Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Now that's Drama! Pittsburgh High School kids got a taste of bigots in the Culture District

Link to a story in the school newspaper about the CLO treatment of a high school theater group at the awards night.

I'm proud that the school newspaper did such an article.

Tweet it!


A friend posted speculation that this will all be worked out and that the article will be taken down from the website. My reply is different. I said, "No way will the article be taken down from the school paper. That would be more of an outrage than the crap the kids experienced in the Cultural District that day.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Graduation speech for the kids from Glenbrook Evening High School

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight
you, then you win."

Last night I was invited to deliver the Commencement Address to
the Graduating class of 2012 at my high school.

Consider this a great milestone for our efforts to restore America.


For years we have fought to make our message part of the American
Dialog using every format we can think of... Websites, films,
news shows, flyers, street actions, elections and more...

Despite the attacks from the establishment against our message the
fact that I was given the podium and able to address the young
graduates is a major victory.

We recorded it for you to see and share. I hope it inspires.

Forever Vigilant for Liberty,

Gary Franchi
RTR National Director

FUD kills nations too

From another source on a web thread:
The concept of "Romney Supporters" is an Oxymoron. So refer to them instead as the (GOP) "establishment".

The establishment's biggest weakness (problem) is that they embrace the culture of FEAR.

Fear is at the root of our country's problems. These fears have been created, nurtured, expanded, and embedded into our very culture by TPTB for the purpose of manipulating the people into surrendering to tyranny and the NWO. (death of Liberty)

Based on my experience, I think they KNOW that our country is screwed, but because they have such great FEAR they fail to take any action - including mentally recognizing the problems, and therefore doing anything about them - (we would call them "asleep" vs. those with less / no fear are "awake").

Now, because they are driven by their fears, it is much easier for them to "accept" the falsehoods of TPTB and actually embrace evil than it is to "man up" and do what is right. They SUBMIT to SLAVERY because they are COWARDS.

FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Israel and apartheid

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Julian P Heicklen" <>
Date: Jun 1, 2012 9:35 PM
Subject: Israel and apartheid
To: "Julian Heicklen" <>

Hi Tyranny Fighters

I have received e-mails, seen Facebook postings, and videos, where Israel is called an apartheid state.
This e-mail is to clarify this situation.

The world is an apartheid world.  It is sending all of its Jews to live in the ghetto called Israel.
Anti-semitism has grown rapidly since 2000 all around the world.  Jews are fleeing their native countries.
A significant factor driving this is the emigration of Muslims into many world countries, particularly in Europe.
The Muslims are the world's leading zionists, driving Jews into Israel.

As far as I know, there are only 2 countries in the world where the Jewish population is growing.
These countries are Israel and Germany.
Since the second world war, the Jewish population in Germany has grown from zero to about 100,000, mostly emigrants from the former Soviet Union.
Over the same period, the Jewish population in Israel has grown from about 100,000 to over 6 million.

In all of the rest of the world Jews have been sufficiently badly treated that they left their home countries.
All of Africa, except South Africa and maybe Morocco is cleared of Jews.
All of Asia, except for Iran, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and parts of India have been cleared of Jews.
Vast emigrations now are taking place from Western Europe.
Emigrations are increasing from North America.  In Jerusalem, I live in an area of almost total North American Jews.

Please be careful when you use the word apartheid in reference to Israel.  Israel is the ghetto.  The rest of the world is apartheid.

Yours in freedom and justice—Julian

Monday, May 28, 2012

Teachers teach

Bram is diving into education at his blog. He is way out of his comfort zone, and that's okay from time to time.

I posted this at his blog.

Here is the deal. Bad teachers should be fired. That needs to happen throughout time.

Good teachers in the wrong settings, perhaps, should be moved to different settings once or twice. But, PPS can't be keeping bad teachers.

There are very few bad teachers, but they are exist.

Furthermore, if we did fire bad teachers, then it would be easy to decide who needs to stay and who needs to go based upon years on the job.

Because some bad teachers have stayed too long, because of failures of middle and upper management, and because of a lack of peer review among teachers, we are in a mess.

Yes, teachers need to watch out for other teachers, helping and otherwise.

I wish there was more peer review and more peer pressure.

