Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Moral Hazard of Regulation

Congressman Ron Paul - The Moral Hazard of Regulation - Texas Straight Talk: "The Moral Hazard of Regulation

Since the bailout bill passed, I have been frequently disturbed to hear “experts” wrongly blaming the free market for our recent economic problems and calling for more regulation. In fact, further regulation can only make things worse.
On election eve, I'm going to quote Dr. Ron Paul on this blog. Go figure.

Wonder what would have happened if we were voting with a race of Ds and Rs in the Obama and Paul choice.

That story would make for a great novel.

Obama Wants To Bankrupt Coal; What's Next? Your Job?

This is Change we certainly can do without.

Now, Obama has earned the right to be rebuffed on November 4.
As they say in the movies: “Now, it’s personal.”

Barrack Hussein Obama. First off, allow me to express condolences on the loss of your grandmother. I’m sure your minions will find this blog and pass along my thoughts and prayers.

Now it’s time to go back to Chicago.

All of un-American lunatics Mr. Obama decides to associate himself with, have until this point, been character flaws at the least. At the most extreme, Mr. Obama’s choice to associate himself with reprehensible villains is dangerous to our country.

Mr. Obama would rather harm Joe the Plumber’s American dream, so Bluetooth-wearing (yet big government lovin’), snack-rationing, free gas loving, misanthropes can frolic their lives away. Even Michelle Obama’s frustrated hate of America (until votes were cast her husband’s way that is) remains quaint.

It seems that Mr. Obama would now like to crush the coal mining industry. He wants to bankrupt it because it’s not “P.C.” enough. Instead, if elected, he will wage war on the industry. Are you listening Jack Murtha?

You see, Western Pennsylvania is coal country. West Virginia is coal country. Ohio is coal country.

Did I mention that Western Pennsylvania is coal country? George Martin Leturgey, Sr., my Grandfather, worked in coal mines outside of my hometown of Portage, Pennsylvania, for 40 years. “Pap” died of “black lung” in the early 1990’s. My uncle, George Martin Leturgey, Jr., worked in the same coal mines. It took cancer three times to get “Tiny.” He passed in 2004. In pictures, people say we look alike. I’m proud of that.

My father, Thomas Richard Leturgey, worked in coal mines when I was a small child. He was lucky to get out of it and move onto construction work in the mid 1980’s. Many of my older cousins, as well as their fathers, worked in the “hole.”

Coal mining in Western Pennsylvania really dried up around the same time as the Steel Industry in and around Pittsburgh. I would have been “in the hole” as well.
That being said, there are still pockets of working coal mines in Western Pennsylvania. Every so often, someone will get trapped in a mine in West Virginia or the Midwest. It makes International news.

My cousin Justin, not long out of high school, worked a heartbeat in an area mine. While the pay was exceptional for a high school graduate (or a college graduate for that matter) the darkness, the dank and perhaps the rats were just too much for him to withstand. He got out while he could.

Regardless, it remains a great way of life for many, many people.

Barack Obama says he will bankrupt the mining industry because he just doesn’t care for it. That must be because he hates Western Pennsylvania so much. Its bible thumpers, gun-loving hunters and coal miners just aren’t the sophisticates’ cup of tea.

In a San Francisco newspaper interview that has been completely buried by the pandering left, Obama says:

“Let me sort of describe my overall policy.
What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there.
I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.
The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.”

Of course we should pursue clean technology, but to wipe out an entire industry is unfathomable. Liberal Democrats have already indicated that they’d like to reinstate the “Fairness Doctrine” because conservatives are successful on radio, while lefties can’t keep Air America afloat. Industry driven by “markets” is of no concern to lefties. Talk radio would be destroyed.

I’m not sure if there’s been a more economically obtuse candidate for Presidency in the history of this great nation. Only if I ran would I be worse, but at least I know you cannot shut down multi-billion-dollar industries because I don’t like the bells and whistles. If that was the case, I’d shut down Interior Decorating stores.

