's eminent domain. authority-driven, top-down attitudes.

    Simple Terms for this struggle I see:

    Those who want to make history or those who are slaves of history.

    The real struggle is about the process: Should it be Bottom-Up or Top-Down.

    Distributed or Centralized power grids.

    Email and Web-Site Campaigns or old-school backslapping.

    Should leaders emerge from the ranks of the ordinary or should they be anointed?

    Should officials act like humble servants or else like pompous incumbents?

    Is the purpose: By the people and for the people -- or else -- to the people?

    Do votes mater and should they even occur -- or -- should work happen with leverage appointments and Authority Boards -- URA, Water-and-Sewer -- Stadium Authority. To a lesser extent, the Mayor has been running a charade with Plan C Task Forces and Riverlife Task Force.

    Are Grant Street actions for the flow and the means -- or - about the Ends? What about Results? Mayor Murphy says what gets done matters most. Murphy's talks say, "Look at the results." The key word in his campaign is RESULTS.

    I care more about HOW things get done rather than what gets done.

    Classic question: focus on the Destination or Journey? This is Government, not Business. When we look long and hard at things, the Mayor's story unravels. The ways, the being, the endeavors and the mingling count most -- not the end-result.

    Mussolini got the trains to run on time. Maglev, more on that later.

    Woops. I was going to have that be my "big line" of the night. It didn't get delivered. I'll have to use it in another setting later.

    Citizenship or cronies, board-rooms, done-deals.

    Open-source software or closed, proprietary, deals where we have to subpoena methodology from Sabre Systems.

    I crave inclusion -- and the Mayor is quick to point out Naysayers.

    Let's level-the-playing field, not perpetuate the status quo.

    I want to heighten our mobility and extend our free flow of thinking. We need to better our decision-making models. Or -- do we want to spin our wheels in a rut?

    A fluid, interactive approach or else dogmatic directions.

    Sustainable development or Nordstroms, Subsidies, TIFs.

    Being Free or being a subject.

    Total wellness or band-aids and triage from the emergency room.

    Proactive -- or too-little and/or too late.

    Behind-the-scenes struggle:

    The struggle takes many perspectives. I hope to share hundreds of them with you all on the web and in a couple of books. We need to take some time and connect the dots. We need to illustrate and come to common ground.

    Republicans and Dems

    I'll deliver the sustainable discussion and content that can take us to new civic insights. That is the message of tonight.

    Republicans, I want a landslide endorsement and support in the primary. Democrates, please read the book, make a donation, copy the handout.

    First Clincher for Courage: Justice

    Those who work on Grant Street have been lacking in their execution and respect for justice. The bulk of our problems center upon justice. When you boil it down, the justice in our lives is wanting. Justice can be the sole reason for toss them out of office.

    Second Clincher for Courage: Imagination

    Beyond justice, the heavyweighs are lacking in imagination. The creativity, the brilliance, the scope and depth of understandings and solutions have been wanting.

    They both pale in both JUSTICE and IMAGINATION.

    Once we engage all of our people in moment -to-moment justice and then inject some short-term and long-term imagination into the political landscape -- Pittsburgh will soar. Pittsburgh can thrive, not just survive.

    We need a plan for success. What Bob and Tom deliver sustains and quickens our declines for opportunities and population growth.


    Voting for Josh and Leroy Hodge is not a wasted statement. Not in the primary season.


    This next session didn't get delivered. I closed with the metion of Humpty Dumpty.

    Imagination for Solving Problems

    Some say that it is not possible to solve problems. Rather, decisions trade one set of problems for another. Some say government has no business solving marketplace problems, rather it only needs to administer justice.

    The Mayor's focus on results, says watch him solve problems.

    When the Mayor becomes a developer, then the developers become the government.

    Insightful leaders, those with great imaginations, choose pathways and make decisions from a long list of alternatives. It takes more imagination to develop that long-list of alternatives. It takes a great deal of inclusion to get all the ideas forward and flowing into the quilt of possibilities.

    Leadership with lacking imaginations often feels that the list of possibilities is short. Our elected officials need to realize that the potential list of creativity and imagination is alive and well within the people.

    There are plenty of other alternatives.

    Think again.


    Courage to Campaign

    To remove Mayor Murphy, we need big investigations into the alternatives. We need to know how the various candidates think and how they act. We need to know where they measure themselves on terms of justice and the matters that count the most.

