Friday, June 20, 2008

Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits

Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits: "AP v. Bloggers: Hurting Journalism?"

KQV/Pittsburgh News Loses Steve Lohle

To say I was shocked to see that KQV Newsman Steve Lohle died suddenly today of an apparent heart attack was an unterstatement.

The last time I spoke with Steve was last year when I called to tell him that my short-stint as a Metro traffic reporter was over. As usual, when a friend was getting screwed, Steve would utter a cloud of obscenities that would make you laugh. When I was on the air last year there were a couple of "lines" we'd share with one another and I could hear the smile in his voice.

Guys with booming voices and penchant for humorous fits of cussing got to stick together, you know.

Steve was the kind of guy who "saw it all" in radio news. He had been at KQV since 1974. Once he knew he could trust me, we hit it off. He was my best friend in the KQV newsroom, and with folks like Maloney, Goldman, Hagman, Cloonan, Effort, Riley and Ballarotto, there wasn't a loser in the bunch.

Dan Wineberg solemnly talked about Steve at the top of the 5 p.m. hour then played a canned interview between Maloney and Lohle. Steve, as usual, was shy "being interviewed" then came alive when he laughed.

KQV General Manager Robert W. Dickey called Steve "The Voice" of the Station. Dickey also mentioned that Steve "confided in him" that he wanted to "go" like Tim Russert almost a week to the hour prior. Dickey and I agree: God was listening.

I vividly remember taking the call from Steve when he informed the newsroom that his wife Barbara had given birth to his son Colin, who is now 10. We often talked about fatherhood as he was a "late in life" Dad. Over the years after I left KQV, I'd call to check in on Steve. He'd always answer the phone in a gruff manner. When I'd say hello, he'd say "Tommmmy." Then we'd share stories.

Wineberg's voice justed cracked just a smidge when he read "The Late Steve Lohle" at the conclusion of the taped interview just before 5:15 p.m. It's hard to comprehend.

Steve Lohle was my best friend at KQV. Please say a prayer for this wonderful man and his family.

Patrick's letter to fellow members of council

Dear Colleagues,

I would be grateful if you would take a few moments to review the attached letter. I look forward to spirited and positive discussions over the next few days.

All the best,

Schenley-letter-Dowd to page with a link to the PDF now posted at

Reactions welcomed here or on the wiki.

We knew that Patrick Dowd was going to be quick to defend the actions of Mark Roosevelt. Patrick's statements at the end of the public hearing were "interesting." He blamed city council for not doing enough. But then he wags a finger to city council for getting involved.

At the end of his rant, I shouted out, "Bring it on." Patrick wants to reform schools. So do we. Patrick wants hard decisions to be made. So do we. But, we need to have the right decisions made. Closing Schenley isn't it.

Patrick also was clear that he didn't know if closing Schenley was the right decision. He couldn't defend the decision to close the school. He expressed a good deal of doubt that I didn't expect to see from him.

Board to tackle Schenley referendum

Poison pill alert.
Board to tackle Schenley referendum The city school board may vote as soon as Wednesday on member Theresa Colaizzi's proposal for a referendum on whether to renovate the Pittsburgh Schenley High School building.

A day after going public with the idea, Ms. Colaizzi yesterday reiterated her desire to resolve the controversy with a ballot question and said Pittsburgh Public Schools Solicitor Ira Weiss is working on a resolution that she hopes to introduce at Wednesday's legislative meeting.

Navy SEAL Fitness Challenge

Navy SEAL Fitness Challenge: "Welcome to the Navy SEAL Fitness Challenge"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another option - Let voters decide Schenley's fate

Another option? Let voters decide Schenley's fate: "Another option? Let voters decide Schenley's fate
Thursday, June 19, 2008
By Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh school board member Theresa Colaizzi last night threw another wrinkle into the debate over Pittsburgh Schenley High School by proposing that voters decide whether to renovate the Oakland building.

Ms. Colaizzi said a referendum could be placed on the ballot to ask voters whether the Pittsburgh Public Schools should borrow nearly $80 million to renovate a building that's historic and beloved, but plagued by asbestos and other maintenance problems.
I dare say that Theresa Colaizzi is feeling a little heat on the pending vote to advance into the darkness known as Mark Roosevelt's High School Reform by closing Schenley High School.

Make no mistake, voters will decide upon Schenley's fate. Mark Roosevelt won't.

