Monday, May 16, 2005

Victory Parties!

I just called to wish "good luck" to my opponents, Fontana and Diven.

Diven's victory party is on The Boardwalk in the strip. Fontana's is at the Dormont Recreation Center.

My victory party -- 108 South 12th Street, South Side. My home office is where I'm gathering with others.

I hope to bounce to some other events on election night. Something is cooking with the media too. Gene R is having a party at Goodwill on the South Side. Sam is meeting at his home in Sheridan.

It's never too late. Never give up. Nice note from a citizen -- Encouragement like this is priceless.

Tonight's email included this gem. Thanks!
Hello Mr. Rauterkus, my name is Clement Ferguson and I wanted to thank you for running for Senate. I'm a young voter disenfrachised with the two-party system. I voted for Badnarik last year but my disillusionment had become so great since then that I unfortunately stopped following up on politics. Lately I noticed the various signs in people's yards and didn't think that there'd be a Libertarian candidate (although I did search and I don't recall finding anything about you). A friend of mine is working for Diven's campaign, so I decided to look into the elections a bit more. I had read through Fontana's and Diven's web sites and they had nothing to say but the usual vague, empty promises designed to secure their careers. I don't watch television often, but the ads that I saw on there were absurd. I really felt that I had no real person to vote for.

However, at work I saw a flyer that a student had received from you earlier today. I was blown away by your wiki and the huge platform that you had made available (with more real content on a single page than on the whole websites of the other guys), along with your blog -- and equally impressed by your use and advocation of open source software. While there are probably some points that I don't agree with you on, I have tremendous respect for you as a person of integrity who really cares about the future of Pittsburgh, and as someone who seems to be very open to discussion in the political process.

There's a great amount of people discontent with the situation in Pittsburgh, and many of them either 1) simply aren't going to vote or 2) are voting for one guy because they don't realize that there is a third who has something authentic and important to say. I know that there's probably not much that I can do at this point, but including myself I may have gotten you seven or more votes from talking with my friends and family tonight. I really wish that I could do more for you, and I regret not getting involved earlier in the process. I guess the best tool of those in power to stay in power is to make those beneath them think that there's no viable alternative, and I'm ashamed that I bought into that. I wish you the best of luck in the special election! I myself am going to reconsider my involvement in the political process and see if I can help out with local Libertarians. Reading about your accomplishments and initiatives has inspired me to do what I can for our community. If ever you need volunteers in the future, please let me know and I will assist you as best as I can.

Respectfully yours,

KDKA's Delano, a staunch Dem, gives tingling endorsmen to the "L"

Diven v. Fontana v. Rauterkus:

I never knew that Michael Diven and Wayne Fontana were such horrible human beings until the Harrisburg aparatchiks for both political parties descended on this region to tell us all their faults. Voters in the 42nd senatorial district have been flooded with reams of ugly literature and all of us have been subjected to negative TV ads that depict these two nice guys (yes, they are both nice gentlemen) as the devil incarnate. It's the battle for a Senate seat between Diven, the Republican, and Fontana, the Democrat (and Mark Rauterkus, the Libertarian), and both political parties are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to win.

Fontana should win tomorrow, but Diven is the kind of Republican who can pull an upset. The Rs think their man is up by two points, while the Dems think Fontana is ahead by double digits. Sadly, the race has come down to trivial accusations that sometimes border on the laughable. Diven shows a picture with his fiancee and some kids (not his own), and somehow he's committed some campaign fraud. Fontana, one of 15 members of county council and the most outspoken against reassessments and former Allegheny County chief executive Jim Roddey (R), is somehow the author of every action in the county that raised property assessments. It's almost enough to make you vote Libertarian!

Behind the scenes, the battle is between Republican and Democratic state operatives. Having won a special state senate election back in Allentown on April 5, the GOP would like nothing better than to pick up another one, especially in a city-suburban district like this one. The Dems are throwing everything at it to keep that from happening. And one guy who has a lot riding on this race is Allegheny County chief executive Dan Onorato, the Democrat who does not need a political loss in his own neighborhood. Onorato has raised more than a $100,000 for the Fontana camp and tossed in some dollars of his own. If nothing else, after the rather bland mayor's race, this battle has been entertaining.