I agree with Sara Palin. We should encourage clean coal and better coal. That idea got great response at her rally in Johnstown, mere miles from operating coal mines. Heck, folks could work in coal mines for 40 years and not get sick. But you don’t shut it down because you don’t understand it. I would have shut down the Rap Industry had that been the case.

The bigger story is why wasn’t this January, 2008 interview made public until recently? The fix is in, folks. The fix is in.

Respect the American work force, whether you like the industry or not. Vote McCain.

My oh my. Lots of people are playing goalie these days.

Here, the USA Men's Water Polo team sets up on defense as the dark caps (China) set up to shoot. This was from the first game of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Pool play.
Political Tips through the lense of a water polo game:

Play goalie -- turn off your phone. I'm hearing of some friends that are turning off their phones, or did so for much of the weekend. The auto-dialer and volunteer calls are pouring in. The election ads are washing over us all, here in PA, a battleground state.

Some tips for playing a good defense -- teamwork.

Put up one arm when approached.

Keep to the center (of the cage).

Keep your feet moving (kicking).

Keep your eye on the ball. What matters most?

Mark your man.

One vote, like one goal, doesn't make the whole outcome of the tournament (nor campaign).

Keep your head above water -- as in don't burn out. It is okay to get a break and turn to the bench for replacements.

Communicate among those on your team.

When you see something interesting, take a photo of it. Carry your camera. Witness. Document. Cross your legs when doing so. See the guy in the foreground of the photo.

Get some giggles

Pointers from Jon Delano.

Fall High School sports playoffs

Tell us what you know about the playoffs of the fall sports.

Girls' Volleyball:
Pittsburgh Schenley H.S. vs. North Allegheny at North Hills High School, Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 7 pm.

Girls Soccer:
Pittsburgh Schenley HS vs. Hampton at Cupples Stadium, Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 7 pm.

Boys Soccer:
Allderdice takes on Peter's Township at Chartiers Valley High School on Tuesday Nov 4th at 7 pm.
(Thanks to the comments.)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Net is nothing but bricks.

Time for some ping-pong politics. Our own Forrest Gump story.
Check out the net: bricks. The tables are made of slate (I think). They are outdoors all the time and don't warp or flake like plywood would. People arrive with their own balls and bats (paddles). And, some bring their own nets too. Otherwise, just line up the bricks, often slipped under the table.

Some parks are more geared to table tennis. Others are more for badminton. In this park the one's with shuttlecocks were relegated to the open area, without courts.
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Witches Parking

Valet parking for witches, perhaps.

From clean-sweep

Here is a way to get around. Brooms are so last millenium.

So, who is going to benefit, exactly?

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents :: Electile Dysfunction: Wagner and Peduto? I'm disappointed that Bill Peduto and Chelsa Wagner have still not identified the charity to benefit from tonight's Halloween party. I'm a little more disappointed that they seem to be affronted that I would ask questions of them about a political event (we all know it is a political event). I asked some folks in the know, including someone connected to another state level official, and it does seem that there is an 'understanding' that we who identify as liberal/progressive are supposed to sort of grant more wiggle-room (for lack of a better term) to our progressives allies whom we've elected when they are doing the political/pre-campaign thing. I violated a taboo when I shared my opinion with the 57 people who read this blog, most of whom are other bloggers and already knew.
The shocker in this posting is that there are 57 people who read the blog.

But, I'd like to know too.

Keep an eye on this page, PA


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bob Barr: The Liberal Case for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party

Bob Barr: The Liberal Case for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party: "The Liberal Case for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party

Only one party has consistently stood up for the Constitution and against expansive executive power: the Libertarian Party. Only one party has consistently demanded a quick and full withdrawal from Iraq: the Libertarian Party. Only one party has demanded that all administration officials, legislators, and bureaucrats be held accountable for violating the law or the Constitution: the Libertarian Party.

Sen. Obama's impending big victory will tempt liberals to relax and celebrate. Yet the time of greatest danger will be the transition, when Sen. Obama will be deciding on who to appoint and what direction to take. The best way to safeguard our liberties is to let him know that his election victory comes with an important "but" -- in the form of a strong showing by Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party, who have placed the protection of American liberties and America's reputation in the world at the core of their campaign.

