Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Letter, 2010, an A to Z exercise on one page.

The letters have been written and printed. Blog readers get to see this before they are mailed.

We hope you’ve had a wonderful year from A to Z! Hope to see you in the New Year…Catherine, Mark, Erik, and Grant

Africa. Our amazing, two-week trip to South Africa included a safari.

Bob. Uncle Bob took Erik and Grant to Nashville and Arkansas for a fun filled week this summer.

Coaching is Mark’s passion – swimming and water polo.

Dubai. Catherine and Mark went to the UAE in May.

Each new year Erik and Mark start with a polar bear swim!


Golf is Grant’s raw-talent sport. He participates in Pgh’s First T program. Erik and Grant sold programs at the US Womens’ Open at Oakmont.

Hearing continues to be Catherine’s mission and expertise.

International Baccalaureate is where the boys continue to study – both doing very well.

Just a quick trip to Canada for Grant and Catherine.

Korea, South Korea was Erik’s destination this summer along with a full scholarship for the trip!

Lyla and Sam (cats) continue to make us laugh.

Mark provided swimming experiences for the PPS Summer Dreamer’s Camp this year.

New sport – Grant played baseball this fall.

Outrageously wonderful friends – we are all blessed.

Parents. Catherine’s Mom and Mark’s parents are all in Pittsburgh which makes for great visits.

Quite a few trips to Washington, DC this year including celebrating Grant’s 13th birthday.

Reform task force of the sports variety. Mark is on this committee to improve sports in the schools.

Swimming. Erik’s HS team won city championships for the first time (Dad coaching) and Erik went to zones and states. Grant helped continue the middle school tradition of championships (16!).

Teenagers – we have 2 and Erik is now driving.

Uncle Charlie. We lost our much loved Uncle Charlie this year. He is missed.

Violin. Grant plays with PMA and school and Erik is playing with the PMA orchestra this year.

Water Polo. Grant loves water polo and plays for his Dad and for Tiger Water Polo.

Xerus (an African ground squirrel ) – we saw a few.

Youth Group. Catherine and Erik are still enjoying the UU Youth Group. Lots of good discussion.

Zip Line through the canopy in Drakensburg, SA – check out the pictures on Mark’s facebook page.

Be in touch: mark 412-298-3432 xxx 412-xxx-xxxx Mark and Erik are on Facebook; Mark’s blog at or visit, 108 South 12th St. Pgh, PA 15203

Thursday, December 09, 2010

I have to go home and go to sleep now.

Sorry for the F-Bomb in here.

The Eagle, school newspaper article by Erik Rauterkus about sports in Pittsburgh Public Schools

The Eagle

Pittsburgh Public Schools Mulling Possible Merger With WPIAL—Does This Makes Sense for PPS Student-Athletes?

Fw: DR News: $153 Million for Sports? RACP Grants, Part 2

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From: Democracy Rising PA <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 09:25:59 -0500 (EST)
To: <>
Subject: DR News: $153 Million for Sports? RACP Grants, Part 2

Democracy Rising Pennsylvania


$153 million for sports? RACP Grants, Part II

The decision by Auditor General Jack Wagner not to approve, at least for now, $1 billion in state borrowing has created the opportunity for a discussion about priorities that has not yet occurred. See Part 1 of DR's review of RACP grants in the October 27 edition  of DR News.

In part, Wagner notes that $300 million in bond funds are available already for priority projects. He also says he wants Gov.-elect Tom Corbett to have a chance to look over the proposed projects for another $1 billion in bond money before he, Wagner, will approve it.

Here are two stories about Wagner's decision:
Auditor General Jack Wagner tells Gov. Ed Rendell he won't sign off on $1 billion bond for projects,
 Patriot-News, Dec. 1
$1 billion bond proposal for Pennsylvania draws objections,
 The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 2.

The question of priorities is the heart of the matter. Reviewing HB 2911,  the capital budget enacted in October, DR found at least $153 million authorized for 33 different projects involving sports facilities. The grants range from a low of $250,000 for a project in Pittsburgh to $20 million for a stadium in Chester, Delaware County. The authorized projects also include $14 million for "a Lehigh Valley sports facility," assuming that the $7 million allocated for Lehigh County and the $7 million allocated for Northampton County with the same description are the same project.

