Monday, February 04, 2019

Fwd: Goodbye to the Dollar . . . well not really

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From: John H

This really should be titled 'Goodbye to Imperialism', my apologies for the extended introduction, but I think that it is necessary.


Attached is a particularly interesting piece by Chris Hedges concerning the possibility that U.S. Dollar hegemony as the world's reserve currency may be threatened by the ongoing actions of Donald Trump.  It contains important ideas about which most Americans are clueless; and some others of which most are also clueless that are not accurate.  The idea is that Trump's actions in the world are effectively destroying other nations, particularly our allies, are losing faith in the ability of the United States to be a trusted partner in regards to treaty obligations and within the lines of obligation of international institutions – most of which the U.S. was instrumental in creating and managing such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Hedges cites the work of noted historian Alfred McCoy and world renowned economist and historian Michael Hudson in support of his argument.  (Hedges article is actually a follow-up on a piece by Hudson which I sent out this past Saturday.  It is also attached for reference.)  The central idea here is that, as a result of U.S. actions under Trump, but also under George W. Bush, many nations are becoming skittish about dealing exclusively in Dollars for international trade – particularly trade in petroleum which has been sold almost exclusively in Dollars since Kissinger negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia, and thus OPEC, to insure that during the Nixon administration. 

Hedges then concludes that, because other nations are worried about the constancy and dependability of the United States as a global hegemon, they are beginning to transfer their gold holdings out of the U.S. (Germany and Netherlands) and bringing it back to their own countries for safe keeping.  Other nations, such as Russia, China and Iran, are unloading their Dollar reserves and working on transferring their reserves into each other's currencies.  Even the Bank of England is talking about reducing its Dollar reserves.  And, to be sure, this does represent a very real threat to the Dollar as the world's reserve currency and a threat to U.S. imperialism around the world as U.S. imperialism depends upon reliable allies to support our actions both financially and militarily.

But it is here that Hedges falls off the money cliff as he says that this will result in foreign countries losing their willingness to purchase U.S. Treasury bonds, therefore strangling our ability to issue Dollars through borrowing.  Chris Hedges should know better.  As I have reported on many occasions the United States Treasury does not have to borrow to spend for any reason other than an obscure act by Congress, the Banking Act of 1935, which requires that the Treasury issue bonds through Wall Street bond brokers, at interest, for all spending.  And, while this is a law, it is also true that the Federal Reserve is required to purchase all Treasury bonds not purchased in the public market and deliver the necessary Dollars to the Treasury for its needs.  Foreign governments refusal to purchase U.S. bonds in no way constrains the ability of this government to spend any amount it chooses.

Furthermore, there is no limit on the amount that the federal government can spend or the amount of debt which can be paid so long as the debt is denominated in Dollars – no matter who or what holds this debt.  Neither China nor any other nation can bankrupt the U.S. by demanding payment of bonds it has purchased – the Fed simply credits the accounts of the holders with Dollars and the debt is paid – period end of story.  This has always been true whether we were on a gold standard or not and the U.S. has not been on a gold standard since 1971 – and even then it was a faux gold standard.

However, this is not to say that the failure of the U.S. Dollar to remain the reserve currency of the world would have no impact on the United States.  As it now stands, most international trade is conducted in Dollars and this is very important to our current economy since we now import most of the items necessary for the nation to function.  The Dollar as the reserve currency means that other nations must accumulate Dollars in order to purchase items on the world market, particularly petroleum products.  This dependency on Dollars means that other countries are willing to sell us their goods and resources without being too concerned about the health of our economy.  In other words, it permits the United States to amass an extremely large foreign account deficit – that is debt.

If the Dollar loses its status as the reserve currency, the U.S. would have to acquire the currency of the nations we want to trade with or the alternative reserve currency if we want to purchase goods abroad.  So in this sense Hedges is quite correct.  The loss of the Dollars as the reserve currency would likely result in economic chaos here in the States, at least for a while.  To the extent that other nations also lost faith in the ability of the United States to actually pay for its transactions (i.e., the Dollar devalues relative to other currencies) it could be calamitous for our standard of living.

