Saturday, May 18, 1996

Pondering domain uses at SportSurf.Net - names

Domain plans for SportSurf.Net:


See the PDF at

Domains for Email Usage domain description example priority

Headquarter’s controled For headquarters staff and internal projects.

•root <none> This is for headquarters staff and internal
projects. 1

•robots bot For robot usage. 2

•auto-responder auto For auto-responder mailings. 2

•temporary temp Short-term email accounts used for a semester
or so. Good for probation periods. 5

Associates and partner
assistance is permitted
Partners who are operating in the range of the
guidelines set forth by the umbrella
organization can use a set quantity of these
mailing addresses to further everyone’s cause to
bonified people.

•moderator aid forum leader, moderator, list-assistant 4

•reader read for those who are in a reading group 3

•sponsor sponsor advertiser, business person in these industries 4

General Population Anyone can sign-up for these domains based
upon the honor system.

•professor prof university professors in health, physical
education, recreation, dance, and many other
allied health fields such as nutrition as well as
other fields such as psychology and sociology 5

•author author for those who have or expect to authored book,
magazine articles, software. May be creative
works put into the public domain. 5

•media media Those who work as journalists, broadcasters,
editors, publishers, photographers 6

•athletic department ad athletic directors, athletic department workers,
recreation department leaders, administrators,
league office personnel, band-directors 7

ump Rule makers and rule enforcers for on and off
the field in volunteer or paid capacity in any
sport. 7

•coach coach head, assistant, on-court, retired, want-a-be,
etc. 5

•star athlete star athlete or former athlete that has experienced a
groove performance 8

•medical body medical doctors, allied health practitioners
from audiologist to zoologists 6

•student student for those under the age of 21 - can get a second
handle when desired - with the student handle
-- later this person can pick-up a second alias,

•booster go board members, parents, avid fans, friends of
sportsmanship, etc. 9

•inventor/problem solver solve inventors, programmers, problem solvers,
engineers, 9

Bonified Targets People who wish to sign-up for these domains
are going to need to supply some extra information on their application.

•professional athlete pro professional athletes. Those who have ever
gotten paid to play 8

•Olympian oly Olympians - summer, winter, 8

•trainers act certified athletic trainers 6

•soul soul PENDING Pending 9

•cyber punk punk computer artist, software wizards 5

Friday, May 17, 1996

Name Spectrum Standard, part 2


Name Spectrum  for Majordomo Services at SportSurf.Net

The community email lists, web pages and MajorDomo services in operation at SportSurf.Net utilize a spectrum of names to help organize your mailbox, clarify topics areas and customize content interests. With so many lists and such a wide audience, please become familiar with this name spectrum standards. This tutorial covers the subject in full detail.

Under Construction:
Suggestions and changes are welcomed. Mailto:List-Clerk@SportSurf.Net

This tutorial is available via web-pages, email auto-reply messages and PDFs.

Name Spectrum Standard: A Cornerstone
This tutorial details one aspect of our services.  Mastering this network includes an awareness of this name-spectrum standard, as well as: swelling, stimulating, splintering, syncronizing and sub-hosting.

Name Spectrum:
   Three-part naming structure of Prefix-Topic-Suffix. Could become a new internet/community standard.

   Easy on and off subscribing with one-stop command.

   Starting and growing a subscriber and scratch for subscribers on the way to a viable virtual community

   Injecting ideas and discussions so the load of conversation is spread among other services

   Dividing one major topic area into sub-groups for specializations for various topic areas and various populations.

   Groups in various locations can ride aboard this server's sub-hosting bandwagon.

Name Spectrum Standard: three-part identificiation
The name spectrum uses a three-part naming structure with Prefix + Topic + Suffix. Hyphens, not plus signs, join the three words into one. The hyphen is on the top row of the keyboard between the zero and the equal sign. For example, the first list ever hosted at SportSurf.Net was the Better-Swim-List. 

This identification system can confuse at first glance. In due time, the names help to understand, grow and navigate these virtual communities. 