    Let's play some volleyball with the issues. Let's learn to bump, set, spike.Let's have a contest in this pursuit so we all can win.


    Questions that came from the audience:

    Questions about my experience:

    I've never held any elected office. I'm not with a lot of experiences in stealing the tax-payers money. I prefer to be an open candidate and Mayor. I'm not versed in how to hide money from the public view and deceit.

    As a coach, I'm confident that I can lead and manage. I know how to ask people to perform and work with them to get the best out of us all.

    As a college educated person, I know how to communicate. I have a web-site. I'll use email. The one's who have graced the stage before me don't even have web sites.

    What about the PAT Bus Fares going up?

    Public transportation is a very big item in the city. That is one of the important aspects of making a more livable city.

    The PAT set-up is an Authority. They are low accountability. They are appointed boards. I want to move away from those styles of government.
    We need to get away from the corporate welfare and then we will have a lot of additional nickles in our pockets. The under river tunnel to service the North Side is going to cost some additional $600 Million. We don't need that type of spending.

    Question: What would you do for small business so that my computer firm would be able to compete with another much larger firm? (i.e., Computer Associates)

    I'd hope that if you can make a better widget than the other firms, the world will beat a pathway to your door. As mayor, I'd try to get the city to do some things -- such as cutting away red tape. We can look into ways to make the city vibrant so that you can recruit and retain employees. We can work to cross the digital divide with our citizens. We can provide better high-tech infrastructure, broadband wireless.

    What about Charter Schools, Vouchers, Education?

    The city has some choice in education now with the magnet program. That is good. More choice is better. We have a nice system of private schools. The city has a lot of home-schooled kids n the city as well. I think that there is a lot that the city and the Mayor's office can do right away to toss out some services for the home-school population within the city, such as with Citiparks. I want to retain those families within the city.

    My opponent is going to talk endlessly about Charter Schools. That is fine. He can do it to a fault.

    I think some Charter Schools can be great. Mostly, I'd love to open up 15-new Charter Schools because we have a million-people living within Pittsburgh again. We can open up the new schools with new arrivals to town.

    The Mayor can do a few things for education. For starters, the mayor can look into taking the older buildings that are closing off of the hands of the School District. We can look into making plans for their use in better ways -- sustainable ways.


    Letter to Mark Rauterkus from Rick Santorum, US Senator @ Campaign Finance Reform

    Monday, April 09, 2001

    Big League Swimming

    Big League Opportunity with Aquatics Programming and Community Experts

    by Mark Rauterkus, 412-481-2497,

    TRA's new General Manager & Advocate for Sports

    Executive Summary:

    This paper explores some of the recreation, instructional and competitive programs offered within the city. Some of the programs are hosted by the city itself. The Aquatics Division has its mission, and another recreation department, more instructional and competitive, is the Big Leage programs. Other programs are hosted by non-city agencies that exist within Pittsburgh, such as with the Three Rivers Aquatics competitive swim team, (TRA).

    Finally, Pittsburgh Pubic Schools provides another slew of opportunities for enhanced swimming programs. Those facilities can't be overlooked either, if we really want what is best for our kids.

    Great untapped potential exists if only the Aquatics Division, the Big Leage program and out-side experts could be put into better harmony. New programs, growth and great levels of excitment can touch many adults and kids in and around Pittsburgh if Mark Rauterkus is given some freedom and support to from Aquatics and Big Leagues for such endeavors.

    Pool Wranglings:

    It is the opinion of some that better organization and better programming are possible. Given the lengh and depth of the discussions each year at City Council, it is fair to say that all of the city council members have strong opinions about the swim pools. In general terms, I think widespread agreement would support the notion that the pools and swim programs can be and should be upgraded so as to provide better opportunities for the citizens. The methods of financing these aquatics programs would make for debate, to be sure, but the possibilities for changes and enhancements exist. These changes might include some additional

    privatization, agressive marketing, community ownership-stake-holders and even some user-fees endeavors.

    Perhaps a way to increase the quality of the opportunities is to re-examine the interplay among the Big League Programs, the Aquatics Division, and our outside groups, such as TRA (Three Rivers Aquatics). The outside groups have specialized interests and motivations in aquatics programming.