However, the greater likelihood is that in such an event the immediate result would be an increase in the cost of imported goods and a slow reduction in living standards; which, given the current state of inequality, could be rather dramatic.  But it is still true that the U.S. would still be a very important market for much of the rest of the world, thus reducing the overall impact of the loss of reserve status.  We would not become Zimbabwe or Weimar Germany.  These situations only occur when the nation's debt is denominated in a currency other than that of the nation.  What it would do is substantially limit our ability to interfere militarily in the affairs of other nations because other nations (our allies for instance) would no longer be dependent upon our good will in order to survive in the community of nations (see crippling financial sanctions imposed by the U.S. on nations we don't like).  

It would also have a major destabilizing impact on global financial stability likely resulting in a massive worldwide depression which may or may not be survivable for the global economic community.  And, as bad as it could be, this would not necessarily be a bad thing to happen.  But, like all cataclysmic events, outcomes are highly unpredictable.

At the same time within the United States, to the extent that we could still gain access to resources necessary for the maintenance of economic operations, the government would not be constrained in how much it could spend to maintain operations.  While it would certainly take time, the nation could once again begin producing the goods and services necessary for survival as local production would be less costly than imports.  Work would be plentiful once the productive base was reestablished and operational and pay should be reasonably attractive for all workers.  If it were done properly every effort would be made to make all production environmentally sustainable – pie in the sky perhaps, but absolutely necessary for survival.

Do read the attached articles.  They are important, particularly the Hudson piece.  But be assured that the ability of the U.S. to sell Treasury bonds is absolutely irrelevant to the ability of this government to spend Dollars into the economy.


Link 1, Goodbye to the Dollar, pdf file, 149k

Link 2, Trump's Brilliant Strategy to Dismember US Dollar, 203k. 

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Fwd: Love Yourself; Love your Heart; SWIM!

To learn more about swim events around Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania, see

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In addition to toning visible muscles, swimming also helps improve the most important muscle in our bodies: our heart!
Swimming is an aerobic exercise, it strengthens the heart by helping it to become larger; making it more efficient in pumping — which leads to better blood flow throughout your body. 30 minutes of swimming a day can reduce coronary heart disease in women by 30 to 40 percent. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce blood pressure. Swimming raises "good" cholesterol HDL levels. For every 1 percent increase in HDL cholesterol, the risk of dying from heart disease drops by 3.5 percent. Studies have also shown that aerobic exercise like swimming can also keep the layer of cells lining your arteries flexible and in good shape.
Other benefits too:
  • Want to help prevent diabetes? Swim! Men can reduce their risk of diabetes by an average of 6 percent for every 500 calories a week they burn in aerobic exercise. With just 30 minutes of breaststroke swimming three times per week, you could burn 900 calories — reducing your risk of contracting type 2 diabetes by over 10 percent. Vigorous exercise for women can lower their risk by 16% over inactive women. If you already have type 1diabetes, the aerobic benefits of swimming can be particularly helpful, as this type of exercise can increase insulin sensitivity.   According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics should get 150 minutes per week, spread across at least three days per week, of moderate-intensity physical activity like swimming to aid glycemic control.
  • Lower Stress + Higher Spirits = Better Brain all due to the release of endorphins, giving you relaxation and a "natural high". Swimming changes the brain through a process known as hippocampal neurogenesis, in which the brain replaces cells lost through stress.
  • Swimming provides the chance to work out in moist air, which can help reduce exercise-induced asthma symptoms. It also relieves the condition overall by increasing lung volume and teaching proper breathing techniques.
  • Swimming is now recognized as one of the biggest calorie burners around, and it's great for keeping weight under control. The exact number of calories you burn, of course, depends on your own physiology and the intensity with which you exercise, but as a general rule, for every 10 minutes of swimming: the breast stroke will burn 60 calories; the backstroke 80; the freestyle 100; and the butterfly stroke evaporates an impressive 150.
  • Swimming puts the body through a broad range of motion that helps joints and ligaments stay loose and flexible. It's a great way to increase muscle strength and tone. Water is 12 times more dense than air. Propelling through the water acts as resistance exercise…which is the best way to build muscle tone and strength. Additionally, swimming has also been shown to improve bone strength — especially in post-menopausal women.
  • Suffer from arthritis? Get into the pool. The water will support 90% of your body weight! If the pool is heated, the warm water can help loosen still joints. People with rheumatoid arthritis can receive greater benefits to their health after participating in hydrotherapy than with other activities. It's also been proven that water-based exercise improves the use of affected joints and decreases pain from osteoarthritis.
  • Perhaps best of all…swimming can keep you from dying prematurely. Researchers at the University of South Carolina followed 40,547 men, aged 20 to 90, for 32 years and discovered that those who swam had a 50 percent lower death rate than runners, walkers or men who got no exercise. The study authors concluded that the same benefits would be received by women too.
What are you waiting for? Join a Swim Strong class for Safety and Health today!