Various names, much like part numbers, are used to better identify, locate and describe things. For example, the term of "football-player" can come to represent number of various things to different people in different places. These names help to ground the conversations in shared meanings with various spaces and times. Specializations are important, as is shared understandings. 

Within the spectrum of names, the middle word describes a specific topic. Obviously, to talk about swimming, go to a list with "swim" in its title. Then check to see if your understanding of swimming matches that found in the info and intro documents you'll get as a process of your subscription welcome.

Behavior ramifications, both implied and expressed, become a secondary purpose for this name-spectrum formula. Public email messages should blend with one's expectations and fit within appropriate settings. Behaviors differ at scientific seminars, honor banquets, marketplaces and competitive events.

For example, you'll find that it is okay to blab about one's new commercial invention with postings to better-swim-noise. However, blabing about commercial products isn't a good idea unless you've got some new supporting research data to back-up your claims when posts go to  better-swim-peer.

Smorgasboard of the Various Names within the Name Spectrum Standards
A combination of more than 50 words are used with the various names. Some of the names used here are obvious. Others are not. Bluff lists are about geographical locations. Local lists are about body-parts. Look stands for futurists. Peer comes to represent scientific peer-review.

A Name is a Name is a Name:
The decision to create additional top-level domains may not solve the
current crowding in Internet domain names, says columnist Wendy Grossman:
"Judging from the comments I've seen, people hate the names: .firm, .store,
.web, .arts, .rec and .nom (for personal domains).  'What is the problem we
are trying to solve?' asks Donna Hoffman, an electronic commerce specialist
at Vanderbilt University.  If, she argues, we want to create more 'good'
names, this system fails because companies will register multiple names.  If
the goal is a directory structure, it fails again, because the names are
confusing.  'The categories should be mutually exclusive and exhaustive but
also flexible enough to accommodate evolution,' she says...  The right
structure could solve a number of persistent problems if it took into
account the changing nature of the Net, the fact that rules will always be
broken, and the increasing value names and concepts acquire with use.  The
current plan does not do enough of the first two things, although it
correctly says that domain names are a public trust, reflecting the human
ability to create something valuable out of nothing."  (Scientific American
Oct 97)

PrefixTopicSuffixSubject-line PrefixFamily Strata

Spectum words in no particular order.
<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>

<TR ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Middle>


Prefix Spectrum Names Include:

Subject-Line Prefix Include:

Topic Terms Include:

Suffix Terms Include:

Subject-line Prefix

<H5>Sports-Specific Suffix Spectrum:</H5>

<H5>Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Spectrum</H5>

<H5>Sphere of Proving Ground Spectrum</H5>

<H5>Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Family</H5>


<P ALIGN=Right><FONT SIZE=-1>* Key:  <FONT COLOR="990099">Read Only <FONT COLOR="663300"> In-house use for moderators/volunteers </P>

Prefix Keywords
The prefix part of the name helps to group lists in various target groups. For example, all the competitive sports lists with a focus of self-improvement and performance have the prefix, "Better". 
Prefix keywords in use include:

Better, covers competitive sports, self-improvement, higher performance
Bluff, covers geographical destinations
Elsewhere, covers topics not dealt within SportSurf.Net - and perhaps ANTI overviews too
Inside, covers SportSurf.Net insider and agent news
Local, covers body-parts
Look, covers lookout and future
Midas, covers finances, greed, money, professional-sports, poverty issues too
Prove, covers technology-related topics of the Proving Ground

Topic Keywords
The middle word in the name spectrum deal with the central topic, activity or location. With so many keywords and a growing list, don't expect to see all the topics listed here. However, the best way to get a look at the listing is to visit our <A HREF="" TARGET="MajorCool">MajorCool Interface.
<H4>Sports Keywords</H4>
In time, nearly every sports, health, fitness topic is going to be covered.
<H4>Elsewhere Keywords:</H4>

Suffix Keywords
Suffix keywords are utilized in the name spectrum for easy identification of content-flavors and list-policies. The suffix keywords come in a few different families. Each suffix family has an associated string of siblings.
Suffix Families:
Sport-Specific (and Technology-Specific) Suffix String
Spheres of Mostly Water Suffix String
Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Strings/UL>

<H5>Specific Suffix Strings</H5>
Noise  -  Hype  -  Chat  -  Folks  -  Lime  -  Tykes  -  Globe  -  Swap  -  Dealers  -  Talk  -  List  -  Peer  -  Sum -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Announce  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Dig  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Digest  -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Dust  -  Gate  -  <FONT COLOR="663300">Aid

Example: <BR>
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF">


Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on noise.