Jon Delano, always the gentlemen, tip toes around the race coverage in his email blast today. I could never hope for anything better than the above posting from Delano. To me, that is like hitting a grand-slam in the bottom of the ninth, with the other team ahead.

The entire posting, PSF, is in the comment section.

Yes, Delano is right in that there has been a lot of "operative" action in the race with Diven and Fontana. The opponents are close to puppet status, sadly. There are a lot of issues that I still don't understand, (like why the Ds would put so much money into a guy like Fontana who is so anti-choice), but I'm not going to air them out on the eve of the election. I'll get to the head-scratching elements later.

Finally, to the last word of his post, "entertaining." I wish that this race of ours was entertaining. We had ONE debate that was put on TV. One. I needed five, then the race would have been entertaining, really.

I was the clear victor in the lone TV debate. If we had a handful of public opportunities, such as should have happened with PUMP, AIA, Urban League, PIIN, within the Trib, Courier, The Front, CMU/Pitt/Carlow/Point Park/RMU, UJF, and on with WPTT, KDKA, TV 11, QED, DUQ, WTAE, PCTV and KQV -- then -- we'd ALL would be buying advertising. Furthermore, the race would be a three-way deadlock.

I know. I know. I shouldn't pick battles with those who buy ink by the barrel, nor with those who have big bandwidth, like Comcast. But, the journalist in me is again frustrated with the global efforts of voter education and media play in certain times in certain races.

This time, globally, I have little but praise for the Mayor's race coverage. Les, Hop, and Dan got enough buzz and got their message out. People and instituions went out of their way to be much more inclusive than in 2001 when I saw Josh, Leroy and Earl get skunked.

In the PA Senate race, I didn't get skunked everwhere. But, our race (and coverage from all three of us) did get zippo in certain quarters.

Finally, it is not like I'd never be satisfied. I am easy to please. I live in the city afterall. My driving theme, I want things to be better. They have improved in some sectors. More improvement is welcomed.


3863 Union Deposit Road #223
Harrisburg, PA 17109

For Immediate Release:
Date: 5/15/2005
For more information contact:
Ken Krawchuk (Past Chair) at 267-496-3332
David Jahn (Chair) at 610-461-7755


The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition praised the Governor's Election Reform Task Force for their final report which was released today. Among the recommendations made by the 13-member Task Force was the proposal that the election laws "should be amended to provide greater access to the ballot for minor political parties and political bodies." The final vote on the recommendation was twelve in favor and none against, with one abstention.

"The members of the Governor's Election Reform Task Force are to be commended for their fine work", said Ken Krawchuk, a Libertarian member of the Coalition. "Their recommendations validate a sad fact that we Libertarians have known for many years: that our current ballot access laws are horrendous. But with their final report now in hand, we can immediately begin to focus on the next phase of our historic Coalition's mission, which is to line up sponsors in the Legislature and follow
through to finally enact fair and honest ballot access laws in Pennsylvania which are equitable to all citizens."

"The Green Party applauds the Governor's Election Reform Task Force for voting 12-0 to recommend making it easier for independent and minor party candidates to get on the ballot in Pennsylvania", said Kevin Murphy, a Green Party member of the Coalition. "The Green Party agrees with this balanced panel of experts from across the political spectrum that the current ballot access laws do injury to the voters by depriving them of choice on Election Day and reducing the electoral competition
that is crucial to a healthy democracy. When the Pennsylvania Legislature puts this recommendation into action, it will benefit all voters by giving independent and minor party candidates the same fair and equal access to the ballot that only major party candidates currently enjoy."

"Governor Rendell's Task Force on Election Reform is to be congratulated for its swift and decisive action in voting overwhelmingly to amend the ballot access laws in Pennsylvania", said John Murphy, a Coalition member representing the Ralph Nader campaign. "Their recommendation will make running for office more equitable for independent and minor party candidates and expand the democratic process for the citizens of the commonwealth."

