Friday, March 23, 2007

Look, up in the sky ... it's a candidate! - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Thanks for the plug Eric.
Look, up in the sky ... it's a candidate! - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Peduto's subsequent early summer announcement that he was giving up swimming after deciding he couldn't bring himself to get wet drew considerably less news media attention.)
From Mark Rauterkus
I'm not going to give up swimming, by the way.

Candidate off ballot for not using full name

This is absurd. I dare not say much else, as I'll be asking for the court to rule in my favor shortly. But, others out in the blog world, feel free to go for it.
Candidate off ballot for not using full name Right after striking William W. Brown III from the Republican primary ballot because he didn't include a middle initial and a Roman numeral after his name, Judge Joseph James told the South Fayette man not to give up, to try next time.

'You know what, your honor? I seriously doubt that it's worth it,' Mr. Brown said yesterday. 'It's just a local election, for God's sakes. I don't know why anybody would go to the trouble.'

The trouble Mr. Brown went to consisted of two days missing work so he could wait through a record series of hearings in which candidates and their proxies attempted to bump potential rivals off the ballot on a range of technicalities. In some cases, signatures on the petitions turned out to be questionable. In other cases, ethics forms weren't filed on time.

Pittsburgh Post - Early Returns gives advice to volunteer voter analysis site: Flame on you!

Early Returns, a blog thingie of the Post-Gazette staff, made a mention of a new citizen (nonprofit) candidate showcase site from the Pgh League of Young Voters.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Local News - Early Returns The Pennsylvania League of Young Voters launched a Video Voter guide this week. Note to PLYV: delete that Peduto entry.

The guide can be found on the Web site of the Pittsburgh-based group at
I've visited that site. It is very good. I was about to blog about it, but most of all, I was about to dive in there, update my replies to the questions asked. And, I'd really like to review and react to the issues raised by various candidates.
From ads - political
As you could discover for yourself, some folks seeking office are clueless when it comes to the questions presented. Some folks give the wrong answers, in my not so humble opinion. Meanwhile, other candidates make replies that are wonderful. I loved Tom Fallon's statement about the kids. He was right on.

But, the POST-GAZETTE kills me with its advice to the League. The P-G told the League to drop the comments from a person who is not in the race now. Say WHAT! The Post-Gazette kills me and our community a thousand different ways, much like paper cuts that we must endure. That is horrid advice. And, what's more, it comes from a horrid source, the P-G.

Let's be clear. I want comments and content online. I don't want less. I don't want video statements to be taken down.

I want to hear from Bill Peduto, then, later, and in the future. The Post-Gazette wants to DELETE. Delete -- like in the readership of the city's major daily newspaper is half of what it once was. Delete -- like the population of the city used to be more than 600,000. Now population counts are diving under 300,000. They delete schools. They delete buses. They delete historic buildings. They delete candidate discussion points. They delete conversations of true merit.

Delete, as in kill democracy outright so that the mayor has no opposition in the primary. Delete so that the Republicans (and I used to resemble that remark) don't want to run for mayor due to the BIG DELETE KEY at the Post-Gazette.

We don't want DELETE. WE want inclusion. We want the whole story. We want voter choices and elections that are BETTER than what is offered to people in Communist China.

Don't ignore. Take you head out of your -- err -- hole in the sand. Report upon the whole range of the story, especially on the internet.
From ads - political
We need archives. We need history. We need to understand each other. We need the League of Young Voters to stick video cameras into the faces of candidates and would-be candidates. And, we don't need the Post-Gazette to tell them to delete certain files from those presentations.

I want raw footage. I want grassroots democracy. I want blogs where my comments and those of others are accepted for what they are worth.

Most of all, when there is a race in our neighborhood, like mayor, controller, city council, county council and such -- and there is a list of candidates who are running -- I want the list to be inclusive. I'm still deleted from the lists at the Post-Gazette.
Rich Lord gave me the impression that the P-G's powers that be won't include me or my running mates onto the list of candidates seeking office. My objections seemed to have cause a minor adjustment to the internet pages of the PG. The link advertised a complete list of candidates on the P-G page, but it was changed. It needed to be the P-G's way because I've not filed my papers to get onto the ballot. Humm...

Hillary, McCain, Obama, and countless others who are running for office in 2008. They are on many lists. They don't live here. And they have NOT filed their papers yet either. The P-G dedicates a lot of ink to them.