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Fwd: When will we ever learn?

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From: John H

Somehow, no matter how critical the challenge, everything seems to come down to money; when, in fact it should only be decided by available resources and a willingness to attack the problem.  To paraphrase Pete Seeger, when will we ever learn?  If too late isn't already here, it is fast approaching.  Two good articles on quite divergent subjects.


Link 1, A serious green new deal would take up one third of the economy.

Link 2, Trump's Brilliant strategy to dismember US Dollar

Monday, January 28, 2019

Fwd: . . . and the killing just goes on.

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From: John H

One more example of the Israeli government's naked fascism in the land it illegally controls.  There is no other word for it.

News of the pending overthrow of the Maduro government in Venezuela – planned, sponsored and paid for by the U.S. – and cheered for by virtually all mainstream media in this country has been burbling to the surface over the past week or so.  Yet all most Americans can talk about is the supposed piddling attempt by Russia to influence the 2016 election here.  Why is it that Americans are so unconcerned about our own election being interfered with when we have been heavily involved in much more serious and successful efforts to overthrow – not just influence – the governments of tens of dozens of nations ever since the end of World War II?  This blindness to our own culpability, ignoring the resultant murder of tens of millions of people by governments we supported following overthrows we engineered in almost every continent on earth – missing only Australia and Antarctica. 

Interestingly, most of the nefarious efforts at political and military interference the U.S. has undertaken over the years have taken place in nations which had successful democratic elections; electing leaders who were not completely interested in following U.S. dictates or seeking land redistribution so that an oppressed peasantry can have the ability to survive on the land and not simply serve as serfs for global corporate interests.  This, after all, is what neoliberal capitalism is all about.  No one and no country must be allowed to live independently of the neoliberal order – and we will use, and have, used military force to ensure that this status quo is maintained no matter what the desires of the people of the victim lands. 

The third attachment provides some valuable history for anyone who still believes that the U.S. only intervenes in other nations in order to help free people from tyranny.  As strange as it may seem to many Americans, it is highly probable that this nation has never done this anywhere.


Link 1

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Fwd: Roadmap to a New Pennsylvania - KRC/PBPC Insider News

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The Insider News is a look at the work of the Keystone Research Center and the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center

January 27, 2019

The Insider News is a look at the work of the Keystone Research Center and the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center. Send comments or questions to our communications director John Neurohr at

Roadmap to a New PA

The We The People - PA campaign, a project of PBPC, released our "Roadmap to a New Pennsylvania" this week. The "Roadmap" is a comprehensive public policy manual for lawmakers and advocates. From economic and tax fairness issues to healthcare to education to housing and food security to securing our democracy, the "Roadmap" lays out clear solutions to the everyday issues facing Pennsylvanians.

