Friday, May 30, 1986

Bradley Univ to Mark Rauterkus about the return of Coach Spink



May 30, 1986

Mr. Mark Rauterkus

1606 N. Peoria Ave., Apt. A

Peoria, IL 61603

Dear Mark,

I know that it has been quite a while since we last talked about the various possibilities regarding the Bradley swimming program for 1986-87. I have tried to get a reading much sooner than this, if not for our sake, then certainly for your sake.

We feel fairly confident at this time that Jim Spink will be given at least partial clearance to coach the swimming team next year. Since two of his former swimmers have completed their eligiblity (Weeks and Murray) and still have a need to go to school, Jim would like to use them to assist him in the area that he will have problems with. I think this arrangement is in the best interests of the Bradley swimming program since all of us at Bradley are very much concerned in helping Coach Spink continue to be productive in some capacity. Down the road we may wish we took a different approach, but at this time I guess we are willing to gamble that Jim will get significantly better and will be back on a full-time basis for the 1987-88 season.

Since you need to know what is going on and either you or I have been out of town, I felt the need to write to you and let you know where we are. We are all indebted for your tremendous help and guidance during a most crucial time for our swimming program. If and when we ever have the need to hire someone to handle our swim program, you are at the top of the list. We are very grateful and will always want to stay involved with you and your career.

Please keep in touch on all matters, as certain developments may change things very quickly.



Coach Jim Spink

Mr. Gary Anna

PEORIA, ILLINOIS/61625/ 309-676-7611

Employment letter from Bradley Univ to Mark Rauterkus

Monday, April 21, 1986

Evaluations from Peoria Park District about the Coaches at PAWW

April 21, 1986

Dear P.A.W.W. Swimmers and Parents:

Your help with this evaluation is most appreciated! At this time of year, we are asking everyone to review this past season in our efforts to make improvements to the program according to the wishes of the parents. It is the Peoria Park District's philosophy to rely on participants feedback. In the past, we have had a low return rate for P.A.W.W. evaluations. Considering the commitment levels of the parents and swimmers, we would like to see a much higher percent returned to us this Spring.

Please return your evaluation by May 9. We are scheduling a parent's meeting for Friday, June 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Central Park Pool. At this meeting we will make a presentation concerning the returned evaluations and start to draw up changes for the future P.A.W.W. program with the parents.

Each family is asked to do one parent evaluation and each swimmer is asked to complete his/her own evaluation. Parents can certainly help with the younger swimmers. Names are not needed on the evaluation form. Extra comments from everyone are welcome. We are enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience.



Mark Rauterkus
Peoria Park District

Spirit Champions Again!

Thursday, January 30, 1986

Letter to PAWW team about the Bradley Coaching Duties

Jan 30, 1986

Dear PAWW Swimmers and Parents:

This letter is to publicly inform all the P.A.W.W. swimmers of my recent appointment to Bradley University as "Acting Head Swim Coach." I believe everyone is already well aware of this development.

Jim Spink, Bradley's coach for 26 years, is still in the hospital fighting to make a recovery. I hope he is able to return to a more comfortable life at home in a few weeks and then back to work by next season, if he should choose to do so. Let's all hope and pray for the best for Coach Spink.

For myself, there is very little that needs to be compromised with my position with P.A.W.W. I only need to miss practices on Friday, January 10 for a dual meet at U.I.C.; Friday, January 24 for a dual meet at E.I.U.; and a dual meet on February 8 at P.A.W.W. vs. Quincy. Also, I'll need to miss practice on March 6 to take the team to the Mid-West Collegiate Championships.

There are many advantages for myself and the P.A.W.W. swimmers revolving around this opportunity. My knowledge of the various Mid-West Collegiate programs is greatly enhanced. This will help my guidance to high school graduates when selecting a college. Also, the college coaches now get to hear about the Peoria Area Swimmers when at college meets, and I can tell them about you personally and as a team. Next year we would like to take our senior girls team to a college campus for a dual meet. This is now a possibility.

Another benefit will be the team's exposure to college swimming at Bradley. A clinic is to be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 13-15, with Bradley University and Kevin DeForrest of Illinois. These are only a couple of advantages. The things we gather from strokes, workouts, community relations and news releases are outstanding.

But, this all revolves around a tragedy. With everything considered, there is an emergency situation and the Bradley swimmers needed specialized help that only a professional swim coach with collegiate experience could provide. I've accepted this challenge on a temporary position and I feel I have not let down the most important responsibility to the P.A.W.W. program and its fantastic individuals and families who make our team great.

Thanks for understanding the whole situation. I appreciate your continued support for me and for each other. Wouldn't it be a shame if you were a college senior dreaming about NCAA's and your coach had a stroke in the middle of the season?

I know the Bradley swimmers were all age-group pool rats like yourself in their past. We work towards college and national swimming as the highlight of a swimming career. It is only fair that they have the opportunity for success in their season, too. Moreover, let's make the best of our season, too. Besides P.A.W.W. is reaping so much success these days and in the days to come that we can share our secrets which will make us even better.


Mark Rauterkus

P.A.W.W. Swimming Coach


Golden Rules of any training program:

Don't get hurt.

Don't get sick.

Don't get fat.

