Monday, October 29, 2018

Fwd: 2018 Pittsburgh Dirty Dozen Bicycle Ride

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From: Dirty Dozen

Dear riders and friends of Danny Chew:

Another year has gone by and this year's edition of the Dirty Dozen is fast approaching. You are invited to participate in the 36th annual running of the event, which will be held on Saturday, November 24th. Proceeds will benefit Danny, who is overall director of this challenging ride he co-founded. If you register by November 3rd you will receive an additional discount on your entry fee.

Here are some of the changes in this year's ride:

• New starting location. The ride now begins at the Rhododendron Shelter on Lake Drive in Highland Park. By straight-line distance this is less than half a mile to the north and west of the Bud Harris Cycling Track, and can be reached by traveling north on Stanton Avenue.

• Official-finisher ribbons will be mailed out after the event to ensure that all riders who certify their official-finisher status will receive one. Instructions for certifying official-finisher status will be included in your registration packet.

• Separate women's event. Women wanting to compete can choose to ride in either the first group, competing directly against the men in an open event, or in the second group, which is reserved for women only.

Here are the links for this year's ride:

Main 2018 event page:
BikeReg registration page:
The main DD page is here:
Starting location:,-79.9104809

We hope you will be able to ride this year and conquer all of the hills.

Jonathan Pratt

2018 Dirty Dozen

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fwd: Today's Events and Plans for Sunday

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From: Brian Schreiber, JCC President & CEO

Dear JCC Members,

It has been a difficult day here at the JCC. We have been serving as a crisis center for families and their friends and working with law enforcement, government, FBI and others since the morning hours. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.

From a safety perspective, law enforcement met with us this evening and assured us that this active shooter event was an isolated event from an individual with no known police record and there are no known threats to any other Jewish institution.  They encourage us to resume our normal routines as quickly as possible.

In Squirrel Hill, the process of notifying families and working with outside agencies is expected to continue until tomorrow. That being said, and to protect the privacy of the friends and families of victims, we will close Squirrel Hill (both buildings) for regular activities Sunday and resume our full schedule on Monday.  The South Hills branch remained open today and will be open tomorrow as normal.

Needless to say the next hours and days will be challenging. We will do the best we can to be a place for the community to find comfort and support from one another.

We will stay to our regular schedules as much as possible, and will ask for support and cooperation for any modifications. 

We encourage you to join our community in solidarity in a community-wide vigil/prayer service tomorrow (Sunday) at 5PM at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall.

We thank you for your ongoing support at this unprecedented time in our community's history.

Thank you,

Brian Schreiber,  President and CEO
James Ruttenberg, Board Chair

JCC of Greater Pittsburgh
Copyright © 2018 Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, All rights reserved.
We send special offers and reminders to all JCC members

Our mailing address is:
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh


Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fwd: ASCA Thought Of The Day: "Business Orientation"

Oh boy. I've got more to say on this in due time. 

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"Business Orientation"
"Just about every coach over the age of 40 that I have spoken with in 50 years in this sport have said some version of 'IF I could start over, I'd have taken better care of the business side of my swimming team.'

I think it's 'natural.' We start out in coaching to help children. We want to walk on deck, wear what we want, do what we want, run swim practices and teach some skills to our younger 'selves.'

After about ten years of that, we may have a family. Suddenly the priorities change. Getting paid, paying the rent and the electric bill and the car payment and insurances of 10 different kinds, all become priorities.

And suddenly, we realize that BUSINESS and MONEY is important in allowing us to do what we WANT to do.

The smartest among us seem to take a much shorter route to that decision.

And the smartest among them realize that EVERY person NEEDS to learn to swim, while only a small fraction WANT to become competitive swimmers. And there is our business opening.

Running swimming lessons for the widest possible audience is a far superior business model than a swim team. The Lessons support the swim team and make your FINANCIALLY VIABLE as an individual or an organization. It would be very advantageous if coaches could learn that EARLY in their career."

--John Leonard
ASCA Executive Director
American Swimming Coaches Association | 5101 NW 21st Avenue, Suite 530, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Fwd: Invite to Everything Afterschool

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Dear Mark,


We invite you to join us on Thursday Nov 13 at Rodef Shalom Congregation (4905 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213) for Everything Afterschool, our annual enrichment fair. The event will take place from 10:30AM to 12:30PM


With 54 different exhibitors, Everything Afterschool offers out-of-school time programs and enrichment providers a chance to connect and learn about resources in the community.


