Sunday, March 09, 2008

Burgh Diaspora: Knowledge Economy Geography for New Pittsburgh

What is this world coming to?
Burgh Diaspora: Knowledge Economy Geography for New Pittsburgh: "On Top of the Political World: Polish Hill


Youth Works of Pittsburgh is offering a free lifeguard, CPR and First aid course. Upon completion of the course you will have the opportunity to take the city parks lifeguard test, and be employed as a city lifeguard. Those interested call (412) 281-6629 x 207.

Jon R's newsletter

See the comments.

Strings, QED and tonight's TV show: Bowfire

Our kids play violin at CAPA on Saturday mornings with Steven Vance. He sent this message.
Tonight at 6:30 pm, Sunday March 9, 2008, on PBS Station WQED-TV (Channel 13) airs the exciting new "Bowfire" special. This amazing 10 violin band does an incredible range of music from "Zigeunerweisen," Jazz, fiddle, Chinese erhu, and Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir". All with full lights, staging, backup band, choreography, electronic instruments, and clogging. This group is one of the prototypes for our program.

It's a pledge special so members of the Extreme Strings Orchestra family will be there to answer phones, I'll have the chance to talk about our program a little bit, and we may even get a chance to play a tune or two.

While you are watching make sure you pledge to support the station and make us look good. Of course, you can watch even if you can't make a pledge tonight. The show is great all by itself.

You can see and hear more about our Extreme Strings program on our web site

Bowfire will appear live in concert at Heinz Hall on Monday April 28. Tickets are still available. We are hoping to have a table and do a little playing in the lobby before and after the show. Look for us. See you there.

Lost or stolen gun? Doug Shields has something to say

Google Documents of the 'will of council' statement that is due for press on Monday at 1 pm.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Onorato wants moratorium on cabin work in county parks - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The places are falling down. There has been 30 years of neglect in our parks.
Onorato wants moratorium on cabin work in county parks - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato today called for a moratorium on moving or tearing down any building in county parks after residents objected to the move of Settler's Cabin and the razing of a nearby historic house in Settler's Cabin Park.
These buildings are still standing, but are on their last legs. But the things that have fallen, long ago, are the programs.

There was a historical association that wanted to rehab the building and KEEP its staff there to do historical tours. However, the county would only give them a year-to-year lease. They would have put in $60,000. But, that doesn't happen with short-term thinking. So, in the long term, we (Allegheny County) get zippo.

Most of the meeting and Onorato's remarks are on video. My video.

I went to the other most recent town hall meeting in White Oak too. There, I asked a question. I wanted to know who Onorato has hand-picked to be on the nonprofit parks board group that is just starting. He said that the names would be on the internet by the end of the week.

Well, after searching the Allegheny County Parks site again this morning, before going to the meeting today, I still could NOT find the name.

Before the meeting we talked. When asked if I was going to go to all the meetings, I said I was only going to attend until I had the answer to my question(s). I asked last week and still don't have a reply.

So, in the first part of today's presentation, the names of the board members were read to the public.

I also said that it would just make better sense to appoint me to the new nonprofit parks board and then I'd be sure to make the dealings of that organization open and transparent.

Onorato was not so keen to that suggestion. But, he suggested I get onto a "Friends" body with one of the parks -- as a way to 'start.' Well, I'm already on one of those and have been for years. But, that park group does NOT meet.

Some of the friends groups operate and some do not. I got appointed to the Friends of Deer Lake Park.

Stay tuned. There is much more to come on parks from me in the weeks to come.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Ravenstahl Writes Check For Use Of Homeland Security Vehicle - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Ravenstahl Writes Check For Use Of Homeland Security Vehicle - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl wrote a check Friday for $145.50 to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) for his 2007 use of a Homeland Security vehicle.

Ron Paul got some free media

A few different people told me today that Ron Paul had dropped out of the race for President. I said -- 'No way.'

Ron Paul won't drop out. There is no 'upside' for Ron Paul to drop out. Ron Paul isn't bucking to be John McCain's running mate.

The hunt for the R-party nomination started with more than a dozen candidates. Now there are two. And, with more states to visit and more brains to infect with the radical ideals of freedom - Go Ron Go.

Plus, Ron Paul has grandkids and books to sell.

Jefferson County Misses $184 Million Payment - News -

Jefferson County Misses $184 Million Payment - News - County commissioners have confirmed that Jefferson County has defaulted on a $184 million debt due to creditors today.

The payment was tied to the county's floundering sewer program.

Attorneys and financial advisors continue negotiations with credit companies to rewrite the terms of the county's debt in hopes of making future payments more manageable while avoiding the need to file for bankruptcy.

