Monday, February 22, 2016

Fwd: Citiparks Lifeguard Recruitment

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Official Email" <>
Date: Feb 22, 2016 10:33 AM
Subject: Citiparks Lifeguard Recruitment
To: "AU" <>






MARCH 19 - APRIL 30, 2016


12:00PM - 6:00PM


MAY 10 – JUNE 2, 2016


6:00PM - 10:00PM


9:00AM - 6:00PM





Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership BetaBurgh proposals

Three proposals were made to the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnerships for its BetaBurgh RFP (request for proposals). The grants are for up to $10,000 each. See the text of those links by surfing around the site,

  1. Open water swimming,
  2. River lagoons,
  3. Floating pools feasibility,

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fwd: An Immodest Proposal

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "John Hemington" <>
Date: Feb 20, 2016 1:17 PM
Subject: An Immodest Proposal
To: "John Hemington" <>

An Immodest Proposal

The time has come for some concerted action on the part of the people of Pennsylvania.   By now it is quite clear that the PA legislature has gone on strike against the very citizens it is sworn to represent.  As the end of February approaches there is still no completed budget – for this there is no conceivable excuse.  The legislature has clearly decided that ideological purity and political trumping take precedence over its duty to represent the citizens of the Commonwealth.

Absent legislative action on the budget state agencies, municipalities, school districts and organizations daily struggle to carry out their mandated responsibilities – and it is a losing battle.  These are desperate times for the citizens of Pennsylvania and desperate times call for desperate measures to reign in this out of control legislative body.  What is needed is an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution to clarify legislative responsibility and provide sanctions for the failure of the legislature to faithfully carry out its duties.  This, however, will not be an easy task to accomplish as the Constitution provides no means for a citizen initiated referendum for constitutional amendments.  As it stands, it means that all such amendments must be initiated and passed by the legislature before any can be voted on and approved by the citizenry. 

Since the proposed amendment would not be viewed favorably by those legislators who have created this crisis, the only way to force the issue is through a general citizen uprising to insist that this be done.  To be sure, the legislature's failure to produce a meaningful budget has impacted Pennsylvanians of all political persuasions and given proper impetus such an amendment proposal should be able to achieve broad-based support throughout the Commonwealth.  In that light here is the proposed amendment:

Be it hereby resolved that it is a primary responsibility of the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to approve an annual budget within the time frame specified by law; and failure to approve such a budget within the specified time frame is a dereliction of duty. 

In the event that such budget shall not be approved by the date specified in the law, on the day following the date specified, all pay, benefits and expenses of whatever nature and for whatever purpose due members of the legislature and the governor shall be suspended and forfeited for such period as the state budget is not completed and signed.

Upon approval and signature by the governor of a completed budget all such pay, benefits and expenses shall be recommenced, but under no circumstances will any of the forfeited pay, benefits and expenses be reimbursed for the period during which the budget remained uncompleted and unsigned.

It is long past time for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to wake up and take whatever action is necessary to make the legislature realize that their failure and refusal to do their jobs will no longer be tolerated by those they have been elected to represent.  It is no longer sufficient to hold the entire Commonwealth hostage to impose some misguided ideological purity on the opposition – regardless of which political party is responsible.

John E. Hemington, Jr.

February 20, 2016






Fwd: Exciting News

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "John Hemington" <>
Date: Feb 19, 2016 9:36 PM
Subject: Exciting News
To: "John Hemington" <>

Today we received some exciting news from Mike Krauss Chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Banking Project (see below) as events around the country are turning the tide in favor of public banking.  Some of you will have received this already but it bears repeating.  As we get closer and closer to making Public Banking a reality in Pennsylvania and other states and cities around the nation there is much which still needs to be accomplished to get this done.  In Pennsylvania, first and foremost, the PA Project needs to raise money to support the efforts in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Bucks County and other areas in the state.  This is necessary to enable travel expenses and research efforts to be undertaken at this critical stage of the project.  Up until now those of us involved have pretty much self-funded this effort, but we can no longer do this solely on our own – WE NEED YOUR HELP – both financially and politically to make this a reality. 


