Update: SOLD!Firm is the price of the bike -- and firm will be your body after using this very affordable recumbent exercise bike for the next period of your life.
This bike was used by a little old grandma (no joke) and is low miles. She used it to recover leg strength from a pedestrian accident (she was hit by a car). It proved to work for her -- and it can work for you or those you care for.
I love the handle grips on the side by the seat with the ability to read one's pulse rate. And, this bike has its own drink bottle holder!
Model R-15, Recumbent Exercise Bike, like new, purchased by G&G Fitness in Monroeville in July 06, cost more than $1,000. This is designed for home use, maximum user weight, 300 pounds. Console data displays with time, RPM, distance, calories, level and heart rate DOT MATRIX WINDOW indicates workout profile. Summary of total distance and total calories burned. Workouts: quick start manual mode, interval, random, manual, peak, slope, challenge. With 16 resistance levels. Pedal size is 4.5 inch. Drive type is Poly-V belt drive. Black and pewter metal, charcoal plastic shrouds. Has a user manual.
You'll need to pay cash and pick-it-up with your own car/van/truck from the South Side Flats.
Email me, Mark -at- Rauterkus.com. Or, call 412-298-3432.
Photo slideshow.