One UAB finance professor says the renegotiations are the county's best option.

“Jefferson County is in a good bargaining position because they can say ‘if we don’t renegotiate, we’ll file for bankruptcy,’ and while bankruptcy isn’t good for anyone, it is worse for creditors than it is for Jefferson County,” Professor Andreas Rauterkus said.

GeoCommunity SpatialNews gets Tom Murphy

GeoCommunity SpatialNews: "The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) is pleased to announce that Tom Murphy, former Pittsburgh Mayor and senior resident fellow, Urban Land Institute (ULI)/Klingbeil Family chair for urban development, will keynote at GITA�s Geospatial Infrastructure Solutions Conference, scheduled for March 9-12, 2008, in Seattle, Washington."
Tom Murphy stinks at transporation infrasturcture. He got us the big dig for the boondoggle that take light rail to the North Side Stadiums.

Tom Murphy stinks at retail/urban entertainment. He could NOT land a cinema. His administration did little -- except increase sprawl.

Dad on Fire Blues
Singer friends, Emma's Revolution, is singing a couple of songs at the world premier of "Dad on Fire Blues," by documentary film maker Scott Haman. It is a 20 minute short which begins when "Marines came to the home of Carlos Arredondo on his birthday with news that his oldest son, Alex, was killed in Iraq. In his outpouring of grief turned into rage, Carlos lit the Marine's vehicle on fire. Accidentally, he burned 76% of his body. He survived and has gone across America in a traveling memorial to his son. At rallies, marches and crowded intersections, Carlos and his wife, Melida, are dedicated to making people understand the cost of war."

PIAA Girls' Basketball: PIAA title the standard for Mt. Lebanon coach

PIAA Girls' Basketball: PIAA title the standard for Mt. Lebanon coach An ultimate goal that the Blue Devils (26-3) and Schenley Spartans (24-4) are a few steps away from heading into a showdown at 6 p.m. today in the PIAA Class AAAA quarterfinals at Chartiers Valley.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

A+ Schools meets about IB situations -- after decisions are made

Amy sent this report. I didn't attend the meeting. I'm sorta busy with the kids.
Just got back from the A+schools sponsored meeting on the IB program. It was nice to see so many familiar faces from Schenley, Frick, and even Linden. I am not a good judge of numbers so you will have to wait for the official report in the newspaper (if there is one) but I will say that the room was filled and they had to find extra chairs.

Designated speakers: Mr. Lopez, Ms. Reed, Mr. Huber, Mr. Casilli, and Ms. Smith. They gave a brief overview of the current IB diploma and the hopefully soon-to-be certified middle years program and then opened the floor for questions. We were told that we were not to discuss anything related to the building situation. After 3 or 4 questions were asked and answered (somewhat) they tried to close off questioning and break into groups for discussion. A large number of people protested and said that they would prefer having a longer question/answer session. By way of compromise, those who wanted the small group session went to one side of the room and those who wanted to keep asking questions went to the other. You can probably guess which side I was on!

I am sure Jen will have a more complete report of the meeting and the questions asked; she was writing furiously.

When the school becomes full IB, will there be any mainstream kids? What happens to the kids who are now called IS? Don't think that was answered. Some confusion with current grouping of PSP. As it currently stands, acceptance into Schenley's magnet has been dependent upon acceptable grades.

What happens to kids who can't keep up with the rigorous program?(They will have better support systems so that kids don't fail. Nice thought but not realistic!

Will the high standards of the program be maintained? (the high numbers in Theory of Knowledge were mentioned)

Is there any flexibility or will all kids be taking high level IB classes?

I managed to get in my question about the world language teachers considering the problems that Frick has had with hiring. Mr. Lopez said that they were just discussing the problems of hiring and that he will be going to Michigan to recruit and teachers will be offered contracts in April not August!!!!!

Cate Reed said that they have 125 kids signed up for 9th grade which came as a surprise to those of us who have been talking with Frick parents. this is one area where I hope that I am wrong. I hope that there will be a strong freshman class. They again assured us that the 9th graders will be able to participate in sports with the rest of the high school.

In closing, the small groups gave brief reports emphasizing the need for rigor and strong leadership.

Just some quick thoughts; I will probably remember more later. If anyone who was at the meeting wants to add anything, I will be happy to pass it along to the group.

amy moore

A+ Schools meets about IB situations -- after decisions are made

Amy sent this report. I didn't attend the meeting. I'm sorta busy with the kids.
Just got back from the A+schools sponsored meeting on the IB program. It was nice to see so many familiar faces from Schenley, Frick, and even Linden. I am not a good judge of numbers so you will have to wait for the official report in the newspaper (if there is one) but I will say that the room was filled and they had to find extra chairs.