We also have some fantastic raffle prizes in store for everyone who registers, including: gift cards, free admission to Fun Slides Carpet SkatePark, T-shirts, mugs, books on leadership, and more.


If you'd like to attend the fair, please register here:



We hope to see you there!





Mark Rauterkus 
Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a 501(c)(3)
The Pittsburgh Project - swim coach and head lifeguard
Middle School Swim Coach at The Ellis School
Former Varsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama Academy
Sabbatical for 2018: PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim & Water Polo 
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team

412 298 3432 = cell

Fwd: Important Service Update


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From: TalkShoe Support <>

T-Mobile & MetroPCS are charging their customers 0.01/minute to dial-in.
TalkShoe Logo

Hello Rauterkus,

Do you have callers that are T-Mobile or MetroPCS users? 

T-Mobile and MetroPCS have started charging their customers 1¢ per minute to dial most free podcasting phone numbers. This affects ALL free podcast number services, not just TalkShoe.

It is important to note that this is NOT originating from our end; certainly, we would have no reason to restrict users' access to our service. If you or your participants are experiencing this issue please reach out to support immediately and one of our agents will be happy to help you find a solution. We can be reached by replying to this email or opening a ticket with our support desk. 

Best regards,

The TalkShoe Support Team
Support Center

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Copyright © 2018 TalkShoe
Our address is 1209N. Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801-1120

Fwd: Gubernatorial Debate

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From: KenK4Pa <>

October 21, 2018
For more information, please contact Ken Krawchuk at or 224-Krawchuk (224-572-9248)
ABINGTON, PA – Ken Krawchuk, the Libertarian Party candidate for Pennsylvania Governor, has accepted the invitation of the League of Women Voters to participate in their hour-long televised gubernatorial debate being held at 7 PM on Wednesday, October 24, at the North Penn VFW, 2519 Jenkintown Rd, Glenside, PA 19038.  The event will be hosted by Ms. Susan Carty, the President of the Chester County Pennsylvania League of Women Voters.  The debate is to be broadcast by the Pennsylvania Cable Network, and moderated by Francine Schertzer, Vice President of Programming at PCN.
This event is open to the public and media.
"I'm very grateful that the League of Women Voters has stepped forward to sponsor this forum," said Krawchuk, "Especially since the Libertarian statewide candidates have been shut out of every debate to date.  Thanks must also go to PCN for their willingness to participate.  Their 3.5 million subscribers will finally have the chance to hear the Libertarian message of lower taxes and more liberty.
"One thing that really surprises me is that Mr. Wagner and Mr. Wolf have not yet accepted the League's invitation," confided Krawchuk.  "I even sent both of them a personal letter encouraging them to participate, but neither one has replied.  Mr. Wagner's silence is particularly surprising, as he has constantly been calling for debates to be held.  Well, here's his chance to live up to his word.  Me, I'm hoping they both show.  Pennsylvania deserve hear side-by-side our visions for a better Pennsylvania."
Krawchuk, 65, is an Information Technology entrepreneur from Abington, Pa.  He has appeared on the gubernatorial ballot twice before, facing Democrat Ed Rendell in 2002 and Republican Tom Ridge in 1998.  Because of Pennsylvania's onerous ballot access laws, Krawchuk is the first third party or independent gubernatorial candidate to appear on the Pennsylvania ballot since 2002.  His return to politics comes on the heels of his federal court victory in 2016 that ruled unconstitutional the $80,000+ fines that have been levied against statewide candidates who were unsuccessful in their attempt to appear on the November ballot.
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the state and the nation, with over 170 elected and appointed officials currently serving in office nationwide, and 40 in Pennsylvania.  Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially liberal, and like the Founding Fathers, Libertarians believe that you have the inalienable right to conduct your life as you see fit, without interference, so long as you respect the rights and property of others.
For more information about the Libertarian Party, the public is invited to contact the Krawchuk campaign at,, or (224) Krawchuk (224-572-9248), the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania at or (800) R-RIGHTS, or the National Libertarian Party at or (202) 333-0008. 
Krawchuk appears weekly on a livestream at 8 PM every Wednesday night that is simulcasted to Facebook ( and YouTube (
Copyright © 2018 Libertarian for Pennsylvania Governor, All rights reserved.
Please say subscribed if you would like to receive all the press releases from the Ken Krawchuk Campaign for Governor.

