Friday, November 25, 2016

Fwd: How I stayed sane at Harvard -- lessons for us all

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From: "Tom Woods" <>
Date: Nov 25, 2016 9:16 AM
Subject: How I stayed sane at Harvard -- lessons for us all
To: <>

November 25, 2016
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I went to one of the most prestigious universities in the world -- and as you probably know, it was full of crazy people.

Now it's true: there are truly great professors there, and many of the students are seriously top notch. Some of the most meaningful friendships of my life date back to those years (1990-1994).

But come on: one of my history professors required us to get our books at Revolution Books.

This wasn't the Ron Paul Revolution, I can tell you that.

The great mass murderers of the 20th century were all over the walls of that store.

We really had it all when I was at Harvard: the "patriarchy" stuff, the fake rape statistics, the victim groups, all of it.

Although I had plenty of non-libertarian friends, I stayed sane by writing for a right-of-center student publication and seeking out people who didn't think I was crazy.

So I don't want to hear about how pointless it is to "preach to the choir." I was a member of that choir, doggone it, and if I hadn't been preached to, it would have been a heck of a lot harder to endure an environment like that.

And even -- or perhaps especially -- at Harvard, I had to learn a lot of history on my own. The nice thing about being a dissident was that none of the books I wanted to read were ever checked out. They were always right there, collecting dust on the shelves.

I know a lot of you figured out only much later that you'd been victims of educational malpractice. I myself happened to figure it out as it was happening, so I began doing a lot of reading on my own.

What the colleges (and high schools, for that matter) get away with today drives me up a wall.

But I no longer curse the darkness.

I've lit a pretty big candle. It's my Liberty Classroom.

It's for victims of educational malpractice everywhere.

I've teamed up with scholars I trust to teach US history, economics, European history, political thought, logic, and more, the way these subjects ought to be taught.

Not making the most of your commute? Now you will.

Want to know what you can do for the movement?

This. Improve yourself first. Learn everything you can.

Plus, if you're like I used to be, it drives you crazy that you can't always hold your own against people who despise our ideas.

You know you should be winning -- and really decisively at that -- but you can't always find the right argument or you don't know all the facts or the history.

And let's face it: it's hard to argue for our position. It runs counter to everything people learned in school, and it defies what to most people seems like common sense: why, if we want something, let's just have the government do it!

We'll help.

Thousands of liberty lovers are already there.

Today is our biggest sale of the year. Get grabbing before this clock runs out.

Be a part of it:

Tom Woods

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Julian P Heicklen gave me a new position

Hi Mark:

.... You have just been appointed publicity editor for Tyranny Fighters.
The pay is zero, but the reward is great.

It is people like you who may save our country.

Yours in freedom and justice —Julian

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Fwd: lppgh: Digest Number 2579

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From: <>
Date: Nov 24, 2016 4:42 AM
Subject: lppgh: Digest Number 2579
To: <>

1 Message

Digest #2579


Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:54 am (PST) . Posted by:


Research on Vote Fraud is Still Needed

With the exception of Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and New Mexico all of the states that supposedly went for Clinton are in TWO time zones:
Eastern Standard Time and Pacific Standard Time.

It looks as though Clinton was most likely to be called the winner in the states that either had the first polls to open, or the states that had the last polls to close.

The first polls to open were the Eastern Standard Time States bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, north of North Carolina. All of those states went for Clinton.
The last polls to close were the Pacific Standard Time States bordering on the Pacific Ocean.
All of these states went for Clinton, except for Alaska.

Clinton was on a roll from the North East, and heading west, until vote fraud was proven in Pennsylvania, AND ACTUALLY CAUGHT ON VIDEO. This video has now been removed, supposedly because of a copyright claim.

After the vote fraud was proven in Pennsylvania, by being caught on video, the original voting machine fraud stopped working.

Clinton got no other states, all the way to the west coast; except for Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and New Mexico.

The possibility that there was an honest election in Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and New Mexico is still under investigation.

Obama's home state of Illinois might have had a better system of vote fraud than the one that crashed in Pennsylvania, causing a domino effect of vote fraud crashes all the way across the country.

Colorado, and New Mexico may have been impacted by the voting of illegal aliens.