First, gang up on the teacher (among other teachers, staff and administration and even trusted parents) so that the challenges are overcome to make sure that the students are getting good opportunities, making progress and successes are delivered.

But by the end of the year, the staff needs to realize that the hand holding can't be forever.

Sadly, when a teacher is floundering, they don't get the help. And in due time, they don't get the next assignment nor the boot.

Bad teachers that linger are hurting public education, PPS and the Teachers Union. IMNH, good and great teachers have to carry some (say 5%) of the blame. The principals get the lion's share of the blame. Central Admin gets some too.

Great teachers know what's going on in their buildings.

Ask how much impact in all the rubics outlined in the blog posting are with peer review?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heading to Pittsburgh City Council on Tuesday

These students get to go to Pittsburgh City Council on Tuesday at 10 am to get a Proclamation. Erik Rauterkus (far right) is the Pennsylvania Youth Governor this year.

Flashback: Four years ago, we were getting set for the Olympics in Beijing

We love the Olympics. In 2008, we went to Beijing. Here is a little slide show from then.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

John Carlos in the UK, before the London Olympics

My life is not about winning medals. My life is about being a freedom fighter.

It is not about "black vs. white." That is what they want us to believe. It is about "right vs. wrong."

Olympic Project for Human Rights.

I am not afraid to offend my oppressor.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grant jumps from NA Tigers to Princeton Tigers to get ready for possible JO tournament in California in August

Screen shot.


So, this summer Grant might play water polo at the JOs in northern California with a team from Princeton. The deadline for switching one's club status is tomorrow. Grant moved from being a NA Tiger to a Princeton Tiger.

This happens all the time. The NA program is going to field teams in other age groups, but not 14-under boys.

Fwd: Raising money for Obama music programs -- by baking! (PSO concert too)

From: Jean Siegel <>

Hi PPS Parents,

Would you please help earn money for PPS Obama Academy's music
programs -- by baking?

The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO) is returning to East Liberty
for a fifth annual Community Engagement Concert at East Liberty
Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m.

ALL proceeds from the concert will benefit music education programs at
Pittsburgh CAPA, Pittsburgh Dilworth, Pittsburgh Obama, and Hope
Academy of Music and the Arts.

Helen Blier is again running the bake sale after the event, once
again, the proceeds will support the music programs at the 4 schools.
She's a little stricter than I am baking for teachers -- she asks
folks to make something, and to individually wrap the items, so they
can sell them a piece at a time.  Please contact Helen at   pacem1
-at- gmail -dot- com. Also, Helen would appreciate one or two
volunteers to staff the bake sale as well.

If you're interested in the concert itself, here are the details:
(please buy your tickets at the school from Mr. Schrader, because then
we keep all the money)


$10 - Adults

$ 5 - Students & Seniors 60+

FREE - Children and youth 18 and under with adult

SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICALLY IMPORTANT: The proceeds from tickets we sell
at the school before the concert, we get to keep, completely. That's
100%, as in all (A-L-L) of it!

Tickets are available for purchase at the school from Mr. Schrader.

Tickets are also available online at Brown Paper Tickets (online sales will be split between the four
participating schools).

There will be cash sales at the door the evening of the performance
(door sales will also be split between the four schools).

THANK YOU for your support.

Fwd: Car Wash / Bake Sale

We are sponsoring a car wash, bake sale with kettle corn, apple crisp.

Busy Beaver - Crafton/Ingram shopping center from 9 to 3 pm on Sat.
May 26, 2012.

Come and let us wash your car and have some apple crisp or kettle corn
while you wait.

From Coach Mike Schneiderlochner

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fwd: Heicklen flees U. S.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julian P Heicklen <>



Julian Heicklen arrived in Israel on May 22, 2012 as a political exile.  He was granted Israel citizenship at customs.  

There is a warrant for his arrest in Santa Ana, CA  because he distributed pamphlets on the sidewalk in front of the U. S. District Courthouse in Santa Ana.  Also he was arrested for the same offense, but the cases were dismissed, in Springfield, MA, Newark, NJ, and 11 times in Manhattan, NY.  However the Department of Homeland Security refuses to return his confiscated property.

He was tortured 7 times in 3 New York hospitals and once in a Springfield hospital.  He was dragged out of his bed at home  at 6:00 am by 11 law enforcement officers and placed in jail in the federal courthouse in Manhattan.

