Wednesday, June 01, 2011

You go long.

Registration opens for Tomlin's Father and Kids Experience: "'All of us at Family First and All Pro Dad are excited that this event continues to be an annual outing for dads and kids,' said Mark Merrill, founder and president of Family First. 'Just as in years past, again this year we are bringing new themes and insights into the program, so the format remains familiar, but the concepts are fresh for returning dads and kids.'"

Wondering if Mr. Lopez still stands by these concepts?


Monday, May 30, 2011

Revolution in Spain—15M: from Anger to Action Crossing The Sun Door

Project-Censored-L mailing list

By Concha Mateos, PhD in Social Communication

Faculty at one public University in Madrid.

Something that looked impossible is happening.

Not a miracle: there is no God acting, no divine intervention. Only human will and the crowd.

Thousands of people were there, with the same ideas, the same objectives, the same desire for
change. They lived in different places and cities and countries, but they were in reality at the same Puerta del Sol, although none of them did know.

One day of May 2011 they happened to gather together driven by the same and only cause.

Have you ever taken a decision together with thousands of people in which each person's opinion is heard and treated equally?

Thousands of people were there, in the same ideas, in the same objectives, in the same need
of changes, in the same Puerta del Sol, but they didn´t know it.

The companions have meet together.

Have you ever taken a decision with thousands of people considering them all the same?

The square, whatever square, has become a school in democracy – pure, radical, real, and effective democracy. (Democracia real ya – real democracy now – is the name of one of the groups making up the movement.) While corporations try everyday to captivate audiences sat in front of the TV, swallowing garbage TV entertainments, the protest is in the form of an acampada (camp) in the squares. There you have people listening to each other sitting on the ground taking and sharing the floor. The sun assembly shines every night at Puerta del Sol.

We build agreement where politicians want rivalry.

We look for solutions where politicians want oppression.

We don't fight: we presist, we protest creatively. Consent, participation, respect (for one another,
for animals, for the environment), dialogue are our methodology. We raise our hands and shout: these are our weapons. And work hard and patiently to reach agreement.

After thousands of years of human civilization, one system of production has appeared in the last period and managed to oppress more people and destroy more resources than ever before.

Beyond its plastic face, capitalism has brought ruin to the way of life of millions of human beings, as
well as those regarded as sub-human, the immigrants trying to survive within the sub-democracy, without rights, a place to live or the entitlement to vote, living on a pittance, a dishonor for them but a cause of shame for the rest of us.

The welfare state is being destroyed, huge areas of the planet are condemned never to become part of it.

Another system is possible. Stop lying with your corporate media.

This Spanish revolution is a revolution because people have been changed in the process. That is the first and the main step forward in any protest, the transformation it brings about within the individual.

We were angry at the beginning. Capitalism has wasted four centuries spreading out reasons for the protest, barriers we have climb over to get a job, to get a house, to get an education, to get healthcare, to win political, social and cultural rights, real rights, to defend our dignity.

Corruption, privilege, politicians paid by corporations to manipulate the economic system, putty in
corporate hands, TV entertainment offered us instead of participation.

Capitalism planted the seeds of the anger of the indignados. But outrage is not our goal. We are not doing this to remain angry.

The indignation we felt was identified a long time ago. But who were "we"? Nobody knew. But we do now. We discovered this "we" in Puerta del Sol on 15th May, 15th, we discovered that our indignation is wide spread, we are thousands of people, a booming process of collective conscience.

A new political subject has emerged. We are the first to be transformed. That is because this
is a revolution.

We have rescued that word from TV and cultural theory. We are giving back its meaning to the people,
ordinary people throughout Madrid's various neighborhoods made their voices heard in meetings held last Saturday (May 28). Hundreds of local assemblies held throughout Spain, with women, men, mothers, grandfathers, students, professors, workers, immigrants, real people living a real democracy taking shape in their local areas for the first time in their lives.

Indignation became joy. And now that joy is seeing us through to organizing.

Anger plus joy produces
strength. Strength plus organization is the start of structural change.

Yes, we camp. We have camped and we will camp into the future.

The Puerta del Sol camp is not going to fade away; it is going to
explode, to set up camp deep in
the thinking of people. No police force or government can remove it
from the mind
of the new political subject that has burst onto the stage shouting Democracia
real ya.