This school board and this superintendent might vote and move to close Schenley. However, they'll be tossed from office. Then the next board will re-open Schenley. Voters will decide. Now the question remains -- how much will it cost? We can pay to fix this situation once now. And, that price tag is far below $40-million. Or, we can pay to undo what they're about to do.

Voters will decide. Voters are telling the board and the administration what to do. But, it is a matter of who is listening and who wants to ruin his or her career.

The question for the ballot is not what Colaizzi frames. Do taxpayers and voters in Pittsburgh want to save Schenley and save $40-million? Or, should it be closed and spend $40-million extra.

The $80-million is NOT an option. We don't need to re-build Schenley High School from scratch. We don't need air-conditioning. We don't need to fix the pipe organ in Schenley. It doesn't cost $80 million.

We don't even need to remove the asbestos -- because it is already gone! There are no dangers to Schenley for our students.

She said council has no business commenting on school renovations and finances when the Legislature about four years ago diverted millions of dollars in school taxes for a city bailout package.
I do think that board member Colaizzi does have a point i the mention above. I wrangled with Gene Ricciardi about these concepts. He got mad at me for my statement that he was not a friend of public education due to the fact that the TIFs (Tax breaks) were pushed to include the schools and the mess with the crossing guards. The city of Pittsburgh should never have pushed a burden of paying for crossing guards onto the backs and budget of the Pgh Public Schools. Never. I raised my voice on this matter dozens of times.

However, the expense of crossing guards is much like a twisted ankle when the overall wellness of the patient is in the Intensive Care Unit. City council didn't help -- it hurt -- a few years ago.

Now, the tables have turned. That's old news. Get over it.

Council has a right and duty to limp to the school board and stick its nose into the business of our city, our neighborhoods, our kids and our taxes.

Schenley supporters are not a vocal minority. Tonight I was at a meeting in City Council District 2. One of the speakers, before me, stood up and railed against Dan Deasey, the local councilperson, for not voting to support the resolution about the out of control high school reform agenda and Schenley.

Many were without interest -- in October. Now they are aware. We won't forget.

Go Heather Go!

I'm sure Mr. Roosevelt is frustrated. He hasn't done his homework. He is banking on apathy. He has worn out his welcome. He is bankrupt with logic.

You can't close 22 schools and then turn around and say you'll open new schools.

You can't make a flock of schools that stretch from grades K to 8 and then turn around and say that the high schools should now be grades 6 to 12.

You can't say it costs $76.3 million to remove asbestos when there isn't asbestos in the building. And, when the costs are much less to fix up some of the plaster.

You can't say that the school is a danger to kids but keep the kids in the school for another school year -- last year -- like he did. There isn't any danger. The sky is not falling --- there.

You can't say you want to do high school reform and never mention a word about what to do with Langley, Oliver, Peabody nor Westinghouse. Those are the drop out factories. No plan. No real reform.

You don't fix what is not broken and ignore what is broken. You should replicate what is working elsewhere -- not tinker and deform it.

You can't talk about efforts to improve the disparity of student performances between the whites and blacks by making the split wider by using re-segregation solutions.

Finally, it is very interesting to see that the P-G reporter, battle-cat, Rich Lord has put his name to a story that included the topic of Schenley High School. Rich's lifelong pledge was to avoid Schenley as a topic, so he told me.

Internal Pittsburgh School Audit Criticizes Student Tutoring Arrangement - Target 11 News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Internal Pittsburgh School Audit Criticizes Student Tutoring Arrangement - Target 11 News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh Target 11’s Rick Earle has discovered a Pittsburgh school board member's son was paid to tutor other students during the school day.

Earle obtained an internal school document that was critical of the arrangement. The school board member's son wasn't alone.

In all, 20 Pittsburgh School District high school students were paid to tutor last year. Some of them were paid to tutor during the school day.
True story. My son, now finished with 4th grade, walks past a classroom of K students in the hallway counting off after a bathroom break. They count, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. My son, being the wise guy, injects some other numbers into the mix, under his breath, 12, 5, 9, 13. He walks past.

The teacher gets steamed. So, my son, is put into hot water and has 'tutor duties' assigned to him for lunch period every Wednesday.

The principal takes him aside and has a little talk with him. He explains, that as a 4th grader, the things he is working on is much unlike what the Kindergarden kids are facing. Those kids don't have such mastery of the numbers in a group setting.