There is some mystery about which, if not all, of these projects are included in the $1 billion bond proposal. So far, we are unable to get a complete list of the projects proposed for funding. The Auditor General's Office said it has only a partial list and referred us to the Department of Community and Economic Development. DCED said they don't have the list and referred us to the Governor's Office. We'll let you know if we have any luck there.

Striving for transparency in government spending is worth $10 to me!

Editorial opinion about Wagner's decision has been mixed. Some argue that Wagner was right to wait, given the deficit PA faces. Here's an editorial from the Dec. 7 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A bond too far?: $1 billion is too much to swallow in this economy.

The Scranton Times-Tribune, however, points out that many of the projects included in the bond authorization are worthy and necessary: AG, treasurer: Approve bond,  Dec. 3. It also argues that such state spending is needed to shore up an economy that otherwise isn't creating jobs.

This controversy points out the flaw in the process by which the governor and legislators enact the budget year after year, whether it's the operating budget or the capital budget. Instead of documents that reflect an informed debate about priorities for limited resources, both documents reflect the secret deals of political leaders who seem to believe that resources are unlimited for their friends and cronies. Instead of focusing on statewide needs, both documents focus on local needs that they satisfy with WAMs and RACPs.

Wagner's action enables the debate over state priorities and denies to outgoing political leaders, if only temporarily, the personal priorities they created at taxpayer expense. However, Wagner's signature is not necessary if State Treasurer Rob McCord approves the bond issue. So far, McCord also is temporizing, in part to give Corbett a chance to review the matter, but also to see whether interest rates could be better next year.

Striving for transparency in government spending is worth $10 to me!


  • Do taxpayers think $153 million for sports and athletic facilities is more important than other uses for that money, such as repairing roads, bridges, public buildings, water supplies, sewer lines and other aspects of our infrastructure?
  • Assuming Wagner stands fast in refusing to approve the bond, will Gov.-elect Corbett use the opportunity to generate a public debate over priorities, or will he continue the pattern of secret deals?
  • Will House and Senate leaders begin using an open budget process to engage citizens in a debate over statewide priorities? Or will they continue to raid the treasury as if it were an ATM for campaign contributors and for currying favor back home?

Follow-up to gifts for judges

The Legal Intelligencer has issued a tough editorial excoriating the practice of justices taking gifts from law firms and their clients: Justices need tougher rules on taking gifts,  published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Dec. 6.

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Jacques Rogge says South Africa could host 'very good' Olympics - More Sports -

Jacques Rogge says South Africa could host 'very good' Olympics - More Sports -

DURBAN, South Africa (AP) -- IOC President Jacques Rogge says South Africa is capable of organizing a "very good" Olympics and that a bid from the country could be helped by Africa's unique position as the only continent that has yet to host the games.

Rogge says South Africa has proved many times it can stage big events, "but we would only award the games on the quality of the bid, not on the location."

However, he adds if two bids were equally matched, the region which hasn't hosted the Olympics "would be favored."

After holding a successful soccer World Cup this year, South Africa has said it will bid to host Africa's first Olympics in 2020.

The east coast city of Durban, where Rogge was attending an IOC conference, is expected to be the country's candidate.

Read more:

Could wrong BCS data go unchecked?

Could wrong BCS data go unchecked?

With the accuracy of BCS rankings data so critical to so many millions of people, it goes without saying that the complex computations should be part of an open, accountable and verifiable system that can be checked by virtually anyone.
The BCS formula should be open source.

Council takes 'preventive' approach to South Side

Great. Kraus wants to fund another study. He wants more help from others, at our cost, to do his homework. City council funds study after study yet it wants to not be REACTIONARY. To prevent is great. But just do it already. Wellness isn't about being reactionary. Wellness is doing the right things all the time -- because we already know what needs to be done. We don't need to spend money to hire some consultants to tell us.

Rather than pay extra for a night-time building inspector, move the shift of one of the inspectors to evenings. Do we need EXTRA inspectors or do we need the ones we have to work different shifts? I bet that the ICA is going to balk at the extra money for the building inspector. This is something that reasonable people would have done without costing the money. Furthermore, it is not only the evenings when coverage might be required, but also on weekends.

The city has had a series of problems with management with the building inspectors since one was fired, perhaps unjustly. How many have we had since then, six or more? I don't have a score sheet. Anyone?