The "Roadmap" is based on the We The People - PA campaign's pro-active issue agenda, which was created by Pennsylvanians like you who came together in community meetings all over the state in 2018. We reached broad agreement on what we want from state government: public policies that make poor, working-class and middle-class Pennsylvanians safer, healthier, and more prosperous. The "Roadmap" is a more detailed analysis of the challenges Pennsylvanians face and the policies that can be turned into legislation that reflect the principles outlined in the We The People - PA agenda.

If you're able to, please share the "Roadmap" via social media:

2019 PA Budget Summit

The 2019 Pennsylvania Budget Summit is taking place on Thursday, March 21st, from 9:30am to 4:00pm, at the Crowne Plaza Harrisburg-Hershey, and our planning committee would like to have YOUR input regarding potential topics for workshops at the Summit! Please take a moment to complete an online survey of 14 topics for potential workshops, as well as space to suggest additional topics. Surveys need to be submitted by the end of the day on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30TH!

And mark your calendars now for the upcoming Budget Summit, which will feature an analysis of Gov. Wolf's 2019-20 budget proposal, legislative panel discussion, workshops, plenary sessions, & much much more! More information about the agenda and how to register will be coming soon!

CITIZENS' VOICE - Crowd at local Women's March eager for change

WILKES-BARRE - More than 150 women, men and children rallied in Kirby Park and marched to Public Square on Saturday, as tens of thousands of others participated in women's marches across the nation. Local speakers on the third anniversary weekend of the i

continue »

INQUIRER - Failure to fund food stamps will hurt more than the hungry

Since the federal government started distributing food stamps to low-income Americans in 1964, there has never been a month in which payments weren't made. But March is looming as a potentially historic moment in which the five-week-old partial government shutdown - if it stretches past February - may preclude people from receiving benefits for the first time.

continue »

Action Network
Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.
Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. We do not control or endorse the conduct of users and make no representations of any kind about them.


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fwd: [Art-All-Night] Art All Night square dance this Saturday

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From: Art All Night <>
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 3:43 PM
Subject: [Art-All-Night] Art All Night square dance this Saturday
To: <>

Hello Art All Nighters!

Join us this Saturday, January 26, for a square dance featuring Grayscale and the legendary caller Ron Buchanan. Dances are taught so no experience is necessary and a $10 donation goes directly to support Art All Night. The event is BYOB and open to everyone so please spread the word!

Location: Shiloh Building, 3832 Mintwood Street, Pgh, 15201.

Hope to see you there!

This message was sent to

Art-All-Night mailing list


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Fwd: URA Releases RFP for Hill House Properties

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From: City of Pittsburgh <>
Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 12:04 PM
Subject: URA Releases RFP for Hill House Properties
To: <>

Daniel Wood
D6 Staff
District 6

URA Releases RFP for Hill House Properties

URA Releases RFP for Hill House Properties


Councilman R. Daniel Lavelle, along with Rep. Jake Wheatley and County Councilman Dewitt Walton, held a Community Update Meeting on the evening of Thursday, January 10 to give status updates after going to court and asking the state attorney general to intervene over the proposed sale of four Hill House buildings. Hill House Association leaders plan to sell the Hill House headquarters at 1835 Centre Ave., One Hope Square at 1901-1915 Centre Ave., the Family Dollar Store at 1917 Centre Ave. and the Blakey Program Center at 1908 Wiley Ave.  

Both Councilman Lavelle and Representative Wheatley explained the change in direction of the Hill House Association, as the organization has agreed to accept the $500,000 as a provisional loan to sustain operations and programs while giving the Hill District residents a communal process for the upcoming selling of properties.  The loan was provided by the Hill District Growth Fund. The Growth Fund has invested in other key community assets such as the Grocery Store, Hill CDC and Jeron X Grayson Center.