    With a few modest areas of change, the Big League program can expand into some pilot programming opportunities that have been not explored before within the city. The Big League office can work with the Aquatics Division and with some outside specialized leadership to make this occur in the summer of 2000.

    Let's propose and work to create a few specialized centers for:

    - competitive swimming,

    - masters swimming,

    - water polo, and

    - underwater hockey.

    Other considerations and information are presented as a way to begin the dialog and planning, well in advance of budget considerations. These programs are going to cost very little, but they will be a significant enhancement the offerings to the citizens.


    Beyond Baseball at Big Leagues

    The City of Pittsburgh's Big League program began with baseball. Of course this is no surprise, as baseball is Lou's passion. It takes a driven leader to make programs successful. Today, the Big League program has grown to include much more than the famous and popular "Rookie Ball."

    Kids play baseball at all ages, softball, Air-It-Out NFL-sponsored Flag Football, Deck Hockey and other sports too.

    Aquatics Programs:

    Open Swims / Lap Swims

    The bulk of the city's aquatics program deals with lifeguarding, staffing the facilities and keeping everyone at all the 32 city-run pools safe and happy. Pittsburgh's diverse facilities and its diverse populations make for a challenges in operation that the aquatic's staff handles with the highest-regards and professional outcomes.

    Aquatics Programs:

    Instructional and Competitive Aspects:

    The city's aquatics programs have swim lessons (some free and other for a user fee) and some swim teams. Most of the swim teams are free. New water festivals and some new equipment such as water basketball have been given to the pools in recent years.

    There are some aquatic exercise classes at the Oliver Bath House and perhaps at some of the other outdoor pools.

    Outside the City Sponsored Programs, TRA

    The Three Rivers Aquatic team practices at Oliver Bath House and Highland Park Pool, but these programs are NOT administered by the city. Rather TRA is a separate organization that has its own management, fees, payroll, coaches and sponsorships.

    Other competitive swim teams exist too, such as Team Pittsburgh (PITT) and the Jewish Community Center Sailfish.

    Areas of Synergy with TRA and the City Aquatics Program

    As the TRA program are offered to city kids, and as the program is a success (hopefully more so than in the past) the city's Park's Department realizes some significant benefits to its overall mission.

    The TRA team, like the others, offers basic instructional programs to those who can already pass a deep water test. Participants generally need to have swimming lessons before advancing to the swim team.

    An attracitve TRA experience is going to help drive more people into the lesson programs.

    The TRA team members are often a prime area for the recruitment of city lifeguards. Many city lifeguards on the staff now have been members of the TRA team, as well as its prior name, the D.P.R. (Department of Recreation) team.


    End of draft:

    Mark Rauterkus

    108 South 12th Street

    Pittsburgh, PA 15203


    New Role: General Manager of Three Rivers Aquatics

    Hosea Holder is still the Emeritus Head Coach for TRA.

    Coaching in Digital Times

    snipped to

    Boycott against Art Pittsburgh hosted event -- a debate of exclusion

    Investing into the internet - bubble?


    The Internet economy has grown at an unheard of rate -- over 170% annually -- and may be responsible for a third of the growth in the national economy. Many e-commerce-related IPO's have been super successes, encouraging investment in yet more startups. Traditional businesses like Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, and Compaq also are working to "e-commerce" themselves and compete in this new environment. The Internet as a global phenomenon permits information to move freely, at little cost, across continents.

    Nearly everyone, including individual investors, corporate investors like Microsoft, and venture capitalists has been betting on the Internet as The Next Big Thing.

    A selected and limited number of sports organizations have jumped on the internet bandwagon as well. However, most of the players in sports have not tapped into the potential of the internet, just yet, due to many reasons.

    But is the Internet economy a "bubble"? Could it burst? What then for entrepreneurs and their prospects? Entrepreneurs have seen e-commerce and Internet initiatives as welcome avenues for business creation. Will this remain the case if the bubble pops or will the entrepreneur be blasted away? How can an entrepreneur plan for possible dramatic change?