The members of the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition believe that the right of citizens to run for political office is supreme in a free society, as is their right to support and vote for the candidates of their choice. Toward that end, the mission of the PBAC is fourfold:

1) To define a minor political party based upon statewide voter registrations (0.05%) rather than based upon the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of the winner's vote total);

2) To allow minor political parties to nominate candidates for all offices directly according to their party rules, and at their own expense, rather than by the existing nomination papers process;

3) To allow independents and political bodies to nominate candidates for all offices via the current nomination papers process, but using the signature requirements outlined in 25 C.S. 2872.1 rather than the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of the winner's vote total); and;

4) To otherwise reform Pennsylvania's laws to make the ballot more equitable and accessible to all citizens.

The goal of the PBAC is to implement these changes effective with the 2006 gubernatorial election. More information about the PBAC can be found on the Web at

Another Endorsement: This in from Paul Sentner from his blast list.

Paul sends out his email blasts and it includes a plug on me in the middle. He displays his logic on various matters voters are to face at the polls.

Within the there is mention and support of the creation of ombudsman positions in local, county and state government. That role is one that is absent in our political landscape. I think we'll hear more about the ombudsman in the seasons to come and it would make for a great voter driven ballot question, perhaps as soon as this fall.
15 May 2005
My personal perspective on the upcoming elections.

I expect there may be confusion regarding the District 2 City Council elections, because there are two elections, and all the mailings I've seen have made no clear effort to inform voters of the distinctions:

A. The Special Election to complete the term until November 2005, for the seat vacated by Mr. Hertzberg when he was appointed a judge by Gov.Rendell.

There are only two candidates, each selected by the committees of the recognized political parties:

Samuel Berninger of Sheraden = the Republican committee candidate

Daniel Deasy of Westwood = the Democratic committee candidate

B. The Primary Election to select candidates for the November General Election
6 Democratic candidates
1 Republican candidate (Samuel Berninger)

Samuel Berninger of Sheraden is the only one of the six City Council District 2 Candidates and the three District 42 State Senate Candidate who responded to my request for written commitments for the few simple concrete actions noted on the website at

Additionally, Samuel Berninger of Sheraden also indicated YES to all three commitments should he be elected in the Special Election.

Thererfore he is my choice in Tuesday's City Council Special Election.

In no way do I support the national Republican agenda, nor the gang of nazis in Washington, but if ethical behavior is to ever become inherent in our political parties, those individuals who seem to be so, should be given the chance to participate, and perhaps change the Parties from within, while others may work to establish additional national USA political parties as alternatives to the two major parties which now seem to be far too often mirror-images of each other.

My reasoning is to give Samuel the chance to keep to his stated intentions, if he's elected and does so, then I will vote for him again in November.

The others had the same opportunity to accept the challenge to go on the public record with these few specific actions; there has been much braying of generalities, none of which a candidate can be held to. Because of their non-response and absence of specific accountable-for commitments, I'm not going for anyone in the Democratic Primary. Too bad we don't have open primaries.

Incidentally, I do not support cutting Council members to 5 - heck, why not 3? -- or how about none, and then we can designate the Mayor to be Feudal Lord?

I'm for MORE representation, not less;
-- guess who would be under-represented if there were only 5 Council members?
-- there's too much of a buddy-system going on among the present members of Council, let alone cutting the club down to 5;
-- and that's too much power to concentrate, rather than expand.

I do think that some Districts might be re-configured, decided by referendum of the residents.

For instance, -- it seems to me that Mt.Washington (with the possible exception of Duquesne Heights?), Arlington and Mt. Oliver might have more in common than Mt. Washington has with the present southwestern neighborhoods;

-- and that Banksville might have more in common with Beechview?

I believe the area encompassed by Mt. Washington-Banksville-East Carnegie-Esplen-Temperanceville is -- too vast an area to be responsibly and knowledgeably represented by one person,
-- too easy for one representative to be unaccountable to the residents,
-- too vast to permit residents to exert their cohesive influence upon a

I have friends and relatives in Mt. Washington, but local community-wise, Mt. Washington may as well be on the Northside.

Given the deluge of bad-mouthing political junk-mail from the Parties, the absence of any assistance with the WE-HAV scheme, and conversations with Mark Ruterkus, I am going for Rauterkus for State Senator, I'd like to give him a chance and see how he does for two years.