Monday, August 19, 1985

Triathlon and Biathlon press release

NEWS RELEASE PEORIA PARK DISTRICT 2218 N. Prospect Rd. 688-3667 682-1200 Peoria, Minois 61603-2193 Release date: August 19, 1985 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Mark Rauterkus, Manager Central Park Pool 685-6207 TRIATHLON AND BIATHLON TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 14 If you are an endurance athlete, the Prairie Triathlon and Age Group Biathlon needs your support. Registration is starting slowly, so there are still plenty of openings for the race of swimming, biking and running scheduled for September 14, 1985, at Lake Camelot, Illinois. Race organizers for the Triathlon and Biathlon were hoping for 100 contestants in each race. Applications are available from any race sponsor including the Peoria Park District, Vitesse Cycle Shop, and Methodist Sports and Wellness Center. The entry fee is $20.00 for the Triathlon and $10.00 for the Biathlon. Entry deadline is September 1, 1985. The distances for the Triathlon are 1/2 mile swim, 20 miles bike, and 5 miles run. The Biathlon includes only two events the swimming and running. This race is geared more toward the younger competitors and those without the bike equipment or training. The biathlon is a 1,000 yard (1k) swim and a 5,000 yard (5k) run. Ladies and men, boys and girls are all eligible to compete. However, all competitors must be of excellent physical conditioning and be on a training program specifically for swimming, biking and running. This is the second Triathlon in the area. Last year a trial Triathlon was held on the same course with 25 competitors. The winning team was 1:52.00. The Triathlons are the fastest growing sport in the 1980's. Many of those who have graduated from the running boom of the past decade are turning to the Triathlon as a new and more exciting challenge as it incorporates three skills and more diversity to training. The race director is Mark Rauterkus, swim coach and pool manager for the Peoria Park District. He said, "We need the athletes to come out and participate, even if it is your first Triathlon. We have an excellent course and are looking forward to a successful event." The Lake Camelot Community is a beautiful setting for the Triathlon and Biathlon. The facilities include two man-made lakes, a large club house, shower facilities at the swimming pool bath house and a sandy beach. The neighborhood setting will allow residents to offer drinks and encouragement from their front yards to the runners. Then the nearby country roads will provide a safe and straight course for 20 miles of bicycling. For more information: Ron Johnson at Vitesse Cycle Shop, 682-8777 Mark Rauterkus at Central Pool, 685-6207 Rob Bourdeaux of Methodist Hospital, 672-5904

Friday, August 16, 1985

Press Release for Meet the Coach Night

NEWS RELEASE PEORIA PARK DISTRICT 2218 N. Prospect Rd. 688-3667 682-1200 Peoria, Illinois 61603-2193 August 16, 1985 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Mark Rauterkus, Swim Coach Central Park Pool 685-6207 "MEET THE COACH NIGHT" FOR PEORIA AREA WATER WIZARDS SWIM TEAM The third annual "Meet the Coach Night" will be held for all interested in joining the Peoria Area Water Wizards at 7:00 pom. on Sunday, August 25 at April's in the Ramada Hotel. This event is being held with the support of the Ramada Hotel as part of the Take pride in Peoria activities. The party is for il swimmers and their parents throughout the area. The social event will honor the recent resurgence in the Olympic sport of swimming in Peoria. The Ramada Hotel has donated the use of "April's" and the adjoining conference room to the swim organizers. All who attend will be the guests of the Ramada Hotel. and the P.A.W.W. Swim Team; there is no admission charge. The Water Wizards swim team is sponsored by the Peoria Park District and competes in the United States Swimming events throughout Illinois and the nation. The team was named "Illinois' Most Spirited Team" at the Junior Olympics in April of this year. The team has moved up to the top five in the state and has established four state swimming records this past summer season. Mark Rauterkus is starting his third year as head coach of the team and has been named Lincolnland Coach of the Year the past two seasons. Coach Rauterkus moved to Peoria after graduate school at Baylor University, and for six years has coached swim clubs and college teams in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. The P.A.W.W. assistant coaches will also be present. Mike Herrin of Tremont, is a physical education teacher, triathlete and head coach for the community summer swim team. Pete Nauman of Metamora, is a former high school state qualifier and à Bradley University swimmer. Kathy Freyman, originally a swim coach in Oklahoma, is now working with Easter Seals. For more information, contact Laura Forstall, Coordinator of Aquatics, at Central Park Pool, 685-6207.