My son wasn't teasing the kids because they were 'dumb.' But that is another story on motivation for another day.

Anyway, the principal puts forth a question to my son, to prove a point. He asked, "For instance, what's Newton's third law?"

He answered: "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Never mind.

My son had a wonderful time as a tutor. He got so good, they had him in sessions to instruct other kids in the 4th and 5th grade on 'how to tutor' too. The teacher gave him a wonderful photo book of the national parks and he also got a certificate of appreciation at the end of school assembly.

My son did put in a two-week notice so that in the final two weeks of school, he'd be able to have more social time with his classmates at recess. Request was granted.

He didn't get a check. If anyone here leaks this story that other students were getting paid to tutor -- I don't know what he'll do.

Wow, it's been a week! -- so reports Jen Larkin

At Monday nights meeting, there were 87 speakers signed up -- more than half were Schenley. There was also a contingent of CAPA parents and students, as well as several teachers. In general, the CAPA point was that they had raised many concerns about the merger that remained unaddressed, most urgently the issue of crowding, but including many others.

Listening to their complaints that the administration doesn't listen, refuses input, and ignores issues felt very familiar! I urge you to go back and look at the plans put out this fall (on the district website). Other than moving three grades of Schenley together to die a slower death (a change which was likely undertaken to make the Milliones move more successful, they certainly didn't want kids who had known Schenley ruining their new program!), the plans haven't changed at all. All those months of A+ meetings, hearings, and other meetings were just to allow us to feel heard, rather than be heard.

Anyway -- the speakers Monday were again great, there was someone talking about Oakland land use and the need to keep Schenley a school. Barbara Ernsberger, chairperson of the City of Pittsburgh Democratic Committee reported the results of a meeting showing overwhelming support among ward chairs for saving Schenley the building as a school. Vivian Loftness reiterated the value of the building that was spelled out so beautifully in Sunday's paper. Parents asked for a comprehensive plan and for a comparison of the costs of moving schools here and there, over and over again.

On Tuesday at City Council, it began with a mystery. The printed list of speakers listed three "Invited Guests" including Derrick Lopez (Chief of HS reform), Paul Gill (Director of Operations), and Linda Lane (Deputy Superintendent, only member of the administration I saw at the Schenley musical, turns out she went to every HS's musical, I like her!). Doug Shields said that this happened without going through his office, as it should have and without his knowledge. A quick decision was made that they'd only have 3 minutes, like everyone else. However, none of them were there. Here's the PG's write-up:

The discussion after our testimony was interesting to watch, if only because we never get to hear from the School Board at hearings. As you may have heard though, they already wrote and voted on a resolution, without Peduto there to vote (or call in) and with a seemingly confused Rev. Burgess voting against a delay because he doesn't know what's happening with Peabody and Westinghouse, it didn't get the 5 votes it needed, only got 4.

Today's paper has this story:

Patrick Dowd went on about a bond issue on Tuesday night too. We've never gotten an answer as to who it was in the administration that was tasked with looking at alternatives (and if there really was someone, any indication of the extent of their efforts.) -- instead some have jumped directly to the ballot. Liked Randall Taylor's suggestion that all the other reform spending should be bundled up and put to a vote too, if that were to happen. Part of the point of Peduto's plan and the lease buy back idea of 2005 was that it avoided debt altogether.

More later -- just wanted to get something out. I'm off to write a letter to the editor and spend some time with a 5 year old who's sick of listening to me type!

Please keep getting the word out to non-Schenley affiliated parents that there are so many parts of this plan that affect all city residents, all students and that they need to be active now. After plans are announced, as we well know, it's very hard to get any movement at all.

Jen Lakin

Concept Map of A for Athlete project

Click image for a larger view:

Carlynton and Sports Letter to Editor from Running Mate in PG West

Letters to the editor/WestLetters to the editor/West
Letters to the editor/West
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Carlynton needs nonresidents on teams

Despite opposition from residents representing youth programs, some elected Carlynton school directors want to limit facility use to organizations with 100 percent district youths.

They believe nonresidents take opportunities from Carlynton kids because nonresidents outperform our kids; thus, Carlynton kids need contrived opportunities for success because they are unable to succeed on their own. Not only are these beliefs untrue, they are insulting.