Remove the current electoral system, get rid of the economic
privileges the political class has allowed
itself, make the corporations responsible for the crisis pay for the crisis,
stop the economic reforms dictated by international economic power, and let our
reason govern our world, not the capitalist reason. Claim, support and defend
all this through democratic meetings, horizontally, and peacefully.

It is happening, and it is not a miracle. It is something more
powerful, a lot of people have
experienced the pleasure of recovering the political sense of our lives. Debate
and decide in assembly.

We held two general assemblies yesterday, May 29. The assembly of
local committees in the morning
and the general one at night, lasting more than four hours each. The need and
the plan and the dream of restructuring the camp at Puerta del Sol, a camp that
is a symbol and reference point for so many people. We connected live with
companions in Athens and Paris. We condemned the police actions against them.

Have you ever taken a decision with thousands of people in a public
square? Have you ever experienced
the energy of that collective will and responsibility?

It is hard work. To turn anger into joy, and joy into agreement for
action. Truly hard labor, but
the only one that can give us back our dignity.

Concha Mateos has a PhD in Social Communication and is on the faculty
at a public University
in Madrid. She has been actively involved with Project Censored since 2009.

Use of force by city police declines

A news article from the Post-Gazette reads, in part:
Use of force by city police declines'There is a percentage of people out there who will fight the police at the drop of a hat,' Officer Wright said. 'They don't care.'

Some folks are just so full of rage that they can't control themselves. They don't care if they get wild and are put back into safe distances or into positions where they can't hurt others. Sure. That's out there. Drugs can do that to a person. So too, especially, can booze. Some are fearless and think that they can leap out of tall buildings too. Some just snap or have already snapped when the police arrive.

But, a report is a report and to say that "a percentage of people" is to say very little at all. What is that percentage. How many zeros come after the decimal point? Is it one percent? Is it two percent? Is it point zero three percent?

I like the report and I like the numbers, but I don't like the quote as it tells next to nothing.

Chair Memorial Day Message


Dear Fellow Libertarian,

Memorial Day, first just a day and now a weekend, is a time to remember those past and present that serve -- and have served -- their country and communities with honor and dignity. These men and women have done this so that others can enjoy the freedom and liberty we call the American dream.  There is so much I want to say, but for once it will not be political. 
Long before I was a Libertarian, a distinction I grow more proud of every day, I was first American.  Long before you were a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Independent, Liberal, Tea Party, or Green you were, and are, Americans first.  Let's remind ourselves of that often. 
On this Memorial Day, my prayers go out to all those that are currently serving in the armed forces, especially those serving in combat areas around the world. These prayers extend to POW's and missing in action, asking for a speedy and safe return. 
I pray our leaders find the wisdom in the words of our founding fathers and hear their warning to avoid entangling alliances, so that our troops can come home now. There is a better way. 
Above all, to those families and friends of fallen soldiers, I say a special prayer today that you find solace and comfort knowing that your loss will not be forgotten, and they are at peace with those few that gave their all for the greater good of mankind. 

          With this Memorial Day blog, I would also like to acknowledge an individual that has risen above all odds to give hope, encouragement and a voice to those that fight daily with mental health disorders.   I know first-hand all the obstacles, self doubt, anxiety, and ups/downs this recently announced Citizen of the Year has gone through over the years because it is one of my sisters, and one that I am most proud of, Christine Jasikoff.  ( )
We are all here for but a speck of time, so why not make the most of it?  In the scheme of things will anyone really remember, or care that you got that report out on time, or made that sales quota?  When you have reached your later years is that what you will remember, or be proud of?  Of course not!
So make that difference now.  Get involved.  Trust me on this, we all have something.  It could be drinking, drugs, gambling, over-eating, too much shopping, the list goes on and on.  None of us is perfect.  Except Libertarians , of course  LOL!  Oh, I forgot I said no politics today, so enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Hopefully you take some time to be with yourself, family and loved ones. The craziness begins again tomorrow!
In Liberty,
Lou Jasikoff, Chair – Libertarian Party of PA
REMINDER: The next State meeting is on June 11 in Harrisburg.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Ride, as per the rain date

We are riding on the RAIN DATE - Memorial Day - 6:45 AM (morning)

Who: Cyclists -- road, recreation, commuter, race, triathlon. All who legally share the road.

