| | Invitation for Pittsburgh Artists: City Council Discussion on Public Art Law
| | Post Agenda Discussion: Pittsburgh Public Art Law
Thursday, Feb 12 @ 1:30pm Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City-County Building 414 Grant Street, PGH, PA 15219
|  | | Public Money for Public Art
| PGH4ART and Councilman Corey O'Connor invite you to a Post Agenda on Pittsburgh Public Art. Please join us in council chambers Thursday, February 12 at 1:30 p.m. The revitalization of the city's 1977 Percent for Art law will be central to the conversation. The Post Agenda will feature Pittsburgh artists who make public art. Speakers include: • Carolyn Speranza, artist and Team Leader for the PGH4ART Campaign • James Simon, public artist • Diane Samuels, artist and co-founder of City of Asylum • Renee Piechocki, Director, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council Office of Public Art • Morton Brown, Public Art Manager in the Department of City Planning PGH4ART is lobbying elected officials to rewrite and enforce existing Percent for Art laws. Laws on the books in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County call for 1% and 2% of the budgets of development projects constructed with public financing to be dedicated to public art. If enforced, these programs will translate into government contracts for artists, architects—and the people who will be doing the construction work. Many cities across the country have vital Percent for Art programs, and Pittsburgh could have one too! CONTACT Email: PGH4ART@gmail.com Twitter: @PGH4ART Instagram: http://instagram.com/pgh4art and Curt Conrad Acting Chief of Staff Office of Councilman Corey O'Connor Phone: (412) 255-8965 Fax: (412) 255-0820 Email: curt.conrad@pittsburghpa.gov http://pittsburghpa.gov/district5/ It's not too late to sign the Pittsburgh Percent for Art petition and share it with your friends: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/enforce-pittsburghs-and | About the Post Agenda Post Agendas are informational sessions that give members of Pittsburgh City Council the opportunity to hear expert testimony that centers around one specific issue. Often, a Post Agenda is a prelude to introducing new, or expanding existing legislation. In preparing for this Post Agenda, Councilman O'Connor said, "All plans for public art should be presented early in the development process to make sure that the design and space allocation is realistically incorporated and all pieces under consideration should go through the Department of City Planning and the Art Commission." City Council Post Agendas are open to the public, and Pittsburgh residents are especially invited to attend. | | | About PGH4ART Called the "Percent 4 Art Movement" by Pittsburgh City Paper, PGH4ART is a grassroots campaign launched in early 2013. The campaign has received support and endorsements from Fight Back Pittsburgh, The Hill District Consensus Group, Pittsburgh Student Government Council, Pittsburgh's Creative and Performing Arts High School, United Rays Corvette Club of Pittsburgh and Nakturnal Guerrilla Marketing. Nationally we have been recognized by MoveOn.org with a campaign grant and "Animating Democracy," a program of Americans for the Arts. The Art Newspaper featured the campaign in its investigation of public art programs across the United States, "Percent for Art schemes fail to deliver."
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