ChatInformal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Younger-participants go here!

HypeMessages for the masses. Sports leaders often wonder about how to bring their games and athletes to a wider audience. Often rule changes need to occur, but those drastic measure can upset the traditions. Another option is to bring the masses to the games and not the game to the masses. My sport is better that that hype is fair grounds here too. Plus, all the PSA (public service announcements) take root here.

FolksPersonal introductions, welcome messages. The postings to folks must follow the rigid guidelines. See the info files. Any and all follow-ups to the introductions at Folks go to that person and not to any list. The introductions help build community and provide insights and all the people in these discussions. Everyone can posts introductions from scientist to volunteer to youthful athletes.

Lime: i.e., LimelightHeadlines, breaking news, covering those people, events, and happenings in the limelight, media and analysis.

Globe: i.e., Global/International/Multi-LingualNon-english posts are welcomed here.

SwapPerson to person swaps, trades, barters concerning sport-specific goods, services and equipment.

DealersShop owners, institutional equipment providers, inventors, dealers, manufactures, trade-show coordinators, sales reps, sponsors, publishers, import/exporters, bulk-specials mentions are all welcomed.

TalkSuited to serious posts, more advanced knoweldge base, only on-topic tips/hints

ListOften owned by closed organizations or must join "club" with FAQ guidelines

Peer: i.e., Peer ReviewMost academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired

Sum: i.e., SummaryFAQs, summary posts, significant follow-ups where information is synthizied from a few different sources

AnnounceModerated. Includes news releases. Read only.

DigDig is an informal digest. Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more informal siblings. Read only.

DigestBatches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more formal siblings. Read only.

DustDust in short for digital dust. The pack-rat subscribers get all the posts to all the lists in the family in an individual fashion with one "subscription" message. Read only.
to the dust lists get individual posts as they occurto this family in an indiv sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format. Read only.

GateGate stands for gateways(s). A gate is like a meta lists, Gate lists are often best-of lists hosted at other locations on the net. Mirrored lists can converge on a meta lists at SportSurf.Net. Even usenet discussions can be gatewayed to these lists. Read only.
Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Tips
The subscriptions in this section utilize the following suffix plan. For further information visit the tutorial on the SportSurf.Net's Name Specturm Standard.

<A HREF="#study">Study  -  <A HREF="#peeks">Peeks  -  <A HREF="#pride">Pride  -  <A HREF="#trips">Trips  -  <A HREF="#tours">Tours  -  <A HREF="#stretch">Stretch  -  <A HREF="#hq">HQ  -  <A HREF="#test">Test  -  <FONT COLOR="990099"><A HREF="#dig">Dig  -  <FONT COLOR="990099"><A HREF="#digest">Digest  -  <FONT COLOR="663300"><A HREF="#aid">Aid

Suffix Key for Bluffs -- Center of the Universe Family

<A NAME="study">StudySuited to school studies, pen-pals, language exploration, easy research. Posts from abroad are welcomed here. Noisy school-yard study stuff tolerated.

<A NAME="peeks">PeeksOn and off-topic tips, hints, insights. Commercials need to be about sports and localized! Digital landscape posts welcomed too. Pointers to politics, weather, cutlure, industry, entertainment and such must be very brief.
<A NAME="pride">PrideCulture, Sports, teams, leagues, professionals, updates, news. Positive first-person accounts are fine.
<A NAME="trips">TripsFor those planning individual and small group travel, and locals who might like to offer suggestions. 
<A NAME="tours">ToursSuited for those with advanced travel plans and group travel. All-star matches, training trips, etc.
<A NAME="stretch">StretchStrictly business, high-class travel talk that is suited for those with gold-card credit, corporate limo expectations, cyber-hook-up requirements, and high-performance fact-of-life mentalities.