Designated speakers: Mr. Lopez, Ms. Reed, Mr. Huber, Mr. Casilli, and Ms. Smith. They gave a brief overview of the current IB diploma and the hopefully soon-to-be certified middle years program and then opened the floor for questions. We were told that we were not to discuss anything related to the building situation. After 3 or 4 questions were asked and answered (somewhat) they tried to close off questioning and break into groups for discussion. A large number of people protested and said that they would prefer having a longer question/answer session. By way of compromise, those who wanted the small group session went to one side of the room and those who wanted to keep asking questions went to the other. You can probably guess which side I was on!

I am sure Jen will have a more complete report of the meeting and the questions asked; she was writing furiously.

When the school becomes full IB, will there be any mainstream kids? What happens to the kids who are now called IS? Don't think that was answered. Some confusion with current grouping of PSP. As it currently stands, acceptance into Schenley's magnet has been dependent upon acceptable grades.

What happens to kids who can't keep up with the rigorous program?(They will have better support systems so that kids don't fail. Nice thought but not realistic!

Will the high standards of the program be maintained? (the high numbers in Theory of Knowledge were mentioned)

Is there any flexibility or will all kids be taking high level IB classes?

I managed to get in my question about the world language teachers considering the problems that Frick has had with hiring. Mr. Lopez said that they were just discussing the problems of hiring and that he will be going to Michigan to recruit and teachers will be offered contracts in April not August!!!!!

Cate Reed said that they have 125 kids signed up for 9th grade which came as a surprise to those of us who have been talking with Frick parents. this is one area where I hope that I am wrong. I hope that there will be a strong freshman class. They again assured us that the 9th graders will be able to participate in sports with the rest of the high school.

In closing, the small groups gave brief reports emphasizing the need for rigor and strong leadership.

Just some quick thoughts; I will probably remember more later. If anyone who was at the meeting wants to add anything, I will be happy to pass it along to the group.

amy moore

House Rep. calls for Olympic ban - Thursday March 6, 2008 2:47PM

Ouch. I might need to place a few thousand phone calls to the voters in Virginia. - More Sports - House Rep. calls for Olympic ban - Thursday March 6, 2008 2:47PM A House Republican -- chafing over President Bush's plan to attend this year's Beijing Olympics -- wants to legally prohibit U.S. government officials from using federal money to go.

Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., cited concerns about China's record on human rights during a congressional hearing on Thursday and said Bush's presence would be akin to President Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting in the same stands as Germany's Adolf Hitler in 1936.
Wonder if Wolf ever heard of Adolph Kiefer or Jessie Owens?

I know Adolph Kiefer, an American hero and great man and business innovator -- plus Olympian in 1936. His life story includes a trip to the Olympic Games in German and many since then too.

Pittsburgh should raise parade fee cap, controller says - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Pittsburgh should raise parade fee cap, controller says - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review The 22-page audit says the 2006 St. Patrick's Day Parade put on by the Irish Society for Education & Charity cost the city $11,970 for public safety and public works services, but city policy caps repayment at $3,000.
Wow. We are on the road to prosperity now.

Pittsburgh Underwater Hockey | We Puck Underwater

Pittsburgh Underwater Hockey | We Puck Underwater: "We play underwater hockey at Pine-Richland High School (19 miles N of Pittsburgh).

When: Tuesday, 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM except August
Try it free the first time, $3 per week, or $80 for the season (September - July)

Contact: Deb at

Underwater Hockey Links

Texas sized problem in calling election for Hillary Clinton had a big win in Ohio, and a substantial victory in Rhode Island. But imagine the narrative had the press noted that she appeared to be losing Texas.

Penn Hills now has two football coaches

Penn Hills now has two football coaches Penn Hills now has two football coaches
Looks like Coach Gordon is finished with Penn Hills after the spring lifting ends.

The article says he did not get an interview. A date was set, but no make-up was given.

Ravenstahl hasn't picked a candidate - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Ravenstahl hasn't picked a candidate - Pittsburgh Tribune-ReviewRavenstahl hasn't picked a candidate
Hey Luke, who are you going to pick for the empty seat on the Pittsburgh Ethics Hearing Board?

Who gets Luke vote for the D primary on April 22 is meaningless next to the important selection he gets to make for the now meaningless Pittsburgh Ethics Hearing Board. The Hearing Board has an open seat -- and I'm available for the non-paid position.