What: The Pittsburgh arm of the worldwide Ride Of Silence™ bike
rally. See

• to honor those cyclists injured or killed on public roadways
• to raise awareness of cyclists on the road
• to demonstrate responsible road sharing
• to show that cyclists are not going away

When: Monday , May 30 , 20 2011 , 6: 45 AM . We roll out at 7:00 AM sharp.

Pittsburgh start location: Southside - 26th & Sidney (behind REI).

Route is 10 miles, roughly

• On the third Wednesday of May around the world, cyclists will take to the roads in a silent protest of the carnage taking place on the streets. (In Pittsburgh, we ride on Memorial Day mornings!)

• Chris Phelan organized the first Ride Of Silence in Dallas in 2003 after endurance cyclist Larry Schwartz was killed by a passing bus mirror on an empty road.

• The Ride Of Silence is a free ride that asks its cyclists to ride at a slow pace and remain silent during the ride.

• The ride hopes to raise cycling awareness during bike safety month to motorists, police, traffic engineers, insurance companies, and city officials. The ride is also a chance to mourn, in funeral procession style, those who have already been killed.

• The ride requests black arm bands be worn, red only if you have had a bike/motor vehicle accident. Helmets are required; bright clothing and lights are highly recommended for the ride home. There are no fees charged anyone to participate.

How we will ride in Pittsburgh:
• Double file, side by side, keeping to a single lane, and to the right of the yellow line where it exists. (Most of the roads we will use do not have lanes wide enough to safely share) Stop and wait at all red lights - we're a big group and will undoubtedly be breaking up and regrouping as we go along. If there is slower traffic in the lane, we'll just wait for it.
• Please bring bikes in good repair, as there will be no official mechanical support or transportation.
• Helmets are required. Ipods and the like are frowned upon.
• Children aged 12 and under should be in trailers, trail-a-bikes, tandems or the like, not riding independently.
• This ride takes place on city streets, with potholes, surface hazards, motor vehicles and other cyclists riding in close proximity.
• Participants must use their own judgement and be responsible for their own safety. If at any time, you feel that you can no longer participate safely, please pull off the route and wait until the rest of the ride has passed.

Pittsburgh Ride of Silence Contact for 2011: Lyle Seaman (

The Pittsburgh Ride of Silence is endorsed by Western Pennsylvania Wheelmen, Bike Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh Major Taylor Cycling Club.
The endorsers and organizer are bearing

Citizens with video camera to receive $75,000 in Blawnox settlement

WOW - I'm in shock...Melina called to ask for help. Weird they settled
like that "at the insistence of their insurance carrier." They must
have been bound to lose big time!

Forwarded message from {PghAction}

Women to receive $75,000 in Blawnox settlement
Friday, May 27, 2011
By Rich Lord, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A lawsuit accusing Blawnox of illegally restricting public
participation in, and recording of, meetings has been settled, with the
borough agreeing to change its policies and pay a total of $75,000 to
two women and their attorneys. Blawnox Council approved the settlement

Peggy Albright and Melina Brajovic sued last year over a series of
events beginning in 2008. They said the borough council had barred
comment at some meetings; ordered the arrest of Ms. Albright for
disorderly conduct; made non-specific threats when controversial issues
were raised; and barred Ms. Brajovic from filming meetings without
signing up a day in advance and remaining in a designated area.
When the disorderly conduct charge against Ms. Albright was
dismissed in Common Pleas Court, District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala
Jr. took the unusual step of appealing to the state Supreme Court --
but lost.

The borough will now allow public comment at both its business and
agenda meetings and lift the restrictions on videotaping, according to
Frederick B. Goldsmith, who, along with the American Civil Liberties
Union, represented the plaintiffs in U.S. District Court.
"Although the matter has been settled, the borough officials deny
any liability" for any violations of state open meetings laws or
federal civil rights, according to a press release from Blawnox. The
release quoted Mayor Thomas M. Smith as saying the settlement was made
"at the insistence of the borough's insurance carrier."