<A NAME="hq">HQDesigned for the national and state sports authorities, Olympic Committee folks, scholastic sports organizers. Calling for tryouts, team directors, regional coordination.

<A NAME="test">TestAll things about TEST Matches, any sport. In test matches the teams are most often fielded from different countries.
<A NAME="dig">DigThe Digest format for the more infomal lists in this family. Included: Study  -  Peeks  -  Pride  -  Trips.
<A NAME="digest">DigestThe digest format for the more formal lists in this family. Includes: Tours  -  HQ  -  Test.
<A NAME="aid">Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers. English only.

Additional digests for regions are expected later.

<H5>Sacs of Mostly Water Suffix Family</H5>
Hurt  -  Injury  -  Rehab  -  Case  -  Peer   -  <FONT COLOR="990099">Digest   -  <FONT COLOR="663300">Aid

Example: <BR>
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF">


Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, noise, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on hurt. Also the place for folks, limelight, meta, global, talk-like posts.

InjuryFormal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Hangout for trainers, coaches, those with new injuries. Suited to serious posts, more advanced knoweldge base, only on-topic tips/hints/help.

RehabClinicians, injured atheltes, long-term motivations and progress reports are okay.

CaseFormal case study presentations, poster-type sessions. Dedicated mainly to college students, continuing eductation, clinicians, coaches.

Peer: i.e., Peer ReviewMost academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired.

DigestBatches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for all the siblings. Read only.

Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & VoluneersFor the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

Additional digests for regions of the body may be started later, such as upper-body, lower-body.

<H4>For Future Standards:</H4>

Needs41: i.e., Needs for oneNeeds postings for one person, most often for yourself. Includes swaps.

Needs4org: i.e., Needs for organizationNeeds postings for an organization, group, team, league, school. Obviously more than one person.

SorrySorry Sports. More news to come.

GiversGive it up here. More news to come.

TakersLog in here. Componet with Givers. More news to come.

ForumForums can be for classroom use, and even for distance learning. More news to come.


Gateway Lists
Gate lists, gateways, and meta lists are coming. Meta lists are cool. However, no further information on meta lists, their policies and operations are going to be posted here at this time.

Various services are being rolled out this month. However, openings are expected to continue for some time into the future. The fluid creation process means that some lists are open but inactive. You are encouraged to submit your subscription but don't be surprised to find little or no mail at this time.

Suggestions Welcomed

If you have a way to improve upon our name spectrum standard, or the explanation of this standard, please send email to:

Still Confused?
Email your messages to: <FONT COLOR="0000FF"><BR>
People operate a help-desk at the feeder address. If you are confused, send the message to that address, and the message gets reviewed, altered slightly if needed, and posted to suitable locations on the net. The feeder is a great place to go if you are unsure of things and if you don't want to make a goof with your email.

<H5>A Tip on CAPS and lower-case typing</H5>
Capitalizations and lower-case letters are not a factor with Majordomo. The webmaster types "
Better-Swim-List" for easy reading, but all of the following names work the same way: 
BETTER-SWIM-LIST; <FONT COLOR="FF0000">better-swim-list; or even <FONT COLOR="FF0000">bETTER-sWIM-lisT. When you send in your email to majordomo, you can use either caps or lower-case typing for the both address and the command. Of course, the hypen between words is a hypen and not an underline.

Just so you know, the CAPS and lower-case letters are very important when it comes to URLs (such as The domain name part is not case sensative, but everything after "net" must be typed with the correct case. The domin here is SportSurf.Net, but you can type the domain with or without capitals. In the example within this paragraph, the word "PROVING" needs to be in capital letters. Other servers may or may not be case-sensative. On this server, typing "www" is optional. 

Thursday, May 16, 1996

Name Spectrum Standard, part 1

Name Spectrum Standards

The community email lists, web pages and MajorDomo services in operation at SportSurf.Net utilize a spectrum of names to help organize your mailbox, clarify topics areas and customize content interests. With so many lists and such a wide audience, please become familiar with the name spectrum standards.