The communal process will be managed by the Development Review Panel (staffed by the Hill CDC and made up of community members and residents).  The Urban Redevelopment Authority has released the RFP. The RFP can be found here:

 Also, in the coming weeks and months, the Hill House has agreed to establish a Hill House Transition Committee to partake in the future planning of social service programming.  




Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Monday, January 21, 2019

Fwd: Extras in Aquatics

Indoor Triathlon at JCC Pittsburgh:  (All ages)
Sunday, January 27th from 11:30-3pm
Register: $30/under the age of 16; $35/16+

Masters Swimming Allegheny Mountains:
Bethel Park HS:
Flying Fish Heads (Fox Chapel):
Moon Area Tigers Masters:
Pittsburgh Elite Masters Club (Chartiers Valley):
Team Pittsburgh Masters (Trees Hall/Pitt):
Woodland Hills Aquatic Team:

Masters Water Polo:
Tuesdays from 7:30-9pm @ Chartiers Valley $5 monthly due

Noodle Water Polo:

Scuba Diving:
Mt Lebo- flexible hours and classes  (412) 884 - 3483

Triathlons:  (Mighty Moran Series is now posted and taking registrations-All ages)

Underwater Hockey:
Thursdays from 8-9:30pm @ Mt. Lebanon HS  $5 drop in fee
For more info contact:

Mt Lebanon Programs

YOUTH SWIM PROGRAMS - For tryouts for Mt Lebanon Aqua Club:

Winter Learn to Swim
Springboard Diving (Developmental Team)
$150 per session

Adult Lap Swim

Water Aerobics
Winter II Session starts on Tuesday, January 22nd

Adult Swim Lessons

$75/4 week sessions


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Fwd: Messages for MLK Day

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From: John 

Attached are what in effect are three sermons.  One exceptional speech given by Martin Luther King in 1967, one given by my minister at the UU Church of the South Hills yesterday and one given by Chris Hedges at a Presbyterian Church in Vancouver, BC.  All deal with the insanity of our time.



Two, UU, Sunnyhill

Friday, January 11, 2019

Fwd: Complete the BKS Challenge in 2019

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From: Black Kids Swim <>


The Black Kids Swim Challenge!

Black Kids Swim needs your help to change the relationship between the Black community and the water.

Join us and start 2019 with a commitment to increase the number of Black swimmers.

Accept the Challenge


#1 Learn to Swim

According to USA Swimming, if a parent cannot swim there is only a 13% chance their child will learn how to swim. Visit your local pool or YMCA and sign up for lessons this month. You can always email for information on lessons and private instructors.  

Contact BKS


#2 Support Black Competitive Swimmers

Donate to the BKS Summer Swim Scholarship Fund.  Participating on a summer swim team is the perfect way for kids to fall in love with the sport of swimming.  Every summer BKS awards  scholarships for kids to join summer swim teams - help us to increase the number of scholarships we award in 2019.

Make a Donation


#3 Share BKS

Encourage families to consider competitive swimming as the sport of choice for their kids.  Strong swimmers have access to a wide range of educational and professional opportunities. Help us create more Black competitive swimmers! Forward BKS emails and share our social media posts with family and friends.



#4 Make a Purchase

Proceeds from sales in the BKS Store go to support young Black swimmers and all BKS activities.  Visit the BKS store and make a purchase for the swimmer in your life.  We have swim caps and hair care products specifically created for Black swimmers.

Shop Now

Thank You for Your Support
Happy New Year from Black Kids Swim!

© 2018 Black Kids Swim, LLC - All Rights Reserved.10 Cabot Road | Medford, MA | 02155


Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Fwd: Interesting comparables on the evil neoliberal concept

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From: John H

In recent weeks I have been asked on a few occasions what I mean when I refer to neoliberalism and why is it I tend to disparage it in operation.  Therefore, in order to help clear up this perplexing question I have attached two articles.  The first is an account of the rise of the 'Yellow Vest' movement in France which discusses what happens to a society when political ideology of neoliberalism is imposed from above (and it always is imposed from above).  One of the best ways to understand neoliberalism is to watch how it operates and observe the consequences of its imposition.  This is fairly clear in the 'Yellow Vest' protests and it is quite similar to how it works here and elsewhere in the world.  This may be one of the most important movements how happening in the world.  It is in the line of watch what I do and not what I say examination of neoliberalism.