As for the Mayoral Primary, their WE-HAV actions render it impossible for me to accept O'Connor or Peduto, and so I am going for Lamb; to see how he might do, given the chance.

I prefer to have some public control via election of officials, rather than patronage-ridden appointed officials, and thus I do not support the Row-Office reform question.

I do accept the "Greening" question for State funding of environmental matters, etc.

Best Regards,

PG calls it vicious

Editorial: A mayor and more State Senate Special Election

Jack Wagner's election last year to auditor general created a vacancy for his Senate seat in the 42nd District, which includes Downtown, Oakland, the Strip District, North Side, South Side, plus southern and western neighborhoods in the city and a large swath of suburbs to the south and west.

Since this is no primary but an election to fill the seat immediately, it's been a vicious contest into which both parties have poured barrels of money.


Say what?

Watchdogs that give a free pass are not really watchdogs at all.

In the lead of the article, the PG editors wrote:
... some kind of Senate race in Allegheny County where two guys are saying the most nasty things about each other. ...

That's officially some kind of description for some kind of senate race. It all makes sense now.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 NewsFlash - Election action in Tuesday's primary mainly local

AP ink: NewsFlash - Election action in Tuesday's primary mainly local In Wagner's former Pittsburgh district, former Allegheny County councilman Wayne Fontana, a Democrat, is competing with Democrat-turned-Republican Rep. Michael Diven and Libertarian Mark Rauterkus.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

NY Times gives ink for mayor's race

The NY Times gave some coverage to the Pittsburgh mayor's race.

Same too with Boston Globe. See comments.

Rauterkus got some ink in the latest Diven Mailer

If you look close, my name is on the latest Diven mailer, twice. The mailer zooms in onto the voting machine levers.

1-SP = Wayne D. Fontana, Democratic
2-SP = Michael Diven, Republican
3-SP = Mark Rauterkus, Libertarian

Then the middle of the mailer says, The Choice is Clear. But, the presentation isn't so clear as the contrast is only between Diven and Fontana.

The text talks of Diven's reputation for being independent. Diven's I-like behaviors should have materialized in an INDIE race for PA Senate. He thought about that option but went to the Republicans. Diven knew he could not win as an Indie. The third party folks are sure to look close and see my name within the same mailer and get more excited than picking a "R".

If Diven spent his career doing what is in the best interest of the community -- why is he so blasted negative now? Why are we seeing Jack Wagner come to the defense of his buddie, Fontana, while Diven says he is putting people above politics. The claim doesn't fit.

But to voters, May 17 is a SPECIAL ELECTION -- AND -- a primary election.

Then the line, "The winner will represent us n Harrisburg immediately." But Michael is already a representative in Harrisburg now. Poor word choice, again. Diven is a state rep. If he gets second or third in this race, Diven stays a state rep. And, Diven stays as a Republican.

But, if Diven wins -- then a new special election chain of events is to unfold. We'll have to live through this again with another special election. The date will be set in 60-days after Diven drops out of his present office.

OMG = Oh my gosh. That alone is reason to not vote for Diven. Who would the Republican's run? I doubt a new switching Dem be found?

The flip side of the mailer has "Attention Independent Voters" with uncle same pointing and one eye closed.

To bad Diven didn't do what I would have done -- make mention of the special election in City Council District 2. I've talked at city council on that race and that special election on twice already.

Yes, May 17 isn't just a primary. It is a 'dual election."

The ballot questions also give others beyond the old parties additional reasons to vote.

The Diven braintrust gets additional thanks, today, again, for increased help with the lastest mailer.

Ghost voting and ghost calling

So far, we've seen slams from Fontana about Diven's ghost voting. But, we've also seen the ghost of Ronald Reagan, J.F.K,, 1960 Pirates, Magician, and Uncle Sam come into our mailboxes.

If Diven's win becomes as exciting as the '60 Pirates World Championship, then what would my victory match?

But the headline on the front of Diven's mailer is wrong too. It reads, "For the first time since the Pirates played at Forbes Field, we have the chance to elect a Republican State Senator." It seems to me that Diven is saying that the Republicans never even ran a candidate for State Senator. Perhaps the real story is the fact that we've had lots of opportunities to elect Republicans for State Senate since the closure of Forbes Field -- but they never won!

