Sunday, June 10, 1979

Report Card from OU

GPA, 3.4
Philosophy of Sport course, BANG!
Sports in our Society, BANG again!

Thursday, March 01, 1979

Report Card

Winter quarter, 1978-79.
Introduction to Coaching as a course is sometimes needed to show for coaching certification. 

The UP courses were University Professors. Great classes. 

GPA = 3.457

Friday, December 01, 1978

Wednesday, January 07, 1976

My only technical foul. Not even a swimming DQ that I can remember.

I don't remember a DQ in swimming, but, I remember getting technical foul and tossed out of a CYO basketball game when a high school junior.

We were doing a full court press and my teammate was preventing the inbound pass and covering the guy taking the ball out of bounds. Before 5-seconds passed, guy with the ball whipped the ball at my teammate, Kevin M, right in the nuts. Ouch. Vicious. Still cringe worthy 45 years later.

A play or so later, the press was on again, and I matched up with the guy who made that ball-buster-in-bound-pass on the court. We were about the foul line, and I was guarding him, hand-checking, sorta, with one hand. The distinction was that my thumb and pinky finger was at this temples while my hand was held over his face. He wasn't getting open, nor moving much at all, but the ref saw it, and I went to the bench. Only about 4 people in the whole gym saw what I did.

Thursday, January 09, 1975

Short story, You Got to Beat Two

A school assignment, fiction, creative writing done on a typewriter. Those were the days. Combination of white and pink paper too.

I used "D" as a middle initial as it was a picked name from Confirmation. David. Different. Didn't stick. 

Was in 9th or 10th grade. Not sure of the date. My love of a sports story and poor spelling shows itself.

Monday, November 16, 1970

Went to the Pitt football game with Uncle Jerry

Army came to town, and it is coming up on a 50-year memory. I got to go to this game with my late uncle, Jerry McElligott, He'd serve in Viet Nam. His son does play-by-play with the broadcasting team of the NHL's Columbus Bluejackets now.

Game was full of rain. We even went to the field to watch some plays to the end of the game. Man, those players were HUGE -- as I was 9 years old.

That was a 26-0 loss in a 1-9 season. Sandwiched between a 56-7 loss at Notre Dame and a season-ending 65-9 loss to Penn State. Only win that year was Week 3, 14-3 over William & Mary. Just looking at all scores, that was a bad team.

I remember a loss for Pitt, not the score. Thanks for the history lesson. I guess that is why we got the good seats too.

The Super Soph's. The year the Panther begins to growl. Didn't happen. That group as seniors roared out to a 5-1 start only to fall and finish 5-5. The season was highlighted by this.

Monday, June 01, 1970

Penn Hills Baseball Assn - M - Mavericks

Mr. Finn, Mark Rauterkus (me, back row 1st next to older coach), John S. George, Danny Anderson, Terry Flaherty.
Rusty Anderson, M. Collenger, Scott Wilson, ... Skip..
Front row unsure too.

Publish date on blogger can not be before 1970. I tried to set the date to June 1, 1968.