He was arrested by New York City police for standing on the sidewalk in front of the Isaiah wall across from the UN building in New York City and holding two signs which read STOP HATING JEWS.  As a result he was incarcerated for two weeks in the Riker's Island jail before his case was dismissed in the interest of justice.  However New York City refuses to return his confiscated property.
He has been convicted for criminal contempt of Court in Orlando, FL and sentenced to 145 days in jail for distributing jury information on the sidewalk connecting the county courthouse to the parking lot. The conviction has been appealed, though Heicklen already has served 22 days in the Orange County (Orlando) jail.

In Manhattan, NY he was on trial based on a grand jury indictment forged by the U. S. Attorney.  Title 18 USC § 3161(c) states: "In any case in which a plea of not guilty is entered, the trial of a defendant charged in an information or indictment with the commission of an offense shall commence within seventy days from the filing date (and making public) of the information..."  

Judge Kimba Wood colluded in the forgery by purposely violating 18 USC § 3161(c) to give the U. S. Attorney time to produce a witness.  On at least 2 occasions, undercover agents posed as jurors to entrap Heicklen into jury tampering.  Both attempts failed.   Heicklen has copies of the recordings.  After 18 months with no success, Judge Wood dismissed the charges on April 19, 2012.


The situation described above is the 21st century version of the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.  Yet the U. S. and world press mostly have ignored this story and refuse to publicize it.  Without publicity there will be no justice.

All of the above happened because Heicklen told the truth.  The United States is now Nazi Germany of the mid 1930s.  Hitler is in the White House.  The press is afraid to report the news.  The American people are in denial.    The United States is the number 1 prison state in the world.  The mass executions are still to come.  

Saturday, May 19, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bonita Allen
Dear Friends:

CAPA CABARET is Saturday, 5/19/12, and you can buy tickets at the door ($20 for adults and $15 for students).  Please forward this email to everyone you know to support this important fundraiser for the students of CAPA!   I am out of town and sad to be missing this big event, but Steve and Erik will be there with money to spend on raffles and auctions. Look below for more information about this incredible event!

Tickets include live entertainment, light hors d'oeuvres & desserts.   There will be wonderful raffle & auction items including student artwork, a KindleFire, a diamond ring, a Lemieux autographed hockey stick and more! An affordable family-friendly event also featuring a 40 minute show of CAPA talent.

Proceeds from this year's event are to benefit all CAPA students by funding their Arts Department programs. 
For more information click here:

Event: CAPA CABARET 2012
Hosted by the CAPA PTSA
Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12
111 Ninth St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Thank you for your support and I hope you can attend CAPA Cabaret 2012!

Mark Rauterkus    
PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim and Water Polo Camp Head Coach with Neighborhood Learning Alliance

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fwd: PTC Sponsor - Rev Pittsburgh - Grand Opening

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Brett Prince" <>
Date: May 18, 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: PTC Sponsor - Rev Pittsburgh - Grand Opening


On May 26, one of our new 2012 sponsors, Rev Pittsburgh, is hosting a grand opening event at their facility in Cranberry township:

It's official… REV is open! Let co-owner Frank Velasquez, former strength coach for the Pirates, and co-owner Aimee Slattery, former World Wrestling Rehab Specialist, welcome you to our state of the art 3600 sq. foot turfed facility. Enjoy refreshments, door prizes, 10 min informative "chalk talks" every hour, a FREE chair massage, and talk shop with Pittsburgh Pirates players and staff.  It's the one stop shop in care! First of its kind in the area! "There is something for everyone at REV" Visit our REV website at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Date: May 26th, 2012     Time: 10am - 2pm     Location: 290 Executive Drive #400 Cranberry Twp. PA 16066      Contact: 724-591-8228

10:45 – 10:55am: "Shoulder Care for the Overhead and Throwing Athlete" Frank Velasquez Jr. ATC, CSCS*R

11:45 – 11:55am:  "The Female Athlete" Aimee Slattery, PT, MS, CSCS

12:00 – 12:10pm:  Official "Ribbon Cutting" Ceremony

12:30 – 12:40pm: "Change without Pain" – Carrie Velasquez, BS, LMT

12:40 – 1:40pm: "Free Chair Massages"

Brett Prince
(412) 335-3478

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Water Safety in Schools. Imagine that!