Minnesota may have been impacted by the Jihad vote.

States that voted by mail went for Clinton.

Was there another type of vote fraud installed by the time that the polls in the Pacific Standard Time States closed?

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines

Also visit:

This was in the description of the video that has now been removed, supposedly because of a copyright claim.
Voter Fraud Caught on Camera in Pennsylvania (Election 2016)
Donald Trump Election Fraud Hillary Clinton Pennsylvania Video
November 08, 2016 209 Comments

This was in the the description of the video has now been removed, supposedly because of a copyright claim.
Voter Fraud Caught on Camera in Pennsylvania (Election 2016)
PENNSYLVANIA - Voters in Clinton Township are reporting seeing voting machines switch their votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton before their very eyes. CBS Pittsburgh spoke to Bobbie Lee Hawranko who said:
"I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time"

Election fraud is a serious crime. It doesn't matter if you are voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, if you witness or suspect election fraud, voter fraud or voter suppression at the polls on Tuesday November 8, 2016 you need to report it immediately.
This guide will show you how.

The video shows Philadelphia voting machine refusing to let man vote for Donald Trump. Video evidence allegedly shows votes automatically being switched from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.

Sun Tzu wrote, in The Art of War,
that the best time to attack is when the enemy is in retreat.
Do not sleep because there seems to have been a certain level of victory.
We must now rout out every criminal who has participated in, or condoned, vote fraud.
We will not have to build a new prison.
Obama and Clinton have already had FEMA build re-education camps, which we intended for liberty activists.
Hillery can be President of the student body there.
Hillery might even win an election for President of the student body there...
... as long as they were using electronic vote counting machines.

The key to stopping election fraud is that they cannot stop the public outrage.
The power elite are not interested in justice.
The power elite are not interested in what is right or wrong.
The power elite are not even interested in what is legal.
The power elite are only interested in who has the power.
Creating a wave of public outrage will give them a new attitude about who has the power.
Without public outrage you are just seen as a small voice crying in the wilderness.
This new awareness about vote fraud will give them a new attitude about who has the power.
We must intensify this new awareness about vote fraud.
This new awareness about vote fraud will be the wave that you can ride to achieve justice in your own election fraud.

It seems like a big job, but here is something a large number of ordinary people can do:
Get the voter registration list, AND get the list of people WHO ACTUALLY VOTED, and see how many of those names are for real LIVING people, in this country legally, and living at real addresses.
If every precinct will just do there own area, it will not be such a big job.


Thomas Jefferson said:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
We add this:
"The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty." John Perna

WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called "freedom of speech" we now call the "right to remain silent." BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent... if THEY are asking the questions.
The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?


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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fwd: Time to reexamine where we are headed

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Hemington

Two interesting articles in which Chris Hedges explains what must be done and Christian Parenti analyses what we missed, because the mainstream media failed to cover it, in Trump's campaign speeches. 



Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fwd: Where to from here . . .?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Hemington

No doubt the years ahead will be challenging for Americans of all political persuasions, but particularly for political progressives.  We have for so long voluntarily allowed ourselves to be shunted aside and ignored by main stream neoliberal "New Democrats" who focused on identity politics while cozying up to corporate America, Wall Street and the Military/Security/Contractor complex.  Time and time again we have fallen for the old "lesser evil" tout in a futile hope for change which never seems to come.  Well, now change has come starkly and darkly on the night of November 8th and, if it was not clear before, it should now be clear that the path forward cannot be led by the New Democratic cabal of the Clintons and Obamas of the political world.  It is time to either purge the Democratic Party of these folks who have demonstrated a studied unwillingness to represent the people they promise to support every election cycle, or to fight for an alternative party structure.  Neither option will be simple or easy.  Either will require a dedicated and concerted effort on the part of progressives and closet progressive liberals to reset the political sentiments of the nation.

