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From: The LiveCode Team
Want to learn LiveCoding at San Jose?
Do you use LiveCode in your Classroom?
Maybe you've looked at LiveCode but you're not sure where to begin teaching or learning with it. We'd love to help you with that, and the perfect place to do it is at LiveCode San Jose, happening May 20th-22nd this year.
If you're already using LiveCode in your classroom - great! Maybe you'd like the chance to increase your expertise hands on and face to face with the experts?
We've put together a package aimed at making the conference affordable for teachers and students.
You can get the whole package for just $99. This includes an hour of one to one time with one of our developers, where you can go over any aspect of LiveCoding you desire. Stuck on a project? Want some coding help? Bring it along! Check all the boxes in your ticket and use coupon STUDENT2019 to reduce the cost of the all-in package to $99. Come along and learn about LiveCode from the people that use it every day! |
Get the all in package for 1/3rd off. Use coupon TEACHER2019 at checkout when all options are checked. PLUS if you want to bring 5 or more students, please contact us for a special package deal. Catch up with other teachers, learn how they use LiveCode, share your experience and exchange tips! |
Terms and conditions: educational orders must be placed with an educational email address eg ending in .edu or containing K12. Failing this we will contact you for proof of educational status such as a student or teacher card and reserve the right to rescind the order if this is not received within 7 days. |