Now I wonder if we ever had the chance to elect a LIBERTARIAN State Senator?

That could be factually correct. Did a Libertarian ever run for State Senate in the city or in the county?

So, Diven's headline is not truthful. And, Diven's headline fits me like a glove -- if you swap out the Republican word and insert Libertarian.

Council race really hits close to home - with more negativity

Council race really hits close to home - "Printed next to the photo, fliers mock Payne's campaign slogan -- 'Let's get our house in order' -- with the slogan, 'On May 17 tell her, 'No Tonya, you get your house in order!'

See the comments for the entire article.

Internal polls -- reported in other sites

The skinny from elesewhere:

Fontana, the negative D, 44%
Diven, the new and negative R, 31%
Rauterkus, L, 25%

The internal poll numbers from the Fontana camp -- mentioned on the front page of PoliticsPA and GrassrootsPa, were reportedly from mid-weed, this week.

This is why neither Diven nor Fontana wanted the participation from a charging, popular, citizen candidate in the AARP debate.

Furthermore, the old-party candidates with negative campaign operations knew that I was the clear victor in the lone debate of the campaign, hosted in Mt. Washington on April 21.

The numbers above leave a lot to be desired.

What isn't being shown in the numbers above is the voter apathy to both Diven and Fontana. They are sapping out any energy from the race with their constant, negative mudslinging. Turnout is going to be much less than expected on this election because loyalist Dems and loyalist Republicans won't vote. They'll hold their noses and move onto another part of the voting machine, such as row-office reform or a local friend in a municipal race, school race or judge race.

Up to 90% of the voters who are still undecided are the ones who don't read junk mailers and don't watch TV. The final wave of undecided voters are breaking for the third party option. These are active and engaged citizens. These are the "do-ers" in the communities, and they have little faith in the status quo. Those who appreciate real grassroots campaigns have no confidence in what is being promised by Diven and Fontana.

This weekend's schedule is geared to connect with the busy community people who might still be undecided: Brighton Heights road race, a house tour, Pedal Pittsburgh on Sunday morning, a number of church visits in between, and a science presentation with elementary school kids in a local library (South Side), plus musical lessons (Carnegie) and a swim team function (Green Tree). Yesterday we watched a high school baseball game in Crafton with Langley.

I would love to stand next to one or both of the other candidates at Pedal Pittsburgh on Sunday morning. The contrast is dramatic.

The polling numbers also help to explain by a Diven operative approched us with enticements for pulling out of the race.

The Diven base crumbled. The personal friends that are clearly part of the Diven camp do not stretch to a district with more than 200,000 voters. Furthermore, the Diven approach does not work well with traditional Republicans. These people are principled voters who care about the big picture details such as message, freedom, and integrity. Diven's name ID is a factor. But, to the GOP core, the Diven name hinders. Diven has been part of Pittsburgh's city council and tied with close relationships with Mayor Tom Murphy. Diven has been a "self-proclaimed back bencher" and that does not build a viable resume to seek senate status.

Both Diven and Fontana have made a habit of putting up lawn signs in public right of ways and at empty / for-sale properties. Often two of the largest signs go at either end of the property line -- one for Diven and the other for Fontana. The foolishness is evident to the locals, some who even had signs appear in their yards without consent. At least the two heavyweights give themselves shelter from the folly.

Think again.

The campaign is doing much better than expected, in part because the heavyweights are doing their best to repeatedly harm themselves. Thankfully this is only a 19-month term.

Onorato's PAC (political action committee) gave $80,000 to Fontana recently. It was Fontana who co-sponsored the 0-1-2-3-4 property tax plan, pushed by Onorato. That bogus plan for taxing Allegheny County residents got tossed out by the judge for not being constitutional, and rightly so. That $80K can do plenty to whitewash the bill's memory from voters, but not so near to the election day.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Base Closures - hold on. Let's not fight among ourselves in expensive ways.

Pennsylvania survived with less damage than was widely anticipated. Facilities widely considered at risk are slated for expansion. Carlisle Army War College is to stay open and Dickinson Law School stay operational in Carlisle for 20 more years.