This tutorial is available via email auto-reply message and PDF.

Name Spectrum Standard: A Cornerstone

This tutorial details one aspect of our services. Mastering this network includes an awareness of this name-spectrum standard, as well as: swelling, stimulating, splintering and sub-hosting.

  1. The Name Spectrum Standard: (below) Three-part naming structure of Prefix-Topic-Suffix
  2. Swelling: Starting and growing a subscriber and scratch for subscribers on the way to a viable virtual community
  3. Stimulating: Injecting ideas and discussions so the load of conversation is spread among other services
  4. Splintering: Swells splinter into splashes of various topic areas for various populations
  5. Sub-Hosting: Special interest groups for various locations can ride aboard this server's sub-hosting bandwagon

Name Spectrum Standard: three-part identification

The name spectrum uses a three-part naming structure with Prefix + Topic + Suffix. Hyphens, not plus signs, join the three words into one. The hyphen is on the top row of the keyboard between the zero and the equal sign. For example, the first list ever hosted at SportSurf.Net was the Better-Swim-List.

A combination of more than 50 words are used with the various names. This identification system can confuse new users at first. Once people become aware, the names help to better understand, grow and navigate our virtual communities.

Various names, much like part numbers, are used to better identify, locate and describe things. For example, the term of "football-player" can come to represent number of various things to different people in different places. These names help to ground the conversations in shared meanings with various spaces and times. Specializations are important, as is shared understandings. Within the spectrum of names, the middle word describes a specific topic. Obviously, to talk about swimming, go to a list with "swim" in its title. Then check to see if your understanding of swimming matches that found in the info and intro documents you'll get as a process of your subscription welcome.

Behavior ramifications, both implied and expressed, become a secondary purpose for this name-spectrum formula. Public email messages should blend with one's expectations and fit within appropriate settings. Behaviors differ at scientific seminars, honor banquets, marketplaces and competitive events.

For example, you'll find that it is okay to blab about one's new commercial invention with postings to better-swim-noise. However, blabbing about commercial products isn't a good idea unless you've got some new supporting research data to back-up your claims when posts go to better-swim-peer.

Smorgasbord of the Various Names within the Name Spectrum Standards

Some of the names used here are obvious. Others are not. Bluff lists are about geographical locations. Local lists are about body-parts. Look stands for futurists. Peer comes to represent scientific peer-review.
  1. Prefix
  2. Topic
  3. Suffix
  4. Subject-line Prefix
  5. Family Strata

Spectrum words in no particular order.


Prefix Spectrum Names Include:

  • Subject-Line Prefix Include:

  • L2k:
  • Splash:
  • News:
  • Topic Terms Include:

  • Suffix Terms Include:

  • Subject-line Prefix

      Sports-Specific Suffix Spectrum:

      Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Spectrum

        Sphere of Proving Ground Spectrum

          Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Family

          * Key: Read Only In-house use for moderators/volunteers

          Prefix Keywords

          The prefix part of the name helps to group lists in various target groups. For example, all the competitive sports lists with a focus of self-improvement and performance have the prefix, "Better".

          Prefix keywords in use include:

          • Better, covers competitive sports, self-improvement, higher performance
          • Bluff, covers geographical destinations
          • Elsewhere, covers topics not dealt within SportSurf.Net - and perhaps ANTI overviews too
          • Inside, covers SportSurf.Net insider and agent news
          • Local, covers body-parts
          • Look, covers lookout and future
          • Midas, covers finances, greed, money, professional-sports, poverty issues too
          • Prove, covers technology-related topics of the Proving Ground

          Topic Keywords

          The middle word in the name spectrum deal with the central topic, activity or location. With so many keywords and a growing list, don't expect to see all the topics listed here. However, the best way to get a look at the listing is to visit our MajorCool Interface.

          Sports Keywords

          In time, nearly every sports, health, fitness topic is going to be covered.