Both women, along with their attorneys, will get portions of the
settlement amount, Mr. Goldsmith wrote in a summary of the settlement.
Read more:


Mark Rauterkus
412 298 3432 = cell

Rant in school newspaper about education funding

Pierotti’s Point..Thanks, Governor Corbett. An education down the drain

One gym, one budget, and one new school. Those are the only three things that pop into my head when I think about Obama Academy. This year has been out of control with school funding, budgets, and cuts. We as students shouldn’t have to worry about where our education is coming from. For example, we are moving to Peabody, and we may get a new gym, new sporting equipment, and new uniforms with our school colors but what about other things?  For instance, if you’re in journalism, you know that we started off this year with 26 laptops, and now, on May 24th we have just 12 left.  We are willing to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a gym but we have no supplies for school?

Full link:

Bad news for K to 12th grade education in PA. Poor get poorer, sadly.

First this news from the Duquesne School District then a school newspaper rant.

Duquesne schools face teacher cuts
Extracurricular activities also may be eliminated
Friday, May 27, 2011
By Mary Niederberger, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Under a preliminary budget approved Thursday, the Duquesne City School District will see its teaching staff cut from 51 to 29.

Also, all extracurricular activities and after-school programs will be eliminated and its administrative staff pared to a principal and an assistant principal.

And that's the good news.

That's because the $14.26 million budget approved by the state board of control overseeing the district is still $2.52 million short.

The board adopted a preliminary budget that is out of balance because it couldn't bear to make any further cuts to the educational program in the K-8 school for 413 students the district still operates.

Also, its members warned they may not vote to adopt a final budget that contains the bare-bones program presented in the preliminary budget.

"This board will not accept this as a reality," said Juan Baughn, a special assistant to the state education secretary and the newly appointed chairman of the board of control. "This is not over, and we are not going to let it be over until our kids are taken care of."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fw: Apply Now! EPLC's 2011-12 Education Policy Fellowship Program

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Ron Cowell <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 15:55:01 -0400
To: Ron Cowell<>
Subject: Apply Now! EPLC's 2011-12 Education Policy Fellowship Program




Applications are available now for the 2011-2012 Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP).  The Education Policy Fellowship Program is sponsored in Pennsylvania by The Education Policy and Leadership Center (EPLC).


With more than 300 graduates in its first twelve years, this Program is a premier professional development opportunity for educators, state and local policymakers, advocates, and community leaders.  Act 48 credits are available to individuals holding Pennsylvania teaching or administrative certificates, and State Board of Accountancy (SBA) credits are available to certified public accountants.


Past participants include state policymakers, district superintendents and principals, school business officers, school board members, education deans/chairs, statewide association leaders, parent leaders, education advocates, and other education and community leaders.  Fellows are typically sponsored by their employer or another organization.


The Fellowship Program begins with a two-day retreat on September 8-9, 2011 and continues through June 2012.


Applications are being accepted now.  


Click on to see:


·         2011-12 Schedule

·         20110-12 Application

·         Past Speakers

·         Program Alumni

·         More Information


Since space is limited to approximately 30 positions, it is advisable to submit an application as soon as possible.  The application may be copied from the EPLC Web Site, but must be submitted by mail with the necessary signatures of applicant and sponsor.


If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Fellowship Program and its requirements, please contact Ron Cowell at 717-260-9900 or



Tuesday Evening Photos at the ACA Cycling Events

From: Fred Jordan

There are several links associated with last night's racing.

The main gallery:

A short video:

A brief blog entry:

It was a beautiful night, and both races had strong turnouts.


Fwd: Another Chance to Speak Out on the PATRIOT Act

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dave Nalle <>
Another Chance to Speak Out on the PATRIOT Act


Rand Paul Has Bought Us More Tome on PATRIOT Act

Dear Liberty Activists:

After the debate and amendments to the PATRIOT Act were shut down by a cloture vote in the Senate late Monday, today Senator Rand Paul (RLC-KY) carried out a heroic seven-hour filibuster on the floor of the Senate to buy time to fight back against the proposed four-year extension of the PATRIOT Act. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and other leaders in the House and Senate still don't want to hear debate or consider amendments to the bill, but we now have another day to put pressure on the Senate and probably two more days to try to influence House members.

