Monday, April 30, 1990

Adventures Unlimited

Back in the day, a partnership with Adventures Unlimited and SSS had us doing sales and programs that were far ahead of what Amazon was doing.

Adventures Unlimited was a sports and travel bookstore in Long Beach. We placed a Macintosh computer on the sales counter there and had sales calls, mail-order letters, inventory, and other functions go straight there.

Monday, April 02, 1990

Letter to The White House and First Lady, Barbara Bush

Mark Rauterkus
Sports Support Syndicate
1555 Sherman Ave. Suite 1650
Evanston, IL 60201

April 2, 1990

The Office of the First Lady
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

Dear Mrs. Bush,

We are planning on publishing a (not-for-profit) comic book that deals
directly with Family Literacy and Swimming, two of your interests. We
would like your help.

My company is working with the nonprofit, literacy group, Cartoonists
Across America, (Phil Yeh and Mary Beth Roberts). Phil is illustrating the
book using their slogan, “Read! Exercise Your Mind!" and the character,
Patrick Rabbit, the Greatest Athlete in the Universe.

Could you write a short introduction for the book? 

We want to put your words and photo on the book’s inside front cover. Enclosed is a copy of
the story line for your review, and I’m enclosing a recent edition of one of
Phil Yeh’s other books with Patrick Rabbit.

The book’s introduction will be at the Swim Coaches World Clinic in
Washington D.C. from September 5 to 8, 1990. Could you plan to attend the
clinic for an hour so we can hold a brief autograph session? We would like
some of the coaches to get autographed copies of the book.

One thousand swim coaches from around the USA and a hundred or
so from other countries attend the ASCA World Clinic each year. We will
give every coach at the clinic 50 free copies of this book. The coaches will
distribute the books in their communities to promote literacy and swimming.
The book is intended for children (age 6-12) and their parents. The
comic book format is ideal for new readers. The book’s story will entertain
and teach how to join a swim team, swimming jargon, and conquering the
personal fear of getting started in a strange activity.

Sincerely yours,
Mark Rauterkus 

Friday, March 09, 1990

Project pitched to Alan

Dear Alan,

I have a project that I'd love to get you involved with. We are going to do some PSA's for TV on literacy. At present we are just starting, but we would like to have a pilot or two in the next couple of months.

Here is the plan.

First, we pick a major sporting event. Of course what am I to pick, the NCAA Division I Men's Swimming & Diving Championships in Indy in two weeks.

Then we pick two star performers. One is Olympic Coach Don Gambril who is the author of one of my books. The other is World Record Holder from U. of Michigan who has been on the cover of Swimming World Magazine.

The script is simple. We stage it like the Bud Light commercials. Instead of "Taste Great" vs. "Less Filling" -- we use "Read Books" vs. "Read Magazines". The book author introduces himself and says "read books"; the magazine cover athlete does the same then says, "read magazines."

Then I get the assistance of the local TV news department who is already going to be covering the meet. I ask them to shoot the PSA with the sport stars while they are at the event. Then then give me the tape, and they are done.

Here is where you come into the picture. I'd like to send you the tape from the scene, and have you edit it. We nee your talents as producer so we can turn the raw footage into a real PSA. Can you ad your magic to this? A special effect, a name or two and a "provided by..." statement needs to be done to bring the tape to a finished and professional state.

One major benefit, PSA's are short. We are talking about 5, 10 and 15 second spots. It is not like some drama production.

After you get the master finished, then we want to get the thing duplicated. I realize that the duplication is another job, but I'm wondering if you could handle that as well? If not, let me know and we'll try to get some other duplication process started.

We want to get the finished PSA's into a couple of test markets for experimentation purposes. I want to see if the stations would play such a tape. What stations are more supportive than others and why.
I'd also like a few copies of the master on the traditional VHS video tapes so I can show people without using Professional TV Production equipment. This tape would help us in our presentations to investor's sponsors, etc.
If you could get me ten of the duplicated PSA copies and 10 of the video VHS duplicates, then your mission would be accomplished -- for now. This project might be able to branch out into other endeavors, as you might guess as time goes by and support is generated. However, we have to get this first piece out of the idea stage and into a finished package.
Can you do this? Do you have cheap access to the equipment and studio facilities? Can you get some duplication done? Do you know others who might be interested in assisting if you can't do it alone? Are you still in Los Angeles? Are you still in North America?
Give me a call ASAP! Thanks!

Sincerely yours,

Mark Rauterkus

Thursday, September 21, 1989

to Magazine publishers


This proposal contains numerous sections, details and reasoning in an attempt to accomplish a wide range of objectives. This document serves as a sales pitch that establishes a need for our services, as well as a business plan. We expect an individual account to generate revenues anywhere within the range of $14,000 to $200,000 in the first year. With those amounts of money, one expects thorough planning and documentation.

Another factor that extends the length, depth and scope of this proposal is our creative flexibility and desire to customize solutions with the various magazine publishers. It is easy to be rigid, but we prefer to keep "Support" at the center of our name.

The give-and-take process takes added energy. We are committed to hard work. But not at the expense of productivity.

Efficiency is necessary as our company faces tremendous growth this fall. Interacting with your publication is an important step for our future. We are running ahead with proposals headed to: New Orleans SportsLife, Windy City Sports, Armature Athlete, Competitor, The Master Skier, a swim coaches Newsletter, and Triathlon Today.

As we reach this period of expansion, we've studied our past, the concerns of our associates and customer reaction. With the evaluation, we have generated a new strategic philosophy.

We decided to offer your company a choice between two types of payment structures. Our traditional outline and reasoning is enclosed, along with a new type of agreement reasoning. This binder contains two different approaches to fiscal management.

Our present agreement policy is in section IV. Summary: All expenses are paid before the magazine publisher and Sports Support Syndicate split the remaining profits 50/50.

Our newly designed policy is in section VI. Summary: Magazine publishers get between 10 to 25 percent of the gross revenues right off the top. Then the Sports Support Syndicate pays all operational expenses and generates profits for itself with the remainder of the funds.

The newly designed policy is streamlined in operation and in negotiations. We will not have to wade through accounting ledgers and expose the magazine publishers to the normal delays with the sales and expense cycles. This option is preferable, if you agree.

Let's first clarify the question, "How to handle business activity?" Then we can get involved in the question of, "How to split profits?"

Section III asks you a series of questions that will establish an understanding for our course of action and respective job descriptions in this endeavor.

Section IV is the Proposal Outline and Reasoning.

Section V presents a sample contract.

Section VI is a question and answer section -- The TEST!

Section VII are few example ads.

Friday, February 17, 1989

Volleyball Monthly efforts

logo for Volleyball Support Syndicate

Example full page magazine ad for right side for selling books and VHS video tapes. 

Tuesday, February 14, 1989

From CP

My address, then living in a house with Pete Leighton, 2920 Cedar Ave, Long Beach, 90806.

Wednesday, December 28, 1988