Wednesday, June 01, 1983

Letter to swim parents for lessons

Learn-to-Swim's Adult Information 

Dear Parents, 

Welcome to swim lessons. 

Here are some of the general ground rules needed for the smooth operation of our program this summer. 

The gate will open for entry into the pool area at the top of the hour. Lessons will start on time, and we will begin with a warm-up period for the swimmer's large muscles. Our primary goal is to improve swimming ability, but we also will strive to improve fitness, strength, motor skills and teach the children to enjoy the water. 

At least five minutes of free time will be given to the groups at the end of each lesson. At this time our instructors will still be working with some of the swimmers. Everyone must exit the pool area 45 minutes after the hour. 

Parents must stay off of the pool deck at all times. This keeps the swimmer's attention focused only on the teachers, and the teachers will have no interference while providing the best possible lessons for your children. Everyone will benefit from this positive learning environment. We appreciate you cooperation by watching the lessons from outside the fenced area. 

To facilitate signing up for lessons, Pre-Registration will be held on Friday of the last day of lessons. Pre-Registration is exclusively for those people who are currently enrolled in lessons and plan on continuing in the next session. 

Registration is held on the Saturday mornings which split the different sessions of lessons. Registration is held every other week at Lions Park Pool. 

Late-Registration is held on the first day of lessons which start every two-week session. 

As we reach our capacity of swimmers, we sometimes are forced to close classes and adjust the numbers to have a balanced size throughout the different class times. 

Remember, any child, at any age, is accepted into the swimming lessons as long as he or she can function in a group setting. registering the child for the lessons, you have certified that 

By the child is ready for group lessons. 

This summer the city is proud to expand its Learn-to-Swim lessons with Water Babies. Our first class will be offered in conjunction with the second session of the Learn-to-Swim program, starting on June 13. More information on these classes, sometimes called Mother-Infant Swimming, is available at the front desk. Feel free to pass the word about this new endeavor since we will be teaching as many classes as the demand merits. 

If you are looking for something extra, the instructors will be happy to talk to the parents to arrange some private swimming instruction for the children at other times in the summer. The private lessons are much more expensive and an information sheet can be obtained at the front desk. 

Another program offered by the Waco Parks and Recreation Department at Lions Pool is the Saturday morning Creative Conditioning program. These programs are intended to get older children, called Wet Workouts, and adults, called Aqua Athletes, to the pool while participating in a fitness program. Please get our information sheets at the front desk and consider these new, Saturday-morning programs. 

In the event of bad weather, the lessons are still held as usual. On colder mornings the staff will be teaching. Sometimes cold weather reduces the class size, so more can be accomplished with those who brave the elements. Lightning storms are the only v cause for not holding the lessons. At the end of the summer, we will hold make-up days for each canceled class. If need be, the first make-up lesson will be on August 8. 

All problems, suggestions, recommendations and comments must be directed to the lesson leader, Mark Rauterkus. To contact him, leave a message with the aide at the front desk. 

We encourage both the adults and the children to come to the pool as often as possible for fun and some added practice. Swimming is a great family activity. 


The Staff

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