Friday, November 16, 2018

Fwd: Two excellent articles

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From: John H

It's no secret that the Trump administration has brought fascism in its American guise out from under the covers over the past two years, but how many really understand just how serious this is in the general scheme of things.  Here, in the first attachment, Paul Street reviews material from the newly released book by Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works:  The Politics of Us and Them.  Frankly, not to be concerned about this turn in American politics is not to be aware of the reality around one. 


The second attachment is a review of Michael Hudson's new book And Forgive Them Their Debts: Lending, Foreclosure, and Redemption from Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year.  If you have ever read any of Hudson's exceptional work you will certainly want to obtain this new addition to his collection of important discussion of how money works and how nations should manage its use in society.  I strongly recommend any of his writings as he is probably the world's foremost expert on money and debt as well as the political manipulation thereof.



Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fwd: The ‘As If’ Mindset Hack

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From: Lindsey at Positive Performance Training

Hi Coach , 

A few years ago I started learning about emotional labeling and it sort of blew my mind. Not the principle of it- it's exactly what it sounds like… you identify your emotions and label them. But you do it in a way that doesn't make you feel like you ARE the emotion. So instead of saying I'm stressed, or I'm sad, you say I FEEL sad or I FEEL stressed.

Which is a pretty awesome tool because it helps you recognized that, although it feels like it, we are not ACTUALLY our emotions. Emotions are based on our thoughts, our thoughts we have the power to change.

But I digress. What got me about this particularly mindset hack is that it's so freaking SIMPLE! I wondered why I failed to learn about it until I was 30. But isn't that the case with a lot of these tools- we FINALLY find the ones that work for us and we think 'why did no one tell me this before?'

I was listening to a podcast this morning about emotional labeling which got my little brain surfing on emotions and in particular, how so often my athlete clients let themselves BECOME their emotion.  They don't FEEL nervous or angry or unconfident. They ARE those things.

So, I can teach them an emotional labeling exercise but I'm going to shelve that for now (I'll pick it up on a future newsletter) and go right to the emotional hack that I've seen AMAZING results with.  The 'AS IF' hack, particularly suited for an athlete that is totally consumed by their emotions.

Let me explain with this quick example.  

Sarah the soccer players HATES her coach, isn't playing much these days and is generally feeling pretty miserable. If she's being honest she wants to quit but even thinking about it makes her want to cry because she LOVES (or used to love) soccer. She's built up an emotional prison that is drastically effecting her performance, ensuring she will stay on the bench. She knows this but can't muster up the positive energy to make change.

So what to do? Introducing, he 'As If' Mindset Hack.

I give Sarah a VERY simple (see the pattern?) assignment: Go to practice and play 'AS IF' she is the happiest player on the field. We then brainstorm what that might look like: she is smiling from the beginning of practice, she is high fiving her teammates, she is cheering from the sidelines, she is brushing off mistakes with a chuckle, she is BUBBLING with unbridled joy.

Literally I might use the word 'bubbling'.

That's it.

Sarah will no doubt think I'm a little crazy for suggesting this but I get her assurance that HER way is in fact not at all working. So what does she have to lose?


So, she goes to practice and plays with unbridled joy. Afterwards we reconvene and dissect how it went.

  • Generally, Sarah will have learned that SHE is in control.
  • She will likely feel lighter (literally) after practicing WITHOUT the 'backpack of emotions' she's become accustomed to.
  • And she will have broken this cycle of negativity that is keeping her from making any progress, having any joy, and wanting to quit.
  • But mostly, Sarah will have learned that she is NOT her emotions and that she can ride the wave of positive or negative emotions without going under.

It's that powerful.

Try it yourself. Have a job you hate? Go into one day or one meeting with unbridled joy. Is there a colleague that drives you insane? Interact with them AS IF you like them. Dreading that holiday party? Act AS IF you're an extrovert for an hour (then go home and watch tv:)

Remember it doesn't have to be forever, you can try on different emotions just for fun. Mostly, it's an exercise in learning how powerful we really are, that our thoughts contain our reality and that WE are the ones that get to choose.





P.s. LOVE These Mental Hacks and feel called to bring these to the world? A quick reminder that if you are interested in starting a full-time or part-time mindset coaching business, you absolutely need to get your hands on our free e-book by clicking here.  

How to Start Your Own Profitable, Passion Filled Mental Training Business in 4 Simple Steps

1601 Fifth Ave , Suite 1100 • Seattle, wa • 98108

Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Fwd: [New post] Grit is Sh!t – It’s Just an Excuse to do Nothing for Struggling Students

Blog takes a swing against grit. Funny, as the comments of this blog are off limits to me. Disclaimer of sorts. 

Grit is not a hindrance to compassion nor tolerance. 

I think grit has value and it can be further understood with sports participation. 

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From: gadflyonthewallblog

stevenmsinger posted: "    Let's say you're out in public and you see a crying child alone in the street.   What would you do?   Would you run up to her and help? Or would you just shrug, mutter some derisive comment about the brat and walk on?   Our"
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New post on gadflyonthewallblog

Grit is Sh!t – It's Just an Excuse to do Nothing for Struggling Students

by stevenmsinger

 Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at 3.29.01 PM


Let's say you're out in public and you see a crying child alone in the street.


What would you do?


Would you run up to her and help? Or would you just shrug, mutter some derisive comment about the brat and walk on?


Our public school policymakers want us to do the later. In fact, they have a whole pedagogical justification for ignoring the needs of children.


It's called "academic tenacity," a "growth mindset" or "grit."


And it goes something like this:


That child isn't learning? If she just worked harder, she would.


It's the political equivalent of "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" applied to the classroom.


