Friday, November 25, 2016

Fwd: How I stayed sane at Harvard -- lessons for us all

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From: "Tom Woods" <>
Date: Nov 25, 2016 9:16 AM
Subject: How I stayed sane at Harvard -- lessons for us all
To: <>

November 25, 2016
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I went to one of the most prestigious universities in the world -- and as you probably know, it was full of crazy people.

Now it's true: there are truly great professors there, and many of the students are seriously top notch. Some of the most meaningful friendships of my life date back to those years (1990-1994).

But come on: one of my history professors required us to get our books at Revolution Books.

This wasn't the Ron Paul Revolution, I can tell you that.

The great mass murderers of the 20th century were all over the walls of that store.

We really had it all when I was at Harvard: the "patriarchy" stuff, the fake rape statistics, the victim groups, all of it.

Although I had plenty of non-libertarian friends, I stayed sane by writing for a right-of-center student publication and seeking out people who didn't think I was crazy.

So I don't want to hear about how pointless it is to "preach to the choir." I was a member of that choir, doggone it, and if I hadn't been preached to, it would have been a heck of a lot harder to endure an environment like that.

And even -- or perhaps especially -- at Harvard, I had to learn a lot of history on my own. The nice thing about being a dissident was that none of the books I wanted to read were ever checked out. They were always right there, collecting dust on the shelves.

I know a lot of you figured out only much later that you'd been victims of educational malpractice. I myself happened to figure it out as it was happening, so I began doing a lot of reading on my own.

What the colleges (and high schools, for that matter) get away with today drives me up a wall.

But I no longer curse the darkness.

I've lit a pretty big candle. It's my Liberty Classroom.

It's for victims of educational malpractice everywhere.

I've teamed up with scholars I trust to teach US history, economics, European history, political thought, logic, and more, the way these subjects ought to be taught.

Not making the most of your commute? Now you will.

Want to know what you can do for the movement?

This. Improve yourself first. Learn everything you can.

Plus, if you're like I used to be, it drives you crazy that you can't always hold your own against people who despise our ideas.

You know you should be winning -- and really decisively at that -- but you can't always find the right argument or you don't know all the facts or the history.

And let's face it: it's hard to argue for our position. It runs counter to everything people learned in school, and it defies what to most people seems like common sense: why, if we want something, let's just have the government do it!

We'll help.

Thousands of liberty lovers are already there.

Today is our biggest sale of the year. Get grabbing before this clock runs out.

Be a part of it:

Tom Woods

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