The PA Project is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your contributions are fully tax deductible.  As Mike's message states, the City Council hearings in support of public banking in Philadelphia will be held this coming Monday.  We are hoping to have similar opportunities to present the benefits of public banking to the Mayor and City Council in Pittsburgh within the next month or so.  To do this we need to bring in some experts to testify and this requires money.  So, if you like the idea of public banks please do whatever you can to support our efforts.  Thank you.


For those of you not living in Pennsylvania there is almost certainly a similar effort taking place in or near your state, please support these efforts.




As we get ready for the public banking hearings Monday in Philadelphia City Council chambers (1:00 PM, Room 400), here is some really great news.  Yesterday an Arizona State Legislature committee voted 6-1 to proceed with official hearings toward a state public bank.  That is a GOP dominated legislature!!


That work is led by another great team like that in Philly, Arizonans for a New Economy


The Maryland House of Delegates will hold committee hearings next Wednesday on a bill​; an effort led for three years by Delegate Ana Gutierrez, with who PA Project Director, Frank Nuessle, former PA Project Director and now PBI Chair Walt McRee and I have been working.


As you read this, Walt is on the west coast for meetings with mayors, city council members and staff in Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Another promising effort is San Diego.


And back East, our local teams ate moving forward in Pittsburgh and Trenton.


We are getting results and making progress in the best tradition of the American Democracy:  from the grass roots and the bottom up! 


Help make 2016 the Year of Public Banking please donate to support the work of the Pennsylvania Public Banking Project. 


Mike Krauss

Chair, the Pennsylvania Project

Founding Director, the Public Banking Institute



John E. Hemington, Jr.

PA Project Board


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Fwd: 2017 World Masters Games, Auckland, NZL

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Russell McConnochie


Auckland is hosting the 2017 World Masters Games (WMG) in April 2017 and Water Polo is part of the programme. 

Attached are a press release announcing the opening of registrations and  a brochure that has further details and links to the WMG web site.

Can you please let your masters community know about this event through your normal communication channels (website, newsletter, mail outs etc).  We want news of the event to go as far out into the water polo community as possible so if you have other contacts that would be interested in this event we would appreciate you passing the information along.

The more teams competing the more fun we will all have.

If there are players that want to participate and don't have a team then they can register with the WMG "Community" where individuals and teams can be connected.

Thank you very much for your assistance with this.


Russell McConnochie

2017 World Masters Games Liaison for NZWP





Fwd: New Firmware Announcement

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Milestone Sports <>
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 8:34 AM

New MilestonePod firmware released.

New MilestonePod Firmware

Improve performance. Stay healthy. Choose the right shoe.

HELLO! Over the past few months, our research and development teams have been busy testing and validating new firmware for the MilestonePod. Today, the firmware opened as a wide release to everyone. This means that the next time you sync, you will see a "Pod upgrade available" alert.

Downloading the new firmware is optional of course, but we recommend that you do so, based on the following updates:
1. Longer battery life.
Some automatic parameters have been updated to optimize sleep mode, saving you power. 
2. Increased "in-run" accuracy.
Some new research and algorithm tweaks have resulted in more sensitive X-Y-Z axis, positively affecting the rate of impact, leg swing and foot strike metrics.
3. Increased "out of the box" accuracy.
On average, the MilestonePod accuracy prior to a first run calibration, ranges from 94-98%. Every device maker strives to make this 100% for all runners and walkers. This update gets us a little closer. 
4. Bug fixes.
As standard in firmware upgrades, some updates were made that are typically invisible to the user.
After updating your Pod to the new firmware, you may need to calibrate one or two times. This will personalize the firmware specifically to your shoe and gait.
Behind the scenes of your MilestonePod and MilestonePod App, we are always working hard to push the Pod experience to the next level. #neverstop
Need help? Visit our support page for a list of FAQ's or
email us at

Happy Running!
The MilestonePod Team
Copyright © 2016 Milestone Sports Ltd, All rights reserved.

