Safe Return to Multisport
Dear ....,
The world changed for all of us earlier this year, when the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact our lives in dramatic ways. And while the future remains uncertain, we know we will eventually return to participating and competing in the sport we all love.
As we consider returning to racing again in 2020 and beyond, we must balance our passion for multisport with the need to prioritize the health and safety of our athletes, race directors and their staff, coaches, volunteers and the local communities that host us.
For this reason, we are pleased to launch the USA Triathlon Safe Return to Multisport initiative. This set of guidelines and recommendations will help our community — including athletes, race directors, coaches, clubs and officials — prepare for racing while remaining consistent with guidance from federal, state and local authorities, and aligned with local circumstances.
View the USA Triathlon Safe Return to Multisport initiative
As the national governing body, it is essential that we provide direction to assure a consistent and unified approach to return to our sport, working hand-in-hand with you to do so. This is a continuously evolving situation and the information included in this initiative will be regularly updated as circumstances change so refer to usatriathlon.org/safe-return for the latest updates.
We are launching the initiative today with two key documents, USA Triathlon Safe Return to Multisport Guidelines and Return to Racing Recommendations for Race Directors. Two additional resources, Return to Racing for Athletes and Return to Racing Training Program, which will be made available in the coming weeks.
The initiative has been developed in coordination with experienced race directors, medical experts, certified coaches, club directors, officials, athletes and endurance sport leaders while relying on fact-based recommendations from other expert resources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, Occupational Safety and Health Administration and utilizing sport-specific guidelines developed by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee and the International Triathlon Union.
Return to Racing for Athletes
This resource will walk you through the changes you should expect when races return to the calendar, what these changes will look like in practice, and why such measures are necessary and effective.
Return to Racing Training Program
Led by USA Triathlon-certified coach and 2004 U.S. Olympian Barb Lindquist with contributions from 12 additional USA Triathlon-certified coaches, this resource will provide best practices for you to personally resume safe training and racing. The included guidelines, drills and plans will help you prepare physically for the demands of a multisport event after extended lack of access to swimming pools and workout facilities, all while emphasizing the importance of reducing exposure and transmission of COVID-19.
USA Triathlon Safe Return to Multisport Guidelines
This overarching document uses the U.S. government's three-phased approach to reopening America as a framework to give the entire multisport community guidance on racing and training. However, it is intended to be flexible to allow race directors to adapt their application to guidance from state and local authorities, as well as local circumstances, such as population density regulations and severity of COVID-19 outbreaks.
Return to Racing Recommendations for Race Directors
This document serves as an addendum to the Safe Return to Multisport Guidelines, taking a deeper dive into the operational details of event directing. The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations for race directors to consider and enact as part of their holistic event planning process.
You can find more information about the USA Triathlon Safe Return to Multisport initiative in our press release, which is live now at usatriathlon.org and will be distributed via email shortly.
Lastly, if you have the capacity to give back during this difficult time, please consider making a donation to the USA Triathlon Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund. This funding will support race directors, coaches, clubs and others in the industry who have been impacted financially due to COVID-19. Your support is truly appreciated and will enable our multisport community to continue to thrive.
Thank you for all you do for our sport. We appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate these unprecedented challenges, and we look forward to seeing you back at the races again.
Rocky Harris
USA Triathlon CEO
Thursday, May 07, 2020
Fwd: USA Triathlon Launches Safe Return to Multisport Initiative
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Fwd: Joe Jencks ~ May News ~ Live-Stream Concerts and John Prine Tribute
Dear Friends,
As I look out the window at the first sun we have seen in northern Illinois in a few days, I find that I am grateful for arrival of spring this year. Grateful in ways I have not been since I lived in Seattle, and could go 40-50 days in the winter without seeing the sun. I need the hope of sunlight. And I need the metaphor of the brighter future that it implies.
I am keenly aware of the immensity of suffering in the world at present, and wishing I could do more to alleviate the deep sense of loss so many of us feel as we grieve friends or family who have passed. We grow overwhelmed as we try to comprehend the global magnitude of the pandemic, and wonder what this will mean for our individual and collective future. Each day is a new step in that journey. Each day there is something more to be grateful for, and each day there is something that causes more sadness. And each day we begin again, to do our best and give what we are able.