Bob Barr on NBC Nightly News

Bob Barr and Ralph Nader are in a debate tonight.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Barr criticizes Dems, GOP for gov't abuse - News

Barr criticizes Dems, GOP for gov't abuse - News 'I'm conservative, and I don't feel like there is a good choice in this election,' he said. 'But I liked a lot of what I heard tonight.'
When a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, ...

YouTube - Rauterkus's Channel update. Now 22 subscribers

YouTube - Rauterkus's ChannelUser name: Rauterkus
Style: VLogging
On October 10, 2008, Bob Barr, candidate for US President, visited Pittsburgh. I sat in the front row and captured his talk with my video camera. I uploaded bits of it to YouTube and few came by to watch it.

I uploaded the entire talk to Google Video and Blip.TV, and few came by to watch it. Google video reports zero views for the month. Heck, I even watched it. With Rauterkus.blip.tv, 18 views. Only a couple of dozen were interested, it seems.

I've got 66 videos on YouTube. But, now, I've got 22 subscribers. Before there were less than 5.

Interesting. Either my videos stink. Or, people are not too concerned with what Bob Barr has to say. Humm....

I think that there is a bit of a problem when it comes to getting people to find and watch video content.

Former Penn Hills Football Coach Files Complaint Against District

kdka.com - Former Penn Hills Coach Files Complaint Against DistrictEx-Coach Files Complaint Against Penn Hills
PENN HILLS (KDKA) ― Neil Gordon has filed a grievance against his former employer charging the district with age and race discrimination.

The longtime Penn Hills football coach has filed an EEOC complaint against the district.

Among other things, the complaint alleges Gordon was not rehired after serving as coach for more than 20 years because of his skin color.
Push-em back, push-em back, waaaay back.

There is nothing like a good offense to take the pressure off a bad defense.

Other sports puns and jargon welcomed.

Invite in jpg for Nov 6, 2008

Click image above for a larger view.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Culture and sport

The Brits are putting in sport and taking away leisure. That's a sign that they're getting more serious. Given the outlook for 2012 Olympics, they might do much better in various sports -- beyond the one's where they have been tradition powers -- the sitting down sports.
Culture and sport: "Developing and delivering culture and sport opportunities is at the heart of a local community's interests. This importance is reflected in the shared priorities created by local and central government. The culture and sport resource provides materials relevant to policy and decision makers, as well as practitioners.

Culture and sport has replaced the 'leisure and culture' resource. For more information, visit the 'What's new?' page below.

City schools, programs receive Heinz grants

City schools, programs receive Heinz grants The Heinz Endowments this afternoon announced about $10.2 million in grants to the Pittsburgh Public Schools and some of the school district's community partners.
The gift includes $6 million over three years for the Pittsburgh Promise, which provides college scholarships for graduates of city high schools and charter schools; $2 million for the 'Fund for Exellence' supporting a number of school district improvement initiatives, such as new curricula and design of new schools; and $500,000 for the district's Culturally Responsive Arts Education Program.
Also included in the gift are grants to the University of Pittsburgh, Hill House Association and Beginning With Books Center for Early Literacy. The partners work with the school district on issues ranging from technology to social services.

Take it off in the West End

This meeting will be on Tuesday.
Proposed Strip Club

As most of you are aware, there is a proposal to open a strip club very near to the West End Circle. This being the gateway to all of our West End communities could have a negative impace on our region. After meeting with the developer/owner of this proposed establishment last evening, upon invitation by Sam Palombini he agreed to attend the Sheraden Community Council meeting tonight at 7:00 at the Sheraden Senior Center. Please try to come.

Intersteller messages from Bebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm working on my latest business plan and uncover this news.
Bebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bebo is collaborating with the RDF Media Group to send 500 messages to the planet Gliese C which is more than 20 light-years away but the nearest good candidate for a neighbouring extraterrestial civilisation. Some have criticised this action because it might draw unwanted attention to Earth, provoking an attack or other inimical action.