ask us a question

MilestonePod · 9250 Bendix Road North · #605 · Columbia, MD 21045 · USA

Monday, February 15, 2016

Fwd: Multiple Open Positions-Immediate and Summer Opportunities-PLEASE SHARE OUT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Feb 15, 2016 11:38 AM
Subject: Multiple Open Positions-Immediate and Summer Opportunities-PLEASE SHARE OUT
To: <>

Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center
5321 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15224
Office- 412-441-9833
Job Descriptions Attached-PLEASE SHARE OUT
Immediate and Summer Opportunities
1) Immediate openings- Positions at the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation's afterschool program at Pittsburgh Arsenal and Pittsburgh Woolslair. Up to $15 an hour depending on experience.
2) Immediate opening- Manage the Neighborhood Learning Alliance Everyone Graduates High School Program. Hourly rate of $16 to $20 an hour.
3) Anticipated March opening- Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center is seeking multiple individuals to assist with recruiting 14 to 21 year olds for the Pittsburgh Summer Learn and Earn employment program. Positions could lead to full time work throughout the summer. Openings in the West End and East End of Pittsburgh are anticipated.
4) Summer openings- The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation is seeking to identify as many as five workers that would operate its Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program.
5) Immediate opening- Garfield Jubilee Association is seeking a  "Youthbuild Education Project Leader". See the attached job description.
6) May opening- Earthen Vessels Outreach is seeking a Summer Food Program Manager. The hope is to hire someone who would be a long-term hire, but for summers only.
Rick Flanagan
Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Debt video

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hillary and Bernie

I do not agree with the root message in the article about Hillary finding her HOME RUN MESSAGE against Bernie. But, there is a difference in there between the 2 D candidates. Hillary is far reaching, broad, doing UNIONS in one breath and working for INDIVIDUALS in the next. She wants to help kids in Flint. Rush to help the person who got fired on Monday after that Saturday wedding. She is bouncing around all over the place fighting nose to nose. The problem for Hillary, is that there is only ONE of her. She can't be everywhere. She can't be a 1,000 points of Hillary and help all the ones that need the help.

Meanwhile, I think Sanders is going to wage an attack on a system level. He wasn't on the dang bridge in Selma. Perhaps the Clinton's were able to show their faces in the South. But, when Sanders is President, his JUSTICE REFORM is going to be in the minds of all in the POLICE DEPARTMENT when those marchers cross the next bridge.
Sanders is not going to rush to help a bunch of folks with new pink slips at the factory, and I expect Hillary would be there. But, Sanders trade policies is going to be attacking so that those factories are re-opening and jobs are not going to evaporate as many have done.

In the harbor of life, Hillary is an over-reaching couple of strokes with a paddle as she bounces from deck to deck on many boats. Bernie is a mega tide that lifts all boats. Or, if you want that "protective feeling" -- Bernie Sanders is the break-wall that protects the whole harbor from the storms.

What is the excuse? Being lazy? Not able to think again? Lack of political will?

There is a 4-letter word that seems to get in the way of what you want done. The hurdle, it seems to me, is a concept called, " W O R K ." Hard work, heavy lifting, planning, follow through, relationship building, problem solving and general FIXING of things needs to happen. Sometimes the work doesn't get done because of another 4-letter word, " L A Z Y ." There are some who want to have others do the work for them. They hire others to do their homework. They use consultants. They have to use OVERLORDS as an excuse. Without the money to pay off the contracts and the others, it isn't going to happen. If the work won't get done because of a lazy attitude, that is one possible way to explain frustrations.

Another way to account for the lack of desired outcomes is smarts. Do they understand? Do they get it? Can they "think again?"
There are a host of other reasons why things lag in Pittsburgh. Mostly, most are smart enough to understand. And, BK is one who has shown his ability in the past to hustle and buzz and try from time to time. So, I'm not sure what to think in this case.

Mostly, if things don't get done it is because there is a lack of political will. They don't care. Gathering a room full of people with an agenda gets things to a CARING level more quickly.

Keep plugging.

I care. Others care too. Call them out and ask them why fumble?

Posted above on a thread about South Side transportation matters that seem to be lagging.

