Saturday, October 22, 2005

PNC will boost city -- OR -- PNC robs the taxpayers with lots of corporate welfare.

Here comes santa clause -- with more corporate welfare. To take money for a private development is wrong.
PNC will boost city - PNC Financial Services Group is expected to unveil plans in coming weeks to redevelop properties it owns on Fifth Avenue near its headquarters Downtown, giving a private boost to stumbling public attempts to breathe new life into the moribund city center.

But the effort won't come without a further infusion of taxpayers' money.

Gov. Ed Rendell hinted Friday he would be in Pittsburgh sometime around Thanksgiving to serve up a heaping helping of state subsidies for the latest redevelopment effort in the Fifth and Forbes corridor.

More meetings: Gaming Task Force

Oct 24 - 6:30-8:30, Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild
Nov 1 - 6:30-8:30, Goodwill Industries of Pgh Cafeteria
Nov 16 - 6:30-8:30, Regional Enterprise Tower 31st Floor

Crossing guard with red flag, white gloves and orange vest and hat. Crossing guards are a fixture at big cities, such as in Chengdu, China. They work for everyone's sake, not just school kids. Often at big intersections, there are four or more crossing guards at each corner.

I walk my kids to our neighborhood school.

Murphy's budget rejected -

Guess who gets the short end of the stick, again and again? ....

The children.
Murphy's budget rejected by ICA (oversight board) A solution also has not been reached on paying for the city's school crossing guards.

For the past few years, the city and Pittsburgh Public Schools have split the cost of school crossing guards. The mayor included $1.75 million to pay crossing guards for half a year.
The district, however, informed the city that because of its own financial problems, it will no longer pay half of the cost.

The cost of the crossing guards should have never been transfered over to the budget of the Pgh Public Schools. The crossing guards work the streets and the functions are much like the police force. Crossing guards help motorist, private school children, college students, elderly, and the police.

We could protect our kids by giving them all their own cars -- or build more elevated sidewalks above the streets -- or have them walk with some supervision in the most dangerous intersections with crossing guards. The crossing guards could either write tickets and be employed by the police department or else they might be school employees who can't even slap motorist with a chewing gum on the nose punishment.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sign-up now for Local Government Academy course on Excellence

..:: ABC ::.. Date: 11/10/2005
Registration Ends: 11/4/2005 6:00 PM (ET)

Register Now - Individual Registration
Program: 2005 Road to Excellence Conference: Form Follows Function
Date: November 10, 2005
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Registration at 8:30 AM)

When it rains, it pours. No school to day at Chartiers Valley - but what about Bill's talk?

No school on Friday, today, at CV. But, Bill is slated to speak. Sorry.
Chartiers Valley High School graduate and Pittsburgh City Councilman Bill Peduto will be feature presenter today at the eighth annual Business Information and Government Career Cluster, featuring 300 students from his alma mater and seven neighboring high schools.

These alumni will be featured presenters: Bill Diffenderfer, crim inal attorney; Herb Higginbotham, vice president of Michael Baker Corp. and former director of Pittsburgh International Airport; and Alan Hertzberg, Allegheny County Common Pleas judge and former city councilman.

Clusters are offered throughout the year to provide students with information about career opportunities.

Conference attendees will be from Chartiers Valley, Bethel Park, Canon-McMillan, Mt. Lebanon, Peters Township, South Fayette, South Park and Upper St. Clair high schools.

The districts will host career clusters on a rotating basis. Chartiers Valley and South Park share the hosting duties for the business information and government career cluster. Other clusters held throughout the year are engineering, industrial systems and trades; arts and humanities; and health and human services.

The career cluster program is primarily for sophomores and juniors.

Perhaps it is time for Bill to start speaking again about campaign finance reform, now that the election cycle is about to end. We ended our work on the campaign finance reform task force -- but nothing was done about it -- yet. Leadership is expected, welcomed and the holding pattern is nothing but a delay.

