Sunday, April 01, 2001

A speech to City Republicans

A struggle is happening. Today, the Dems are in a struggle.  

The majority of Pittsburghers -- a great majority of people don’t vote -- are watching that Dem struggle.

The two nights in shinning armor -- Bob and Tom -- are going to go at it with each other. 

The personality match. 
Meanwhile, the real dragons are not being addressed. 

We, (Republicans) have been in neutral. We have been mostly idle. Starting line.

We need to light a fire under you all now. The waiting is over.

Bob said on KDKA Radio -- it is a 1-million-to-1 chance that a Republican Mayor can win in November.

That 1-M-2-1 matter -- it has got to fire you up. Hundreds of folks are switching parties to the Dem’s side? 

I am here to tell us all -- the struggle has got to go a certain way. A new way. The greater struggle is from the old-ways to the new-ways. 

Sure, they will fight it out among themselves, but we have to encircle them and ride the waves that they create to great new heights. We have to use that negaitve, mindless, sense-less buzz and turn it into positive buzz -- into wonderful wisdoms, into engaging discussions, into nimble relationship building opportunities.

Frankly, you all need to know that I can’t walk in the shaddow of an ant. And, I’m not going to try.

Their island of their fight is very little. Their island of knowledge is very small as well.

We have to tell everyone -- over and over -- to think again.

Great change is not caused by ideas alone. But, great change can not happen without ideas. Pittsburgh needs great organized ideas. And, Pittsburgh needs organized people. And most of all, for this change to happen -- we need passions. Heat and passions are needed to melt the chains of past authorities that have been keeping us down for all too long.

Their passions are kindling and we need to capitalize uponn them -- use them to our advantage. We need a ying-yang approach to take their furry and put it to our benefit. We need to dance above it all -- and we need to be nimble, graceful, and with great scope and depth. 

Compelling Sense in the end. Groupware now. You roles are obvious to me.

I am the team builder. I can -- with a bit of your help -- make the case for a new era -- for a FREE MARKET Republican time for the next four-years. I’m prepared. I’m out there now. I’ve got the insights and have made the city-wide efforts to deliver an avalance of compelling reason to turn on all the people of Pittsburgh. 

Right now -- the enemy is us.

We need to turn you all on to this campaign. We need to get an endorsement. I need to win that by 100-1. I need to have you all come to me, understand me. Then -- I need you to start with your marching orders. 

I need $300 to create a large stack of $1-million-dollar bills. We need to tell Bob O’Connor and the rest of the city that we’ll take him up on his odds. We’re not out of the picture, and we’ve got a guy who is publishing a book. Just check out that web site. Wait until you hear him speak. 

His opponent is no slouch -- But is a place to be inspred with a stay-at-home dad who doing all of this -- like a great coach does --  because he is fed up and he is getting us all involved. We can be grass-roots. I’m preparing. Our energy is worthy of our effort and time. We are going to have fun with this and we’re going to make history -- not be slaves of it. 

History makers and the die-hard advocates are on his side now. We understand. 

Check it out. 

This is no April Fools Joke.

I want your Groupware address now. 

I want to get you over to our campaign headquarters ASAP. 

I want Million-$-Bills this week -- and I want you all to pay for them. I’ll pass these out through channels -- gimic style -- and then we are going to do wooden nickles.

We’re going to have fun. And, we’ve got messages to deliver. 

I can deliver messages -- a book on biking and Schmoozing.


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