And it's super helpful for politicians reluctant to allocate tax dollars to actually help kids succeed.


The idea and the euphemisms used to describe it were coined by Carol Dweck as early as 1999. It was subsequently popularized by seventh-grade math teacher and psychologist Angela Duckworth.


In the early 2000s, Duckworth realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating successful students from those who struggled. There was also the tendency to overcome adversity or not.


Hey, Angela. Darwin called. He wants his Theory of Natural Selection back.


You know Survival of the Fittest was never meant to be prescriptive. As human beings, we're supposed to be better than mere animals that typically leave the pack's sick and injured behind to get eaten by predators.


But whatever.


The term "grit," is defined as a "passion and perseverance for long-term goals," according to Frontiers in Psychology. And it's become one of the buzziest of buzzwords in academia.


So much so, that as you're reading this, standardized test manufacturers are working to develop an assessment to find it in students.


The agencies that administer the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) are close to including character assessments as a measure of student performance.


Oh goody!


They foresee a brave new world where multiple-choice tests will determine not just the entire scope of human knowledge but character as well!


But what no one wants to admit is that grit is… well… shit.


It's just an excuse for a society that refuses to help those most in need.


In our world, there are haves and have-nots. But if we stop there, we ignore how and why this situation came to be.


Who places kids into segregated schools? WE DO.


Who allocates funding based largely on parental income? US.


We set kids up to succeed or fail before they even enter the school system with an economy that rewards the already rich and punishes generational poverty.


Yet when anyone suggests offering help to even the playing field – to make things more fair - a plethora of policy wonks wag their fingers and say, "No way! They did it to themselves."


It's typical "blame the victim" pathology to say that some kids get all the love, time and resources they need while others can do without --- they just need more "grit" and a "growth mindset."


Life's tough. Get over it.


That's easy for YOU to say! Because it's the have's who make the rules, it's the people at the top who are telling the people at the bottom they're to blame for their own suffering.


So you forget all the ways society has helped you and yours. YOU deserve all the credit for your successes.


But for those people over there, let's forget all the ways society has refused to help and instead blame THEM for not overcoming the obstacles (we put) in their path.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying effort counts for nothing. But it's part of a complicated matrix of nature and nurture.


Our environments shape us, but we have some control over what we do with what we're given.


Yet as a society, we can't simply ignore our responsibilities toward others and throw it all on the individual.


Good teachers know how to get the best out of their students. We know that most kids – if given a safe, encouraging environment – can succeed.


The key often is to scaffold that success. Give them something to do that they can actually master. Then give them something slightly more challenging.


You teach them that they have the ability to succeed and success becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy – and not the opposite.


However, the teacher – and even the school, itself – can only do so much.


As a society, we need to change the environment in which these kids grow up.


We need to fully fund our public schools to meet the needs of all students. That means more funding, services and opportunities for the underserved than for those who already have the best of everything and don't need to rely as heavily on the school system for support.


We need wraparound services, counseling, tutoring, after school programs, community schools, jobs programs, continuing education for adults and other services to help heal the trauma of growing up poor in America.


But leaving it all to this magical thing called "grit" is just ignoring our responsibilities to our fellow human beings.


When you see someone suffering, you need to help them – not comfort yourself with excuses for ignoring them.


Like this post? I've written a book, "Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform," now available from Garn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to the Badass Teachers Association. Check it out!


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Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Abby has some words about the political landscape.

The Democratic Party's 'Abysmal Failure'

Fwd: Important: Upcoming Upgrade To Wordpress 5

Love Thank you. 

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From: pair Networks

You are receiving this notice because our records indicate you have a WordPress site.

WordPress is preparing to launch the WordPress 5 update. It is slated for release on November 19th, so we recommend you begin testing your WordPress site as soon as possible. To perform testing, you can set up a separate WordPress installation on a free subdomain, then copy your WordPress site data onto that installation and add the Gutenberg plugin.

This update includes a new editor interface called the Gutenberg Editor. This new interface contains substantial changes to the current interface, which is now called the Classic Editor. For more information about the changes that the Gutenberg editor will make, see WordPress's Gutenberg page.

We know that changing isn't always easy, which is why pair Networks is rolling out the Classic Editor plugin on all WordPress installations that have version 4.9. This will keep the editor interface from changing when WordPress 5 is released.

By installing and activating the Classic Editor plugin, your editor will remain the same as before, even after the WordPress 5 update is released. We will be installing and activating the Classic Editor plugin by default on current version 4.9 WordPress installations in the next week.

If you have a Gutenberg plugin already installed on your WordPress site, we will assume that you wish to use the Gutenberg editor and will not activate the Classic Editor plugin.

You will receive another notice closer to the WordPress 5 release date, letting you know when we have installed and activated the Classic Editor plugin.

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Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Fwd: What to Know When Buying a Tech Suit

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From: A3 Performance 

Buying a New Tech Suit Can be Overwhelming...

and overwhelmed is the last thing we want you to feel when you're getting ready for your championship meet!

Getting a new tech suit should be fun and motivating, not overwhelming or stressful. So, we've put together four things every swimmer and swim parent NEEDS to know when buying a new tech suit.

Click the button below to find out what you need to know when buying a new tech suit!


The Performance Swimwear Company

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Sunday, November 04, 2018

Fwd: Mindfulness and Stress Management Skills Workshop on Tuesday, November 6

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From: Free and Almost Free in Pittsburgh <>


Gather at noon and meet for an hour every Tuesday in a small group that is facilitated by Richard King, a community presenter who has been advancing mindfulness training in various settings from City of Pittsburgh Police Officers to school children a...

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