Life does not begin for a person after he or she files papers to be on the ballot for a specific race. Life is too precious to be led only by those who are in office already.

The Post-Gazette is forever dedicating lots of ink and space to those who are NOT running for office. Jack Wagner. Jim Ferlo, Sala Udin and Jim Roddey are all not running for mayor, but there have been (countless) stories on those guys.

So, does the P-G want a monopoly in providing our marketplace coverage of those who are NOT running for office? Did the League of Young Voters tread upon the turf of the P-G? Is that why the P-G political crew is so interested in giving advice to the PA League of Young Voters to DELETE the video snip of a member of Pgh City Council? He ran for mayor before. He might run again. He was seeking an endorsement.

We don't win by subtraction. Nobody wins that way. To not loose, perhaps, is fine for some. But victors don't triumph through a process of subtraction. We won't succeed. We won't prosper. We won't flourish.

We win by addition. We win by inclusion. We win by documenting as much as we can. With the internet, costs are only recycled electrons.

I don't want the YouTube mentions of Peduto, Fallon, T.Colazzi or others to be deleted. Keep em. Build, don't demoralize. Boost, don't destroy. Be brutally honest, don't lie by omission. Be trustworthy, not full of hype and blown by the wind.

The Post-Gazette has a gate-keeper mentality that should change. I crave a 'gang-plank mentality.' The P-G's Early Returns should be a magnet for attracting ideas, issues and solutions, as well as people. The Early Returns name hints at a time of a 'new dawn.' Should the Early Returns be Old and Elitist?

Next, on to this question of real merit:
From ads - political

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Colaizzi withdraws from council race - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Another one bites the dust.
Colaizzi withdraws from council race - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Theresa Colaizzi, 46, a two-term school board member from Greenfield, has dropped her challenge to unseat City Council President Doug Shields in the 5th District council race.

Colaizzi was Shields' lone challenger. Shields also is running for City Controller.

'I just decided that I have a lot more work to do on the school board, and that this is not the time to do this,' Colaizzi said.

Candidate Forums

B-PEP, League of Young Voters
6:30 pm - Thursday, April 12, 2007

at St. James A.M.E. Church, 444 Lincoln Ave.

Sponsored by: The Black Political Empowerment Project, The League of Young Voters, The League of Women Voters, The East End Collaborative, The Greater Pittsburgh Student Voices

6:30 pm - Thursday, April 26, 2007



Hill House Kaufmann Auditorium, Hill Dist.

Sponsored by The Black Political Empowerment Project, The League of Young Voters

For information call 412-758-7898 – e-mail:

Rick Swartz, Dem, of the Bloomfield Garfield Corp -- to face the challeng on March 30

I understand that the petition challenge directed for the Dem primary at Rich Swartz, candidate for Allegheny County Cheif Executive, is slated to go before the judge on March 30.

AGENDA FOR TONIGHT'S meeting in Garfield


Brief Overview of Garfield Comprehensive Housing Strategy Joann Monroe, Executive Director
Garfield Jubilee Association, Inc.

Accomplishments To Date Aggie Brose, Deputy Director

Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, Where we are Today Richard Swartz, Executive Director, Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation

Overview of Strategy for Garfield Heights Replacement Housing

HACP Vision (A. Fulton Meachem, Executive Director of HACP)
-Nature of Housing Authority Participation
-Funding Availability for Phases I, II, and III

Garfield Development Plan (Keith B. Key, President of KBK Enterprises)
-Financing Plan Overview
-Management Plan

Support Services, Section 3,and MBE Plan (Richard Morris, HACP)

Project Overview (Tisha Germany, KBK Enterprises)
-Timeline for Phase 1 Development
-Project Amenities
-Rent Structure and Qualifications for Units

Review of Site Plan for Phase I (Alexandra Laporte-Snediker, HACP)
-Site Plan
-Unit Elevations and Community Bldg

Questions and Answers

Next Steps – Quarterly Up-Date Community Meetings & Adjournment

Open Letter to Bill Peduto from Mark Rauterkus:
Now it the time to re-open prior discussions on campaign finance reform.

Dear City Council Member Peduto,

A few years ago, as a citizen and former candidate for mayor, I reviewed your legislation about campaign finance reform. I called for the public hearing about your bill. We talked about some of the fatal flaws in council chambers. The bill was tabled.