Thursday, July 25, 1985

Dear Swimmers and Parents -- to the PAWW squad

July 25, 1985 Dear Swimmers and Parents, This letter contains important information which requires your special attention. Let me share good news, bad news, my personal comments and also present a chance for you to offer your reactions. As a hard-driving coach with team aspirations, I am presently of two emotions; frustration and optimism. I am frustrated at the swimming in the summer, but, on the other hand, I am super optimistic about September and the months ahead. First, I realize our summer had its share of accomplishments. These include great double workouts, state records, a successful 42nd Journal Star Meet, a new PASS Meet, and more swimmers than last summer. Some individuals have improved dramatically. However generally speaking, it is my personal belief that the summer season for Peoria Area swimmers is "a wasted time." I feel and wish a hundred times every day that the summer seasons would become better. The PAWW team deteriorates every summer. We are not in a position to go to nationals and have 20 or more swimmers at J.0.'s, Seniors and Zones. Attendance has been low, techniques have faded, races are lost. In summer meets we have seen countless mistakes which allow for mediocre performances to become acceptable standards. All sorts of people tell me, "It is summer vacation and not to worry because everyone is out just having fun." So, I have not put pressure on the swimmers. But in turn the looseness has shown and it has affected the champions which can not afford to waste valuable time. As for the fun and enjoyment, that comes when reaching goals too. In the fall when we strive for excellence we are now faced with the task of breaking bad habits. I've thought a great deal on the subject and my reactions accordingly. My best ideas for solving the problem of slow swimming in the future summers is a three-week training trip starting when school has ended. We could criss-cross the nation, avoid distractions and start qualifying our team for the 1989 Olympic Trials. In July, we could taper. In August, we would swim up to our potential, like we do in the winters. Then we would be moving ahead and not losing time. A rich experience like this would be extremely valuable to everyones future. The lessons of the present summer are not as clear to comprehend. But, next summer is a long time away and things are going to change dramatically in the near future. The Winning Swimming Rookie Camp starts August 12. Sign-up for the five weeks of instructions and conditioning in every stroke for $35. Plus get a free T-shirt if you finish. The 3rd Annual Meet the Coach Night, is from 7:00-10:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 25 at Aprils in the Ramada Hotel. It will be a - blast with great dancing, Socializing and motivational for the up coming season of excitement and excellence. Our new brochures and program details will be presented. Mark will answer questions and describe the program throughout the evening in a seperate conference room while a downtown party with dancing occurs in the lounge. Everyone is invited. Bring your summer friends too. The special event, "A Swimmers Celebration," is sponsored by the Ramada Hotel as part of Take Pride in Peoria. Our swim program, a proven success, will not be a complete re-run of the last year's activities. We are expanding the innovation, scientific and motivational principles. And as always, the fundamentals of the sport will be stressed over and over again by the teaching-coaching staff. If, and that is a very big if, we get everybody to return and if those new swimmers we expect to join do so, then we will put PAWW as #1 in not only the Lincolnland, but in the state. We could win J.O.'s, and we could win Seniors. Everyone is needed. We will have to stay fired-up, dedicated and make "if" happen. As we have said last year, the victories and talk of winning is possible only because our program is a success for all of the swimmers throughout the team. Reaching your potential will result in victory. When the PAWW team reaches its potential, it is unbeatable. We can make it happen in the future months. If you have any questions about re-joining this winter, just reflect and remember last winter. A meeting concerning the winter PAWW program will be held on Wednesday, August 7 at 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Parents are asked to attend and discuss the specific planning of the future season. This meeting will be a steering session for the winter season and anyone can attend and offer their suggestions. Finally, the summer program evaluation is included. This needs to be completed and returned to pool by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday August 7, just prior to the steering session with the parents and coach. A parent and a swimmer should each complete their own seperate evaluation form. Names do not have to be included. Additional comments are welcome. In the past, less than 25 percent of parents and swimmers have returned the evaluations. With this very low percentage rate, the findings are suspect. Please return your evaluations to Central Park Pool, 415 W. Richmond Ave., Peoria, IL 61604. The evaluation process is an important function. The August-September schedule is also included. We hope to see some parents and all the swimmers getting in shape to race the Triathlon or Biathlon in September. Review: Mark has summer-season blues but highest of hopes for winter season. Return the evaluation. Steering meeting Wed. August 7 at 5:00 pom. Rookie Camp starts August 12. Meet the Coach Celebration on Sunday, August 25 at 7:00 at the Ramada. GO PAWW! Thank you, Mark Rauterkus PAWW SWIM COACH

Wednesday, July 10, 1985

PAWW Prints, coach published this newsletter

PAWW Prints

July 1985
- Published by Coach Mark instead of the PAWW Parents
Mrs. Karen Lamb and family are in transition to new home in the Chicago area. The PAWW Team will miss them and it will be hard to replace the volunteer support with the board, newsletter, swim and many other duties.
We need parental support to make this program a success. Can you help. We need it!
Come to the picnic after the Journal Star meet at the Lake View Complex. The park board wants to "thank you" -- all PAWW parents and families for their many volunteer hours graciously given to the swimming program.
Ice skating, roller skating, and the pool will be available for all adults and children at no cost from 6-9 p.m. Passes will be available at the picnic. The regular fee will apply at Rainbow Bend.
Bring your own eating utensils, sandwiches, chicken, McDonalds, or whatever your own family desides to eat. Ice tea and lemonade will be furnished. Also bring lawn chairs and/or blankets.
On August 9-10-11, the 1985 Central Zone Championships will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas. Qualifying time for this meet is AAA for each event. Swimmers who have achieved the short course AAA standard but not the long course time may enter at the qualifying time. There will be standard events for the following age groups: 10 & under, 11 & 12, 13 & 14, 15 & 16, 17 & 18, (see attached). The age of the swimmer on the first day of the meet, August 9th, will govern the entire meet. This is a prelim and finals meet, with the top eight fastest times swimming in finals at night.