Speaking of delays, this weeks city council meeting must have had nearly a dozen instances where those at the table said, "Hold for one week." They have been holding many bits of legislation. Humm. Some might say that the delays and do nothingness is better policy than what we've been getting. At least they are not putting additional hurts on the city.

Let's see if this trend continues. We'll be holding for the next mayor soon enough. And then he'll be holding for the next thought to enter the scene. Then we'll hold until we get the blessings of the overloards.

Before you know it, our kids will grow up and leave the area, for another with less water main breaks.

The Pitt News - Ludwig refuses to leave race

Les got some nice ink in the Pitt News. Great article.
The Pitt News - Ludwig refuses to leave race Ludwig refuses to leave race

Les Ludwig has become a "household look" for those in attendance at Pittsburgh City Council meetings.
The 2005 mayoral candidate's signature yellow shirt, black pants and consistent attendance can't be missed, said friend and Editor in Chief of Conscience newsletter, David Adams.
Furthermore, the one article about Tuesday's debate says that all six candidates will be attending. That must mean that Les has been invited too. Only five are on the official ballot. Ludwig is running as a write-in candidate.

To be fair with the slant in the article, Les has updated his wardrobe. I knocked him a bit for his fleece jacket in the past. In the past months, Less has been wearing some suits and looks like a million bucks these days -- along with his car that I've shown in this blog in the past. But, here is another look at his new wheels.
Les updated with new wheels to go with new threads.

What are you giving out for your trick-or-treaters this year? I'm doing CDs with OpenOffice

Trick-or-treat fun is right around the corner.

Come to trick or treat at our house, 108 South 12th Street, on the historic South Side, and you'll get a CD with OpenOffice 2.0. 2.0 Is Here

20 October, 2005 2.0 is the productivity suite that individuals, governments, and corporations around the world have been expecting for the last two years. Easy to use and fluidly interoperable with every major office suite, 2.0 realises the potential of open source. Besides a powerful new database module and advanced XML capabilities, natively supports the internationally standardised OpenDocument format, which several countries, as well as the U.S. state of Massachusetts, have established as the default for office documents. More than any other suite, 2.0 gives users around the globe the tools to be engaged and productive members of their society.

Available in 36 languages, with more on the way, and able to run natively on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X (X11) and several other platforms, banishes software segregation and isolation and dramatically levels the playing field. And, with its support for the OASIS standard OpenDocument format, eliminates the fear of vendor lock in or format obsolescence. The OpenDocument format can be used by any office application, ensuring that documents can be viewed, edited and printed for generations to come. 2.0 is a breath of hope for small economies that can now have a local language office suite well adapted to their needs and to their economical possibilities, reducing their dependency on the interests of proprietary software vendors.

" is on a path toward being the most popular office suite the world has ever seen and is providing users with safety, choice, and an opportunity to participate in one of the broadest community efforts the Internet has ever seen. As a member of that community, I'd like to offer my heartiest congratulations." - Jonathan Schwartz - President and CEO of Sun Microsystems.

Built by a community including Sun Microsystems, its primary sponsor and contributor, Novell, Red Hat, Debian, Propylon, Intel, as well as independent programmers, translators, writers, and marketers; 2.0 demonstrates the success, dedication and proficiency of the open source software community.

That community now includes the City of Vienna, which recently started deploying throughout. "We are very happy about the functionality and quality of the software. We are confident that will be made available to all of our 18,000 workstation users." - Brigitte Lutz, City of Vienna.

Louis Suárez-Potts, Community Manager, commented that " 2.0 is the culmination of a collaborative process involving thousands working in dozens of languages everywhere in the world. It shows that open source can produce software of the highest quality and assure the robustness, usability and security that users expect in their office suite."

In addition to the OpenDocument format, the redesigned user interface and a new database module, 2.0 also adds improved PDF support, a superior spreadsheet module, enhanced desktop integration and several other features that take advantage of its advanced XML capabilities, such as the ability to easily create, edit and use XForms.

For more detailed information regarding 2.0, please refer to the Press Kit at .

Congratulations All,

The Community

Debate gets all participants in Mayor's race. See ya on Tuesday night.