Furthermore, I was part of a committee that was established in the aftermath of the failed legislation offering. I was happy to be included in that effort. My begging plus some insistence from other members on council at the time helped to get me into those meetings.

Some of us were willing to deal with a wide range of issues concerning Pittsburgh's campaign finance reform. The committee was stacked with excellent people. Some of the best and brightest organizations in the region were represented and concerned. We came together to work in hopes of advancing solutions. All cared a great deal about our shared democracy. And, we kept true to the wishes of the bill's prime sponsor.

To this day, the work product of that committee has not been revealed. I've been disturbed, as you know, by the lack of action and silence for so many months. Our committee, in my opinion, offered some fine outcomes. These have been kept under wraps.

Now is the time to unleash those discussion about democracy in Pittsburgh, in advance of the 2009 campaign season. Let's re-kindle and begin to reclaim the discussion about campaigns in Pittsburgh.

You said yesterday, "The campaign to reform Pittsburgh continues." Well, that's good news. But, it is clear to me, the next step on this process of reform should include a new look at campaign finance reform. We've done plenty of work. The group was ready to make some suggestions. Plus, I have two specific side-line suggestions that go beyond what was offered by the committee.

In the days to come, I'd love to see you put the ordinance back onto the table with an attached call for an official public hearing in council chambers. Let's address the materials developed by the committee in the past and allow for additional citizen comment.

I feel certain that if some of the solutions I proposed back in those discussions would have been implemented, yesterday's news could have been avoided. Serious, system-wide reform can be accomplished. But, action is necessary.

Introduce a "place holder bill" called "campaign finance reform" so that we can quickly proceed to a public hearing.

Thanks for all you have done and are yet to accomplish in these regards.

Finally, for scheduling, in May and early June I'll be in New Zealand.

We had a wonderful Libertarian Meeting last night. On my way with OnQ call too.

Last night was our monthly meeting of the Allegheny County Libertarian Party. It was a success. We meet most months in the back room of Ritter's Diner.

On the way to the meeting, a running mate and I were talking on the phone. He gave me the head's up that the OnQ TV show had Joe S. M. and Jim R. talking politics. I called in and was able to get on the air with my observations.

I talked about the "candidate's affidavit" that would prevent Bill Peduto from entering the race as an Indie. And the law professor was kind with his remarks to me about my races. Meanwhile Jim Roddey said something about being embarrassed about the lack of showing from the Allegheny Republicans. Then I was clicked off the air.

I think it replays at noon today. I'll try to tape it.

Will Peduto's folks head to Dowd and what's his name in District 3

Bill Peduto can play a role in the race for city council on the South Side and for the seat presently held by Len.

What's your take there?

What's Bill's position?

Play hockey or help to unseat some other peers on council. Talk about a divide of Pittsburgh. Humm.

It is one thing to go negative. It is another to go alone.

The Burgh Report: The Breaking of a New Dawn

Splendid post from another blogger.
The Burgh Report: The Breaking of a New Dawn

Fandom and Peduto and More

From china - sculp...

Wise words to ponder today:
Fandom often involves collective hostility towards stars, rather than unalloyed worship and approval. Pianist Glenn Gould, who gave up concertizing, described the audience as a hostile force whose "primal instinct was for gladiatorial combat."

Presidents, athletes, movie stars, singers, and members of the British royal family are criticized by millions every day. Joey West published an *I Hate Madonna Joke Book*. *The Washington Post* ran a contest which encouraged readers to come up with humorous and elegant insults of celebrities. The Internet has led to a proliferation of celebrity "death pools," such as the Ghoul Pool, where people bet which famous individuals will die next. Fred and Judy Vermoral, in their study of fandom, noted: "we were astonished by the degree of hostility and aggression, spoken and unspoken, shown by fans towards stars. Later we realized this was one necessary consequence of such unconsummated, unconsumable passion."

Fans take pleasure in judging presidents, leaders, and famous entertainers by especially harsh and oversimplified stand­ards. Stars provide a realm in which prejudice is given free reign to rule opinion. Fans can let off critical steam, or vicarious love, without fear of repercussions, and without having to confront the complexity of the moral issues involved...
Source: Tyler Cowen's Personal Web Page. What Price Fame. The first chapter of his book, prior to copy editing and footnotes. The book was published by Harvard University Press.