 The Zone Meet -

The Zone Meet is a fantastic experience and one of a swimmers highlights in a career. Mark wants as many swimmers as possible attending this meet. Become an Illinois All-Star - shoot for AAA times. Attend these important meets even the first time you have qualified so you will be further motivated to keep improving. Too often swimmers qualify and do not attend- so they never have the drive to qualify the next season, then they fizzle-out and burn-out. Swimmers who go to big important meets do not burnout as the have challenges and new dreams to work toward. And, most PAWW swimmers who are toughly prepared will go to meets at the season's conclusion and score points.


Mark will encourage most swimmers to attend zones instead of nationals this summer season. Swimmers of this ability level and with these types of goals should be meeting regularly with the coach to make future plans. 

State Fair Spectacular

SUSA-SAC-PAWW will hold a two day long course meet at the beautiful pool next to the state fair. The meet will be smaller than the big ones and much better than the little ones. Cost is only $1.00 per swimmer in all events with medals/ribbons too. we want to offer this meet on our schedule as an alternative to not swimming. If you go to only one long-course meet this summer, this should be the one. Any swimmer who would like to go is welcome. It will be a great relaxing morning meet. The information is posted on the team bulletin board. Sign-up with Coach Mark. 

PASS Championships- August 6-8, 1985 Central Park Pool

Peoria Area Summer Swimming Championships is a new meet for summer swim teams. The Peoria Park District is hosting the meet with the help of the PAWW parents and all the swim teams that enter. Get your summer swim team involved in this fun exciting new meet. Call Mark for details. PAWW WILL NOT BE ENTERING AS A TEAM. PAWW swimmers should swim with their local clubs. However, Logan and Central Park Pool will be fielding teams.

Zone meet cont... 
Illinois Swimming requires that all Illinois entries be sent through one source. The source in Illinois is:
James Buresh xxxxxx Oak Brook, Il 60521

Mr. Buresh will accept applications for the Zone entries up through August 4th. There will be a booth at the Senior Championships at Chicago Circle Campus and at the Illinois. Junior Olympics Meet at Rock Island to answer your questions and accept your entries. Enclosed is a form to make application. All information must be filled in, in order, for the application to be accepted.

Entry fees for the meet will be $2.50 per individual event, $5.00 per relay team, and $1.00 per individual swimmer.

On august 7th and 8th Illinois Swimming will conduct Pre-Zone Festivities in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Director of Pre-Zone Festivities will be Fred Evans, Head Coach, Chicago State. Because of the distance to Little Rock, Arkansas, Illinois Swimming has arranged for a bus to transport swimmers and parents (first come, first served basis). The bus will leave Hinsdale on August 6, 1985 at 3:30 P.M. A second stop will be made in Springfield at 7:30 P.M. for downstate swimmers. Arrival in little Rock will be at approximately 12:00 noon the following day. Arrangements have been made with the Little Rock Hilton to provide rooms as well as breakfast and dinner for the swimmers. Swimmers will be housed 4 to a room. Swimmer's cost for the bus trip, meals, rooming and the zone festivities will be $200 per person*. A non-refundable deposit of $50 per swimmer, must be made by July 12, 1985. The check should be made payable to Illinois Swimming, Inc. and sent to:

James Buresh xxxxxx Oak Brook, IL 60521 

The balance of $150 must be paid in full by August 2, 1985. Only in th event sufficient swimmers do not sign up for the bus will your $50 deposit be refunded. Swimmers will need money for lunch. Parents. can reserve rooms at the Little Rock Hilton by sending a deposit of $45 to the above address. (check made payable to Illinois Swimming, Inc.) If parents are interested in riding the bus, please contact Mr: Buresh by July 12th. 

*Illinois Swimming Incorporated is partially underwriting the cost of transportation, lodging, and food.

The Illinois U.S.S. swim meets this summer have filled within one week of their opining. The PAWW team sign-up procedure is established on a two week turn around time. We have taken one week to notify swimmers/parents with posters and details. Then the next week we hold the sign-up, compile the totals, money, and send it to the meet directors. Our system has worked for 3 seasons untill this demand for entries into meets has reached the one week close time. We will now have to turbo-charge the entry process at PAWW to beat the one week close-outs. This winter's schedule looks just as intense as there are few meets and plenty of swimmers. With a team of our size, we will need everyone's cooperation and full support for the teams system. More news later. Please volunteer.

For the remainder of the summer meets, Coach Mark will handle the entries. Coaches always handle championship meet entries anyway. Below are the details for:

1) Illinois State Senior Championships
2) Illinois Junior Olympics 
3) Zone Meet 
4) Nationals
5. (The SUSA-SAC-PAWW) Long Course State Fair Spectacular 
6) PASS Championships

Seniors - July 26, 27, 28, 1985 Univ. of Illinois Chicago campus
The cuts and order of events for Seniors are enclosed. A meeting with swimmers and parents will be held on Thursday July 11, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. at Central Pool bleachers. Every
one must attend or call Mark both before and after the meeting. 

J.O.'s - August 2, 3, 4, 1985 at Rock Island
The cuts and order of events are enclosed. A meeting with swimmers and parents will be held on Monday July 15 at 5:00 p.m. at Central's bleachers. Please attend even if you don't have meter cuts but do have yard times - or would participate in relays. If you can not attend, call Coach Mark (685-6207) before and after the meeting.