A document from JG has been released. Not sure if I should share it here or not, just yet.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Swimming Video from Niagra

Ten minutes long:

The video has a certain tone and perspective about competitive swimming that is sorta harsh and negative.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fwd: You're Invited: Coding After School 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MBK Pittsburgh <>

Coding After School - For Youth Interested In Learning About Coding
View this email in your browser

 You're Invited!

My Brother's Keeper Pittsburgh-Allegheny County has partnered with the Steel City Codefest, BMe Community, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh to host two events for youth interested in learning about coding after school. 

For youth interested in attending these two exciting events, please RSVP HERE or call Daren at 412-255-6576.  

Copyright © 2016 City of Pittsburgh, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in to receive our My Brother's Keeper Pittsburgh monthly newsletter.

Our mailing address is:
City of Pittsburgh
City County Building, 414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Monday, February 08, 2016

Fwd: 2016 Academic Requirements and SAT Updates

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NCAA Eligibility Center <>
Date: Monday, February 8, 2016
Subject: 2016 Academic Requirements and SAT Updates

Web Version

Students who enroll full time at an NCAA Division I school this fall must graduate high school and meet ALL the following requirements:

  • Complete 16 core courses:
    • Four years of English
    • Three years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
    • Two years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science if your high school offers it)
    • One additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
    • Two years of social science
    • Four additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
  • Complete 10 core courses, including seven in English, math or natural/physical science, before the start of the seventh semester. Once students begin their seventh semester, they must have more than 10 core courses completed to be able to repeat or replace any of the 10 courses used in the preliminary academic certification.
  • Earn at least a 2.3 GPA in their core courses.
  • Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching their core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale, which balances their test score and core-course GPA. If students have a low test score, they will need a higher core-course GPA to be eligible. If they have a low core-course GPA, they will need a higher test score to be eligible.  
For more resources regarding these changes, visit or the Division I Academic Requirements Guide.


To date, over 15,000 high schools have used the transcript upload feature for more than 325,000 transcripts. We encourage you to continue using this upload feature for all preliminary and final transcripts for your students, as it significantly reduces processing time for student accounts. As a reminder, only transcripts in a PDF file format may be uploaded through the High School Portal. Any other document types will not be reviewed and could potentially hold up a student's evaluation. Also, when students register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, the student must accept the Terms and Conditions, which provides broad permission for all schools to share official high school transcripts and academic records with the NCAA Eligibility Center.

In order for a student's academic certification to be processed, the student must have ACT or SAT scores submitted to the NCAA Eligibility Center directly from the testing agency. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how they can request to have their test scores sent.

Test scores on a high school transcript will not be used. Students may take the ACT or the SAT an unlimited number of times prior to full-time collegiate enrollment, and the best score will be used in the final academic certification. Test scores are matched to the student's NCAA Eligibility Center account by name, date of birth and address.

Note: If a student takes the current SAT before March 2016 and then takes the redesigned SAT, which will be offered beginning March 2016, the NCAA Eligibility Center will not combine section scores from the current and redesigned SAT when determining a student's initial eligibility. The NCAA Eligibility Center will only combine section scores from the same version of the test. Because the redesigned SAT varies in design and measures different academic concepts than the current SAT, a numerical score on the current test may not be equivalent to the same numerical score on the redesigned test.

The start of a new semester is always a great time to update your school's list of NCAA courses. A list that has not been updated recently could delay your graduating seniors' academic certification or prevent them from meeting the academic requirements.


You may add courses, archive those no longer taught and change titles quickly and easily on the High School Portal. Click here for additional information on updating your course list and a step-by-step tutorial.

If your list is accurate, please log in to the High School Portal to verify you have no updates; this will confirm your list is accurate for your school in our system.


2015-16 CBSA cover.JPG

2015-16 IE Brochure-web

HS Counselor Guide Image

If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, please click here. This newsletter is intended for high school administrators who assist student-athletes with the NCAA initial-eligibility process.

If you would like to unsubscribe, please click the unsubscribe link below to be removed from this mailing list.

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700 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46204 US

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Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell