Monday, January 01, 2001

This is our business -- city council actions

This Is Our Business

For sure and shore!
The preceived roles of the URA Board, of City Council, of the School Board of Pittsburgh Public Schools, and of the County play a large element into the outcomes of this process.

Should City Council spend its valuable time to "micro-manage" the URA on land sales and developments?

Should any of the three governmental agencies try to halt local happenings by going against the wishes of the other agencies? Stopping the TIF would slow down development that has been given the fast-track go-ahead by the Mayor's office and by the good people at the URA.

Yes! City Council should get involved and should shoulder effort in these decisions and discussions as both the outcomes and the process are highly suspect. It is the duty of City Council to show the diligence. City Council provides a true check-and-balance within this process for the people within the city.

To have City Council get its hands dirty with this decision at this time would do much long-term good. This can be a water-shed decision to deny the sale to UPMC. And this can be a way to re-direct control and set a new course for this outcome and for better policies, philosophies and long-term endeavors yet to happen.

Some of the problems need to be illuminated. But this position paper goes the next couple of steps by putting forth some additional principles of understanding. And, finally, when it comes to the specifics of the UPMC Sports compound on the LTV site, some better solutions are uncovered that make for a better fit for all parties for a much brighter future.

This Goes Beyond Micro Management

In the largest view, this position paper asks City Council to stop the sale of URA owned land to UPMC. To stop the sale is a bold move by City Council that would go counter to the administraion and it would assert City Council's authority into a contract-like issue. Here the contract is the bill of sale of land for specific payments and compensation.

We ask City Council to say: No Sale Yet!

For many reasons we ask City Council to look at the sale, the process, the policies and the philosophies. Let's make a re-evaluation and re-examination because of global sticking points and not a micro-management ones. But in any condition, the sale of land to UPMC is a bad decision.

We ask the School Board to say: No TIF on the South Side, Yet! The URA might come to the realization that the borders of the TIF zone should not include any Steelers practice facilities. The URA might re-draw the TIF and delete the 20-acres of the UPMC site. Just say no TIF unless and until the URA comes to the realization that the School District needs some financial assistance in the South Side, and one need not look any further than South High School. More discussion elsewhere.

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