    Letter to AMS swim coaches at swim meet at Highland Park Pool

    Mark Rauterkus
    formal role and job title to be announced later
    108 South 12th Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1226

    AMS Coaches

    Dear Coach,

    Welcome to Pittsburgh's Highland Park Pool! 
    I'm passing around this letter as a way to get your feedback and make an introduction of myself. Are you ready to share ideas? Let's touch base with one another, anytime, anyway, if you so desire. Catch me on-deck, send email, call, or let's talk on the first day of JOs.
    Pittsburgh's city-based team, Three Rivers Aquatics, is going to attempt to make some changes with its programs. TRA does not need a head coach. Hosea is going to continue as the head coach, for sure. Perhaps you can help in other ways?
    I'm going to lend administrative assistance and leadership with TRA. A news release about this role is pending for the weeks ahead. But for now, can you please spare some of your insights as we make an evaluation and inventory of assets? 
    This city has some excellent facilities. However, we realize that the city kids and region's competitive swimmers are not connecting with excellent programs. We want better opportunities with facilities, city-kids and regional swimmers.
    The TRA team is small and central to the city. One potential agenda is to host and coordinate a number of special events that can include swimmers from your team. But, what to host, when, and for what groups is our question. What activities do you desire and what would gain your comfortable endorsement and encouragement? Some examples follow to stimulate early discussions.
    We'd like to hold a week-long day camp at Highland Park that would feature morning long-course practices and an afternoon zoo camp.
    We'd like to hold spring water polo practices one-time per week and a summer evening practices geared for boys and girls over the age of 13. Perhaps a Pittsburgh team could travel to an out-of-town tournament as well.
    We'd like to have a youth bike race and some developmental sessions at the new bike course very near to Highland Park. A staged triathlon, perhaps in association with the Marathon or Great Race could be held too.
    We'd like to utilize the month of August, after zones, for swim carnival events. The beach volleyball courts are to be done soon. Even Lifeguard Competitions and Canoe Polo could help to stimulate and engage the senior male swimmers.
    We'd like to hold challenge practices on a monthly basis for test-sets, data collection and pulse-plots.
    We'd like to host a sports-lecture series attracting national and international sports coaches and athletes from Olympic sports. Furthermore, we'd like to have a literacy program/book club that could supplement the headline events. Cable and radio broadcasting crew duties.
    Other considerations include built-in extras to better accommodate participation. Finder's fees, open records, optional attendance, open-door welcoming of area coaches, advanced booking of visiting experts, flexible co-leader roles, team-wide reservations, and summary statements mailed to your home.
    Reminder: These are all simply ideas. No program decisions or announcement is included in this letter. Rather, we are most interested in getting your feedback and insights for the betterment of the region's suite of swimming experiences.
    Thanks  for your interest.
    Sincerely yours,

    Mark Rauterkus
    Sports Advocate, Retired Publisher, Full-time Dad

    Friday, April 06, 2001

    Ebook Discussion List Contributor

    Contributions to the e-book discussion list
    1. eBook-List Archive

    Due to popular demand, and because it is a good thing to do, I spent the
    weekend cleaning up and uploading the entire archive of eBook-List to
    Exemplary's server.  The archive files are currently downloadable via
    anonymous ftp at:

    The file '' gives complete information on the archive, including
    a strong copyright statement.

    It is hoped in a few weeks to a few months to implement a Web-based archive
    search engine for the entire eBook-List archive, but it is intended that the
    ftp-based archive will still be maintained.

    2. eBook-List Daily Digest

    Several people have asked for a digest to eBook-List, and I have been working
    hard on this the last few days.


    1) eBook-List may move servers in a few weeks to a few months, and

    2) Implementing digest-mode in Majordomo may be problematic on the current

    I decided to take Bowerbird's advice and setup the eBook-List digest at a Web
    mailing list service, specifically, OneList.  This digest is intended to only
    be a temporary solution (for a few weeks to a few months).

    For various reasons, including the need to keep list administration simple,
    the daily digest is accessible ONLY by the Web -- it will not be mailed out.
    It is not possible to post or subscribe to this digest apart from eBook-List.
    The URL to access the daily digest is:

    (The list at OneList is called 'ebook-list-daily', and so named to reflect
    that it is a daily digest.)

    Note that you do not need to be a "member" of OneList to access the daily

    Also note that I have turned off subscribing and posting to ebook-list-daily
    at OneList -- it is strictly a "mirror" of eBook-List.  If you wish to post
    to eBook-List, you still have to do it as currently done, *and* of course you
    have to be a subscriber of eBook-List to post.  But if you do not intend to
    post to eBook-List, and only wish to read daily digests of all the posts made
    to eBook-List, then this should work for you.