September 14, 1985 at Lake Camelot sponsored by Peoria Park District, Vitesse Cycle shop, Methodist Hospital, and PAWW. We will need racers and helpers for this special event. Triathlon: 1 mile swim, 20 mile bike, 5 mile run. Biathlon (10under, 11-12, 13-14, high school and high school graduates) Swim 1,000 yards (1Km) Run 3.1 miles (5Km). Start running.
Pick up an application available soon at the pool. 

National Sports Festival

ESPN will have live swimming coverage from the National Sports Fest on Fri. July 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1985 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm every night. Watch the swimming! Swimmers qualified for this meet while at the National Junior Olympics in New York. Perhaps PAWW will have more swimmers in more events at Nationals and one day have our swimmers at the Sports Festival. It could be next year if they work and work, and work some more to make it.

Senate Bill no. 42

The I.H.S.A. has a set of rules and bylaws which cause plenty of problems to athletes including the fastest U.S.S. in our backyards. A bill in the state house is progressing through proper channels to amend some of the overbearing restrictions and interpretations which damage such things as particpating in National Junior Olympics, All-Star Meets and all sorts of practice problems. It is a new trend in the swim world in Illinois and we thought you might be interested in being slightly informed.

Fund Raiser was held at the pool with the PAWW swimmers, and in one weeks time we were able to generate $200. for spending on special equipment. Thanks to those who helped. We were far under our goal, however it is better than nothing. In the future we need active, intense fund generating schemes and organizers to get the type of materials to keep our swimmers competing at the top levels. There is plenty of truth, sad to say, that you can buy a good swimmer. You need special tools, devices and motivations to get that little extra work and fantastic results. It is a great benefit to have the funds available.


Our swimmers this summer are not -as a group- performing up to their utmost capabilities. In the summers there are too many things which pull us all away in every which direction. As a result, our performances suffer. United States Swimming is top notch, high quality, fast swimming. We hope our team can come back for a strong finish at J.0.'s, Seniors and Zones. Let's all work hard and always remember, "Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice does."


Swimmers who compete at meets which are not team meets must write down their times, name, date, etc. and submit them to Mark for the team record keeping system. All times, all meets are needed so we can properly track the performances. 

New State Record Holder -- PAWW SWIMMER -- Kara Bauernfeind 

At the Rock Island meet Kara set a new Illinois Swimming State Age Group Record in the 50 meter free. Her time was 30.48 which was faster than the previous record held by the now famous and superstar herself. Bridget Bowman. Bowman's time set in 1980 was a 30.93. With a little more streamline dive, higher head and exciting setting, Mark feels Kara can get even faster. Last year there were only two girls in the whole nation to go under :30. Kara's time ranks her as the seventh fastest from last year's results. The national record is 28.68. 

Moreover, in the 100 Free, the state record is 1:06.64 and Kara's time was 1:07.81. Her time ranks as 15th in the nation for 1984's results, Then in the 50 Breast Kara swam a blistering :40.34 and the state record is 39.21 held by Christine Interone. The national record is 38.13 and Kara's time ranks at 11th. Keep up the fantastic swimming Kara. Way to go!

Journal Star Meet 

The Masters entries were expected to be plentiful, and they are not." Come on parents, lets put in the laps and get swimming in the meets. Then, you will be abel to have an experience to share with the young swimmers. Besides, it is all for fun and experiences anyway.

The swimmers in the meet will be shooting for a record breaking hammer while at the pool for the meet. Plenty of records are sure to fall. In fact, many swimmers are seeded below the record now. For instance, Beth Veerman is making her first appearance in the 13-14 girls age group and comes into the meet with a time that is 12 seconds faster than the existing record. The records are fast. It just so happens that the Peoria Area Swimmers are improving every year and the record books are being re-written at every meet. Go for it swimmers!


A few swimmers have expressed a desire to continue to keep up the conditioning for the month of August. At this time we are looking into the ideas for a practice one time a day throughout the week. Keep this in mind, and let the coaches know of your intensions.

Winning Swimming Rookie Camp 

Applications will soon be available for the Winning Swimming Rookie Camp which will start in August. The camp cost $35. and there is instruction in all strokes, turns, conditioning and a T-shirt to the finishers. We are looking for an advertiser to donate $150. to help pay for the cost of the shirts. We will put a message on the back of each of the T-shirts. 

Free Clinic 

The one week free stroke clinic, held for the second year the first week of July, was a huge success. Thanks for everyone's help in getting the new faces to the practices. Hopefully they learned a thing or two and will join us in the future on the Spirited Wizard Team.

Monday, July 01, 1985

News of the Peoria Journal Star Swim Meet

News clippings and older records too.


Expect broken swim records Central Illinois meet opens

By DAVE REYNOLDS of the Journal Star

This year, more than any year of the recent history of the 42nd annual Central Illinois Swim Meet, may seem like a broken record.

Fourteen records have been broken in each of the past two meets, but Peoria Area Water Wizards coach Mark Rauterkus envisions many more than that in this weekend's meet, co-sponsored by the Park District and the Journal Star.