To organize a debate is a lot of work. Hats off to the these fine citizens for the opportunities to improve our discussions and make smarter voter decisions. We need debates more frequently. Come out and support this event if you can.
Urban League Young Professionals -- Pittsburgh and PUMP are sponsoring a Mayoral Candidate Debate on Tuesday, October 25 from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater, 5941 Penn Avenue in East Liberty. Six mayoral candidates have confirmed attendance. Duquesne University Law Professor, Joseph Sabino Mistick will moderate the debate.

Come and hear the candidates debate issues important to our community such as: urban development, transportation, public education, community relations with law enforcement, municipal consolidation, and fiscal issues.

Local candidates are encouraged to bring their campaign literature.

Debate organizer and recent campaign manager, K.B.
One of the debate organizers is a green party activist, Katrina B, recent campaign manager at

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Western PA Linux Users Group

Western PA Linux Users Group will be hosting a Special Event - Double Header were we will feature two talks: "Soap" and "Linux for Non-profits."

Meeting: Saturday October 22, 2005 from 10 am to 3 pm at Carnegie Mellon University, Newell Simon Hall 1507. This meeting is free and open to the general public. No RSVP required.

Maps and Directions page

Please note that our phone number is currently 412 268 7564. If you've never been here before make sure you print out the directions!

"Soap" Speaker: Bill Moran
"Linux for Non-profits" Speaker: Mike O'Connor
Host: Beth Lynn Eicher

Soap Talk Abstract:
"SOAP, commonly referred to as "web services", is one of the current buzzwords right now. I'll cut through the buzz and give a overview of what SOAP really is and what can be done with it. In the second half I'll present some example of how SOAP can be used to allow different systems to inter operate."

Linux for Non-Profits:
Mike will discuss how to sell Linux to a small non-profit such as a church.

* Doors will open at 10am to NSH 1507
* Coffee and Donut Hour 10am-11am
* Soap talk, part 1 11am-Noon
* Geeks Eating Pizza Noon-ish - 12:30pm
* Soap talk, part 2 12:30-1pm
* Break 1pm-1:15pm
* Linux for Non-profits 1:15pm-1:45pm
* General Socialization 1:45pm-2:45pm
* Cleanup and adjournment 2:45pm-3pm

Upcoming Events:
Saturday November 5 10am-2pm Annual Membership Meeting CMU NSH 1507
Saturday November 12 10am-5pm Installfest CMU NSH 1507

Good governement from Philly -- use of GPS 'an at

Atwater Kent Museum Information How Philly Works, a four-part series about how city departments use the Geographical Imaging System (GIS) to provide city services in the 21st century.
A four-part series in partnership with the City Records Department

October 20 and 27, November 10 and 17
Free and open to the public

How does Philadelphia provide complex city services to citizens for every neighborhood every day? How does the Water Department find the right-sized pipe to fix a break? How does the Police Department spot crime patterns? How does the Department of Streets know where to send crews to close ditches or coordinate all the work within the street? How does the Department of Public Health track disease outbreaks and find kids who need immunizations?

I was at the ICA meeting the other day and Dr. Murray, the ICA Chair, was talking a bit about IT (information technology) and the lack of progress among city and county mergers. We all know that IT is one of the best places to start the merger process as other systems rely upon the computers talking to one another.

However, Doug Shields was there to represent city council. Doug made the point that the investment to merge the computer operations was reported to be $23-million. And, the city has $0 in its capital budget. To be fair, there is no capital budget. None. So, upgrades to systems are impossible.

The ICA Chair was clueless. If you just merge it, with a target, a goal, it will just happen. You're spending money already. Just start spending it on this instead -- or some other sillyness in a reply.

I want to spend a lot of money on OPEN SOURCE software. It is free. But, it costs something in terms of effort and money.

That ICA meeting was one of the most frustrating sights I've ever seen. It is so bad, I still can hardly bring myself to blog about it.

I expect the ICA to reject Mayor Murphy's budget. But, it will be done as a pass-the-buck-kinda way without any real hope of real solutions.

