Sunday, April 01, 2001

Compelling Sense -- opening of a book -- draft version .03

Compelling Sense
Crafting a Philosophy of Performance Through Politics Pittsburgh's People, Public Policy and Passions

Perspectives Linking Our Past, Present and Future

Prime Contributor: Mark Rauterkus, Republican Candidate in the Mayor's Race, City of Pittsburgh, 2001 

Latest edition posted at:


Version .03 alpha, April 2, 2001 Copyright, 2001 with the Digital Science License and Public Domain

Draft Introduction (giving a peek into the book)

Pittsburgh is distinctive. Pittsburgh is someplace special. Yet, Pittsburgh is still in the making, or depending upon your vantage point, Pittsburgh is still in the breaking. Either way, Pittsburgh is a living space. As life marches, time tugs at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh moves into the future with grace — or with rust and gridlock. A struggle between the old and the new is unfolding.
The mission of Compelling Sense is a shared one. The task at hand is to create the foundation for a community-wide, sustainable discussion. Pittsburgh's civic wellness is to come into focus.
To introduce some unity into life, some harmony into thought, action and feeling, is a central achievement. To realize one's relation to others and guide one's own life thereby, is life's noblest rule.

To find vent for the capacities of feeling, of emotion, of thought, of action, is to find oneself. The result is not anarchy. The self so found has as the pivot of its life the power of control.
Concerning power, control and the delivery of messages, the mayor's race presents a ripe opportunity. Organized ideas coupled with organized people can garner power. Being fresh counts for getting media buzz. Having depth and scope counts more for getting the citizen activist to join our camp.

If the traditional Mayor's race campaigns linger in the mode of sound-bite and personality/popularity contest, we all lose. We can do better. Pittsburgh deserves such. Let’s interact and make it so.

The keys to Pittsburgh's success have got to include at least one plan that aims for success. This is a pursuit for excellence. These ideas start to map a collective vision for improving our civic landscape. Let's come to understand and ponder potential.

To thrive and to survive are not similar. Pittsburgh's overall condition is in serious decline. Our population base is dwindling. Debt runs high. Taxes have increased again. Our collective health is on the brink. The downward spiral continues. A public-policy noose binds us to an anchor of excessive corporate welfare.

Pittsburgh's present leadership seems to dwell upon various band-aid approaches. Too often our choices amount to selecting outcomes that are just slightly better than worse. Grant Street movements are not proactive and arrive in doses that are too little and too late. (Examples: the flood in Hays, the unified taxes, closing schools and budget deficits.)

Desired pathways for exceptional government can't be stumbled upon by continually pressing legal proceedings and waiting for the judges' decisions. Pittsburgh can't tolerate additional court-orders, consent decrees, city hall lawsuits, investigations, more independent reviews of the auditor's independent reviews. The negative tension on Grant Street is reason enough to cleanse and vote against the incumbents.

Our process of dealing with each other and with various community issues seems flawed. Our language is convoluted. We can't hope to thrive when we can't come together in the same space. Our aim is off the mark.

The hope for a reverse of the downward spiral arrives here, on the backs of the citizens with a 
grassroots movement.

Pass the word. Mention: Freedom, liberties, justice, democracy, inclusion, the free marketplace, quality of life, infrastructure, respect, duty, shared interactions.

Vote for new leadership that blends the passions of Pittsburgh with its wonderful people.
We need to accentuate our character to a higher degree. Mindful actions that push and pull our distinctive edge can provide short-term benefits and fabulous new opportunities for thriving in the future.

To accentuate is to heighten for effect. To accentuate is to pronounce or mark with an accent or stress. To emphasize matters is critical. Stay bold, distinctive, determined and pleasant.
As parents, we raise our children to be proud, to communicate well (to use their words and express their ideas), and our boys are asked to be gentlemen. This campaign is partly about parenting, stewardship and trust. This is about sacred responsibilities. This is about governance.

Insights and ideas matter. Expressed inclinations on issues are on the internet. But this is more so about inclusion. A Free Market Republican values interactions. Interactions are idea transactions. Just as the free market itself values transactions, sustainable development and energy that springs from liberty, a free-market politician can enliven everyone's inclusion.
Imagine inclusion. Meanwhile, let's ignore corporations seeking subsidies. A free market approach is at the opposite end of the spectrum from a corporate-welfare approach. The heavyweight opponents include two corporate-welfare Democrats. I'm more with Libertarian views.

Great change is not caused by ideas alone. But changes can not happen without the ideas. Pittsburgh needs organized ideas and organized people. But at this juncture, Pittsburgh does not have either the organized ideas in a blueprint, nor are the people in ranks for movement.

We to need to build on two fronts. Pittsburgh needs an in-depth conversation of merit that goes far beyond the sound-bites and campaign promises. As we dive deeply into the Pittsburgh web of life and come to better understand the scope and magnitude of our surroundings, Pittsburgh needs to gather in ranks.

Knowledge of how the system works today takes a back seat to imagination of how the system of the future can be built for everyone's benefit.

On-the-job experience can be made into handicaps when we agree on the ideals in our aspirations. Solutions are not to be found, rather they are to be lived.

The dogmatic statements made here begin a shared foundation. This is a bottom-up and not top-down effort. To advance, our basic elements should be tightly described. The groundwork centers on heavy issues, truths, values and ideals. Meanwhile, the delivery of the specific steps that address the typical polarized issues are for later, in due time. Rather than giving nitty-gritty details about whether or not to renew the contract for the Chief of Police, let's explore and come to some understanding on the global situations.