Without basis, these directors also claim that clubs "train the competition" and that's the reason high school teams don't win. What they don't realize is that barring nonresidents won't hurt those kids, it will only hurt ours.

Nonresidents will train elsewhere, while our kids will lose out because without nonresidents, many Carlynton programs will fold. Carlynton is too small to field teams by itself. In the end, our kids will get less training, and high school teams will suffer.

When asked, no director could explain what Carlynton gains by limiting programs. In contrast, youth leaders stated that further restrictions would hurt our programs and our kids. Nonetheless, some directors still advocate excluding nonresidents.

These "nonresidents" aren't aliens from Mars. They're our neighbors in Ingram, Thornburg and Scott. They live down the street from us. They work, play, shop and worship with us, and their districts warmly welcome Carlynton kids into their programs.

Let's hope those districts don't adopt the "us only" view of some Carlynton directors. Our kids will suffer greatly. Instead, let's hope Carlynton's directors listen to the people who elected them and adopt policies to keep our kids off the streets and engaged in positive, directed pursuits.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Report says gifted children are being left behind

Report says gifted children are being left behind A report released today asserts that gifted children are being left behind in the era of school accountability.
I was just yapping about this topic on another blog thread.

Debt disservice - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Great letter in today's Tribune Review:
Debt disservice - Pittsburgh Tribune-ReviewDebt disservice
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At a time when Pittsburgh Public Schools is facing a monumental debt of nearly $476 million, the answer to this economic crisis should not be more debt ("Hard numbers haunt district: City schools' debt $476 million," June 10 and

Yet, that is exactly what Superintendent Mark Roosevelt offers as part of his sweeping consolidation program for the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Before we take another step down this path, we should ask: Would the planned program be doomed to fail because there is not money available to carry it out when it is time to execute?

I urge Pittsburgh Board of Education members to delay any decision regarding any of the planned mergers until a full accounting for all costs is presented to the board.

Our children's and our region's future depends on their decision. This is their last chance to make the right decision. They should not make it in haste.

Brian K. Del Vecchio, Squirrel Hill

PolicyBlog: Limiting political speech won’t create good government

PolicyBlog: Limiting political speech won’t create good government Monday, June 16, 2008
Limiting political speech won’t create good government
My reply there

Hold the phone:

I worked to de-rail the campaign finance reform bill in Pgh about three years ago. Then, after begging, got onto the group to help draft this version. Then it was changed a bit with amendments.

I don't speak for Tim -- but for myself.

Of course none have pledged to make politics free from influence of special interests. That is an absurd wish. But, campaign finance reform can put an upper price tag on that influence.

Do you think that corporations feel left out and rights have been denied because there can be no corporate donations to candidates?

Just as goofy.

Of course it would be great to have the conventions paid for by the parties and not the taxpayers. But that is a different matter.

Campaign finance reform does not limit political speech. Your speech is always a right you have to yourself. A donation is not a speech. Rights are not able to be purchased. Speech is still free.

I do think that campaign finance reform will better serve the public.

I feel that elections will be more competitive with finance limits. Different. More people will run too. That is more important. It is hard to be more less competitive than the case now when too many run without any opposition.

Every corrupt politician and big city political machine does not favor campaign finance reform -- because Luke Ravenstahl just vetoed the bill.

The Pgh campaign finance reform was not with any part of government giving taxpayer handouts to favored businesses.

We agree that a way to "get money out of politics" is to limit the size and role of government. So, it makes sense then to limit the size and role of donations to candidates.

SI reporting that the Tiger has just left the building

Report: Tiger to Miss Rest of Season

Days after what he called his "greatest tournament," Tiger Woods will miss the rest of the season because of a left knee that will require more surgery, a person with knowledge of the decision told the Associated Press earlier today. That means Woods will miss a major championship for the first time in his career. "This excitement of this past major championship created a transcendent drama and it may be the one we remember the best of all his majors," said SI senior writer John Garrity. "Not to be able to continue this soap opera the rest of the year is tough. I think we thought it would kind of be an on-again, off-again story and even that would have kept the excitement going for fans. Now the curtain has been pulled back. Sorry, that’s the show for this year. It was fabulous, but it’s over."
Perhaps we'll see Tiger in Beijing in August, soaking up the Olympics, and doing golf's political work to insure that his sport gets inserted into the line-up in future Olympiads.