Our mailing address is:
Libertarian for Pennsylvania Governor
PO Box 260
Cheltenham, PA 19012-0260

Friday, October 19, 2018

Author visit in Homestead

I wanted to invite you to my book signing on Friday, November 9 at the Barnes & Noble, Waterfront in Homestead.   A copy of the book cover is attached.   I think this is a timely book which I hustled to get out just in time for the mid-term elections.  

If you can’t make the event, you can always order the book online:

Hope to see you there!  

Warmest regards,

Fwd: [New post] Five Reasons to Vote NO on the Allegheny County Children’s Fund

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From: gadflyonthewallblog
Subject: [New post] Five Reasons to Vote NO on the Allegheny County Children's Fund

stevenmsinger posted: "     You can't raise taxes without a plan of how to spend the money.   But that's exactly what voters in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are being asked to approve this Nov. 6.   Come election day, all voters in Allegheny C"
Respond to this post by replying above this line

New post on gadflyonthewallblog

Five Reasons to Vote NO on the Allegheny County Children's Fund

by stevenmsinger

Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 12.14.03 PM



You can't raise taxes without a plan of how to spend the money.


But that's exactly what voters in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are being asked to approve this Nov. 6.


Come election day, all voters in Allegheny County will be confronted with what's been called the Children's Fund, a referendum asking for a voluntary 5% property tax hike that allegedly would go to pay for early learning, after-school programs and healthy meals for kids.


But there are no details about who will provide these services, who will be responsible for the money, exactly what else the money might be used for or almost anything substantive about it.


It's just a check with "For Kids" scrawled in the Memo and everything else left blank.


The plan is highly controversial drawing criticism from across the Mon Valley including school directors, education advocates and even progressive groups like the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN).


Here are the top five reasons you should vote NO on the referendum:


1) It Raises Taxes Without Stipulating Where the Money Goes


Here's what we do know.


The Children's Fund would be financed by 0.25 mills of property tax — $25 on each $100,000 of assessed value, beginning Jan. 1.


That's expected to generate roughly $18 million a year that would begin to be distributed in 2020.


If approved, it would change the county Home Rule Charter to establish the fund as part of county government. It would create a new office under the supervision of the county manager.

A Citizens' Advisory Commission would "review and advise" the work of the new office, according to the proposed charter amendment.


However, County Council and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald would have to do the work of actually creating all this stuff. They'd have to pass an ordinance establishing how this all works, what powers the advisory commission has, etc. They would have to determine whether the money goes to existing programs or new ones. They'd have to set up audits of the money every five years, conduct a study to recommend goals and a focus for how the funding is spent.


That's an awful lot left undecided.


It makes no sense for voters to hand over the money BEFORE we figure all this other stuff out.


It's not at all how good government works.


You're supposed to define a problem or need and then come up with a plan to meet that need. You prepare a budget that justifies raising taxes and then you vote on it.


This is exactly the opposite. We're getting the money before the plan of how to spend it.


That's a recipe for fraud and financial mismanagement.



2) It's Unclear Who Would Be In Charge of the Money


Who would be accountable for this money?


We know who gets to decide this - County Council and the Chief Executive. But we don't know who they will pick or what powers they'll delegate to these people. Nor do we know what kind of oversight there will be or what kind of regulations will exist for how it can be spent.


This is a blind statement of trust.


It's like saying – "Here's $18 million. Go buy us something nice."


What if they mismanage the money? And what would that even mean for money with so few strings attached? And how would we know? How transparent would this process be?


It's kind of hard to approve such a plan with so many variables up in the air.


3) The Campaign was Not Grass Roots


To hear supporters talk, you'd think this was a bottom up crusade created by, organized by and conducted by everyday citizens from our communities.


It wasn't.


Sure, volunteers for the Children's Fund went door-to-door to collect more than 40,000 signatures from voters last summer.


But they weren't all volunteers.



Financial documents show that the whole initiative has been funded by various nonprofit organizations that could, themselves, become beneficiaries of this same fund.