Council takes 'preventive' approach to South Side

Council takes 'preventive' approach to South Side
Tuesday, December 07, 2010 By Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Insisting it's time to move from "reactionary enforcement" to "preventive measures" in the South Side entertainment district, Pittsburgh City Councilman Bruce Kraus on Monday persuaded his colleagues to earmark money for a nighttime building inspector and hospitality-management study.

Mr. Kraus long has complained about vandalism, violence and other problems associated with South Side nightclubs. His amendments followed a particularly bad weekend.

Travis Isiminger, 23, of Greene County, was charged with drunken driving following a two-vehicle crash Saturday night in the 3300 block of East Carson Street that claimed the life of 7-year-old Lexa Cleland, of South Park. Police said Mr. Isiminger told them he had been drinking at Hofbrauhaus in SouthSide Works.

City police arrested two men Sunday following a double stabbing outside the Jekyl and Hyde bar at South 18th Street and Harcum. The victims said they were ambushed.

Council took up Mr. Kraus' amendments and other proposed spending changes at a budget meeting Monday - a step preceding preliminary and final votes on the budget in coming days. The Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority, a state oversight board, will vote on the budget Wednesday.

Mr. Kraus has quarreled with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's office over how to handle South Side problems. Councilman Bill Peduto said Mr. Ravenstahl could use the line-item veto in a bid to block budget amendments.

Mr. Kraus persuaded his colleagues to include $37,180 for a nighttime building inspector. Currently, inspectors work only daylight, weekday hours, an arrangement Mr. Kraus said makes no sense given the need to monitor nightclubs after dark and on weekends.

Council also included $100,000 for a study by the California-based Responsible Hospitality Institute, a group with which Mr. Kraus has been working informally for about a year. The group shows cities how to manage entertainment districts and "nighttime economies."

"I think this is very important for the city of Pittsburgh to have," council President Darlene Harris said.

The money for the study would come from the city's paving budget, something that concerned Councilman Ricky Burgess, who abstained on the amendment. "I want to support this," Mr. Burgess said, suggesting the money be drawn from another source.

Joe Smydo: or 412-263-1548.
Read more:
Money to pay for the study comes from paving. Humm.... I thought we'd want to separate the drunks from the roads. Kraus makes them inter-connected. Highway robbery.... Never mind.

Monday, December 06, 2010

But the city doesn't even have a springboard!

Dear Community Members,

If you are receiving this note it means that you provided an e-mail address and attended at least one of the community meetings to discuss athletic reform. The three meetings are now complete, and all notes have been compiled and put on to the web (link: Athletic Reform Recommendations and Feedback).

First and foremost, I want to say thank you for attending. Your attendance and participation in the matter means a great deal to me and the committee working on athletic reform in the district. I also want to make it clear that your feedback matters, and that it will be used to inform future recommendations we make to the superintendent this year. Our goal from the beginning has been to bring forth recommendations to problems that were made evident by the Title IX self audit the school district released earlier this year. Change is needed, and we will do our best to put forth recommendations that are in the best interest of our children.

Thank you again for your commitment to Pittsburgh Public Schools and our students.

Best Regards,
Jake House
Pathways to the Promise Coordinator--Athletics
Office of Strategic Initiatives
Pittsburgh Public Schools
341 South Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

O: 412-622-3706
C: 412-xxx-xxxx
I don't like to publish cell phone numbers, so I cut that out of the email for the blog.

My goal was not tied to the problems made evident by the Title IX self audit. The Title IX audit was a joke. It was late. It was a waste of time. And, the content of that audit was clear to any who cared far before it was approved.

Opportunities for girls in PPS Sports are very, very bad. Opportunities for boys are very bad. Take your pick. We don't win if we make them equal.

Meanwhile, the population decline within the city schools has been great. The city is getting close to a level point where the outward migration of city residents matches that of those who move into the city each year. But, that is not the case with the school district students where the slide continues downward. And, the outward migration of citizens from the city has been fueled, in part, by the schools and the opportunities for the kids.

I want sports to help to turn around the city: its schools, and its neighborhoods, and its global community. What we do in the city has great impacts on the county and the region.

The Title IX audit presented a bunch of pimples. The body is in the ICU, on its death bed.