To that end, I have been in Technology Boot Camp for three weeks in my home studio. And victoriously, I announce that I am finally ready to offer quality Live-Stream performances for the community. I can't solve the problems of the world, but I can keep loving the world deeply through my music and performances.
I have three, publicly accessible Live-Stream events accessible in the month of May. All are by donation. We are all reassessing our resources and how we use and share them wisely. And I want anyone who is interested to be able to watch these performances regardless of any current economic challenges. Hope and beauty remain powerful allies. I give what I can freely.
All three of these performances will be streamed through my new YouTube channel Joe Jencks Music Official.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjcW_SPVdP2MXL121sCoBYw
PLEASE SUBSRIBE to the Joe Jencks Music Official channel. It is free. Many people have asked if they could do something to help me out. Presently the quickest and most helpful single step is to subscribe to the channel. YouTube offers different tools to artists and musicians, based on the number of subscribers we have. I just started a new channel this week and have over 200 subscribers. When I cross over 1000 subscribers I will gain access to more nuanced creative capacity. I am hoping this newsletter will lift it over that mark.
I will post new videos and content on the channel over the coming weeks. And I will post a brand-new song Love Will Guide My Way today! I invite you to listen.
And, please join me for any or all three of the upcoming Live-Stream concerts. A donation button will be listed. Give as you are able, and receive as my gift to you.
May 9 at 7:30 PM ET / 4:30 Pacific, I will be presenting a concert in partnership with Focus Music in the DC area. I was scheduled to be performing for them live on May 9. And so I shall.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgOuFwdXfJM&feature=youtu.be
May 15 at 7:00 PM ET / 4:00 PM Pacific, I will be presenting in partnership with Acoustic StayAway Concerts - The Folk Project in New Jersey.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u08uTD_Hbg&feature=youtu.be
May 23 at 8:00 PM CT / 6:00 PM Pacific, I will be presenting a special Solidarity Concert in partnership with MayWorks! Winnipeg, MB Canada. MayWorks! is an amazing organization dedicated to the history, and future of workers everywhere.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKXBs0EvLF0&feature=youtu.be
Tonight (May 6) at 9:00 PM ET and Sunday (May 10) at 1:00 PM ET my radio show, My Highway Home will broadcast on Folk Music Notebook. This week's episode is a special tribute to John Prine featuring reflections, stories, and recordings of John's songs performed by Prine and by other musicians.
Tune in for free via www.folkmusicnotebook.com
You may also read an essay I wrote about John Prine via the NEWS tab on my homepage
Link: https://www.joejencks.com
Live-Stream concert listings and updates can be found in the TOUR DATES tab on this website.
My you be well, and may you find comfort in music and community, wherever we may be!
In Gratitude and Song,
Joe Jencks
May 2020
Wednesday, May 6th 9:00 PM
My Highway Home Radio Show - John Prine Tribute - 9pm ET/ 6pm PT
Folk Music Notebook - www.FolkMusicNotebook.com
Thursday, May 7th 2:00 AM
My Highway Home Radio Show Rebroadcast - 2am ET/11pm PT
Folk Music Notebook - www.FolkMusicNotebook.com
Saturday, May 9th 7:30 PM
Joe Jencks in Concert - Live Stream 7:30pm EST
Focus Music
Alexandria, VA 22308
Sunday, May 10th 1:00 PM
My Highway Home Radio Show Rebroadcast - 1pm ET/ 10am PT
Folk Music Notebook - www.FolkMusicNotebook.com
Friday, May 15th 7:00 PM
Joe Jencks in Concert - Live Stream - 7pm EST
The Folk Project - Acoustic Stayaway
Morristown, NJ
Saturday, May 23rd 8:00 PM
Joe Jencks in Concert - Live Stream Solidarity Concert - 8pm CST
Winnepeg, MB Canada
more events at https://www.joejencks.com/index.php?page=calendar
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
Fwd: ISHOF Launches One in a Thousand Campaign
Monday, May 04, 2020
Fwd: Take Your AWS Cloud Skills to the Next Level
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