    3. Charter

    I have updated the Charter to mention the new archive and temporary daily
    digest, and to amplify on posting etiquette.  Since the "etiquette" changes
    are only amplifications and clarifications on the current Charter terms, I
    felt no need to ask the subscribership for prior feedback.  The new Charter
    will soon be posted to eBook-List.

    4. Miscellaneous

    On the fun side, while cleaning up the archive, I had a few moments to answer
    a question which has interested me for a while:  "Who is the most prolific
    poster to eBook-List since it started?"

    To answer this pressing question of great importance, I did a simple 'grep'
    of the archive files, and out of the first 5600 posts in the archive, here's
    all those who have made approximately 50 or more posts:

    562  Bowerbird
    449  Jon Noring 
    267  Michael Hart
    206  Eric Eldred
    162  Roy Johnson
    137  Laura Kecherson
    130  Don Kafrissen
     97  Charles Demas
     94  Ron Gustavson
     92  Lee Harrison
     91  Chet Novicki
     88  Daniel Munyan
     85  Paula Mader
     78  Bennett Kobb
     62  Tony O'Seland
     60  Michael Ward
     60  Ben Trafford
     58  Jean Lorrah
     53  Julie Petersen
     53  James (N. Post?)
     51  Mark Rauterkus
     50  Art Pollard 

    My congratulations to Bowerbird for his posting stamina.  Of course, I came
    in a close second, and Michael Hart came in third.  The only excuse for my
    high numbers is that some of my posts are administrative-related.  :^)

    Anyway, here ends the latest administrative news for eBook-List-Land.

    Jon Noring
    eBook-List Admin

    Thanks for using eBook-List, Discussion about Electronic Books
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    Tuesday, April 03, 2001

    A struggle awaits

    A struggle is happening. Today, the Dems are in a struggle.  
    The majority of Pittsburghers -- a great majority of people don’t vote -- are watching that Dem struggle.
    The two nights in shinning armor -- Bob and Tom -- are going to go at it with each other. 
    The personality match. 
    Meanwhile, the real dragons are not being addressed. 

    We, (Republicans) have been in neutral. We have been mostly idle. Starting line.

    We need to light a fire under you all now. The waiting is over.

    Bob said on KDKA Radio -- it is a 1-million-to-1 chance that a Republican Mayor can win in November.

    That 1-M-2-1 matter -- it has got to fire you up. Hundreds of folks are switching parties to the Dem’s side? 

    I am here to tell us all -- the struggle has got to go a certain way. A new way. The greater struggle is from the old-ways to the new-ways. 

    Sure, they will fight it out among themselves, but we have to encircle them and ride the waves that they create to great new heights. We have to use that negaitve, mindless, sense-less buzz and turn it into positive buzz -- into wonderful wisdoms, into engaging discussions, into nimble relationship building opportunities.

    Frankly, you all need to know that I can’t walk in the shaddow of an ant. And, I’m not going to try.

    Their island of their fight is very little. Their island of knowledge is very small as well.

    We have to tell everyone -- over and over -- to think again.

    Great change is not caused by ideas alone. But, great change can not happen without ideas. Pittsburgh needs great organized ideas. And, Pittsburgh needs organized people. And most of all, for this change to happen -- we need passions. Heat and passions are needed to melt the chains of past authorities that have been keeping us down for all too long.

    Their passions are kindling and we need to capitalize uponn them -- use them to our advantage. We need a ying-yang approach to take their furry and put it to our benefit. We need to dance above it all -- and we need to be nimble, graceful, and with great scope and depth. 

    Compelling Sense in the end. Groupware now. You roles are obvious to me.

    I am the team builder. I can -- with a bit of your help -- make the case for a new era -- for a FREE MARKET Republican time for the next four-years. I’m prepared. I’m out there now. I’ve got the insights and have made the city-wide efforts to deliver an avalance of compelling reason to turn on all the people of Pittsburgh. 

    Right now -- the enemy is us.

    We need to turn you all on. We need to get an endorsement. I need to win that by 100-1. I need to have you all come to me, understand me. Then -- I need you to start with your marching orders. 

