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From: Mark Rauterkus
To: 412-public-news
Hi All, near and far!
We've got a crisis -- or a few of them -- in our future.
#1. Global engagement and fitness with kids seems to be in a decline.
A great commentary was published in Swimming World magazine about the crisis in a favorite domain of mine, competitive swimming.
From the international to the local scene, we need to evolve our interactions with our youth and gather all the support we can muster for our communities. Wellness -- from gun violence to school safety -- matters. We've got to step up our game in many ways.
Check out my blog post with a pointer to that article on competitive swimming and a follow-up conversation about our one-size-fits-all solution.
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#2. Regional
If you do nothing else, please click the PETITION directed at the school administrators at Eastern Michigan University who want to cut its super-successful men's swim team.
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#3 Local Invite
Adults and high school kids are able to meet me on Saturday from 8:30 am to 11:30 for the Saturday Swim School.
Kids in middle and elementary school are able to swim from 11:30 to 1 pm.
I really want to get the former students of Swim & Water Polo from PPS Summer Dreamers back in the water and playing SKWIM.
There is no charge as this is a labor of love.
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#4 Three different Lifeguard Classes have been offered and are filling to capacity, also a part of the Saturday Swim School. https://Guard.CLOH.org to get on the waiting list.
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#5. We're hiring both kids and adults to help with our summer activities at the pools in the city.
Apply with this google form. https://cloh.org/wp/archives/2050
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