“There could be 20 or 30 records broken," said Rauterkus. "Beth Veerman is seeded over 12 seconds faster than the record in the 13-14 girls 200 individual medley. And Kara Bauernfeind has a chance for three state records in the meet.

"To my knowledge, there's never been a state record set in this meet."

Bauernfeind, a 10-year-old from Pekin, recently established a state best in the 10-and-under age group for the 50-meter freestyle with a clocking of :30.48, beating a 5-yearold mark held by Bridgett Bowman of Joliet. It was only the second 10-and-under state record broken in the past five years.

Bauernfeind is seeded at better than two seconds faster than the meet record in three events the 50-yard freestyle, the 50-yard breastroke and the 100-yard individual medley. Her seed time is also withing a second of the state mark in each event.


Kara Bauernfeind. 10, is gearing up for this weekend's Central Illinois Swim Meet at Central Park Pool. Bauernfeind, from Pekin, set a state record last week in the girls 10-and-under freestyle in a time of 30:48. She has a shot at three more state records this weekend.

Veerman, a 13-year-old from Pekin, already owns seven meet records and, by moving into a new age group, has a chance to add to that record total.

The meet's oldest record, Bob Markowski's 20-year-old :26.8 in the boys 11-12 50 freestyle, will be threatened by two swimmers -- Derek Amerman and Curt Herrin.

Approximately 450 swimmers, about the same as last year, will compete in the meet Saturday and Sunday at Central Park Pool. Two new age groups, six and under and seven and under, will break up the always huge 8-and-under classification.

"In the past we've had as many as 40 kids fighting for eight spots in the eight and unders," Rauterkus said. "this will give everyone a better chance and should be really cute."

One other difference from past years is that novice swimmers will only compete in the 9-10 bracket, thus causing the novice / consolation records to be retired.

The meet begins at 9 am Saturday. The morning session consists of preliminaries for all age groups 10 and under. Preliminaries fro the older swimmers continue Saturday afternoon.

Open and Masters swimmers compete Sunday morning, beginning at 9 am with the age group finals beginning Sunday at 1 pm. To qualify for Sunday's finals, swimmers must finish in the top eight of their event. Warm ups begin an hour earlier than each session.

This 8 panel brochure and entry form for the meet was printed in-house with Peoria Park District in blue ink.

Tuesday, April 09, 1985

Junior Olympic Short Course - EAST - Swimming Campionships, Syracuse, New York

Went to the McDonald's / USS National J.O.'s Swimming Championships, east, short corse, in Syracuse, New York, from April 9 to 13, 1985.

PAWW swam a girls 400-free relay in the meet.

Meet was hosted by the Syracuse Chargers in a high school swim pool.

Went there via Peoples Airways from Peoria to NJ to Syracuse.

Saturday, March 30, 1985

Junior Nationals, four PAWW swimmers compete in relay


Young Wizards ahead of time

By DAVE REYNOLDS of the Journal Star

Even if the Peoria Area Water Wizards (PAWW) girls 400-meter freestyle relay team finishes last at the National Junior Olympics next month in Syracuse, N.Y., it might set a record anyway.

The four girls - Kate Durbin. 13. of Peoria Heights: Erica Wisniewski. 12, of Morton; Jenny Bauernfeind, 15,of Pekin and Beth Veerman, 13, of Pekin – may be the youngest group to compete in the meet, which has no age group classification. Swimmers 18 and under are eligible to qualify for the meet, which will be held April 9-13.

The PAWW foursome qualified by swimming a 3:40.34 at the Illinois Senior Championships in Rockford earlier this month, finishing second to the Deerfeld High School state championship team. To put the PAWW girls accomplishment in perspective, their time would have placed them eighth in this year's state high school meet, a remarkable achievement considering all but Bauernfeind, a freshman, are in grade school.

"All season I've talked about Junior Nationals as a point of reference to give the kids something to shoot for in the next year or two," said PAWW coach Mark Rauterkus. "I try to set standards high, but getting there wasn't really a goal, it was more like a dream."

But at least one of the girls thought it was a possible dream.

"I was adding up our best splits before the race," said Bauernfeind, "and I knew we had a chance at getting the qualifying) time."

But it took best efforts by all four to do it. Bauernfeind had the biggest drop, from:56.3 to :53.5. Veerman went from :54.9 to :54.7, Durbin from :56.5 to 55.8 and Wisniewski from :58.5 to  :57.0.
Because of their age difference, it was the first time the four had swum together. "We should do better at nationals because we've been practicing our starts and working together," said Veerman.

But first the three youngest girls are competing in the Illinois Junior Olympics this weekend at Evanston along with 28 other PAWW teammates aged 14 and under.

"That is still our biggest meet of the year," said Rauterkus. "Nationals is just one race. We finished 10th in the state last year and our goal this year is to finish in the top five."

Extra Note:

The PAWW team would go on to finish in 2nd place in the Illinois JOs and eventually get 2nd place as a team at the Illinois State Senior Championships too.

The following season, the girls had both the medley relay and free relays in the meet. A year after that, with Coach Mike Smithers at the coach, PAWW had both A and B girl relays at the National Junior Olympic Meet.