Those who must jump ahead to look at a specific element, check for replies with inclinations via the internet and ask questions from the campaign trails.

As a candidate for mayor, I'm inclined to enact a Living Wage ordinance, turn heavily to land-value taxes, eliminate the deed-transfer tax and institute an immediate hiring freeze so as to begin to contain costs. These details are on the campaign's website (

Cookbook approaches make for a hollow base of understanding principles, ideals, and philosophies. The essence of Pittsburgh and our struggles for success in our shared spaces and relationships are much more telling. Let’s think again and then go into action on how to disassemble the Urban Redevelopment Authority, or not.

Thanks in advance for your attention, patient attitudes, feedback and involvement. Your reactions matter, and the success of our democracy depends upon your reactions.

A deep-rooted personal hope is to be known as the most inclusive candidate you will ever have the opportunity to vote for. My background and my ambitions drive me to become the ultimate team builder in this race. My team building is going to extend beyond this race as well.
Winning the Republican primary on May 15 is an obvious goal. And, in doing so, moving to the November general election provides opportunities and time to reduce skepticism for both long-term and short term gains.

As a Republican emerges from the primary season, there will be an inspired option. In the fall, no voters will feel that they are being asked to pick between the lesser of two evils. The November 2001 ballot will include a performance centric choice in the Mayor's Race, at least on the Republican ticket.

In the next seasons, volumes of issues and ideas are going into the public domain. We are going to gather ourselves. We are going to put forth a sustainable discussion. We are going to express visions. We are going to increase hopes and extend the conversations. We are going to decide to make choices so we can all THRIVE.

To keep our unique nature is easier to say than to accomplish. We need to understand Pittsburgh and the qualities that we value. Our distinctive Pittsburgh is a product of our unique civilization.

Pittsburgh and our government makes a combination product which is still in the making. Ways of being and historical ruts work upon Pittsburgh's character. To understand the new, which is our main purpose, we must glance at the old.

The thoughts within this pamphlet, it is to be called, Compelling Sense, aim to link Pittsburgh's past with the future. We are here to make history, not be a slave of it. To do so, we'll build bridges of perspectives.

At the time of the American Revolution, one immigrant patriot, Thomas Paine, produced a small book called Common Sense. That work, published in 1776, had a tremendous reach. In the colonies, one-out-of-five had come to know that book, by reading it, or having it read to them. Common Sense, just as is the hope with Compelling Sense, set the stage for independence. Reading stirred emotions and feelings. That book helped to motivate a society to choose a huge change. Paine's writings were actually read to the troops of George Washington on the eve of some expecting battles.

The Revolutionary War pitted an underdog, grassroots force against the Red Coats and the King of England. This campaign that we're in now has some common threads besides a similar sounding title to a book.

Incredible odds, “one-million-to-one” so it was said on KDKA by City Council President, Bob O'Connor on March 30, favor the heavyweights.

Rising taxes without earnest representation press upon the thoughts of the people.
The battle-ground of issues includes increased independence, enhanced democracy, accountability in government, and authoritarian rule:

Authorities and top-down attitudes in leadership cripple Pittsburgh: Does the URA, Parking Authority, Port Authority, Stadium Authority and Water-and-Sewer Authority help or harm? To a smaller extent, the neighborhood groups that live upon the handouts from the Mayor's office need to be questioned too. The corporate-elite (PNC, Mellon, Heinz, Alcoa, Lazarus and TIFs) sway office-holding, Democrat, leaders causing even greater harm to our civic-governmental landscape. Our attitudes in government have encouraged an endless parade of lawyers and consultants employed by a bloated government.

Many Pittsburghers call themselves, “liberal democrats.” The liberal legacy matters in who we are and what we've created for ourselves. But mostly, it isn't understood. The tag of “liberal,” just as the tag “conservative” — as well as the hundreds of other labels tossed about in our conversations are as clear as river-bottom mud. Our language gets twisted and does more to confuse than to soothe. We need a common base of understanding for our shared foundation in dealing with the future. Let's go back to common sense. And, as we get back to the basics, let's reflect and explain both the landscape and principles. Then we can move into better decisions with various campaigns. Let’s think again and not be so quick to assume all the terms, tags and labels are universally understood by all of our people in all of our converstations.

Pittsburgh's legacy of “liberalism” is going to change. We are going to concentrate upon the fabric of our civic place. Let's look at the big picture and appreciate our interdependent web of life.

Shouting, “The emperor has no clothes!" isn't becoming a lone voice. Heckling can't work when the goal is the advancement of the greater good. Rather, much more is needed. We'll wage our battle with scope and depth based on true meaning and dialog. We'll draw illustrations from within and without history. If descriptions fit and can prove a point, then let's dress the heavyweight incumbents in matching red coats -- just as the opponents wore in the late 1770s. 

All-the-king's horses and all-the-king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. In Pittsburgh we need the people plus the king, plus the king's horses, plus the king's men to put Humpty together again. Humpty isn't going to look the same. Yet Humpty can still evolve and remain distinctly Pittsburgh. But, the truth of the matter is, we are all going to come together and put our efforts into fixing our places. And, by all means, this is going to be a lot of fun trying.

Friday, March 30, 2001

Mark Rauterkus, candidate questionnaire, 2001 to the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh

Note: I did not get that organization's endorsement. Not sure if there was much thought in the discussion and decision at all.

