Wednesday, February 03, 1999

Too global! Guilty as charged.

The Observation and Associated Guilt for Being, "Too Global"

Gulp, You Are Right, Hugh.
Global Perspectives Do Fill These Messages.
Hugh Brannon, director of the South Side Planning Forum, was right on the mark when he told me I was being, "too global." His valid observation was stated on February 3, 1999 at a meeting with the LTV Site' Steering Committee (a sub-group of the South Side Planning Forum). The four members of the "steering committee" were present. Also present at that meeting were people from UPMC (prospective owners), Oxford Development (partners with UPMC in site development) and the URA (Urban Redeveloment Authority, a City of Pittsburgh agency).

Too Global -- An Insult and Compliment

Being global is not okay in the eyes of the chair of the South Side Forum.

Guest Attendance and Worn-Out Welcome

The opportunity to attend a South Side Planning Forum Steering Committee Meeting was a special occurance. These meetings are generally closed to "concerned citizens." The closed door policy is something that needs to be changed.

Inner Sanctum

The opportunity to raise questions and express some concerns at the meeting held in early February came about after I had expressed a great desire to attend such a meeting since November. I had begged repeatedly to every member of the committee for a chance to have some meetings to discuss some thoughts on these issues. I had made at least 20 specific requests to have a meeting, any type of meeting, with these people before I was granted such a meeting.

It took a long time and a lot of work to get a chance to have a meeting, and then it was at a higher-level than expected.

I'm guilty of being too global. Yes, the point was made and understood.

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