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From: Carol Ballance, PIIN
| Dear Mark, Allegheny County Council's final public hearing to discuss the creation of a countywide civilian police review board is this Wednesday, September 26, and days remain to make your voice heard. For far too long, people of color have lived in fear of police officers due to negative, and often violent, interactions with law enforcement. People of color have been persistently subjected to racial profiling, unprovoked physical assault, police brutality, and fatal officer-involved shootings. If we are to make continued progress in the area of police-community relations, bold action is necessary. A countywide civilian police review board is a step in the right direction and one that promotes police accountability and transparency. As a people of faith, we must make our voices heard and support this important measure. Join us in taking the following action steps this week: 1. Attend County Council's final public hearing at 5:30pm on Wednesday, September 26. 2. Contact Council Chief of Staff, Ken Varhola, to voice your support by calling 412-350-6490 or emailing ken.varhola@alleghenycounty.us. To learn more about PIIN's position on this critical issue, please click here to read our full statement. Sincerely, Carol Ballance Chair, Public Safety Task Force Connect with Us  | Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) | | | | | |

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