For a report on Senator Paul's filibuster see the coverage in The Hill, which explains the details of the procedural process which the PATRIOT Act will now have to go through before it gets renewed. You should also visit Senator Paul's website for a summary of what is in his proposed amendments to the PATRIOT Act. While it would be ideal to see the PATRIOT Act disposed of once and for all, the proposed amendments offer a compromise which would address some of the worst violations of civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act while not fully repealing it. The protections for gun owners privacy and other fourth amendment rights are particularly important. We wouldn't normally send out another email so quickly on an acti vism issue like this, but events are moving incredibly fast and there's a real opportunity to have an influence. Many Senators and Representatives are on the fence. On Monday our calls and emails convinced several Senators to change their votes and there are reports that many House members are also wavering. In his weekly newsletter Representative Allen West wrote:

"Let me make myself clear, there is no one more focused on the security of the United States, but I also believe in preserving the liberty of our citizens. The record checks and roving wiretap provisions cause me concern, resulting from my research and query of local and federal law enforcement officers. Over the coming days, I will be reviewing documents to make a careful assessment so I can determine my support or opposition to this further extension to the PATRIOT Act."

Like others he is aware of the public concern over the PATRIOT Act and he appears ready to be convinced to do the right thing and vote to restore our Fourth Amendment rights. I hope you can take time to call and email your Senators and Representatives on Wednesday morning. Ask them to demand that the leadership allow debate to take place and amendments to be considered in both the Senate and House.

Edmund Burke wrote that "All government – indeed, every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and every prudent act – is founded on compromise and barter." The proposed PATRIOT Act amendments are a reasonable compromise to offer to those Congressmen who are not ready to fully oppose renewal. If you have time, please also email Sen. Paul or call his office at 202-224-4343 to express your support for his heroic efforts on this issue.

Make sure your voice is heard! Just click on this link to find contact information for your representatives.

Keep fighting for liberty,
Dave Nalle
National Chairman
Republican Liberty Caucus
Republican Liberty Caucus • 202-239-6207

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NCAA Market - Robert Morris needs a head women's ice hockey coach

NCAA Market - Job Search: "Robert Morris University is accepting applications for the position of Head Coach of Women’s Ice Hockey. This is a full-time position with responsibilities to include all aspects of coaching and recruiting in the sport of women’s ice hockey.

Qualified candidates should submit a letter of application, current resume and a list of three references to Human Resources, Robert Morris University, 6001 University Blvd, Moon Township, PA 15108; or e-mail to

Visit our website at for additional information about Robert Morris University.

Robert Morris University is committed to increasing diversity in its community and actively pursues individuals from all backgrounds. Additionally, RMU complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws and provides equal opportunity in all educational programs and activities, admission of students and conditions of employment for all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or national origin. EOE"

NCAA working with HBCUs to clear APR barriers -

NCAA working with HBCUs to clear APR barriers - "HBCU advocates say the reasons for the downward movement are complex and extend beyond a lack of resources, though that factor is cited most often as a reason for poor academic performance. Where many institutions with more funding can hire academic advisors, tutors and other people to ensure their student-athletes go to class, many HBCUs just don’t have that kind of cash on hand."

Fw: [DW] Global Transparency Research - -Special Report, May 24, 2011

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Clift <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 15:51:16
To: <>
Subject: [DW] Global Transparency Research - -Special Report, May 24, 2011

From: "Toby McIntosh" <>
Date: May 24, 2011 3:00 PM
Subject: -Special Report, May 24, 2011
To: <> - Special Report, May 24, 2011

First Global Conference on Transparency Research Held

A special report covers many of the 130 research papers, on
a wide variety of transparency topics, presented during the two-day meeting
at the University of Rutgers-Newark. Highlights include:

Overview: What happened at the conference, including calls for more
attention to womens transparency needs and for more transparency of an
international climate change fund; plus reports on macro-views of the
transparency movement.

Future Research: A call for more research from the donor community.

Plus, recommendations from conference participants.

Africa: Explanations for the comparatively few FOI laws in Africa.

Theory: Papers presented on the theory and philosophy of transparency.

Influences: What affects passage and implementation of FOI laws?

Mexico: A new study on FOI implementation in Mexico.

Local e-Gov: Evaluating e-government at the municipal level.

Open Data: Evaluating the Open Data movement in Latin America.

