Thursday, June 01, 2023

Fwd: Change Your Trajectory: The Transformation Imperative in Uncertain Times

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This bold approach can make companies more resilient and cost-smart.
BCG - The Boston Consulting Group
Change Your Trajectory
May 2023

Business Transformation
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Transform

In an uncertain economy, some companies may be tempted to hunker down. That's understandable, but it risks putting them at a competitive disadvantage. In a downturn, the gap between winners and losers only widens. Instead, companies need to adopt a mindset of change in both good times and bad.  

Embrace the Uncertainty 
There's no question that executing a successful transformation today poses challenges: the level of uncertainty in the macro-environment coupled with the pace of change required makes driving change more difficult. In fact, BCG research shows that only 30% of transformations meet their goals.

But launching a transformation despite uncertainty can create real benefits. It creates a clear set of rules that everyone in the organization can use to operate. It also helps teams deal with uncertainty by giving them clear goals. And it builds new skills in terms of resilience and problem-solving.
success rate
Success often comes down to leadership commitment, focusing on culture and executional excellence
How do you know when a transformation is working?
  • It's when leadership sets clear goals and maintains consistent communication.
  • It's when company culture is prioritized, and employees feel engaged and empowered to embrace new ways of working.
  • It's when people are encouraged to think more critically and to challenge their way of thinking.
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Look Beyond Costs
Cost efficiency is the main objective of most transformations. But moving away from a cost-cutting mindset and considering a company's full potential is a much better path to financial and operational resilience.

For example, one retail company wanted to reduce costs in its supply chain. But a more expansive view showed that costs—while critical—were only part of the answer. Cost savings from that process (more than $100 million in year one alone) funded two other initiatives: reinvigorating the brand and revamping its operating model to strengthen customer connections.
in annual savings from a cost-led business transformation
That kind of holistic approach—call it cost savings plus—leaves companies more resilient and better equipped to face future challenges.
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Reinforce the Balance Sheet
A resilient balance sheet can help companies manage tough operating environments. It provides breathing room to operate under stressful conditions and withstand the scrutiny of shareholders, creditors, and regulators. It also enables them to pursue opportunities, such as M&A and share buybacks. In BCG's experience, strengthening the balance sheet can boost EBIT by 10% to 20%.  
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"When organizations create the right environment for transformation and spend time helping the doers, results follow in the financials—and in improving the culture, employee engagement, and in upskilling people."
Kristy Ellmer
Managing Director & Partner
The Insider's Outlook
Subscribe for unique viewpoints from BCG experts on the critical issues, challenges, and changes facing leaders today.
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Boston, Massachusetts 02210, USA

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fwd: Don't let it happen tomorrow.

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From: WAVE Drowning Detection Systems <>
Date: Thu, May 18, 2023 at 3:07 PM
Subject: Don't let it happen tomorrow.
To: Mark <>

A student drowned in gym class yesterday.
(Click on video to learn more)

Don't let it happen tomorrow.

WAVE Swimmer Safety Systems determine when a swimmer is at risk of drowning and alerts your guards before the event can escalate.
Learn More about WAVE


referencing a previous drowning event





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Mark Rauterkus 
Webmaster, International Swim Coaches Association,
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3),
Coach at The Ellis School for Varsity & Middle School Swimming
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team & Renegades (Masters) 
Sports Complex Director & Coach at Montour Heights Country Club

412 298 3432 = cell

Fwd: Thank You! We Made it!


We did it. You guys are amazing.

A special shout out to one of our top customers who put in that massive pledge right at the end, ensuring we got into stretch goal territory and have the start of our marketing budget to spend!
From all of us here at LiveCode Ltd, thank you all so much for your support. We are now going to make Xavvi, for you and the rest of the world to enjoy better, faster and more creative app building.

Thank You

Copyright © 2023 LiveCode Ltd, All rights reserved.
You joined this list upon creating an account and confirming your email address at

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LiveCode Ltd

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Fwd: Mark, there's still time

I put in some money to get this going. If you are into A.I. and coding, especially with younsters, then this is super cool. It is worth $100 for sure.

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From: The LiveCode Team <>

Let's Make it Happen

50% reached. 1.5 days to go.
We can do this.

To bring Xavvi to life we still need your help. Let's make sure the future of app creating is powered by understandable human readable language. Let's make it easy. Let's make it beautiful. Let's make it Xavvi.

You have a personal offer to get the Business Xavvi license at $499, for one full year - the earlybird pricing has returned just for you Mark Rauterkus! Get it today!

Be a part of the future. Pledge now.

Let's Make it Happen

Fwd: Situational Knowledge of Water

From: Shawn Slevin <>
Subject: Situational Knowledge of Water

Did you know open water is more than 30 degrees colder than air temp?

Mark Rauterkus 
Webmaster, International Swim Coaches Association,
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3),
Coach at The Ellis School for Varsity & Middle School Swimming
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team & Renegades (Masters) 
Sports Complex Director & Coach at Montour Heights Country Club

412 298 3432 = cell