          Elsewhere Keywords:

        • Tickets
        • Steroids
        • Tobacco
        • Gambling
        • Drugs
        • Hunting
        • Motorized
        • Animalistic
        • Fishing
        • Celebrity
        • Flaming

          Suffix Keywords

          Suffix keywords are utilized in the name spectrum for easy identification of content-flavors and list-policies. The suffix keywords come in a few different families. Each suffix family has an associated string of siblings.
            Suffix Families:
          • Sport-Specific (and Technology-Specific) Suffix String
          • Spheres of Mostly Water Suffix String
          • Sacks of Mostly Water Suffix Strings/UL>

            Specific Suffix Strings
            Noise - Hype - Chat - Folks - Lime - Tykes - Globe - Swap - Dealers - Talk - List - Peer - Sum - Announce - Dig - Digest - Dust - Gate - Aid

            Email your messages to:


              Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on noise.

              Informal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Younger-participants go here!

              Messages for the masses. Sports leaders often wonder about how to bring their games and athletes to a wider audience. Often rule changes need to occur, but those drastic measure can upset the traditions. Another option is to bring the masses to the games and not the game to the masses. My sport is better that that hype is fair grounds here too. Plus, all the PSA (public service announcements) take root here.

              Personal introductions, welcome messages. The postings to folks must follow the rigid guidelines. See the info files. Any and all follow-ups to the introductions at Folks go to that person and not to any list. The introductions help build community and provide insights and all the people in these discussions. Everyone can posts introductions from scientist to volunteer to youthful athletes.

              Lime: i.e., Limelight
              Headlines, breaking news, covering those people, events, and happenings in the limelight, media and analysis.

              Globe: i.e., Global/International/Multi-Lingual
              Non-English posts are welcomed here.

              Person to person swaps, trades, barters concerning sport-specific goods, services and equipment.

              Shop owners, institutional equipment providers, inventors, dealers, manufactures, trade-show coordinators, sales reps, sponsors, publishers, import/exporters, bulk-specials mentions are all welcomed.

              Suited to serious posts, more advanced knowledge base, only on-topic tips/hints

              Often owned by closed organizations or must join "club" with FAQ guidelines

              Peer: i.e., Peer Review
              Most academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired

              Sum: i.e., Summary
              FAQs, summary posts, significant follow-ups where information is synthesized from a few different sources

              Moderated. Includes news releases. Read only.

              Dig is an informal digest. Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more informal siblings. Read only.

              Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for the more formal siblings. Read only.

              Dust in short for digital dust. The pack-rat subscribers get all the posts to all the lists in the family in an individual fashion with one "subscription" message. Read only.

              to the dust lists get individual posts as they occur to this family in an individual sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format. Read only.

              Gate stands for gateways(s). A gate is like a meta lists, Gate lists are often best-of lists hosted at other locations on the net. Mirrored lists can converge on a meta lists at SportSurf.Net. Even usenet discussions can be gatewayed to these lists. Read only.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

            Sphere of Mostly Water Suffix Tips

            The subscriptions in this section utilize the following suffix plan. For further information visit the tutorial on the SportSurf.Net's Name Spectrum Standard.

            Suffix Key for Bluffs -- Center of the Universe Family

              Suited to school studies, pen-pals, language exploration, easy research. Posts from abroad are welcomed here. Noisy school-yard study stuff tolerated.

              On and off-topic tips, hints, insights. Commercials need to be about sports and localized! Digital landscape posts welcomed too. Pointers to politics, weather, cutlure, industry, entertainment and such must be very brief.

              Culture, Sports, teams, leagues, professionals, updates, news. Positive first-person accounts are fine.

              For those planning individual and small group travel, and locals who might like to offer suggestions.

              Suited for those with advanced travel plans and group travel. All-star matches, training trips, etc.

              Strictly business, high-class travel talk that is suited for those with gold-card credit, corporate limo expectations, cyber-hook-up requirements, and high-performance fact-of-life mentalities.

              Designed for the national and state sports authorities, Olympic Committee folks, scholastic sports organizers. Calling for tryouts, team directors, regional coordination.