Thanks to City Council President for the hat tip at another blog

From china - sculp...

Doug Shields, President of Pittsburgh City Council was reported to have said, yesterday:
2 Political Junkies 'You do these things, you learn.' He said. 'I tip my hat to anyone who gets into a mayoral race.'
Thanks Doug.

Not that the glowing words are behind us, let's get to the meat of the matter. Shields said that there wasn't a dragon to slay.

So, Peduto is out because he isn't quixotic. That's twisted logic.

I've been called idealistic and quixotic. I'm one to try to slay dragons with recycled electrons. I'm fine with the struggle to out-think and out-flank the evils that lurk in our political environment.

Of course Peduto's withdrawal yesterday will serve him well for a better run in the future.
From texture - misc.

But, I beg to differ with Shields on the concept that the city went down the drain in 2003. The sky was falling in 1999, in 2000, in 2001. We knew it. We talked about it. They might have been ignorant. But, the city was taking a big fall

Fan (above, click to see larger image of any image here) shows both dragon and phoenix. Same characters are on the tapestry below. They are telling characters. Bill Peduto will 'rise again.' Furthermore, the dragon to slay is in my sights.

From texture - misc.

2 Political Junkies: Oh Puhleeze!

Maria, a neighbor, and one who isn't always in my corner, gets on a roll with a rant about the P-G. She gives blistering observations.
2 Political Junkies: Oh Puhleeze! Our City needs a tough, independent paper that asks the hard questions from day one and not one that only decides to pile on when everyone else decides it's OK to do so. Just maybe that 'cowardice and failed responsibility' that you speak of is your own staring you back in the mirror.
The news analysis piece the was published today came from a guy that I talked to on the phone this week. He knows I'm in the race. He doesn't write it.

But furthermore, his 'analysis' is exactly what I've been saying for months. I feel that a renewed Peduto challenge comes in 2009.

But there are other wrinkles. I dare not toss insults about being clever and calculating. When it is a hardship to 'think again' -- we've got serious problems. When being smart as a leader is a 'turn off' -- we've got global problems.

"The mind leads, the body follows."

Duty is a good thing to mention in all posts about the Post-Gazette. I love that theme.

Do you think the P-G has a duty to list all the candidates who are running for office, or just the ones that they want to list?

New point: The city's "give a chance attitude" isn't so "unfathomable." Bob O'Connor got in line. Bob got a chance. It was Bob's turn when he won.

Thanks for lashing out at the P-G's complicity.

YouTube - the Apple iRack

YouTube - Introducing...................the Apple iRack

City prepares to host architectural historians

I should go to this. I'd love to sit in on the panel. Who can get me an invite? What time of day is this session?
City prepares to host architectural historians The conference begins with a Preservation Colloquium exploring Pittsburgh's 'Fifth and Forbes Debate,' which began in 1996 when Mayor Tom Murphy proposed the demolition of several Downtown blocks in and around Market Square to create a new retail and entertainment district. Panelists will explore the historical evolution of Market Square, the Murphy plan and competing preservation-based plans as well as current and proposed developments.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Peduto Drops Out; Mayor Ravenstahl Has No Challengers - News

Peduto Drops Out; Mayor Ravenstahl Has No Challengers - News Ravenstahl will be the lone Democratic name on the May ballot -- and it seems the path is clear for him to take the general election in November as well.
Hello WTAE!

Don't tell us who ISN'T running, i.e., the Republicans. The Republicans have not been elected in the mayor's office for 70-plus years -- for goodness pete.

Told ya. Peduto wants out of the mayor's race

Folks, I told you. Bill Peduto has a better chance to win the mayor's office in 2009. Bill can't turn negative. Bill can't depart the D party. Bill can't be nasty and divide.

Bill Peduto has to win by addition. He has a long career ahead of him. Bill can't burn out and be worthless as a nag.

I can nag. I'm an outsider.

I'm not happy that Bill pulled out of the race. But, it is a great decision for Bill Peduto and a bitter one for Pittsburgh. It isn't good for Pittsburgh. I'd rather have a real campaign in the spring and another real campaign in the fall. When we think with half our brain, the outcomes are poor. We've been getting poorer for decades.

Bill Peduto would have been better served had he not promised to raise $800,000 for this race. He should have said that he would run on a $80,000 budget.

Bill Peduto would have been better served had he released all of his position papers at the get-go. Bill has been waiting on the tip off for some of the topic discussions. He had materials from the past election that has still been kept under a lid. Bill can't run a sustained discussion by himself. But, he can begin and try.

The only thing we can do is try.

The other big hurdle for Bill Peduto -- the institutions. Bill needed to have a couple of debates even if Luke didn't show. The debate host wouldn't proceed. Bill talked about the local environment. That is part of the cancer. WTAE, KQV, KDKA, QED, -- and many others -- are on the hook. Responsibility rests, in part, with them. We crave debates. And, we need one-person debates if the other is chicken or too busy to show up.

I hope Bill Peduto has a long, productive career. I think he will.

I hope Pittsburgh can become a place where we all can prosper and live without labels that hold us down.

We need to make progress. I hope that the "progressive" folks who would have voted for Bill Peduto will "Come With Me" -- or at least vote for me. Don't vote for me because of who I am. Vote for hope for the sake of our kids.

Honz Man (KDKA Radio) has a working theory that Peduto is going to get out of the D primary and into the general election. I called the show, waited on hold for 30-minutes, and tried to debunk some of his thinking.

And, the Caliguri saga is not like what Peduto's fate. But, that's for another thread.

City of Pittsburgh issues the RFP for the closed ice rink. Finally. Victory

Yes. Victory looks like this. Finally, a RFP (Request For Proposal) came out from the city about the closed indoor ice rink on the South Side. It is the city's lone rink, other than Mellon Arena.

I've been pushing for this for years.
City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Neville Ice Arena RFP - Proposals will be accepted until 05/21/07 for the reuse or redevelopment of the Neville Ice Arena
I'm happy. Now to go read the PDF.

Dollars and Sense

Press Release March 20, 2007

Liberty Dollar Group Seeks Permanent Injunction against US Government

Says second most-popular currency is not violating any law

EVANSVILLE , INDIANA - Liberty Dollar filed suit against the U.S. Mint on Tuesday, March 20 in U.S. District Court in Evansville Indiana. The organization - which promotes and distributes the new gold and silver currency - asked the court to declare that the use of the Liberty Dollar is not a 'federal crime,' as claimed by the U.S. Mint. And the organization further asked the court to enter a permanent injunction against the U.S. Mint requiring it to remove any reference that the use of Liberty Dollars is a federal crime from its website.

The Liberty Dollar organization denies that its more than 100,000 proponents are federal outlaws. It identifies them as law-abiding citizens who "legally have made the inflation-proof Liberty Dollar America's second most-popular currency". And the organization demands that the federal government cease and desist from threatening them.

The Liberty Dollar group maintains it is protecting the right of every American to use or barter any "money" they may voluntarily agree to utilize. They point out that anybody can lawfully barter a dozen eggs for five pounds of sugar without fear of government interference, as an example. The group even quotes Andrew Williams, a spokesman for the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C., as saying, "There is no law that says goods and services must be paid for with Federal Reserve notes. Parties entering into a transaction can establish any medium of exchange that is agreed upon."

Bernard von NotHaus, the monetary architect of the Liberty Dollar, labels the U.S. government/U.S. Mint's allegation that the use of the Liberty Dollar is criminal as completely misguided. "The Liberty Dollar organization has never claimed that its new gold and silver currency was a 'coin' or 'legal tender.' For more than eight years, the Liberty Dollar has prospered from the fact that people could use any 'private voluntary currency' they chose. The Liberty Dollar organization has simply benefited from the differences between the debt-based U.S. dollar and a value-based currency." Von NotHaus concludes, "There is absolutely no violation of U.S. law."

Von NotHaus points out that the government forced the lawsuit upon itself. "We had to sue the U.S. Mint, because this unfair and illegal warning was killing the Liberty Dollar and the ideals it represents. We're a relatively small group that can't afford to be smeared by the umpteen billion US dollars of the federal government. It has seriously impacted our business"

Von NotHaus finds hope in the fates of other companies who withstood attacks from the federal government and won. "Just like FedEx, I expect the Liberty Dollar to win this suit, re-establish sound money, and have the U.S. government as its biggest customer."