Wednesday, January 02, 1985

Wednesday, February 01, 1984

Spring, professional football -- Pittsburgh Maulers

The Pittsburgh Maulers were a one hit wonder in the USFL only playing for the inaugural '84 season. The team had a number of well known players including first pick and Heisman running back Mike Rozier. Their home opener saw a sold-out crowd at Three Rivers Stadium, and although the team was competitive in on-field play, they only managed to win 3 games throughout the season. The following year when the league decided to switch to a fall schedule, league management knew that they would not be able to compete for fans with the Steelers and did not return for the '85 season.

Friday, January 20, 1984

PAWW update in year 1 of Mark's tenure


Last year PAWW finished the Lincolnland Conference Meet in last place. This year the team has done a "flip-flop" and wants to do the same with its placing at this meet. PAWW considers this a most important meet. This year the team wants to challenge the past champions and definitely improve their last place ranking. 

In the fall, a new head coach arrived in town. With a new staff, the team swelled with excitement and 200 swimmers in two weeks! Since then the numbers have become more manageable and now only the dedicated and serious remain. The year was spent coaching the basics of the sport and fitness. The team has groups: I, II, III, IV, and a Novice program. 

The team and staff have set its sights on the top of the swimming mountain. It's a long trek to the top, especially from the September starting point. But PAWW has traveled through the foothills and can now see that mountain top ahead. In fact, some of our teammates are climbing up the steep slopes already. 

The team has united the Peoria Area and serves people who attend various schools (at least 12 high schools). Swimmers without high school sponsored swim teams train with PAWW, and they attend district and state meets representing their high school. 

PAWW's hardest job centers around our high schoolers since they have not had the benefits of a fruitful age group experience. Mark needs to push the group I age group team into an aspiring Senior team that competes in meets and practices like seniors should. When this is accomplished, a national team will be the next major goal. 

Lincolnland is the most important meet of this team's history. We are striving for a spirited meet which will assure an excellent first time experience for many of our swimmers. PAWW will have a tem of twenty at J.0.'s. Eight qualified for Senior Championships! Sheila Dempsey was fourth at State in 100 yard Fly and Peter Hastings made consolations in three events in one day. 

Mark said, "Keeping track of the PAWW feats in its future seasons should be a pleasurable experience for the Peoria area swimming families who don't mind the pains of commitment. just might be on our way to forming a national team!!!! 

"Oh, don't get too far ahead of yourself, Mark," said a skeptic. 

The coach replied, "Don't worry I'm patient." 

PAWW coaching staff 

PAWW Coaches

HEAD COACH, MARK RAUTERKUS; At the beginning of the season Mark had many impressive, idealist dreams for this team and through hard work, in a short period of time, has had flourishing re- turns of those endeavors. Mark has patience and a positive attitude and he knows that the coaching staff cannot build an all-encompassing, quality program without time and the assistance of parents. A brief synopsis of Mark's coaching and educational background are as follows. He has assisted on both the age group and college swim team levels; and most recently completed his Masters in Recreation at Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Presently, Mark's main concern is the team and it's swimmers. He was hired by the Peoria Park District as a full-time coach and because of his hard work and devotion he has turned PAWW's swim program around and made them one of the finest in the state. 

TOM BUREK: Tom's main job is with the 8 and under swimmers, and what a job that is. He works five nights a week with over 40 swimmers, all of which are 8 years or younger, but because of Tom's calm, cool and patient personality he has done a super job with our young minnows. Tom is a graduate of Richwoods High School were he was a member of the swim team for three years; and received his B.A. at Illinois State. Tom has five years experience as head coach of the Willow Knolls Country Club swim team-- which has over 120 swimmers of all age groups and abilities. 

DUWEE ENGSTROM: DuWee does a little bit of everything. He helps Mark out with the work-outs and whatever else he has for him to do. He also works with Tom and the 8 and unders twice a week. DuWee just finished a 4-year degree in Speech Communications from the University of Illinois. He swam for the U of I for three years until developing tendonitis in his shoulders. Before attend- ing the U of I, Duwee graduated from Limestone High School where he was a state IHSA Qualifier in the 50 yard freestyle. DuWee has worked as an instructor and pool manager at Lake Camelot for several summers; and three years ago started the Lake Camelot swim team-- which has developed into a fine area summer program. 

SCOTT HERREL; Scott works very closely with Mark and the senior swimmers. Scott has acquired a lot of knowledge in swimming, through past experience, which he is able to share with the senior swimmers. Scott is currently a 5 th year senior student at Bradley University, During the past four years, Scott was a member of the BU swim team where he currently holds the 200 I.M. school record. Scott was captain of Bradley's swim last year and an Inter-Collegiate Champ- ion in the 200 fly. Before coming to Peoria, Scott swam for the Parkway swim club in St. Louis; and qualified for five National Junior Olympic Championships. 

PAWW coaching staff 

MIKE HERRIN: Mike is a great split man he helps out a lot with everything, especially the book work. Mike is currently teaching Physical Education for grades k-5 in Tremont. This is his 13th year of teaching at Tremont. Previous coaching experience has been mostly at the high school level (cross country, basketball, track and field). He has also coached in youth leagues with 6-10 year olds. 

Mike is, personally, very much involved in the field of physical fitness, including swimming, bicycling, and running. He has coached the Tremont Swim Club the past three summers-- approximately 70 boys and girls of all age groups participating each summer. 

