Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pittsburgh Cyclist in history
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest Schimmerling <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 09:22:58
To: Allegheny Cycling Association<>
Subject: [ACA Google Group] Just thought you might be interested
There is a book out (published in 2010) about Frank Lenz, a Pittsburgh
cyclist who attempted to ride around the world in 1892 on "safety"
bicycle with inflatable tires, which had just been introduced. He
sent back notes and photographs as he traveled. Lenz headed west and
made it as far as Turkey before disappearing in 1894. Another
American cyclist, William Sachtleben, who had already been around the
world in the other direction, went to Turkey to investigate what had
Starting in the 1880s, Lenz was a member of the Allegheny Cycle Club.
He raced in and around Pittsburgh and toured thousands of miles on an
"ordinary" high-wheel bicycle on some of the same roads we ride on.
The book seems to be based on diaries these cyclists kept on their
various trips, as well as newspaper articles. It provides details and
photographs that I find curious and surprising. (I'm only half way
done reading the book; the writing style is just so-so passable but
the story holds its own so far IMHO.)
The book is on Amazon at
(There are also soft cover and iPad versions.)
There is a Wikipedia entry on Frank Lenz at
Monday, July 25, 2011
A+ Schools meeting about Pittsburgh Public Schools budget stuff
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children (PAEYC)
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Elizabeth Seton Center
1900 Pioneer Avenue, 15226
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Northview Heights Citizen's Council
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Northview Heights Gymnasium
525 Mount Pleasant Road, 15214
Northview Heights
Sunday, July 17, 2011
water polo at Summer Dreamers
These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here:
Friday, July 15, 2011
Julian Heicklen, now a candidate in New Jersey
Hi Tyranny Fighters: a mini progress report
I am the Libertarian Party candidate for the NJ Assembly in the 37th District.
I was distributing campaign pamphlets at the corner of Main and Salem
Streets in Hackensack, NJ on Friday, July 8, 2011 during the noon
hour. A police officer walked by and told me that I had to inform
police headquarters in order to do that. He continued on his way. I
ignored his request and continued distributing pamphlets. Apparently
no public official understands the U. S. Constitution.
Mark Schmidter, who was arrested for defying Judge Belvin Perry's
order against distributing literature at the Orange County Courthouse
in Orlando, FL, has his trial date set for July 26, 2011. I encourage
those of you in the Orlando area to attend his trial and show your
support. As far as I know Keith McHenry and John Kurtz are still in
jail serving their sentences for distributing food and taking pictures
of police, respectively.
I wish to hold a protest demonstration with as many people as possible
from Thursday, August 18–Monday, August 22, 2011. My tentative
suggested schedule of events is:
Thursday, August 18, 5:00–7:00 pm: Distribute food to the poor with
"Food not Bombs" people.
Thursday night, August 18: Sleep out in Lake Eola Park
Friday, August 19, 7:30–9:00 am and 11:30 am–1:30 pm: I will
distribute fully informed jury literature at the Orange County
Courthouse. Others are welcome to join me, but be prepared to be
Friday, August 19, 8:00–11:00 pm: Take pictures of police in downtown Orlando
Friday night, August 19: Sleep out in Lake Eola Park
Saturday, August 20, noon–3:00: parade in downtown Orlando (or maybe
at Disneyland) with signs and banners
Saturday, August 20, 8:00–11:00 pm: Take pictures of police in downtown Orlando
Saturday night, August 20: Sleep out in Lake Eola Park
Sunday, August 21, 10:00 am–noon: Non-denominational prayers for the
people of Orlando to gain an understanding of freedom
Sunday, August 21, noon to dusk: Picnic in Eola Park
Sunday night, August 21: Sleep out in Lake Eola Park
Monday, August 22, 7:30–9:00 am and 11:30 am–1:30 pm: I will
distribute fully informed jury literature at the Orange County
Courthouse. Others are welcome to join me, but be prepared to be
Monday, August 22, 5:00–7:00 pm: Distribute food to the poor with
"Food not Bombs" people.
This is just a suggested program. Your input and ideas are welcome.
It might be good idea to have a few speakers for the occasion. I
think that Mark Schmidter, John Kurtz, and Keith McHenry would be
appropriate choices. You may suggest others.
In order to have a successful event, we will need the cooperation and
help of the Orlando area Tyranny Fighters and other groups. I hope
that each of you will not only suggest ideas, but offer your
assistance in whatever way you feel appropriate.
Yours in freedom and justice—Julian
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Computer Art Contest -- Something to do this summer, and you can win! has put together and sponsored a contest around my
open source drawing program, "Tux Paint". It's open to kids around the
world, ages 3 to 12. There will be 10 winners, and the top 3 will receive
an OLPC XO-1 laptop!
For more, see my show press release at Tux Paint's website:
And for the official announcements and rules, go to the source:
The contest is open through Sept. 12, 2011.