Jake can't talk in a candid way -- as I do. Nor can the administrators who have run the sports in the district for the past years. Nor can the ones who have control of the purse strings of the district in terms of budgets, priorities and values.

Finally, for now, I'm not talking about more money either. This is way beyond some financial fix. This is about performance. This is about execution. This is a 'gut-check' -- as most sports experiences include.

The relationship frameworks institutionalized in PPS schools presents poor utilization of time and space. Our sports and after school opportunities are not what they should be.

The VISION, and MISSION and PHILOSOPHY of the PPS Athletic Reform effort needs work. To know where you are going, you need to have some compass. We're not on the same map. We don't share the same outcomes. The voyage is going to stumble. We have so far to go. Journey's are not successful without everyone going in the same ways with purpose.

PPS should become a magnet for growth for the city. People should want to move here to raise their children because, in part, we provide for an excellent sports landscape that is supportive, competitive, and full of opportunities that challenge our kids, especially while in school ages, but even in other years as well.

We should not be about the management of decline when it comes to athletics and sports. Let's turn that page.

Pittsburgh is a sports town. Our schools, its teams, coaches, athletes and boosters need to be as strong or stronger as anyone anywhere.

My personal / professional slogan as a vision is to CREATE LITERATE OLYMPIANS HERE. Anything less, then you are begging people to go and move elsewhere. (But, I don't expect nor presume everyone in the city will drink my flavor of Kool-Aid without hesitation. To have a mission that says our schools should create literate Olympians here isn't going to be put into place unless I have a heart-to-heart with the next superintendent and he or she should catch this excitement too.

Another VISION statement from elsewhere that I could live with:

Everyone. Every day. Enjoying and excelling through sport and recreation.

A Mission Statement (snipped from elsewhere too):

Creating a sport and recreation environment where more participate, support and win.

I think sports reform in PPS should be for the talking and planning of the full range of activities, from SPORTS to RECREATION to all AFTER SCHOOL activities.

I think we need to encourage and drive much more participation, support and winning. That's three distinct areas.
From Chatham-Polo
The statement that came to the group from the mastermind:
The PPS athletic program is interwoven into the fabric of our schools and the community. Our student athletes dream big and work hard both on the playing field and in the classroom. Our coaches and administrators teach not only the skills of the sport, but also the skills of life, and ensure that the PPS student athlete is driven to develop positive behaviors and habits, and to explore their ambitions and dreams. PPS Athletics is synonymous with character and class. The PPS student athlete represent their school and community with dignity and pride, and ultimately uses the lessons of sport as a springboard to succeed in life.
Speaking of springboards, we don't have any. The teams within the city schools doesn't have any divers. Our swimming and diving teams always need to scratch the diving events as we don't have any blasted springboards. The diving and springboards where take out years ago. But, diving happens in suburban Pittsburgh in the WPIAL. And, we want to join the WPIAL. Go figure.

Who wants to teach our kids that the key to success in life is 'hard work?'

GSPIA does good. Nice job Pitt

We are happy to offer those who were not able to attend last week’s fascinating lecture by Leslie Crutchfield an opportunity to watch the video of the event.

We will look forward to seeing you on January 27 at 3:00 p.m. for Margaret McKenna of the Walmart Foundation’s lecture at the University Club.

Onorato's re-election choice could trigger many others

Onorato's re-election choice could trigger many others
Not really. The headline should read: Onorato's retirement could trigger many others into the realm of being a candidate. But really, we (the region) need lots of people to step up and run and contest those in office. This area is too often known for giving those already in office a free ride to relection. That has to stop as that is one way to stop the corruption.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Eagle covers boys and girls swimming season's start

The Eagle

During an interview with the boys swim team coach Mr. Gasparovic, expectations and goals were revealed to be quite simple: to duplicate the city championship from last year and to get freshmen acclimated to the program.

Building Irony -- Philly Style

Hello Irony Citizens,

We are announcing an exciting event coming up early next year!
Veteran Philadelphia improvisers Amie Roe and Kristen Schier are
heading to Pittsburgh to perform on one night only. They take a
single audience suggestion and let their imaginations take over. The
kind of improv that only best friends can do together! A playful
undeniably girlish romp delivered by two of the most attractive women
Philadelphia has to offer.