PATTI CURRAN: Patti probably has one of the hardest jobs, and that is teaching the beginner swimmers how to do all four strokes -CORRECTLY-, then she passes them on to the rest of the coaches where they pick up the endurance and finer points of swimming. Patti attended Richwoods High School where she was a 4-year letterman on the girls swim team. A recent graduate from Stevens College in Missouri, Patti also participated on the swim team there for 4 years. She has worked many summer life-guarding and teaching swim lessons. 

Patti is also a Certified Scuba Diver. 


Bryan Kramer, Captain 

Bryan is a sprinter-freestyler who has made some respectable times this winter. He is approaching the 50 second barrier in the 100 and has yet to go 22 in the 50. He could be looking at college scholarships if he spends a lot of time looking at the bottom of a pool the next year. Success breeds more success and Bryan is ready to work and grab some more Hi-point awards (Rockford A-B). 

Tim Pilcher, Team Captain 

Tim started the season at 2:04 for the 200 Free. At high school District he sped to third place and a 1:54 time. He also swam a 1:00 100 yard fly. 

Tim is one of our many who needs more intensity, distance and weight. All will be available this summer. Tim is a happy person who gets along with everyone. The coaches are dreaming of many great things from Tim in and around the pool. 

Jenny Pottgen, 10, Captain 

Jenny is our best 10-U girl in a very fast Lincoln- land Age Group. She is a captain and has wonderful swimming smarts at such a young age. She is a thinker with great perceptions and terrific self-drive. Jenny has made great strides for a smoother stroke. She is on the verge of a few more J.0. cuts. Jenny's little sister, Heather, (8-U) is equally intense and promising with potential. 

Brad Roberts, Captain 

Brad is going to be dropping his times and is predicted to have one of the best tapers on the team. The main reason for the drops is a recent devotion to swimming fast and three weeks of A.M. practices. Brad was voted by his teammates as a captain for this meet. Brad started the season as a fast follower now he is a leader - headed to J.0.'s in a handful of events. 

Brad's Dad is a PAWW Board Member in charge of Dual Meets. 

Brad was one of the top 5 in the state as an 8- Under. Brad is a twin of Chad Roberts. Chad has a different physical and personal character. Chad has made great improvements this season, and he is not finished improving. Someday he will be quick too. 


The Durbins are quite an arsonal. In fact, there is a whole fleet of them. The Durbin girls give depth to the team in four age-groups. They are like a mini-Navy. 

The youngest is J.J. cut in the Navy her initials would be P.T. She is the smallest, 

She is the smallest, crafty and daring. Her times are dropping because her workouts are swum in a most aggressive manner. However, on the deck or in the port, she is still reserved. 

Kate is the next in line. She is our sleek battleship. She is a fighter and especially quick in sprint free, fly and relays. 

Lisa is the 13-14 year old with the fire-power of a destroyer. When strength, training, technique combine with her talent, she will be an asset to the senior program. 

Stephanie is a high school sophomore. She is valuable like an aircraft carrier and can let loose an array of attacks in all sorts of directions at the same time. She is the air-force and navigator of communications. 

The mother, Mrs. Durbin, is the Parent's Club Treasurer and is the Navy's Admiral. Meanwhile Mr. Durbin is more the silent type who works behind the scenes as all master-builders do. 

All the girls are on PAWW's A-Relay teams. 

Mark has high expectations of the girls and in the next few years promises excellent performances on state and regional levels. By the way, we are glad the Durbins dock their real boats on the Illinois River at the Ivy Club and not at Central Park Pool. But more importantly, we are glad the Durbins dock their swimmers in the pool with PAWW. 

PAWW Parents Organization wishes all the PAWW'S good luck best times! 

Swim hard, Kevin and all PAWW Swimmers! Bonnie Meek 

Go PAWW Swimmers! Dean and Barb Grethey 

Swim Fast and Hard--Stephanie, Lisa, Katy, J.J. Steve and Marilynn Durbin 

and all PAWW Swimmers 

Go Andrea--Erica and all PAWW Swimmers! 

Go for you "A" time, Nicole! Mom and Dad 

"Fly Katharine, Ely!" The Lambs 

Terry and Ilene Wisniewski 

Go Greg Pip and the PAWW Team! Tom and Cathie Pipkins 

Go for it!--Bill and Amy! From Bill and Sally Compton 

Good Luck, PAWW! Rog and Betsy Mitchell 

Lower times, Barry & Sheila, and all PAWW Swimmers! Bernie & Pat Dempsey 

Go Molly & PAWW! Lark and Pat Sullivan 

Go For It, Duke! Jim and Linda Froeschle 

"Go For It, Bryan!" Love Mom and Dad 

Go Matt Kohr--Get More J000 Cuts! 

Good Luck PAWW Swimmers! 

Chuck and Pam Kohr 

Good Luck Backstrokers!! Jack, Judy, John & Mark Stromberger 

Best Times!--All PAWW Swimmers! Ray and Flora Knutson 

Swim Tough Marcus & Robin! from Lyndsay Whitfield 

Steamatic says go Chad, Brad and PAWW 

"You Gotta Wanna. . . Tim!" Kirsten Vruwink