Friday, July 08, 2011
No Needle News
From: SI com Alerts
Subject: 2004 Athens Summer Games News
Sent: Jul 8, 2011 5:34 PM
Alert Name: 2004 Athens Summer Games News
IOC adopts "no needle" policy for 2012 Olympic Games in London
07/08/11 03:26 PM, EDT
DURBAN, South Africa (AP) -- The IOC will enforce a "no needle" policy for the 2012 London Olympics that bars athletes from possessing syringes and other medical equipment that could be used for doping.
Read the full story at
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Thursday, July 07, 2011
Fw: Last Chance for the Moon Park Fiddle and Rock Violin Workshop
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Big Loss for Big Media
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Dear Mark, We won! Today, in a sweeping victory for communities across the country, a federal appeals court overturned the Federal Communications Commission’s attempt to weaken media ownership rules. Had these rules gone into effect, it would have unleashed a new wave of media consolidation across the country. In 2007, the FCC ignored letters and calls from millions of Americans and tried to rewrite its media ownership rules to let companies own both newspapers and TV or radio stations in the same town. This change would have opened the floodgates to new media mergers, leading to even more layoffs in newsrooms while thinning out diverse perspectives from local news. We sued the FCC for ignoring the public outcry. Today, we won. The court tossed out the FCC's flawed rules, but also upheld all other media consolidation restrictions and told the FCC it needed to do better to support and foster diverse voices in the media – all crucial decisions for our fight to build better media. This isn’t just our victory – it’s your victory, too. The court pointed to public comments from people like you as deciding factor in overturning the FCC’s attempt to change its rules. Today it’s clear: Your voice and actions make a huge difference. This court decision should send a wake-up call to the FCC: It must listen to the public and stand up against media consolidation in all its forms. But the fight doesn’t end here. Right now around the country, local stations are using loopholes and backroom deals to get around media ownership rules and consolidate their coverage of local news. This court case makes clear that the FCC needs to strengthen their rules and address this growing epidemic as well. Click here to tell the FCC to stop this covert media consolidation. Today’s victory is a big moment for the movement to build better media. We couldn’t have done it without you. Onward, P.S. – We need your help sustaining our efforts. In court, at the FCC and in Congress we’re up against huge companies with lots of money and lawyers. We don't take money from government, political parties or businesses – so we depend on you. Help us fight the next media ownership fight. Please donate today. P.P.S. – Read more about the details and background of today’s big decision. |
Free Press Action Fund is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media. Learn more at |
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
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From: Office of the Mayor - PRESS RELEASE []
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:36 AM
To: Subscribers
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| © 2011 City of Pittsburgh | Office of the Mayor | | |
Call for safety boaters - 2011 Search for Monongy 1.2 & 2.4-Mile Open Water Swim
When: Saturday, July 9, 2011 9:00 AM
Where: Heinz Quay
North Shore Dr. & Art Rooney Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
OK 'yackers, time to put your paddling skills to work! Our Meetup group is going support an endurance swimming event - the http://www.
We're meeting at Heinz Quay (the ramp in front of Heinz Field, where the Gateway Clippers land on game days) . We will drop off our boats and gear at the curb, next to the Fred Rogers Memorial (same place we put in for Paddle at the Point last year), and then carry our kayaks down the grassy slope or steps to the river's edge, and then past the Fred Rogers Memorial to the launch. Someone will be there to watch your gear and help transport it. On-street parking will be available.
By the way, what is "Monongy"? Legend has it that Monongy, the man-fish lives in the river. There are records that go as far back as the French and Indian War that describe encounters between British soldiers and strange aquatic creatures. The local Indian tribes referred to this creature as "Monongy". There was even a Monongy craze in the early 1930's through the late 1950's. Sightings occurred on a weekly basis and the police department created a task force whose sole purpose was to investigate sightings of the creature. No evidence was ever produced to lend credence to the claims until May 12, 2003 when a privately owned fishing vessel was the first to take photos of the creature. The photos were available on line for a short time until they were inexplicably taken down. Speculation persists that the government has procured the photographs and are covering up the existence of Monongy. Crypto zoologists from around the world still frequent the Monongahela every year to catch a glimpse of the elusive water beast.
This Meetup listing will be updated as more details come available. I hope our group has a good turnout. Last year, we had a great time, and the swimmers greatly appreciated our help. Hope to see many of you there!
Check it out!
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Two of the top stories of the year in high school sports ...
10. City League memories: Schenley, one of the most storied basketball programs in Western Pennsylvania history, plays its final game, as the City League school will no longer exist. Peabody, which used to have a tremendous baseball program, is another City school that closes its doors after the school year.
11. No more City League? The City League considers a plan to possibly join the WPIAL in a few years. But financial problems in Pittsburgh Public Schools put the plan on hold for the foreseeable future.