Council resolution to delay Schenley vote fails

Council resolution to delay Schenley vote fails: "Ms. Harris and Ms. Payne wanted council to ask the board to put off its vote until the public could study the conflicting accounts on the cost of fixing Schenley and all interested parties could come together. They won the support of colleague Bruce Kraus and Council President Doug Shields, who argued that there are 'no easy choices here' but that the district should make its decisions on Schenley only as part of a complete plan for its buildings.
My email was just sent:

Hi Tonya, Ricky and Darlene,

Thanks for your listening last night....

I did not watch the discussion unfold in person or on TV today. But, I've got a few thoughts for you after reading about it on the PG site.

Was it possible that you had to rush a tad too much. Peduto could have called in -- or --
otherwise waited. ?? So sad to have the resolution about Schenley and HS Reform NOT pass.

We got to get to five votes. Counting to five is sorta important.

To get to Rev. Burgess -- let's jump to the selfish points for a moment. I'm not sure if it is clear -- but Schenley is an all-city magnet. District 9 kids are able to go to Schenley. That helped get Chelsa into the game. This is everyone's school.

I know for a fact that there is one family that is moving out of his district and downsizing to a house to stay in the city but be put into the feeder pattern for Dice. The family is very close to leaving the city, loves the present home -- but does not want to be part of an 'experiment.'

Mr. Roosevelt has said that only 20% of the students in the Peabody feeder pattern choose to attend Peabody. I'd love to see Peabody turn into an all city magnet for either boys or girls. Put the other gender into Oliver.

Peabody needs serious attention in an urgent way. The new principal is great. But there is much to be done.

And, I'd love to see the Science and Technology magnet / HS go into Westinghouse. There is no reason to put the Sci/Tech school into Frick. For the wired -- being in Westinghouse is even better than being in Oakland. Teleconf needs, etc.

Is middle-school, CAPA / Rodgers in city council district 9 too (Lincoln Lemington) ?? It is a shame to have 6-9 Rodgers depart that area. The move to CAPA downtown is going to make an empty building in a frail neighborhood. And, the tightness of quarters is going to downsize a
great opportunity -- allowing few of his kids to get into the best performing school.

Lots of kids from the south of the Mon go to Rodgers and love it there. They are getting a good education.

The other huge factor for Rev. Burgess to know is the property next to Bakers' Square -- where Reizenstein sits -- can be sold and re-developed if the school at Schenley stays at Schenley. That property can be a great upside for that area of the city. Councilman Burgess is on the redevelopment committee. That is a key location with tons of upside for the city and district 9. Putting a school next to an upscale hotel is not going to make for a great fit.

We really need to get Darlene Harris to work upon both Skip Mc. (firefighter) and Mrs. Fink (ex-board bud) to have one or both of them flip their vote.

Can we get some info to the Firefighters to put some 'old-fashioned heat' upon Skip? The firefighters send their kids to the schools. Some are sure to be grads of the district too. When the city shrinks -- the firefighters are sure to suffer as well.

Tonya needs to get to Tom Sumpter.

There is some homework for you three.

Let's get another resolution to another vote -- and have the five votes in hand before the meeting begins. But, the real push needs to be with PPS Board: McCray, Fink and Sumpter.

Engineers say Schenley is safe, claim there is no asbestos problem in building

Great read.
Engineers say Schenley is safe, claim there is no asbestos problem in building Two engineers claim that if Pittsburgh Public School officials had read their own reports, they would realize that there is no asbestos problem at the Schenley High School building.

Not only should it not be permanently closed, they said, it should reopen in the fall.
This is what we need. MSM coverage of the real story.
“Schenley can open in the fall for zero dollars,” said Lafean. “It is just as safe today as it was when it was built.”

Lafean, an industrial engineer formerly with Westinghouse who also did extensive work for the U.S. Navy, said Superintendent Mark Roosevelt’s $72 million repair estimate—which he said the district cannot afford—is a complete fabrication.

Even if the expenditure was needed, Lafean said, Roosevelt is prepared to spend at least that much to renovate the closed Reizenstein and Milliones middle schools and Frick 6-8 to house the displaced Schenley students. So, he asked, if it’s not about money or about safety, what is it about?

“In all those reports, there is not a single quote from any asbestos abatement firm, ventilation or air conditioning contractor—no one has submitted any bids,” said Lafean. “He just took all the square footage and asked what would a total rehab cost.”