United States House of Representatives formally acknowledges that water safety education should be included in primary and secondary schools. (H.RES.658)

May 15, 2012, marked the Inaugural International Water Safety Day (IWSD) prompting the United States House of Representative via H.RES.658 to formally acknowledge that water safety education should be included in primary and secondary schools. The day was celebrated with water safety tips and lessons by life guards, teachers and swimmers from around the world, including Olympic Great Anthony Ervin and the Michael Phelps Foundation, all striving to make a planet that’s 70 percent water, 100 percent water safe.

This important congressional resolution brings annual in-classroom water safety education on May 15th a step closer for schools across the nation. It also strengthens the critical advocacy work conducted by the water safety community.

Read the full resolution via the Library of Congress:  (H.RES.658)

Thanks to the Diversity in Aquatics efforts.

Fwd: Reminder - You're Invited: EPLC Education Policy Forum - May 17 - Pittsburgh

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Education Policy and Leadership Center <>

Reminder: You are invited to attend the

"Western Pennsylvania Breakfast Series"
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Continental Breakfast - 8:00 a.m.
Program - 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Holiday Inn Pittsburgh University Center
(100 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)
College Completion Agenda
If you have already RSVP'd, there's no need to RSVP again.
Gregg Fleisher
National AP Training and Incentives Program Director,
National Math+Science Initiative 
Marcus S. Lingenfelter
Director, State Government Relations, The College Board

Dr. Peter H. Garland
Executive Vice Chancellor,
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The Lumina Foundation, The College Board, and Complete College America are among just a few of the nation's leading organizations calling for a dramatic increase in the percentage of young adults with a 2-year college degree or more to at least 55%. In the recently released College Completion Agenda 2011 Progress Report, Pennsylvania (43.4%) ranks just above the national average of 41.3%, while it trails far behind neighboring states New York (49.2%), New Jersey (46.2%), and Maryland (46.1%). With educated citizens as the basis for innovative, productive, and healthy economies, Pennsylvania currently stands at a disadvantage.
This session will discuss the degree attainment/completion agenda landscape nationally and locally. It will include discussion of best practice policies and programs being utilized around the country seeking to "fix the leaky P-16 pipeline." Also included are a host of resources, data, and policy initiatives from the College Board's Advocacy and Policy Center (

The College Board's College Completion Agenda Report is available at

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Please RSVP Today! 

  Registration is free, but everyone must RSVP at share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to our Sponsors:

 AFT Pennsylvania
Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties
College of Education - The Pennsylvania State University
Center for Educational Leadership - University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
OnHand Schools
Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals 
Pennsylvania Association of Intermediate Units
Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools
Pennsylvania Association of Pupil Services Administrators
Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators
Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials
Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania School Boards Association
Pennsylvania State Education Association
The College Board

Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Project Registration Is Open

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kahmeela Adams <>

Hello Pittsburgh 48HFP Filmmakers and Fans!!
It's time to claim your spot in this year's project.  That's right, registration opened yesterday!!  And signing up is as simple as going to our website and clicking the "Register for Pittsburgh now!" link.  The early bird rate of $140 per team is in effect through June 25, 2012 - after that it jumps up to $160.
Sign up today and save:
As always, 48HFP will bring a wild weekend of filmmaking fun to our city.  You'll see filmmakers throughout the city rushing to create a 4-7 min film in only 48 hours.  Armed with a genre, character, prop and line of dialogue our fearless filmmakers will make their way through the cinematic jungle and emerge with a creative masterpiece.
Are you up for the challenge?  Show us what you've got by registering your team now!!
Not ready to put a team together yet, but know you don't want to miss out on the excitement that is the 48HFP?  Put yourself out there via our join-a-team database which is made available to registered teams.  If someone is looking for help, they just may call YOU!
Mark your calendars.  This year's filmmaking will take place the weekend of July 20 -22 and our screenings will be at The Hollywood Theater in Dormont July 28 & 29.The winner of Best Film will go on to represent Pittsburgh as it vies for Best Film of the World against 115 other city winners.
Top 3 Reasons to Register Early:
3. Access to database of people looking for a team
2. Save $20 on the fee - available until June 25.
1. No fear of getting stuck on the waiting list
Let's show Pittsburgh what 48 hour filmmaking is all about!!
Best wishes,
Kahmeela Adams & Nina Gibbs
Pittsburgh Producers
48 Hour Film Project
Twitter: Pittsburgh48HFP

