Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fw: Rick Santorum Defends Budget-Busting Statism

Sent from my BlackBerry®

From: "John Tate" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:30:23 -0800
To: Liberty Activist<>
Subject: Rick Santorum Defends Budget-Busting Statism

Dear Liberty Activist,

The debate in Mesa, Arizona just ended a few seconds ago.

Rick Santorum – the latest candidate to try and establish himself as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney – was hit hard.

But instead of backing down tonight, he had the audacity to defend his Big Government record, including:

>>>    Voting for Title X funding, which sends tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood;

>>>    Campaigning and endorsing Arlen Specter in a tough Republican Primary versus a true conservative – Pat Toomey;

>>>    Voting for bailouts and raising the debt ceiling five times.

He even said at one point having limited government is nothing more than a pipe dream and hinted that the problems with existing Big Government programs, are more Big Government programs!

These are hardly the marks of a conservative.

But the truth is, time is running out to expose Rick Santorum and PROVE that Ron Paul is the ONLY constitutional conservative in the race.

At this point in the game, our ability to take on and DEFEAT both Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney depends on our ability to Get Out the Vote (GOTV).

But GOTV isn’t cheap – nor easy.

It requires massive phone banks, targeted mail, emails, and hard-hitting TV ads like our new ad, “Fake.”

That’s why I’m counting on you to make a generous donation to help make sure our campaign has the resources to let voters know where the other candidates stand on the issues – and run a full-scale GOTV effort.

Can Ron Paul count on you to help with these efforts?

The American people are tired of Republicans like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich supporting bailouts.  They’re tired of Republicans like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich supporting massive big spending schemes. 

But, as I told you, unless we have the resources to run a full-scale GOTV program, our efforts could come up short on Super Tuesday.

And I’m sure you agree we can’t let that happen.

So please, dig deep and make the most generous contribution you can afford to help Ron Paul get out the vote.

Super Tuesday is less than two weeks away.

Any amount you can give will help us turn out voters.

So please, make a generous contribution to help with GOTV efforts on Super Tuesday.

Together, you and I can Restore America NOW!

For Liberty,

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S  The debate in Mesa, Arizona just ended – and I’m backstage with Ron Paul after a stellar performance.

Dr. Paul requested I send you an email letting you know what was at stake this Super Tuesday and to ask for your help.

So can Ron Paul count on you to make a generous contribution to help get the truth about Rick Santorum out to the voters and to make sure we have the resources to run a full-scale GOTV program on Super Tuesday?

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

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