There is now an opportunity which we have not seen for the past forty years to push for a more rational Social Democratic policy structure capable of addressing the needs and desires of not just the left in America but also much of the populist right and working class Americans, many of whom voted for Donald Trump in a repudiation of the Republican neoliberal elite because they were fed up with their very real concerns being dismissed and ignored by both Parties.  To be sure there are many folks who are Trump supporters who are never going to support any sort of leftish ideas and those who support.  They are primarily the so-called "alt-right" and the historically upper middle class hard-core Republican elite base.  Even so, it is quite likely that a substantial number of the rest who have given up on the political establishment will switch sides if they can be shown that a viable alternative is available which truly addresses their needs.  Bernie Sanders exemplified this option in the primaries and it is highly likely that, had his candidacy not been shafted by the Clinton machine in cohorts with the DNC, he could have prevailed against Donald Trump.

However, it should be clear to all that the Democratic establishment and their billionaire bosses will not slink quietly off into the night.  And, it will not be possible to win over the Republican middle and the many union voters who have switched party loyalty unless and until we are willing to communicate with them as equals interested in changing the course of American politics.  It is critical that progressives and liberals get over our superiority complex in dealing with folks with whom we have political disagreements.  We need to stop and listen and learn because many of our complaints about the political establish running the nation and the world are shared by both groups.  There are and will be disagreements which will not be overcome; but many, if not most, can be put aside in the interest of overthrowing the power of the oligarchical structure we are now subject to.  The New Democrats put many of them off by focusing almost exclusively on identity politics while ignoring economic, social and community issues of grave concern and treating anyone whose beliefs or concerns differed from those of the liberal establishment as foolish uneducated boobs.  Thus completely alienating almost everyone not residing in elite liberal urban ghettos.  This strategy has backfired and it is long past time that we Americans organize around issues which most of us share and work toward educating one another in a positive rather than a negative manner.

In this endeavor the critical key is open communication – a willingness to talk with rather than past those with whom we don't fully agree and come to terms on those issues on which we do agree without becoming overly judgmental about the ones with which we do not.  This will not be easy for many of us as we have developed long-standing negative impressions of those whose cultural ideas differ from our own.  Most of all we have to recognize that most of these folks are good people with the same or similar goals, desires and ambitions as we have.  Unfortunately, over the years we have forgotten how to communicate with one another without being insulting or judgmental; without assuming that the other person must be stupid or hopelessly uneducated and therefore not worth the effort to hear out.  This is a serious mistake and it is one which has been carefully engineered by our current political masters to keep us apart, to keep us from organizing against the oligarchical system from which they profit outrageously at all of our expense.  Now is the time we must come together and recognize that our only hope for a reasonable future is to figure out how to cast our differences aside and work together for a better tomorrow.  This cannot succeed unless we can overcome our Pavlovian responses over identity issues and focus of issues of life and death for us all.



  1. = Progressive Wake Up Call (PDF)
  2. = Winning Back the Working Class (PDF)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pitt students, police and dorm entry pushing

Accurate? Truthful? I'm not sure. But, here is a statement worth reading.

Thomas Merton Center Blog
Dear Dean of Students, Apologize for Lying about the Litchfield Towers Protest
Posted: 18 Nov 2016 12:45 PM PST
November 18, 2016
By Tallon Kennedy

On November 17th, a group of protesters took to the streets of Pitt’s campus to rally against tuition hikes, to voice support for making the University of Pittsburgh a sanctuary campus, as well as to voice concerns for the wave of racism and alt-right ideologies surfacing throughout the country as a result of Trump’s election to the presidency.

The students went into the Towers Residence Hall on campus, and according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, police forces ordered the students to leave the residence hall, and when the protesters refused, the police got violent, pushing the demonstrators out of the dormitory, and using batons against them. The Post-Gazette also reported that the students began pushing back, and claimed that since they pay tuition to the University, that they have a right to protest in a residence hall they help pay for.

Since the incident, the response from the campus authorities has been less than admirable. Vice Provost and Dean of Students Kenyon Bonner sent out a statement to the student body, saying that, while the University wants to protect the students’ rights to protest on campus, that “protesters do not have the right to act in a manner that disregards the safety of others or damage property,” and that students who do protest without following the law “risk losing the great privilege of attending” the University.