The line, "told you so" was mentioned a few times at the meeting. I too was think of that mention. I told you we should not have taken our city in the Act 47 situation. I told you so. We knew that the state was going to muck up the bail out. We don't need a bail out as much as we need to fix our own mess. And, those that made the mess are not qualified to resolve it.

Angry Drunk Bureaucracy quote of note

Former DC Insider Lashes Out
'When you cut the bureaucracy out of your decisions and then foist your decisions on us out of the blue on that bureaucracy, you can't expect that bureaucracy to carry your decision out very well and, furthermore, if you're not prepared to stop the feuding elements in that bureaucracy, as they carry out your decision, you're courting disaster,' Wilkerson said.

In Pittsburgh, we have a lot of feuding elements in our bureaucracy. Controller's office just settled. DA and Coroner are at appeals court. Not one, but two oversight boards. Worse than a Red State vs. Blue State fight is a bunch of blue staters in childish fights because there isn't any balance in the system.

Rulings Are for Officials, Not Reporters

Rulings Are for Officials, Not Reporters Back in Journalism 101, among the first principles ever driven into our young and fertile minds was the concept that reporters should never become part of the story. We're there to report and write about what we witnessed, but not inject ourselves into the action or contribute to altering the basic facts of what we've just seen or heard....

... governing bodies of golf that allow television viewers to call in and report possible rules violations also ought to cease and desist in permitting such nonsense.
Be a dad, not a question mark.

Soffer Organization to Make Important SouthSide Works Announcement

Soffer Organization to Make Important SouthSide Works Announcement: "Soffer Organization to Make Important SouthSide Works Announcement

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 20, 2005--Soffer Organization

Soffer Organization, a leader in commercial real estate and developer
of Pittsburgh's SouthSide Works, invites local media to attend an
important news announcement regarding their development on the South

WHO: Soffer Organization Executives, Governor Edward Rendell and
other State Officials, Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy,
Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato, and other
local leaders.

WHAT: A Significant SouthSide Works Announcement from Soffer

WHEN: Friday, October 21, 2005
Remarks begin at 11 a.m.

WHERE: SouthSide Works' Town Square
Corner of S. 27th and Sidney Streets
Pittsburgh's South Side"

Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Spooky stuff.
Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack | The Onion - America's Finest News Source: "Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack
October 19, 2005

PITTSBURGH -- A zombie-preparedness study, commissioned by Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy and released Monday, indicates that the city could easily succumb to a devastating zombie attack. Insufficient emergency-management-personnel training and poorly conceived undead-defense measures have left the city at great risk for all-out destruction at the hands of the living dead, according to the Zombie Preparedness Institute....

Go and read the whole article.

Another pointer

Wages of greed III -

Mark Crowley, a Libertarian friend from Plum wrote, and was published as a letter to the editor:
It's commendable to see state House Speaker John Perzel delivering books and reading to the children at Beechwood Elementary School in Pittsburgh.

To further encourage reading and an appreciation for civics, perhaps we could update some popular stories for elementary school students here in Pennsylvania. A few updated titles come to mind:

The Little Limo That Could
The Lying King
Pirates of the Susquehanna
Harry Potter and the House Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Unvouchered Expense
How the Leadership Stole Christmas
And for high school students:
Get a Wonderful Life
Interview With a Legislator
253 for the Money
We Know How You Voted Last Summer

There are also two new stories that everyone should read. The first,, is a lesson in how people can put aside their vast differences and work together for a better tomorrow. The second,, is a classic struggle against greed and power. These last two stories aren't finished yet. Let's hope both have happy endings.

Young Patriots Essay Contest. The deadline is nearing.

Here is a building block for a resume.

GOPUSA - Young Patriots Essay Contest In the second Young Patriots Essay Contest, GOPUSA seeks to deliver a message of patriotism through the words of America's youth. The contest will consist of an essay on the topic 'What it means to be an American' and will be open to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders across the country. The contest will run from Labor Day (September 5, 2005) to Veterans Day (November 11, 2005).