Corruption: Is transparency working?

Trust: Does transparency build trust in government?

China: The development of transparency in China.

South Korea: New studies on transparency in South Korea.

WikiLeaks: A new chapter for transparency?

Link to all stories from the overview story here:


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Pressing onward, or not, with Pittsburgh Public Schools in the wake of the times of the day.

This is a great slide. It comes from Dr. Linda Lane in a presentation about Pittsburgh Public Schools in the wake of the budget crisis.

We know that Dr. Lane stands right in the same place that Mark Roosevelt stood. She wants to plug along and do the work that has begun. She wants to stay the course.

With this in mind, I wonder about sports reform then. Mark Roosevelt put a priority upon those efforts for sports and afterschool in his fifth year. Sports, so I was told, was on the back burner until then. But in 2010, it came to be important. The sports discussion moved off the back burner.

This month a report was sent to the school board of Pittsburgh Public Schools. So now it seems as if sports goes right back into its slumber, or not? Are sports and after school efforts going to get some attention? Is the sports reform element part of the overall district wide reform agenda?

I think that athletics and activities are a huge part of a community and school life and that PPS has had serious problems in this realm. This is an area that calls for reform and is part of the overall package of changes for PPS.

But, now what?

I do not want 'sports reform' to go away just because the times are tough. Perhaps a few administrators need to be given their dismissal slips and seek employment elsewhere. PPS should not try to build a new stadium with capital money as teachers are being released. Perhaps teams can live another season in their existing uniforms and families will need to do what they can to help boost the programs. Fine. But let's not quit. I don't want to 'give up' on the hope of system-wide sports reform for PPS just because some administrators at the Board of Education are elsewhere.

We need to increase sports participation because we need to elevate school spirit because we need to expand community involvement because we want to insure more kids study and stay in school and graduate. We want to push and pull each other to higher levels of fitness, lower our body fat, increase our metabolic rate, strengthen our bodies and sharpen our minds with better transferable skills developed with movement and sports.

We want a longer school day because more should be getting better instruction after the last period by being part of a team with positive peer pressure and demanding challenges that matter greatly to the kids, where they can test themselves.

In the talk that Superintendent Lane gave she said it was 6 pm and she hoped that all the kids were out of school and at home and doing homework. No way! At that time of night, I don't want my kids at home. I want them on the court, in the swim pool, on the bike trails, playing with their friends. I want them to be under the guidance of excellent coaches and instructors in past-times that require lots of energy, stamina, strength development and challenges. And, I'd love for this to occur more so at facilities that we own, such as our schools.

At 6 pm I want our kids hitting the showers after a grueling workout. I want another set of kids prepping for a game that evening. I want more people headed to our gyms and facilities to play in Rec Leagues -- so we can RE-CREATE our city. That recreation allows for better scholarship in the days to come. That recreation allows for better cognitive advancements in the classrooms the next day.

This statement comes in her talk in the video below at 3:44 in the timeline.

WDUQNews: Civic Arena Hearing

WDUQNews: Civic Arena Hearing Civic Arena Hearing
Pittsburgh City Council held a public hearing in Uptown to hear testimonials from residents about whether the Civic Arena should stay or go.

If city council grants the arena historic status, it could save the building from being knocked down. And a lot of people have a lot to say about that.

On Monday night over 70 people had something to say about it – either in favor of re-purposing the building, or knocking it down and redeveloping the land. A little more than half believed the arena should be saved. They gave testimonial to five council members in a church sandwiched between the old arena and the recently constructed one.

Among the speakers was Sala Udin, former councilman and actor who wants the building to come down.

'The redevelopment can begin the healing process to preserve the people,' he said.

From its inception, the arena and the 28 acres surrounding it has been controversial – displacing 8,000 Lower Hill District residents and destroying a community. Last year, after the arena was shuttered for a new neighboring complex, the Sports and Exhibition Authority voted to knock down the building.

Local groups have filed for historic status. Among them, Preservation Pittsburgh, which helped organize a 50th Anniversary of the arena celebration just before Monday’s meeting. Scott Lieb, president of the group said although the arena is a remnant of urban renewal, it is here now and should be used to benefit the community. He also said the building is unique and is part of the fabric of the city.