Candidate FAQ&A 

Gertrude Stein Political Club's FAQs

3 / 30 / 2001

FAQs and Replies from Mark Rauterkus Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh
PO Box 8108 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 412-521-7061

Candidate Questionnaire 2001

This questionnaire will be used by the members of GSPCGP in deciding our endorsements. Please send your response by e-mail (if possible) and fax or send the hard copy. You are also welcomed to enclose any campaign materials you wish, and to comment on other issues. We use the term "sexual minorities" to mean lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Responses to the questionnaire may be publicized; let us know if you want GSPCGP to keep your specific responses confidential.

1. Give your name, office sought, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address.

Mark Rauterkus, Mayor in the City of Pittsburgh 108 South 12th Street Pittsburgh, (South Side) PA 15203-1226 headquarters phone: 412-481-2497 no fax

2. What is your experience in government, politics, and public issues?

My personal experiences are limited when it comes to holding an elected office. My political party experiences are very modest as well. However, as a consumer, lifelong voter, activist, advocate, citizen and member of society at large -- I've been vigilant throughout my entire life.
I have a journalism background, and that has much to do about public issues. Freedom-of-information, ethical behaviors by choice, balanced treatments and public dialog are all things where I have had great experiences.

I've worked in all sorts of settings: private-university, public/state university, religious university, public school district (K-12) (9-12), city government, park-government, small business, self-employed, non-profits, private consulting, and even with zero-earnings in recent years.
Public issues present a large spectrum with my past actions and interests. Some examples include: Public hearings (I've organized for City Council), public demonstrations (spoke at some, attended many), public domain advocate (often contributed and helped to protect and advance in high-tech sectors), public health champion (book publishing), and many other flavors of the public life are understood and respected. Some of what we deal with needs to be re-tooled. The infrastructure of what should be and what is our public realm is sadly worn. Case in point, public broadcasting and public tv issues. I think it is wrong for QED to sell off the air-rights of Channel 16 (WQEX) to a commercial owner. Likewise, it is wrong for QED to squander their responsibilities to the public by doing a simulcast for far to many months.

Most of the big issues of our day boil down to public understandings of the public process concerning public outcomes. I'm a generalist who sees the whole picture and has some hands-on experiences with a fabulous array of small-picture elements as well. In a nutshell, I'm a Free Market Republican, and that comes to mean that we should not be doing public subsidies for corporations with city government actions/resources. Our free market is being choked and our freedoms and liberties dwindle under the hyper-active legislations and policies.

What is more of a shame, in my view, is the realization that most of the people's policy, good-intended measures are not enforced nor executed well by city leadership (i.e., Mayor's policy and will for true improvements). We need to change the existing leadership as they are not doing a good job for the public sector. And, we need to enliven the public will to new insights and energy by getting new leaders who are sensitive and keen to the real issues that matter to the wellness of our global public health. So, I think we can make a strong case for new leadership with new directions that steer us more to freedoms.

3. What is your position on affirmative action to combat racism and sexism?

Racism and sexism are not to be tolerated at all from me. I push and pull people to the Nth degree as I become aware of bad behaviors. I'm so proactive that affirmative action is made into a worthless, historical benchmark.

The combat word in the above question opens up a can of worms that I'd love to cover in another setting. I'm a peacemaker. And, it takes lots of pressure and proactive communications to bring about peace. When I come in from the fringe (so to speak) I blur the traditional notion of "sides" and this tends to topple the polarized ruts we often find ourselves stuck within. So, let me say that my style of "combat" is of a multidimensional one that is unlike what most others would do. Hence, the old battles are often declared finished as we move on to more root problems.

Affirmative action, in the traditional sense, is not something I'm so keen upon. I do feel that the best person for the job should get the job. And, the best person may or may not be the most qualified in terms of only years of experience. On-the-job training can be good training or bad training. I'm not so quick to be judgmental as to what decisions a manager should be forced to make. Case in point: I feel that I could make for a splendid Mayor, as I'm able to leverage my personal insights and skills into a new role. People can rise to the challenges. And, likewise, people who are floundering in those positions need to be moved.

I'd predict that we'd have a much more fluid work force in the city under my leadership as Mayor. I'd hold extensive interviews, staff-meetings, department meetings and even provide good opportunities for thoughts to be communicated on paper and in on-line writings. That oversight and first-hand witnessing would turn up the heat in many quarters. I'd challenge others to justify decisions and listen to what is being advised and has been done in the past. I'd get into the awareness zone and do some nudging as I saw fit. I'm not scared to be bold when it comes to doing the best things for the right reasons.

My oversight as Mayor would empower others to retool our habits and priorities as needed. But, it in no way is my style meant to be a hint at micro-managing. Rather, I am the type to dig in on principle and with person placement matters. I base my justifications and judgements upon what I see as ideal in both performance and philosophy.

I call my framework "proactive" and not "progressive." My work is going to be out in the open, in the field, so to speak with the citizens and employees. I'll have the town-hall meetings, and the video cameras and streaming content will be there. We'll be accessible and we'll make history together. We'll hear from the right people and perhaps see the open-blunders all in the course of our actions, as clear as can be. Our bosses are going to have public accountability and we'll gather in earnest to instigate and agitate for the ideal solutions. Good leadership as well as great execution needs to be more evident in the city, and this is going to happen with my proactive style that creates great public discussions.

I assume that much of the day-to-day talk of our city now happens now behind closed doors, if these folks are at all on-the-ball within themselves. But, sadly, I don't have much evidence of it as a very engaged citizen who watches for it. In turn, the customer or citizen appreciation of this city is at an all-time low. This needs to be reversed by being more open and "proactive."

