Monday, March 17, 2025

Journey & Travel - to meets and throughout a practice and season. #16

In this episode of the Heavy Or Not podcast, Coach Barry Healey shares his travel experiences as a coach in B.C., Canada, heading to the recent Provincial Championships Meet. The challenges make for a Zombie upon returning home.

Plus, join us as we dive into the intricacies of training and coaching from an Australian swim coach who grew up in NED and has guided Olympians.

- The taxing nature of travel for athletes and coaches.

- Insights from Coach Barry's recent trip to provincial championships.

- The importance of personalized training plans for different swimming events.

- Techniques for addressing weaknesses and enhancing mental resilience in athletes.

- A detailed look at Sander Ganzevels' coaching methodology and its impact on swimmer performance.

Plus, a big call out to listeners to share your travel stories. Send to UCANSwim dot WeTransfer dot com.

Check out this episode!

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