From a public list and a message from Richard Gaskin:
Subject: Raspberry Pi help needed soon
From this morning's news:
Raspberry Pi is merging with a coding foundation
Together, Raspberry Pi and CoderDojo hope to reach 185,000 young
people in more than 100 countries all over the planet.
< >
This is a great move for both orgs and their audiences, but implies a
risk for LiveCode platform adoption in further consolidation of
entrenched support for Scratch and Python.
This suggests that the sooner we can get an updated functional build of
LiveCode for Raspberry Pi, the better for both our beloved platform and
RPi users everywhere who currently have to struggle with the gap between
Scratch and Python.
A LC user on the Glitter channel mentioned working on a new build of LC
v9 for RPi, but requests for more info have not met with a reply.
We have a forum set up for coordinating these efforts but the two people
there who've expressed an interest in setting up a build system have run
into snags with compilation, and support from the LC core dev team has
not yet materialized:
If any of you know your way around a compiler and may be able to lend a
hand, it would be very valuable for the LiveCode platform to be able to
run well on Raspberry Pi as soon as practical.
Richard Gaskin
LiveCode Community Liaison
Subject: Raspberry Pi help needed soon
From this morning's news:
Raspberry Pi is merging with a coding foundation
Together, Raspberry Pi and CoderDojo hope to reach 185,000 young
people in more than 100 countries all over the planet.
This is a great move for both orgs and their audiences, but implies a
risk for LiveCode platform adoption in further consolidation of
entrenched support for Scratch and Python.
This suggests that the sooner we can get an updated functional build of
LiveCode for Raspberry Pi, the better for both our beloved platform and
RPi users everywhere who currently have to struggle with the gap between
Scratch and Python.
A LC user on the Glitter channel mentioned working on a new build of LC
v9 for RPi, but requests for more info have not met with a reply.
We have a forum set up for coordinating these efforts but the two people
there who've expressed an interest in setting up a build system have run
into snags with compilation, and support from the LC core dev team has
not yet materialized:
If any of you know your way around a compiler and may be able to lend a
hand, it would be very valuable for the LiveCode platform to be able to
run well on Raspberry Pi as soon as practical.
Richard Gaskin
LiveCode Community Liaison
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