Pittsburgh needs to crack apart the pervasive done-deal, top-down mentality. Too much happens behind closed doors. The citizens are left to only assume things about certain actions. Rather, as Mayor, I'd move discussions out into the open. I'd be inclusive in our ponderings. We'd encourage people to "think again" within our public spaces. We'd be proactive, and that is not going to be "neat" -- but it is going to make sure that awareness flows. Our values need to be put into perspective and some new priorities need to be charted for all to witness if they so desire. The jaded attitude of the power elite is a turnoff for many of our people -- and too many have already voted in the past decades by leaving the area. People have been and are still ready to vote with their feet and migrate out of Pittsburgh because they are kept in the dark by a design and intent from the power-elite.

When it is all said and done, and sorry for the long answer, affirmative action is going to take a back-seat to proactive action. I hope to have the opportunity to prove this to be so.

4. What is your position on pay equity and comparable worth?

Of course.

5. In approving appointments and/or staff hiring, do you support a policy of
nondiscrimination toward sexual minorities?

Of course.

6. Are there any areas of employment where you feel sexual minority people
should not be hired? If so, what areas?


7. Do you favor government support for AIDS prevention programs,
including needle exchange?

I think it is wrong that the current laws of Pittsburgh do not allow for a needle exchange program. The needle-exchange program is legal in the City of Brotherly Love, our cross-state City of Philadelphia.

However, in the long-run, I think it is wrong to have a city-sponsored/subsidized needle-exchange program.

As a Free Market Republican, I'd be proactive in handling this issue as Mayor. Let me explain. From time to time, I think it makes sense to ensure that the right things come about -- and by all means, I think that the issue of needle exchange is one such cause. But, here is what I would do, and why.

While it is right to obey the laws, we can work to change the laws. Then, we obey the new, better, more laws.

In this case, the might and awareness of city government should stir and come awake from a slumber. A new Mayor (with the clout of the city) could fix this wrong that exists today.

After the fix, the next step would be to end the sanctions of the subsidies. Overall, I'd advocate a multiple-step approach that takes us closer to the ideal. At times it is hard to go from bad performance to the ideal without an evolution and migration over time. I want progress and evolutionary changes to take root. I'd want to turn up our listening, inclusion, discussions and passion on these ideas.

So, I think it would be okay for the city departments to begin to set into motion -- or else to set up a functional needle exchange program where there is none now -- and where it is illegal to do so even. These actions would come from the city-government so as to break the gridlock for the non-profits agencies who dare not take those risks and tangle with the power of government. To obey one's heart and do what is right (for the non-profit activists) is hard to do when it is more necessary to do what the strongest say must be obeyed. Justice without might is helpless. The might of city government is coming down on ways that hinder justice in global ways -- giving our options to be far more tyrannical than ideal.

In the end, it would be my strong advice that the city program for a needle exchange program have its plug pulled. But, we should plug in a program to insure that it can be done and be legal for others to do so. Then the city can plug out and allow the non-profits or the activists or the private sector to enter into the market.

The cost to our overall society is great when it comes to HIV, drug abuse, and many other serious ills. Often, society is in a rut when it comes to our options in dealing with the greater good and patching up some of our serious sticking points. I want to move to solutions that are for smaller government, stronger people, expanded freedoms that build in harmony with individual responsibilities. We've got too many laws and restrictions that have not gotten in our own way. There are certain areas where city government needs to be fluid, move in and sooth a trouble, and then evaporate. Government can reply and then exit situations. I feel that a drive to the Free Market solutions are going to get us to greater total wellness in the long run.

There are a few areas where this proactive process could be applied in our city. The issue of the needle-exchange is one. So, I'd start a city-backed needle-exchange program, and then, in due time, I'd be sure to end it as well. The ending of the program comes as the non-profits and activists enter. We would use the strength of the city to make the needle-exchange a legal act. Then, we'd stop the city-funded program. But, then, others, should they so decide, could resume the program or have it evolve in other ways.

Perhaps this is much like the "Sunshine" type acts that end. Making endings is good. We need more exit strategies for our governmental programs. Closure is much like a graduation then.

My four-year term as Mayor would end and the city would have expanded and contracted in many different ways. We'll learn to be more fluid. We'll flex muscles and then relax muscles too. In the end, the city will be much more lean and healthy. In the end, the scope of government and its boundaries will be much more defined and trust on all parts will increase.

Deeds from our history: 

1. Activist who want to provide a needle exchange should not do so with a threat of arrest.

2. More so, volunteers who aim to feed the hungry should not do so with a threat of arrest. The delivery of food to the homeless can't happen in Market Square today as the Mayor has made serious threats and has been hostile beyond reason. The volunteers who help the homeless in Pittsburgh are perhaps the most generous of all among us. Yet sadly, the Mayor's office kicks dirt in their faces as thanks.

3. And too, the advocate with the pamphlets who aims to nourish hungry minds of willing citizen readers can't even begin to cause a spark in our public spaces without the heavy threat of the police and the administration. The delivery of any handouts, from prayer books to campaign handouts to petition gathering is not permitted in downtown's Market Square. Similar actions are not permitted at the city-run farmers markets.

Exceptions/footnote: Guy Costa, a Mayor's chief assistant, does allow a table to be set up in Market Square by the Steelworkers Union to hand out VIP passes to Al Gore's rally held at Point State Park at the end of a Labor Day Parade. But, that is another example of the injustice from the power elite.