The second piece, for those of you who like detailed explanations, is by Dr. Philip Mirowski of Notre Dame University, one of, if not the foremost, experts on neoliberalism today.  It is fairly long, and should you take the time to read it, you will understand why it is that neoliberalism is so difficult to define in just a few well-chosen words. 

For what it's worth, my shorthand definition of neoliberalism is 'corporate communism'.  Parse that one out for a while.



Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Fwd: Meeting Announcement on cracker plant on January 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Sunnyhill

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From: John H

Meeting Announcement

Allegheny County Chapter
Izaak Walton League of America


Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills (Sunnyhill)
1240 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228


The Allegheny County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America will be hosting a special presentation on the environmental consequences of the Shell Cracker Plant, and what can be done about it.

  • Matt Mehalik – Executive Director of the Breathe Collaborative and its communications platform, the Breathe Project.  The Breathe Collaborative is a coalition of local residents, environmental advocates, public health professionals and academics with a common commitment to advocate for the air the Pittsburgh region needs in order to be a healthy, prosperous place.
  • Patricia DeMarcoIWLA Member, Author: "Pathways to Our Sustainable Future – Global Perspective from Pittsburgh", Forest Hills Borough Council, 2016-2020.
  • Robert SchmetzerChairman of the Beaver County Marcellus Community / BCMAC . and Citizens to protect the Ambridge Reservoir.  CPAR. 
  • Terrie BaumgardnerBeaver County activist, Field Organizer for Clean Air Council, volunteer with Beaver Marcellus Community and Citizens to Protect the Ambridge Reservoir.
  • Thaddeus PopovichCo-founder Allegheny County Clean Air Now, Protect Franklin Park, Climate Reality Project.

Co-Sponsored by: the Harry Enstrom  IWLA Chapter (Greene County)

A major part of this event will be a discussion between audience activists, and the presenters.  Please join us for this excellent educational event.

A brief Allegheny County Chapter Membership Meeting will precede this presentation at 06:00 PM.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you know that may be interested in attending this meeting, or joining the IWLA.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at

In Solidarity,

Mike Stout
Chapter President
Allegheny County Chapter
Izaak Walton league of America


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Fwd: Wishing you all Happy Holidays!

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From: John H

As we head into the new year it is time for those of us hoping and working for meaningful changes to the neoliberal system of oppression now swarming over the world in a desperate attempt to save itself from its own internal contradictions, we must refocus on those issues which can be resolved and, for the most part this work must be done locally.  One of the not too surprising results of neoliberal generated inequality and effective disenfranchisement of majority populations is the ominous rise of right-wing populism in this country and throughout the world.  As this is happening the neoliberal mainstream media is attempting to liken right-wing populism with the rising populism of the left in an ongoing effort to discredit left activism.  This is a danger which we must confront vigorously and the first two attachments delve into this issue. 

The first excellent piece by Jim Kavanagh, The Polemicist, focuses on the populist rise of the 'Yellow Vests' in France and other European nations that are increasingly being strangled by European Union neoliberal economic and political policies.  The second article, by Paul Street, distinguishes between the two populisms and why it is important to continue to make this distinction clear in every venue possible.  The third piece, by Michael D. Yates, discusses why all elements of oppression engendered by neoliberal capitalism must be attacked firmly and uniformly in order to insure that those in opposition will not be divided and destroyed by differences of interests and perspectives.  These are all important issues to be considered and I urge you to begin the New Year by reading all of them.

With that, I wish you all the merriest of holidays and a fruitful new year!