The Naval Air Station in Willow Grove, Montgomery County, is slated for closure, with a potential loss of 1,200 jobs.

The Air Reserve Support Unit in Pittsburgh is to close.

Pennsylvania will lose 429 civilian jobs out of the 18,223 civilian positions being cut - 2 percent of the total. We're losing 1,435 military positions of the total 10,728 cut or about 13 percent of the military jobs lost.

Rendell is doubling efforts to defend the jobs with a fund in excess of $1 million dedicate to fund local defense groups and Chambers of Commerce to persuade the DEFENSE from the removal of Pennsylvania installations from the closure list.

I don't want EXPENSIVE fights between two entities both funded with taxpayer money -- because then we all loose. A spending match between the two hands of the same body is a sure way to stay poor if not become poorer.

We need to present ideas. We need to think it through. Wise solutions are not held with the thickest wallets.

CMU scores a Robo Cup victory

CMU team wins Robocup U.S. Open

Carnegie Mellon's team of Sony Aibo legged robots and its Search and Rescue team took first place at the International RoboCup Federation's U.S. Open competition, May 7 - 10, at Georgia Tech.

The team of autonomous soccer playing legged robots -- CMDash'05 -- beat the University of Pennsylvania in a closely contested championship game, winning 2-1 in overtime.

The Search and Rescue team placed first in the Advanced Mobility Class and in the Advanced Autonomy Class, and placed third in the RoboRescue League.

Carnegie Mellon teams will compete in the International RoboCup July 13 -17 in Osaka, Japan.

Venture Outdoors Festival needs helpers

Venture Outdoors, a one day festival with activities for the family is seeking volunteers and participants. It is at Pittsburgh’s North Shore Riverfront Park– near Heinz Field from 10 am to 5 on Saturday, May 21.

(412) 255-0564 or

The Venture Outdoors Festival is a free event where individuals and families can sample the many outdoor activities available in our region. The event features canoeing, kayaking, biking, dragon boating, rock climbing, inline skating, fishing and more. Participants can hone their skills or try these activities for the first time — with experienced instructors to provide guidance — and learn where to enjoy these activities all season long.

More than 80 different clubs and organizations with exhibits and information about outdoor recreational opportunities in the region. Local outdoor shops will also be on hand selling the latest gear. In addition to the physical activities, there will be an arts and craft section sponsored by the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and tours of the river discovery vessel, the Pittsburgh Voyager. Free parking for Venture Outdoors will be available at Gold Lot #1 (you must enter the lot before 3:00 PM) Membership is not a requirement for participation – everyone is welcome.

If you or your high school or college-aged children or friends would like to volunteer for the Venture Outdoors Festival, please call Donna Bour at (412) 412-780-7802.

Subsidized housing for the rich is backdrop for Growing Greener 2 rally

Growing Greener II Rally with Secretary Yablonsky is slated for Friday, May 13, 2 pm at Summerset at Frick Park.

Contact: 717-787-5825

You're invited to a rally with Secretary Dennis Yablonsky this Friday to celebrate the Commonwealth's continued commitment to both economic development and our environment.

Smart Growth Conference, May 20

I will not be attending this event. Consider it. Be there with an open mind and challenge some of the content as you see fit.
Smart Growth Conference: Regional Participation for Sustainable Development, a gratis event is slated for Friday, May 20, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Omni William Penn Hotel, Downtown Pittsburgh.

Keynote Address: John Norquist, President and CEO, Congress for the New Urbanism (former Mayor of Milwaukee)

John Norquist is a national figure and proven leader on issues ranging from transportation reform and urban design to school choice. Under his leadership, Milwaukee transformed its downtown, revitalized its neighborhoods, and built world-class cultural facilities. He is author of "The Wealth of Cities: Revitalizing the Centers of American Life.”

Featured Speakers: Esther Bush, Jane Downing, Royce Lorentz, R. Damian Soffer, Linda Gwinn, Allen Kukovich, Steven Nesmith, Dennis Yoblonsky, Allen D. Biehler, Ron Painter, James Hassinger, Lew Villotti, F. Michael Langley

The conference will address the role of regional planning and public investments to revitalize Southwestern Pennsylvania’s communities.