The Democratic Mayor, the Administration, with the willing consent of the Democratic City Council too, along with the backing of the Police and Citiparks has made it clear that they all will strike out in harsh ways against all handouts to citizens. The powers that be in Pittsburgh want and work hard to facilitate handouts for the Steelers, the Pirates, Lazarus, Alcoa, Heinz, PNC, Mellon, USAirways and Nordstrum. The big corporations are getting big amounts of corporate welfare. The unified tax in the City of Pittsburgh gave the LTV Corporation a $60,000 per year tax break for its under-utilized land in Hazelwood. The reassessment increases in taxes is landing on the backs of the home-owners and renters. Meanwhile, the homeless, the hungry, the citizen activist and even the most desperate who are perhaps addicts of drugs and risking of getting AIDS get crushed further by our elected leaders.

How in the heck can you expect our city's leaders who are in office today to mount a campaign for a needle exchange when we can't even allow for ways for the children of this city to freely visit and splash about the 32 existing public swim pools in the heat of the summer?

The needle exchange program would be a wonderful flag to raise as a candidate as it can come to tell a story of so much more that is under the scope of awareness for the average Joe on the street. But, we need to tell the entire story and give the reasonings that make it all come together. We need to make it a process-based agenda that isn't just about addicts. The true addicts are the corporations and the heavyweight politicians that drunken themselves with corporate welfare deals at the expense of the citizens, time and time again.

Another illustration

Consider Pittsburgh and the story of the caterpillar. It is my great hope that we can all agree that Pittsburgh should be at the twilight of its time as a corporate-welfare, Democrat, liberal, caterpillar. Overall our city acts like a caterpillar with high consumption and mobility full of creep.

My arrival as Mayor would provide three steps: 

1. The caterpillar's ending 

2. The cocoon's transitional period of slumber and shock

3. The butterfly's emergence 

My campaign for Mayor needs to inject the hope and imagination of turning Pittsburgh into a thriving city and region again -- much like the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly. The evolution in nature of the caterpillar can happen in Pittsburgh too should the people have the willing perceptions and desire to make it occur.

The campaign endeavors happening in part at need to move our city to both a transitional phase (offering a huge shock) and then to a graduation phase (offering a huge new outlook). Should I become Mayor, Pittsburgh as a caterpillar would end its ways, go into a cocoon, and then emerge as a butterfly.

In the general election cycle, we need to take the time to gather as a city. This should begin to happen in larger amounts in the later months of the fall election campaign. The transition period would shock our system and then shock us into a season where we go, by choice, into a cocoon. We'd look within ourselves for answers. We'd internalize our struggles and issues. Perhaps the slumber happens in earnest after the election day and throughout the first winter after the new office holders arrive.

Then in the months to follow, Pittsburgh would emerge as a butterfly -- say in March, 2002.
We don't need Bob O'Connor to win the election as Mayor so we can run to Harrisburg for more handouts. Should O'Connor win the election, and to carry this illustration to the next chapter, it would amount to the caterpillar moving to another tree so it can continue to devour all the leaves over there because the one we are in now has been picked bare. I hope that the voters of Pittsburgh and the endorsement bodies that are part of our political landscape choose to end our consumption-driven mode of operations.

Should Tom Murphy win his third re-election, the caterpillar's life would be extended too. In this case, Murphy would be less welcomed to move to another tree for more food (as per trips to Harrisburg for O'Connor), rather Murphy's administration is smart. It would figure out ways to grow teeth and devour the existing leafless tree's bark, branches, trunk and roots. The Murphy caterpillar has an appetite and can grow teeth.

My advice is for a system-wide change that would be a big shock to the caterpillar. Sure, we'd cast our web tightly around ourselves. We'll be frozen in time for a while even. But, my win would present a wonderful new rebirth. To flourish, we need to grow massive wings. The caterpillar's death is but a renewal for the hope of the butterfly that Pittsburgh can become.

8. What is your position on a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion?

As mayor, it would be my duty to uphold the law.

9. Do you support the enactment of laws amending anti-discrimination
statutes to protect the rights of sexual minority people? If so, what specifically would you be willing to do to secure their passage, implementation, and enforcement?

All discrimination is bad. I don't tolerate discrimination in my actions. I despise it. I think everyone has rights and I understand that rights are different from power. We all suffer when one among us has his or her rights trampled. But, being proactive in my approach to life, I'd rather not legislate morality and good behavior. Rather, I'd make it happen to the best of my powers and abilities as a willingness to do the just deeds.

10. Do you support the enactment of laws amending Hate Crime laws to
protect the rights of sexual minority people? If so, what specifically would you be willing to do to secure their passage, implementation, and enforcement?

Hate crimes are very ugly indeed. Last night the news had a story about a home in Hazelwood that had a torching of a Tom Murphy sign in its front yard. Many signs had been stolen from there in the days preceding the torching. A series of crimes have been done, perhaps by thugs from the other heavyweight's camp. That stinks. But, was that a "hate crime?" If that person is caught, should he or she go away to prison for 10-time the punishment?

For me, hate crimes are crimes. I think that the police and the authorities can pursue, can press and be more keen to crimes of a gross violation -- but we don't need to make a new category of crime to see that happen. Perhaps we need better management and people of principle to be bold and proactive in such matters. I do not support the creation of more laws such as hate crime presents. But, I'd go far to protect the rights of sexual minority people.

11. What will you do to reduce the number of sexual violent acts committed?

I think that all sexual crimes are violent acts. The best way to reduce the numbers of violent acts committed is to empower the people. Being educated, self-assured, connected, and empowered can be a huge strength in terms of wellness and general health. Being dependent, ignored, weak and alone is a sure way to increase the chances for bad things happening.