According to the Children's Fund's own campaign finance report, as of June there were three nonprofit corporations who donated $427,000 to the campaign: the Human Services Center of Turtle Creek gave $160,000, Pressley Ridge Foundation gave $150,000, and Allies for Children gave a donation of $45,000 and another for $72,000.


That's like McDonalds spending a hundred thousand dollars to fix up the school cafeterias so it could land a multi-million dollar annual contract!


It's a huge conflict of interest.


At very least, it's purposefully misleading.


Many of those "volunteers" gathering signatures weren't working for free. They were part of the $100,000 spent by the campaign to hire Vote Goal Organizing for paid signature collectors.


That doesn't look like charity. It looks like philanthrocapitalism – when corporations try to disguise grabs for power and profit as philanthropy.


Corporations – even so-called nonprofit corporations – rarely do things out of sheer goodness. They're acting in the best interest of the company.


I see no reason to think this "Children's Fund" is any different.


4) It Works Around Instead of With Local Government


Though almost everyone agrees with the stated goals of the Children's Fund, many organizations and government officials complained that they were not consulted and made a part of the process.



Two Pittsburgh Public School directors went on record in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette about a lack of communication.


"First and foremost, we have not had any conversations with the organizers of the referendum," board president Regina Holley said. "There are lots of ifs and whats that have not been answered."


Kevin Carter, another city school director added, "In my role as a school board member, they didn't talk to us about this at all."


"When you leave your largest school district in the region out of this conversation, are you doing this around children?" he asked, citing that the district serves 25,000 students daily.


This has been a common thread among officials. No one wants to say they're against collecting money that's ostensibly for the benefit of children, but it's hard to manage the money if you're not part of the process.


And it's not just protocol. Many are worried that this lack of communication may be emblematic of how the fund will be run. If organizers aren't willing to work with local governments to get the job done, how will they know what each community needs? How will they meet those needs? Is that even what the fund will really be about?


Richard Livingston, Clairton school board president, noted concern that the money collected might not be spent evenly throughout the county. For all he knows, it could just be spent in the city or in select areas.


Indeed, this is not the best way to start any endeavor funded by all, for the benefit of all children.



5) It's Redundant


While it's true that the county could use more funding to meet the needs of students, numerous organizations already exist that attempt to provide these services.



There are a plethora of Pre-K, after school tutoring and meal services in the Mon Valley. In fact, much of this is done at the county's various neighborhood schools.


If organizers were only concerned with meeting these needs, why form an office within county government that would have an appointed advisory commission? Why not just increase the funding at the local schools and/or organizations already doing this work?


In fact, this is exactly the reason the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network is against the initiative.


According to the organization's statement:



"At PIIN, we believe that the faith community is a sacred partner with our public schools, and we have long been supportive of both the community schools model and increasing state funding to provide an excellent, high-quality education to every child in our region. We believe in funding for early childhood learning, after school programs, and nutritious meals. However, we cannot support a ballot initiative that creates an unnecessary entity, with an unknown advisory board, and an unclear process for directing our tax dollars.


This is why we are urging our membership to reject the Allegheny County Children's Fund Initiative at the polls this November."




Another related organization, Great Public Schools-Pittsburgh, also released a statement with "several specific concerns" about the potential fund. These include how the money would be distributed, which organizations would benefit from it, and questions about its redundancy.


Several pre-K programs already exist but are not fully funded, the organization noted. Why don't we just fund them?


The group is a coalition of the Education Rights Network, One Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers, PIIN, and the Service Employees International Union.


The group's statement noted concerns but fell short of urging an outright NO vote.


The bottom line is that many people are concerned about inadequate funding for children's programs.


But this "Children's Fund" is not a solution to that problem.


This is the creation of another bureaucracy that can take our tax dollars and do almost whatever it wants with them.


There is no guarantee it will help kids.


In fact, it looks a lot more like a power and money grab by corporate interests, many of whom would prefer to privatize our school system.


This November, when you go to the polls, do the right thing for our kids.


Vote NO on the Allegheny County Children's Fund.





Like this post? I've written a book, "Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform," now available from Garn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to the Badass Teachers Association. Check it out!


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Mark Rauterkus
Swimming and Water Polo Coach, Schenley High School, Pittsburgh, PA
412 298 3432 = cell