Saturday, January 15 :: 8pm (doors at 7:30)
ModernFormations Gallery (Garfield)
4919 Penn Avenue
$6 in advance, $8 at the door

Earlier that afternoon, Amie and Kristen will also be teaching a

Basic Instinct: a Killer Workshop on Emotionally-Grounded Improv
Saturday, January 15 :: 2-5 pm
ModernFormations Gallery
$30 if purchased before Jan 8, $40 after (limit 16 people)

For tickets or to sign up for the workshop, visit

See you there!


Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Device deployed as criticism grows while 29 are remembered

Device deployed as criticism grows |

Police hope to finally deploy a modified jet engine, known as a GAG, into the Pike River mine tonight which will be used to neutralise toxic gasses in the mine.
They will put a modified JET engine into the mine to move the air.

Twenty nine died. The public funeral is going to be held at a race course in Western New Zealand on the South Island.


Image was nominated for photo of the month for November 2010 at Sport24 site in South Africa. Great visual of the streamlined hands. The camera was under the water shooting upwards.  

In a picture taken with an underwater camera Takuro Fujii of Japan competes in the men's 100m butterfly final in the swimming event of the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou on November 14, 2010. Fujii won silver. AFP PHOTO / FRANCOIS XAVIER MARIT

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Football or Swimming

The water will always win. The water is undefeated. It has not lost a game yet. And, I don't think it ever will. So, I better get used to working with it.

Stykz is out and could help in simple coaching annimations

Stykz • Home

Completely Free - No Strings Attached
Stykz is freeware, meaning it's completely free to download and use to create animations that you can show off to others or import into other applications. No hidden costs, license or permission are required to use Stykz to its fullest.

Multi-Platform Animating
Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program in the world (as far as we know), so you'll be able to use Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux* to create, edit and preview your animations. (*Linux is in internal beta but will be available soon.)

Education Policy Update Breakfast in Oakland on Dec 9, 2010

Dear Colleague:

Attached are your invitation and RSVP Form for the next PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATION POLICY FORUM in Pittsburgh.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Continental Breakfast  -  8:00 a.m.
Program  -  8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Holiday Inn Select - University Center - Oakland

Update on Gates Momentum Grant for Teacher/Principal Evaluation Project of the Pennsylvania Department of Education

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has received a “Momentum” grant from the Gates Foundation to start the consensus-building process to reach agreement on criteria to be used to measure teacher and principal effectiveness, appropriate student growth factors and their weighting in the overall evaluation systems.  A Stakeholder Steering Committee is currently working on this project, with the following goals:  1) Determine criteria to be used to measure teacher and principal effectiveness; 2) Develop tools to measure teacher and principal effectiveness and pilot them in participating schools and districts: 3) Develop and pilot professional development module for principals in evaluating teachers and for superintendents in evaluating principals; and 4) Determine the correlation between the teacher and principal effectiveness measures tested and the impact on student growth.  Update will be provided by PDE staff and consultant (Sharon Brumbaugh and Terry Barnaby).

While there is no registration fee, seating is limited and an RSVP is required.

You can RSVP on-line at or by faxing the attached form back to EPLC.

I hope you will be able to join us. 

In addition, please feel free to share this information with colleagues who may like to attend.

Ron Cowell
Ronald Cowell
The Education Policy and Leadership Center
800 North Third Street, Suite 408
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Thanks to our Sponsors
Western Pennsylvania Regional Breakfast Series – Pennsylvania Education Policy Forum

A+ Schools
AFT Pennsylvania
Association of Pennsylvania State College and
     University Faculties
Center for Educational Leadership - University of
     Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
OnHand Schools
Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and
     Secondary School Principals
Pennsylvania Association of Intermediate Units
Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools
Pennsylvania Association of Pupil Services                            
Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators
Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and       
     Curriculum Development
Pennsylvania Council for the Arts
Pennsylvania School Boards Association
Pennsylvania State Education Association

Braddock Mayor Arrested, Cited For Trespassing - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

He wasn't in a protest. He was trying to strike up a conversation.
“I went down there with no press release, no media notification whatsoever. It was a sincere effort on my part to restart the dialogue,” Fetterman told Channel 11.
Yeah, if I'm not there, on the sidewalk, start without me.

Come on UPMC.