I've been a coach. I've organized activities that have greatly empowered young people. We need more programs and more opportunities for our younger, middle-aged and senior people to build their strengths from within. These programs need to challenge and stimulate. These are not easy to accomplish, but we need to try in these areas to a much more determined degree.

I think that the Citiparks programs are mostly lame. They are nice, but there is so much more that we can do to go closer to our potential with these programs and with the participants. The recreation -- or should I stress, Re-Creation needs to be re-tooled in a proactive way so we have greater opportunities for brushes with excellence.

With our new Convention center, I think that it is important to stage events that are citizen driven/focused. Sure, the corporate auto-shows and robotics shows are nice and needed. However, I went to Chicago with my son to speak and enjoy a national convention for Stay-At-Home-Dads. The empowering, understanding, kinship and ready-made resources for ourselves made for an ultimate uplifting.

We are at a time when the news is full of dads (and moms too) who have set fire to their home with their kids inside, drowning others, crushings the little bones of flesh and blood offspring. That hopelessness is so ugly that it makes sense to me to do something different with our society and culture.

Showcasing a new car is great for TV ads and perhaps it is needed for convention center bookings. But, in my perspective, I could do with much less of the sexy, Madison Ave., new-car glitz -- and more with the humanistic help that might flow from a celebration of grandparents. We can teach ourselves how to be better parents. We can teach ourselves how to be better voters/citizens. But, we need to put ourselves first, and then put those among us on stage and let it flow.

Furthermore, these grass-roots participation interactions that celebrate the human spirit should NOT be subsidized from the city's budget. We can build these plans at little or no cost, launch them into the free marketplace of ideas, and reap the rewards with stronger people and break-even programming. If we had the right leadership, Pittsburgh could be a meca for visitors and wellness. Our outcomes would pay huge dividends.

12. What is your position on the right of sexual minority people to be considered on their individual merits in custody and adoption matters?

Of course.

13. What is your position on civil marriage for same-sex couples?


Perhaps the pressing issue that looms behind this question has to do with employment and health insurance coverage. Public health can be a massive, long-term discussion that I can lead artfully in the years ahead. This should be a huge strength for us, and I ask what has UPMC done for us recently?

That system is one of American's greatest hospitals -- and I would only wish that they would act like it more often.

I think city employees would be better employees if they were on the job and understood that their loved ones were being insured. This could also come to extend to other generations as well. We could extend health-care coverage in many ways. We need to put our minds into that quagmire and take the lead nation-wide in doing.

14. Do you support access to insured medical care for HIV positive persons?

Yes. I think every person should have the opportunity to be insured. I don't want to be the one not covered. Nor do I want my loved one's not covered.

15. Do you support access to insured medical care for transgendered persons?



Delivered in person on March 30, 2001 by the candidate. Delivered via email too. This document won't change. However, an updated version might be posted to the net as we have more time to proof read our replies.

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Tech Grants

The Progressive Technology Project is pleased to announce its Spring 2001 grants pool. PTP plans on making 15-20 grants of up to $10,000. These grants are to be used to help grassroots groups strengthen their social change efforts through the use of technology.
Please note the process will be highly competitive. PTP is likely to receive between 300-400 proposals for this round. PTP's funding is targeted to grassroots groups working to address the systemic causes of poverty and injustice. See the RFP for more information regarding organizational fit.

The Progressive Technology Project (PTP) seeks to strengthen citizen action, increase public participation by under-represented communities and build stronger grassroots organizations by supporting the effective use of information technology. PTP provides capacity building technical
assistance and grant making to assist grassroots groups in the use of information technology to strengthen their social change efforts.

Sunday, March 11, 2001

Presentation at the JCC

The JCC (Jewish Community Center) activities room held a meeting at 11 am on Sunday March 11, 2001. Former mayor, Sophie Masloff, was in attendance.


I'm a coach. I've been a swim coach most of my life. I think like a coach. I'm going to approach this campaign much like my style in coaching. I'm the team builder on the ballot. Perhaps I'm one of the best team builders throughout the entire community. I think Pittsburgh needs a team builder at this time.

Perfect 50

As a coach, all the practices begin with a drill, and exercise called the Perfect 50. This is one of the first activities taught to the team and it is repeated daily.

Practice Makes Perfect

We've all heard that "practice makes perfect." That slogan is popular. I think it is untrue. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Without Bad Habits

Positive coachspeak demands perfect execution for the charges. We shoot for the stars. We want the best for ourselves. In this campaign, the others are the ones with the experiece. But they are the ones with the bad experiences and bad habits. You can't to perfect results by building upon bad experiences and bad habits.

I'm going to be the one who asks us all to soar. I want Pittsburgh to be the best. Our potential is not being realized.

Ninty-nine percent

Another important point I deliver to the teams that I coach is contained in the concept: Ninty-nine percent correct is 100-percent wrong.

The easy way to illustrate is to get onto an airplane in Pittsburgh and hear the pilot tell the passengers that this flight to Chicago is going to go 99-percent of the way. The plane trip would end in a fire-ball outside of Joliet and it would be 100% wrong.

Certain elements in life need to be 100% correct. Government offers some of those instances.


To have some of the people included is not right. We all need to be included.

Line up of Speakers

I'm happy to see that both of the Republican candidates, 100% of the line-up, is present today. I'm disheartened to see that only two of the Democrats are here. None are in the room now. Five are on the ballot. All of the candidates need to be a part of the process.


The success of democracy depends upon the reactions of the people to the opportunities presented. The success is important to understand. We want to succeed.


The process matters. How we do things is important. I'm going to focus upon these elements for Pittsburgh. We need to have a bottoms-up style of government, not a top-down style that excludes others from the process.


For Pittsburgh to soar again, like an eagle above all the rest and to be in the clouds, we need our wings to stretch out to the right, another wing to the left, and some tail feathers. I'm a liitle more like tailfaithers, perhaps. But, we need all the parts in our political landscape to soar. We are not there now. We've got a one-winged beast.


Pittsburgh's population fell by 10-percent in the past 10 years. We lost some 30,000 people. We lost about as many people in the past decade as for those who voted for Mayor Murphy in winning his last election.

But of serious trouble is to hear how those numbers and our decline is going to turn around in 2010. That makes no sense to me. Pittsburgh has many seniors. Lots of these seniors are not going to be around in the year 2010 and these seniors are not having babies at a rate that they can replace themselves. Pittsburgh is not going to turn its numbers around in another ten years with the pathway we've been traveling. Theirs is a false hope that makes no sense.


Pittsburgh is on the brink. We have dire times ahead. We are with huge debts. We are losing our people. Our citizens vote with their feet. We have confusions in the tax structure.

As a stay-at-home parent I tell the story of Humpty Dumpty. Humpty took a big fall. The king's horses and king's men could not put Humpty together again. But, the people, along with the king, the king's horse and king's men could. Humpty won't look the same. But we will have fun trying.


One way to get everyone involved is with the internet. We can get on-line. We can get sustainable discussions. We can reply with email.

In a recent WTAE TV poll held on the internet, I was the top vote getter. But, the day I took the lead in the poll, the poll was taken off the web site. Those are other matters, but it is important to note that my reach with the internet is going to have extensive powers. We are going to run circles around the others with our use of the net.


The straw-that-broke the camels back for me and got me to run in the Mayor's race brings in one more swim coaching story. I've been a coach for six years at the NCAA Division I level. I've coached in six states, published books on the sport, traveled and worked at many Olympic Training Centers. I know a great deal about swimming and coaching, at all levels.

My little neighborhood swim pool is on the South Side, right near the foot of the Birmingham Bridge behind the library. There is a Citiparks swim team there.

Two weeks before the summer swim season I wrote a letter to the pool manager, Andre, asking to be a volunteer swim coach. My son, age 6, could swim accross the pool. I'm a stay-at-home dad. I could be at practices every day from 12 to 12:45. I wanted to contribute and help with my talents.

I was forbidden from coaching. I was told, "The pool is Andre's pool. He can do what he wants."

I said, "No, I don't think so. That is our pool. The taxpayers own that pool. Andre works for us."

This went on all the way up through channels, to Mike to Dwane. This ends one level below the Mayor's office. That is an attitude that is not very close to even 80-percent correct. I am sure that it is 100% wrong to have the big hand of governement coming between my and my son.

Friday, March 09, 2001

PA reports @ Digital Divide

Secretary of Administration, Martin Horn, and Deputy Secretary for Information Technology, Charles Gerhards, will be testifying regarding the Governor's technology initiatives and accomplishments. This will include, but is not limited to, the Justice Network and Public Safety Radio System, the Keystone Communications Project, Commonwealth Connect and the PA PowerPort.

Digital Excellence Blueprint for PA

Representative Tom Armstrong, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Information Technology, published Digital Excellence Blueprint for the Commonwealth. The Blueprint is the
result of a year long study on the future of information technology in Pennsylvania. The report was produced with the assistance of Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. an international management and technology-consulting firm.

Saturday, March 03, 2001

Black Sheep Puppet Festival Submissions

September 14th to 23rd, Pittsburgh, PA

The Black Sheep Puppet Festival is seeking artwork that redefines, expands, and explores the boundaries of puppetry.

Submissions are now being accepted for the third annual Black Sheep Puppet Festival, which will run September 14th - 23rd, 2001. The event will be held at the I.A.C. Garage, Brew House, an artist run facility, which is located on the South Side of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. The festival showcases outrageous acts performing in a wide variety of styles, featuring local,
national, and international artists.

We are seeking proposals in the following areas:
1. Performance ˆ shows geared for adults, children, or all ages.
2. Films ˆ Films or video related to puppetry for The Black Sheep Puppet
Film Festival.
3. Workshops ˆ Workshop proposals in the subjects of puppetry, puppet
making, etc. for children and adults.
4. Gallery Exhibition ˆ Artwork relating to puppetry for exhibition.

The Black Sheep Puppet Festival welcomes experimental performances as well as traditional forms of puppetry.

Send to: The Brew House, 2100 Mary Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
perform @ --

Thursday, February 15, 2001

Jim Roddey won't sign my petition to allow me onto the ballot for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh

For the past few days, I've been calling upon Jim Roddey to sign my petition so I can get onto the ballot for mayor, City of Pittsburgh, as a Republican. Roddey is a city resident who is a Republican.

Word came to me in a phone call from one of his office workers that Roddey would NOT be signing my petition. He turned me down because of my stance on WQED and WQEX 16. They wanted to sell of the public TV station to a religious broadcaster. I don't think that is a good idea. Roddey has been on the board at QED. QED is in a lot of debt now. QED wanted to sell off the broadcasting rights (public airwaves) and keep the money itself.

Wednesday, February 14, 2001

P-G coverage for mayor's race

In Pgh, news weekly and coverage of the Mayor's Race with mentions of Mark Rauterkus

At Least They're Spelling His Name Right ...