Nick Lardas, owner of Niko Contracting, who earned his civil engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University and has remodeled several historic buildings including Smithsonian Institute buildings in New York City and Washington, D.C., said Schenley need not be renovated all at once, nor completely gutted to address its issues.
"Bring it on."

Where is the fabrication now?

Fewer TV cameras last night

fans urge council to support their cause
Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Pittsburgh,PA,USA
By Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette About three dozen residents last night implored City Council to jump into the controversy over Pittsburgh Schenley ...

Students, Parents Fight To Save Schenley High - Pittsburgh,PA,USA
PITTSBURGH -- Parents and students who are upset about the closing of Pittsburgh's Schenley High School took their protest to the halls of the City- County ...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Statement to City Council from citizen about Schenley.

Kathy Fine reported to have made this statement to city council tonight at the public hearing:
Good evening City Council Members. Thank you for providing us an opportunity to voice our concerns regarding the upcoming vote on the Schenley High School closure. It has been a long eight months since Mark Roosevelt first announced his plan to closure this flagship of the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Although we realize that this entity is has no real jurisdiction regarding school district affairs, we felt that we needed to use this venue to shine a spotlight on the fact that the administration has had an advantage when it comes to framing this debate and that our viewpoints have not been clearly heard.

One point that is essential to make is that everyone in the “Save Schenley” movement is in favor of meaningful reform. We are not obstructionists. In fact, I have been dedicated to achieving progressive school board governance by working tirelessly to get first Patrick Dowd, your esteemed colleague, and then Heather Arnet elected to the school board. Ultimately, my work on these elections contributed to bringing Mr. Roosevelt to Pittsburgh. No one is here to tear the superintendent down. We want, no, need him to succeed for the sake of our children and for the sake of our city.

But just because we need a forward thinking, dedicated superintendent does not mean that parents, community members, school board directors or city leaders should be a rubber stamp for all of his efforts. Parent and community input is crucial to the success of reform on the scale that Mr. Roosevelt is proposing. That is all we are asking for, that Mr. Roosevelt allow us to be a part of creating a better public school system for our children.
Three, including Kathy, were also on PCNC TV's NightTalk, tonight. I didn't get home in time to watch.

Francesmary Modugno letter to editor about school sports

Francesmary Modugno is a real 'running mate.'

Editor: In light of the upcoming Carlynton School Board meeting in which the directors will vote on a facilities usage policy, I submit the following letter for publication. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Despite opposition from residents representing youth programs, some elected Carlynton school directors want to limit facility use to organizations with 100% district youths. Why? They believe non-residents take opportunities from Carlynton kids because non-residents outperform our kids; thus, Carlynton kids need contrived opportunities for success because they are unable to succeed on their own. Not only are these beliefs untrue, they are insulting. Without basis, these directors also claim that clubs "train the competition" and that's the reason HS teams don't win. What they don't realize is that barring non-residents won't hurt those kids, it will only hurt ours. Non-residents will train elsewhere, while our kids will lose out because without non-residents, many Carlynton programs will fold. Carlynton is too small to field teams by itself. In the end, our kids will get less training and HS teams will suf! fer.

When asked, no director could explain what Carlynton gains by limiting programs. In contrast, youth leaders stated that further restrictions would hurt our programs and our kids. Nonetheless, some directors still advocate excluding non-residents. These "non-residents" aren't aliens from Mars. They're our neighbors in Ingram, Thornburgh and Scott. They live down the street from us. They work, play, shop and worship with us, and their districts warmly welcome Carlynton kids into their programs. Let's hope those districts don't adopt the "us only" view of some Carlynton directors - our kids will suffer greatly. Instead, let's hope Carlynton's directors listen to the people who elected them and adopt policies to keep our kids off the streets and engaged in positive, directed pursuits.

Francesmary Modugno
I think that this will run in the P-G West tomorrow.

called a bombshell: There is enough asbestos to fit in my pocket -- says ex-principal at Schenley

Tim Stevens wrote, in part:
The first Black Principal of Schenley High School informed me today that asbestos was removed from Schenley in the summers of 1970 and 1971. This is a BOMBSHELL!! He states that if there is asbestos there, it
would only be enough to fit in this pocket!!

He is willing to come tonight, and at my request has just signed up to speak...