---------- Forwarded message
From: Tom Woods
| | So now St. Joan of Arc is an oppressor of minorities, even though she never met or interacted with any. For today's email, let me share the comments of my friend Larry Beane, pastor of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gretna, Louisiana. Savages in New Orleans vandalized the St. Joan of Arc statue last night. It is a beautiful guilded equestrian work of public art given to the city by her elder-sister namesake Orleans, France. The current attack on our monuments by communist thugs is being embraced and stoked by the Democrat mayor and the Democrat city council -- and their complicit allies in the local media -- with tacit approval of the Democrat governor who will not support a state monument protection act (as has been enacted or is being enacted in other states). Defenders of our monuments have been threatened, attacked, and physically assaulted by Antifa thugs while the NOPD look on, like a cow observing a new barn door, allegedly under orders to do nothing. The mayor -- who seems to be in a bit of hot water himself -- blames the peaceful multiracial crowd that gathered at the monument in vigil. The narrative is that our historical monuments are racist - in spite of the fact that most of them honor military heroes who defended the city of New Orleans from invasion, and who after the war, were leaders of a society in need of rebuilding, forces for national reconciliation, and advocates for minority civil rights. But St. Joan of Arc had nothing to do with anything racial. She likely never met a single black person in her entire short life. Her 'crime' according to Antifa and the apparatchiks of identity politics is that she was white and Christian. Remember the chant at liberal colleges and universities: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Western Civilization has got to go!" and the rejection of the 'canon' of our western intellectual tradition? That's what this is all about. These attacks are intended to rewrite our history and tear down Western civilization: its history and heroes and symbols, its liberal intellectual tradition, its Christian ethical backbone, its emphasis on individual rights such as speech and conscience, its contribution of limited government and its libertarian streak, its capitalist economics, etc. The Communist revolutionary experiment was an unmitigated disaster in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. So now the poison is being spread to our country, to historically illiterate young people largely born after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This isn't about monuments. The best construction is that our politicians are magnificently stupid and nearsighted, for the alternative explanation is far more horrifying. I'll bet that makes you feel like getting far, far away. I've got just the thing, and it involves me: Tom Woods | | | | | | | |

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