The problem with this statement is that no reports indicate that the protesting students were damaging property as Bonner claims, or were acting in any manner that would make them a genuine risk to the safety of others, as Bonner also claims. This blatant lie from the Vice Provost is reprehensible, and is no doubt attempting to raise fear and antipathy of protests across campus, and is attempting to quell any protests from breaking out in the future. I believe Bonner has a moral obligation to retract his statement and to clear up the lies that he has espoused. University officials must be held accountable for their falsehoods and for promoting antipathy towards peaceful protests.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s report indicates that the protest didn’t become violent until the police started to use force. By all means, up until that point, the protest was a peaceful one, and while it’s fine to argue that Litchfield Towers is private property, and thus the protesters didn’t have a right to protest there, to suggest that the protesters were damaging property or compromising the safety of others is a blatant falsehood. If anything, the actions of the police in the situation were more damaging to the safety of community members than anything else.

Kenyon Bonner, Vice Provost, Dean of Students, if you want to take the moral high ground, you should apologize for lying about the Litchfield Towers protest.

To contribute to the bail of the students arrested at the peaceful protest, you can go here:

Pittsburgh's cleaner air and school bus worries of GASP

What about school buses?

In June, Pittsburgh Public Schools entered into new contracts
with the school bus carriers they use. The contracts
included language where the carrier agrees to only use buses
that are 2007 or newer, or if older they must be equipped
with diesel particulate filters and closed crankcase ventilation
systems. In combination, these devices greatly reduce
diesel particulate emissions, thus decreasing student and
driver exposure to diesel pollution. Great news, right? Yes,
except the district actually had similar language in place in
previous agreements. Some school bus companies hadn’t
been providing newer or retrofit buses as promised and the
school district wasn’t enforcing the cont–ract. How can we
trust the situation will improve this time around? Right
now, we are ascertaining how many new or retrofit school
buses are serving Pittsburgh, and we are encouraging fleet
owners to take advantage of competitive funding programs
to clean up their buses if they still need to.
More updates to come as we continue to follow these two
efforts intended to minimize diesel emissions in the city.

See the Fall 2016 issue of GASP's newsletter, the Hotline, available online as a PDF:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Open source government

Launch is the next milestone in federal open source code
This month, U.S. Chief Information Officer Tony Scott announced the launch of, another important milestone in the federal government’s adoption of open source code. The new site provides access to more than 50 open source projects from 13 federal agencies.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fwd: 2016 Dirty Dozen Bicycle Ride

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From: "Daniel Chew" <>
Date: Nov 16, 2016 6:28 PM
Subject: 2016 Dirty Dozen Bicycle Ride
To: <>

Dear cycling friends:

This is a reminder that the annual Dirty Dozen ride is in ten days, on Saturday, November 26th. Most of you may have learned by now that Danny Chew was seriously injured in September and is focused on his rehabilitation. The Dirty Dozen is being held in tribute to him and to raise funds to help defray his considerable current and future medical expenses.

There are a few changes this year, affecting the route, starting times and the points competition. The details can be found at the usual page:

The deadline for pre-registration is Monday, November 21st. Paper entries must be received by this date. Online registration is possible until Thursday, November 24th.

Please consider joining us for this classic Pittsburgh cycling event.

Jonathan Pratt

2016 Ride Director

P.S. Send a reply if you'd like your address removed from this list.

Fwd: November High School Today Now Available!

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From: "NFHS, National Federation of State High School Associations" <>
Date: Nov 16, 2016 1:57 PM
Subject: November High School Today Now Available!
To: "Mark Rauterkus" <>

High School Today Delivered to your Inbox!

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November 2016 High School Today

Understanding Snapchat
Understanding Snapchat and How Schools can Utilize the App

These days, teachers, coaches and principals are facing an ever-present challenge. No matter how many rules they create or punishments they hand out, school administrators can't seem to get students to put down their cell phones...  Read More


Connecticut's 'Class Act Sportsmanship' Promotes Positive Cheers

Positive student cheering is getting revolutionized with a new program by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) set to launch this month. Read More

CT Sportsmanship

Athletics & At-risk Students
High School Athletics and the Effect on At-risk Students

Dwayne is a 17-year-old junior with high hopes that football will finally make his mother proud.  As a junior high school student, he was labeled by the school district as "at-risk"... Read More

Read Full Magazine
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