              All things about TEST Matches, any sport. In test matches the teams are most often fielded from different countries.

              The Digest format for the more infomal lists in this family. Included: Study - Peeks - Pride - Trips.

              The digest format for the more formal lists in this family. Includes: Tours - HQ - Test.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers. English only.

            Additional digests for regions are expected later.

            Sacs of Mostly Water Suffix Family
            Hurt - Injury - Rehab - Case - Peer - Digest - Aid

            Email your messages to:


              Okay for advertisers, sponsors, commercial content, noise, sorta-off-topic posts. Boasting, "sky-is-falling" posts, and in-depth-personal insights of the $.02 and $.03 varieties are tolerated. If something screams, "Eeeks" -- it should be on hurt. Also the place for folks, limelight, meta, global, talk-like posts.

              Formal talk and wondering around the topic areas are okay. Hangout for trainers, coaches, those with new injuries. Suited to serious posts, more advanced knowledge base, only on-topic tips/hints/help.

              Clinicians, injured athletes, long-term motivations and progress reports are okay.

              Formal case study presentations, poster-type sessions. Dedicated mainly to college students, continuing eductation, clinicians, coaches.

              Peer: i.e., Peer Review
              Most academic, high-minded, science supported facts desired.

              Batches of posts sent out in one larger mail message in a digest format for all the siblings. Read only.

              Aid: i.e., List Lifeguards & Volunteers
              For the worker-bees, volunteers, early-adopters, giving netizens, list-lifeguards, staff, and others who have expressed a desire to assist with the operations and discussions at SportSurf.Net. This is NOT a help list, rather it is a list for helpers.

              Additional digests for regions of the body may be started later, such as upper-body, lower-body.

              For Future Standards:

                Needs41: i.e., Needs for one
                Needs postings for one person, most often for yourself. Includes swaps.

                Needs4org: i.e., Needs for organization
                Needs postings for an organization, group, team, league, school. Obviously more than one person.

                Basics, Newbies, Elementary Questions.

                ABCs areas are support forums that are for the K-12 market. Experts and productive users can join to answer questions from children and inexperienced users. In time enough well rounded kids can come to answer all questions being posted (they like to show off what they know). More appealing to schools, the ABCs areas are support list there specifically for schools and newbies.

                Sorry Sports. More news to come.

                Give it up here. More news to come.

                Log in here. Component with Givers. More news to come.

                Forums can be for classroom use, and even for distance learning. More news to come.

              Gateway Lists

              Gate lists, gateways, and meta lists are coming. Meta lists are cool. However, no further information on meta lists, their policies and operations are going to be posted here at this time.


              Various services are being rolled out this month. However, openings are expected to continue for some time into the future. The fluid creation process means that some lists are open but inactive. You are encouraged to submit your subscription but don't be surprised to find little or no mail at this time.

              Suggestions Welcomed

              If you have a way to improve upon our name spectrum standard, or the explanation of this standard, please send email to:

              Still Confused?

              Email your messages to:
              People operate a help-desk at the feeder address. If you are confused, send the message to that address, and the message gets reviewed, altered slightly if needed, and posted to suitable locations on the net. The feeder is a great place to go if you are unsure of things and if you don't want to make a goof with your email.

              A Tip on CAPS and lower-case typing
              Capitalizations and lower-case letters are not a factor with Majordomo. The webmaster types "Better-Swim-List" for easy reading, but all of the following names work the same way: BETTER-SWIM-LISTbetter-swim-list; or even bETTER-sWIM-lisT. When you send in your email to majordomo, you can use either caps or lower-case typing for the both address and the command. Of course, the hyphen between words is a hyphen and not an underline.

              Just so you know, the CAPS and lower-case letters are very important when it comes to URLs (such as The domain name part is not case sensitive, but everything after "net" must be typed with the correct case. The domain here is SportSurf.Net, but you can type the domain with or without capitals. In the example within this paragraph, the word "PROVING" needs to be in capital letters. Other servers may or may not be case-sensitive. On this server, typing "www" is optional.
