Folks, I told you. Bill Peduto has a better chance to win the mayor's office in 2009. Bill can't turn negative. Bill can't depart the D party. Bill can't be nasty and divide.
Bill Peduto has to win by addition. He has a long career ahead of him. Bill can't burn out and be worthless as a nag.
I can nag. I'm an outsider.
I'm not happy that Bill pulled out of the race. But, it is a great decision for Bill Peduto and a bitter one for Pittsburgh. It isn't good for Pittsburgh. I'd rather have a real campaign in the spring and another real campaign in the fall. When we think with half our brain, the outcomes are poor. We've been getting poorer for decades.
Bill Peduto would have been better served had he not promised to raise $800,000 for this race. He should have said that he would run on a $80,000 budget.
Bill Peduto would have been better served had he released all of his position papers at the get-go. Bill has been waiting on the tip off for some of the topic discussions. He had materials from the past election that has still been kept under a lid. Bill can't run a sustained discussion by himself. But, he can begin and try.
The only thing we can do is try.
The other big hurdle for Bill Peduto -- the institutions. Bill needed to have a couple of debates even if Luke didn't show. The debate host wouldn't proceed. Bill talked about the local environment. That is part of the cancer. WTAE, KQV, KDKA, QED, -- and many others -- are on the hook. Responsibility rests, in part, with them. We crave debates. And, we need one-person debates if the other is chicken or too busy to show up.
I hope Bill Peduto has a long, productive career. I think he will.
I hope Pittsburgh can become a place where we all can prosper and live without labels that hold us down.
We need to make progress. I hope that the "progressive" folks who would have voted for Bill Peduto will "Come With Me" -- or at least vote for me. Don't vote for me because of who I am. Vote for hope for the sake of our kids.
Honz Man (KDKA Radio) has a working theory that Peduto is going to get out of the D primary and into the general election. I called the show, waited on hold for 30-minutes, and tried to debunk some of his thinking.
And, the Caliguri saga is not like what Peduto's fate. But, that's for another thread.