Hear about proven strategies for sustainable development and targeted growth. Provide input to update the region’s official long-range plan through a special session by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission. Contribute to a policy guidance document that will be shared with public agencies responsible for the region’s planning processes – state, region and local.

Co-Chairs: Esther Bush, Urban League of Pittsburgh; Ron Painter, Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board; Kevin Silson, Oxford Development Company

To register, email: or call 412-258-6642.

Another endorsement slips through the cracks

I was taught to not say anything is if I couldn't say something good. At least, I didn't get a LANCE in today's edition for making a huff. It might come to me sooner -- or -- it could come to me just after the election. But, I'll chime in on the Trib's ways. Until then, here are two postings from the Trib:

Endorsements 2005: Diven in the 42nd - "Endorsements 2005: Diven in the 42nd

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

When Democrat state Rep. Mike Diven became Republican state Rep. Mike Diven, House Minority Leader Bill DeWeese, D-Greene County, fumed that it was not unusual for him to 'abandon organized labor or Gov. Ed Rendell.'

Mr. DeWeese, fond of $50 words, got downright down-home when he said of Diven, 'He forgot where he came from.'

Rep. Diven, a former Pittsburgh councilman from Brookline, knows exactly where he came from. He was elected on a good government platform to the House seat formerly held by Frank Gigliotti, a veteran Democrat officeholder who pleaded guilty to extortion, mail fraud and filing a false tax return.

Diven faces former Allegheny County Councilman Wayne Fontana in next Tuesday's special election for the 42nd District state Senate seat. The district opened when Jack Wagner became state auditor general.

We have little to say about Mr. Fontana. He remains a machine Democrat in a city whose finances were destroyed by machine Democrats, and that says enough.

In Harrisburg, Mr. Diven found a party that in his estimation is run by left-wing thugs. We won't argue with that.

Declaring his emancipation from the ruinous policies of the Democratic Party puts Diven head-and-shoulders above his opponent and has made DeWeese and company furious.

So, in the 42nd, Mike Diven clearly is the right choice.

The Trib (5/13) has a Laurel and Lance blurb:
Lance: To Wayne Fontana. The Democrats' nominee for the 42nd Senatorial District seat complains that the Trib endorses Republican Michael Diven in Tuesday's special election only because Mr. Diven "is a Republican." Sorry, Mr. Fontana, but Diven clearly is the better guy. Oh, Fontana conveniently omits that the Toledo, Ohio, Block Bugler's main reason for endorsing him is that he's (drumroll, please) a Democrat. But that's OK, right, Wayne?

Sadly, Pittsburgh's worst days are still to come.

Wiki quote from Government 2.0 book

In the past weeks, I've done very little with the wiki, We do have it on disk now. We do have buttons for the platform as well. That effort is a long-term project. Enjoy this snip.
Tomorrow's creative, flexible lawmakers will be tech-savvy politicians who use a variety of electronic means to help their constituents become better citizens and themselves be better representatives. In time, politicians who fail to embrace e-democracy tools are likely to see their bills defeated by sophisticated online issue advocacy campaigns - or see themselves pushed out of office altogether by tech-savvy newcomers.

William Eggers is Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and Global Director, Public Sector for Deloitte Research. An edited extract from his book Government 2.0, published by Rowman and Littlefield, ISBN 0-7425-4175-4, is at the wiki now via another e-newsletter.

PCTV Mayor's Forum Line-up

Your Last Chance to ask the mayoral candidates questions open forum on non-profit development comes on May 13, 2005, 6 pm.

The only live call-in show on Comcast Public Access Television Channel 21 "So you Wanna Be Mayor" with live call in phone number, 412-231-2288.

All candidates will be present.

PCTV's repeated live broadcast time and dates of the live forum May 13, 2005:
Saturday, May 14, 11 pm to 1 am

Sunday, May 15, 10 pm to midnight

Monday, May 16, noon to 2 pm

Tuesday, May 17, 1 pm to 3

Darlene Terry, is the Outreach Director of Pittsburgh Community Television, 1300 Western Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. 15233. Phone: (412) 322-7570. Fax: (412) 231-2292.

Sadly, the PA Senate Race didn't have a bleep with PCTV. Furthermore, few among city council races were present there too.