Republican mayoral candidate Mark Rauterkus has been experiencing a bit of "be careful what you wish for" syndrome lately. In August he was the first person to officially announce his candidacy, only to be ignored by all but the alternative media. He sat by patiently while Democrats Tom Murphy and Bob O'Connor began their political jousting -- still no press. The final insult came when Josh Pollock; an 18-year-old high-school student who is probably too young to hold the job under current laws, became a media darling when he announced he was running. Rauterkus rightfully complained about the unfair coverage -- he had finally gotten ink, but only as an afterthought in articles about Pollock. He's still being ignored by the dailies and by television. In fact, the city's conservative newsletter, the Tribuen-Review, has tried to keep Rauterkus locked in the attic like a deformed bastard child, taking him out occasionally to publicly spank him. While failing to cover Rauterkus before last week, Trib columnist Eric Heil dismissed the Republican on Jan 27 as an unemployed swim coach and a sacrificial lamb "to be sliced into gyro meat by either Murphy or O'Connor." Rauterkus, who points out that being a stay-at-home dad isn't even close to being unemployed, doesn't think he should be immune from criticism, but wonders where the Trib's news coverage has been. "If they disagree with me on issues and they want to take me to task for that, that's 100-percent acceptable," Rauterkus says. "But at least listen to my ideas and plans before you decide to dismiss me and tear me down."

... In Fact, They're Spelling it Over and Over Again

Mark Rauterkus may not be getting respect on mainstream newsprint, but he's getting loads of attention in cyberspace. He even won a recent pool with 28.6 percent of the vote to 25 percent for Bob O'Connor. But the poll has since been removed from the television station's site because, according to WTAE web editor, Mike Moriacci, it was "tampered with" by voters trying to vote more than once. Rauterkus admits he wanted to win the poll and so he advertised it heavily on his own website,, already the most informative site of any of the mayoral candidates. "I knew from the start that our Internet headquarters would allow us to run circles around the competition in cyberspace," he says. Now if only Pennsylvania can switch to Internet voting by the May primary.



Tuesday, February 13, 2001

Signature Requirements

To run as a Democrat or a Republican for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh, one needs to submit 250 signatures gathered from Feb. 13, 2001 to March 6, 2001.

To run as an Indie for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh, one needs to submit 1,644 signatures gathered from March 7, 2001 to August 1, 2001.

Saturday, January 27, 2001

Heyl's comment

Sat, 27 Jan 2001 10:35:49 EST

Mr. Heyl,

A quote from your article:

"Now in 2001, it's Mark Rauterkus of the South Side, an unemployed swimming coach and political neophyte."

As a fellow stay-at-home-dad I take offense at Mr. Rauterkus being described as "unemployed." Staying home to raise your children is a noble and courageous decision and should not be derided in the press. I hope you will apologize to Mr. Rauterkus and issue a correction.

Timothy Larsen
Minnetonka MN

Tim is from the great state of Minnesota and is a conservative Republican that in no way voted for any of the following: Jesse Ventura, Paul Wellstone, or newly elected Mark Dayton.

WTAE - TV Poll -- media cheaters look like this

WTAE TV ran a poll for one week -- and then never reported upon the results.
The results were not to their favor. I won! They were looking to prime the pump for campaign spending and wanted to show how it would be a Bob vs Tom race, each spending $1M. 

Meanwhile, I was ahead.

So, they took down the poll and didn't report on the results.


Tuesday, January 16, 2001

Candidate Mark Rauterkus presents to campus group at Pitt -- speaker notes

To the Pitt Libertarians 


 Platform Handout from Mark Rauterkus to the Pitt Ls on Jan 16, 2001 

1. Racism exists in Pittsburgh. Let's talk about it. 

 2. I'm going to sand up to corporate welfare. NBA's Hornets need to arrive in Pittsburgh --> sustainable deals. 

3. For those of you who are going to purchase a home -- I want to eliminate the real estate transfer tax. (1.5%) A $90K house turns into a $50k home. Meanwhile, corporation called 600 Ross Street. 

4. Other taxes to eliminate: Merchantile tax. Hurts competitiveness in city. RAD Tax needs serious study and review. 

5. Land-Value Tax vs. Building Value Tax Debate. The problem has been 20-years in the making. 

6. Hiring Freeze swim coaches open-source programmers 

7. Infrastructure, Bridge, sidewalks

8. Parking -- Eliminate the Parking Authority. 

9. Water and Sewer Authority -- not accountable -- pull it back into control by the elected officials. 

10. The Urban Redevelopment Authority -- taken apart brick by brick Second Ave -- looks suburban South Side -- looks suburban 5,000 new employess -- not one day-care center. The things that are missing make those developments less than ideal. 

11. Schools -- Charter Schools -- 

12. Hazelwood. 

13. Nine-Mile Run -- can be made into a very low priority 

14. Maglev 

15. Public transportation. Trains around the region. Train trip as a fund raiser Light Rail from Station Square to SS Hospital to hotmetal bridge, Hazelwood, Pather Hollow, to East Busway. No tunnel under the Allegheny River for $400M extra - nor to stadiums 

16. Aquatics 

17. Competitive 

18. Concept Maps 

19. Creativity 

20. Bridging the Digital Divide 

21. War on Drugs 

22. Death Penalty 

23. Ebooks 

24. Parks, Field of Dreams Roberto Clement Park Park District

25. Citizens Review Board needs some attention 

26. