Fla. governor signs law requiring P.E. in elementary schools - CNN.com Fla. governor signs law requiring P.E. in elementary schools
The bill will require at least 2.5 hours of physical education each week (30-minutes a day) for k-5. Middle and high schools are encouraged to provide up to 3.75 hours of gym class weekly.
"We're trying to create a culture of activity in our elementary schools," said state Republican Rep. Will Weatherford, the bill's sponsor.
FL leaders hope to have gym class required through 12th grade by 2012, along with money from the state to help schools purchase necessary exercise equipment.
All the on-going efforts on health care issues goes to nothingness when school nutrition and physical education, in particular at the elementary level, get ignored. America can't shove unhealthy children into our schools and expect to get ahead of the process. Unhealthy children grow into unhealthy adolescents and unhealthy adults. That overwhelms society and all health care efforts.
In New Zealand, we've been impressed with the overall health of the kids and adults. They play sports. I understood this for decades and was most excited to see this devotion in practice for myself.
However, New Zealand doesn't have P.E. teachers in most elementary schools. Same for art and music. The homeroom teacher runs these classes. Furthermore there are a lot of schools that do take-out for physical education. They'll subscribe the school to an outside agency / swim school for on-going services / contract. Then the kids get instruction from certified, qualified teachers in swimming at the swim school in the community -- not in the school.
In Western PA, we've got plenty of swim pools in our schools. Here in New Zealand, the pools are not in the schools. But, there are still lots (if not more) of school kids in swim classes -- outside the school buildings.
Rendell launching an effort to battle chronic diseases Gov. Ed Rendell plans to move forward today on his statewide health proposal by creating a commission aimed at improving care for patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases.
This is nothing new or original. And, it is typical -- too little and too late.
Wellness is a great thing. So, I dare not laugh too much at the lame ideas Gov. Rendell attempts next. But he is clueless as to fitness. And, I feel strongly that fitness is a major concern of ours for the present and the future.
The missing link isn't government handouts and extended services from government to make everyone work out. No way.
We need to begin this trek to fitness with an attitude adjustment. We need fit and responsible approaches with our lifestyles. Our philosophy, mentality, thinking, priorities and our grip on the challenges of today's society need honest reflections. We need to be nimble, healthy and see the big picture. That means, in part, blind spots are not tolerated.
Giving tired, closed-minded, and in-flexible fits.