Pittsburgh 48 Hour Film Project

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen MacIsaac <>
Date: Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:09 AM

To: Training RSVPs to

Please join us on May 23rd to become part of the movement in the city of Pittsburgh to help every student graduate.  The dropout statistics are startling but the reality is that these are the children that live in our neighborhoods, attend our churches, play on our sports teams, attend our community centers and participate in our afterschool programs.  This training will give us all the knowledge and tools to help every child navigate the path to school success and graduation.  Please join us or forward this flyer along to others who are in a position to help.  Thanks.

To enroll in the training, reply to, visit our "Training and Credentialing" page on our website:, or join our facebook event at

Stephen MacIsaac, Executive Director, Neighborhood Learning Alliance
United Way Agency Code: 1528678

Fwd: Paul Campaign Convention Strategy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jesse Benton


To:               Supporters, Interested Parties

From:          Jesse Benton, Chief Strategist

Date:           May 15, 2012

Re:              Paul Campaign Convention Strategy

Every day, I see firsthand how humbled and encouraged Dr. Paul is to have the enthusiastic support of so many who are committed to revitalizing our country.

Let me be very clear.  Dr. Paul is NOT dropping out or suspending his campaign.

As Dr. Paul has previously stated, he is in this race all the way to the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.

And he is deeply grateful for every resource he has been entrusted with to run an historic campaign that continues to defy all expectations.

Looking ahead, our campaign must honor that trust by maximizing our resources to ensure the greatest possible impact at the National Convention.

So while our campaign is no longer investing in the remaining primary states, we will continue to run strong programs at District and State Conventions to win more delegates and alternate delegates to the National Convention.

To this end, our campaign has several positive and realistic goals:
1)    Having recently WON Maine, we believe we can win several more states.
2)    We will win party leadership positions at both the state and national levels.
3)    We will continue to grow our already substantial total of delegates.
We will head to Tampa with a solid group of delegates.  Several hundred will be bound to Dr. Paul, and several hundred more, although bound to Governor Romney or other candidates, will be Ron Paul supporters.

Unfortunately, barring something very unforeseen, our delegate total will not be strong enough to win the nomination.  Governor Romney is now within 200 delegates of securing the party's nod.  However, our delegates can still make a major impact at the National Convention and beyond.

All delegates will be able to vote on party rules and allow us to shape the process for future liberty candidates.

We are in an excellent position to make sure the Republican Party adds solid liberty issues to the GOP Platform, which our delegates will be directly positioned to approve.  Our campaign is presently working to get several items up for consideration, including monetary policy reform, prohibitions on indefinite detention, and Internet freedom.

Finally, by sending a large, respectful, and professional delegation to Tampa, we will show the party and the country that not only is our movement growing and here to stay, but that the future belongs to us.

Dr. Paul will begin this new phase of the campaign this Friday by speaking and holding several events at the Minnesota State Convention.  He has also recently accepted an invitation to speak at the Texas Convention, and we are busy scheduling appearances around other State Conventions later this month and into June.

As Dr. Paul stated in his message yesterday, this fight is NOT over.  We will continue fighting and expanding, and "we will not stop until we have restored what once made America the greatest country in human history."

But for Dr. Paul's efforts in the remaining State Conventions to be successful, and to ensure we get as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa as we can, he needs you to continue standing with him.

Along those lines, as you probably already know, the grassroots are holding a Money Bomb on Thursday, May 17.  Any money raised from that Money Bomb will go toward winning delegates and finalizing our plans for Tampa.

As those plans for the National Convention come together, we will make sure all of our delegates, whether bound or unbound, get the information and aid they need.

Your support on May 17 will also help us reach more Americans with the solutions we know can restore our nation.  Each person we add to our cause strengthens our movement for the critical work that awaits us beyond Tampa.

Dr. Paul, John Tate, myself, and the entire campaign staff know what incredible sacrifices have been made by each of our supporters.

Thank you for all of your hard work and your dedication to liberty.  Together, we will champion Ron Paul and his message in Tampa, and we will lay the groundwork for future victories.