    I need $300 to create a large stack of $1-million-dollar bills. We need to tell Bob O’Connor and the rest of the city that we’ll take him up on his odds. We’re not out of the picture and we’ve got a guy who is publishing a book. Just check out that web site. Wait until you hear him speak. 

    His opponent is no slouch -- But is an inspred stay-at-home dad who doing all of this on his own -- like a great coach does --  because he is fed up and he is getting us all involved. He is grass-roots. He is prepared. He is worthy of my effort and time. We are going to have fun with this and we’re going to make history -- not be slaves of it. 

    History makers and the die-hard advocates are on his side now. We understand. 

    Check it out. 

    This is no April Fools Joke.

    I want your Groupware address now. 
    I want to get you over to our campaign headquarters ASAP. 
    I want Million-$-Bills this week -- and I want you all to pay for them. I’ll pass these out through channels -- gimic style -- and then we are going to do wooden nickles.

    We’re going to have fun. And, we’ve got messages to deliver. 

    I can deliver messages -- a book on biking and Schmoozing.


    Pondering some ideas for the neighborhood

    From the website of:
    Mark Rauterkus
    Mayor's Race Candidate
    108 South 12th Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15203

    April 3, 2001

    Some Ideas to Ponder

    Dear Neighbors of the South Side and Citizens with Interests in Phillips School,

    Tonight, I'd love to start the process rolling where we could plan serious quality time together in the near future. In this Mayor's Race, very few opportunities have been afforded to the citizen-candidates. Our messages are not being covered by the watchdog journalists in town. And, on-the-trails conversations are getting trampled by heavyweight opponents who refuse to "debate."

    If the process of the campaign is only that of a personality contest -- then we all are going to suffer into the future. Nobody wins. Our democratic landscape suffers. The success of democracy depends upon the reaction of the people to the opportunities presented.

    This formal request goes beyond the School Board vote, also a very important matter. There is much to do in that endeavor as well, and I'll help there as well. But, my burden now centers upon the Mayor's Race.

    Requested Action Items

  • Let's sponsor a serious, in-depth, forum for a full-fashioned policy address about education and public policy. I would love to have the podium to give a 45-minute address about what we as a community should do and focus upon.

    The Republican opponent could also be involved to give his policy address too. It could be the same night, or afternoon, or else at a second night. So, I'd like to be "fair" in this treatment of the topic as there are plenty of great ideas that would flow between my opponent and myself.

    The School-Board Members, as well as others in government, as well as others who are candidates could be engaged in this event as well. We could have minor roles for them to play in the event. They could ask questions. They could give shorter emphasis talks. They could meet and mingle with the audience. They could provide campaign literature.

    The Republican Party in Pittsburgh, and this is more than 8,000 members, as well as the Republican Party in the County, could also be invited and play a role as to filling the audience, creating excitement. This would allow the school and the neighborhood to showcase itself to plenty of visitors.

    A various media outlet, perhaps a Radio or TV station, perhaps a newspaper, could use the event as a way to promote and be engage in the community. This is possible, but we'd have to get the process started quickly. Perhaps PCNC Nightalk would be able to tape the event and play the highlights for others to see later. Perhaps there is a PC21 show that would want to have an exclusive access to the broadcast rights?

    The school administrators, teachers and union workers from around the district should have more access and opportunity to get in-depth awareness from the various candidates and ideas.

    The home-schooled population, the private school parents and teachers, as well as the other minor groups that exist in the greater community -- such as the charter school advocates -- should all have an opportunity to gather and mingle with neighbors and share ideas on various educational issues.

    An event(s) that is visional, if done well, can be a joy to organize. Most of all, the event can be a dress-rehearsal for the next season's general election cycle. And, given the resources of who is in the area, our central locations, and the buzz of local politics starting to re-energize the city -- these events can become long-term opportunities for Phillips to make meaningful contributions with the ideas and nonprofit cash flow. Yes, these events can make money.

  • Let's set in motion a sponsorship for serious, in-depth, forums for full-fashioned public policy talks and gatherings for the general election cycle. I would love to be sure that the winners of the Primary Election Cycle (as well as any Indies) have plenty of opportunities to cover the issues of the day in the General Election Cycle as well. Presently, that opportunity is wide open.

    The other party members need opportunities. I'd like to be "fair" in this treatment of the topics as there are plenty of great ideas that would flow between my opponent and myself.

    Thanks for your interest and feedback.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mark Rauterkus