"This building was revolutionary when it was built in 1961. It was the first retractable dome building in the US. It really is a part of Pittsburgh’s brand, it uses technology from Westinghouse, from US Steel, from American bridge," he said at the celebration.

The city’s historic and review and planning commissions have already rejected historic status.

Council has until mid-August to take a final vote.

Bakersfield Releases Coaches, Combines Programs & Encourges them to Re-Apply

Bakersfield Releases Coaches, Combines Programs & Encourges them to Re-Apply: "Bakersfield Releases Coaches, Combines Programs & Encourges them to Re-Apply"

CSU Bakersfield Athletic Director Jeff Konya met with members of the CSUB men's and women's swimming and diving programs, informing them of a new coaching model that will be in place starting next season. Unfortunately, much of the details of this were misreported over the weekend in published reports about the coaching futures of men's coach Chris Hansen and women's coach Pat Skehan.

Responding to the misleading reports, Konya says CSUB is not renewing the current contracts of both coaches and will have both the men's and women's swimming and diving teams coached by a single head coach or "coaching director." This new position will then assemble a coaching staff that will assist with the programs' needs. He says both current coaches have been encouraged to apply, something that was never mentioned in previous reports.

According to Konya, this coaching model is common in Division I swimming and includes top-25 programs such as Auburn, Florida, Arizona, USC, and Virginia. All of which have one head coach for both programs.

"This is something we needed to due in order to operate more efficiently while still maintaining a quality product in the pool, Konya said. "If this is something that a top-10 team like Auburn can execute, or USC, than why shouldn't we do the same here?"

Another underreported aspect of this decision is the necessity of the move in order to maintain current funding levels for student-athlete scholarships. According to Konya, during these tough economic times, moving forward with one less head coach was much more attractive than limiting the opportunities for student athletes to pursue their education while swimming at CSUB.

"It's very similar to when corporations restructure and cut management positions in order to maintain a series of other jobs that keep the company running," Konya commented. "Without our student athletes, we are nothing, I wanted to protect that and make sure they had the same opportunities next season."

As far as the coaches are concerned, both Skehan and Hansen were encouraged to apply for the newly-created coaching position and Konya says they will be heavily considered. Responding to earlier reports, he also said that claiming they both "won't be returning," is misleading and at this time, false.

"We haven't decided on the future yet, we know we will have some quality candidates in-house and hopefully some outside interest as well," said Konya. "We are starting the search this week and hope to have the position filled shortly so we can build on the success we had in that sport this past season while we move forward in a more efficient manner."

Separate Men's and Women's Programs that still remain include:
Miami (Ohio)
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Southern Methodist
Texas A&M
Air Force Academy
Naval Academy

Division III
Ithaca College
Kenyon College
New York
Tufts University
Washington & Lee

Address 'protocol' causes stir in city

Address 'protocol' causes stir in city: "'At this juncture, our advice is that council request that the Address Committee begin sending all recommendations to the body in formal bill form,' associate city solicitor Yvonne S. Hilton said."
Of course. This is a no-brainer. Pittsburgh City Council always wants others to do the jobs of the council for the councilors. The duties of crafting the legislation are going to be passed down to others, such as an address committee. Have the guys in Public Works who sit on that committee, or a 9-1-1 operator, or a firefighter, write the darn law. City council is there to vote on the written works of others, not come up with the laws too.

The proper thing to do is have the member of council who is also a member of the city address committee do the work and write the legislation. After the legislation is written, it should be presented to the address committee for prior approval. Then it should go to City Council for a full vetting among members and the public.

And, the law office does not need to be a referee among workers of the city.

Upper St. Clair budget slashes middle school sports

Preliminary Upper St. Clair budget slashes middle school sports: "Mr. O'Toole said there is about $25,000 left for middle school sports, meaning that most teams will no longer be able to travel to other schools. He said he will work with booster groups and coaches to determine which programs will be eliminated, scaled back or modified."

Wow. Imagine this, a school board and administration working with its boosters. Sad news to need to curb much of the middle school sports program. But, great news in that they are doing so with a cooperative spirit.

Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh Public Schools, our booster organizations are, how do you say, "frail." And even if they are "robust," they are seldom put into a collaborative setting with school and district administration.