Ron Paul Hits it out of the Park on CNN American Morning - "Ron Paul Hits it out of the Park on CNN American Morning"The are agents of change, but are not specific.
Free market medicine.
Federal Reserve system creates the bubbles.
We pretend to police the world and are going bankrupt.
They are about $400 haircuts.
Without fail, I'm a member of the Republican party, said Dr. Paul. (Take that John K.)
Get the book. It is a great read.
John K. says: Yah Ron Paul hit it so far out of the park that not one of the nightly news talk shows commented on it. LOL LOL Saying you are a member of the Republican Party does not make you one. Republicans reject Ron Paul. Poor guy, he so desparately wants to be liked by the conservatives he is willing to sell his soul. Pitiful.
Why is Ron Paul still getting time on news talk programs? Here's a guy whose most ardent fans chose not to vote for him.
Don't see the good Dr. talking about religion in any way, shape or form. How can he claim to be a national Republican candidate and never, ever discuss his faith?
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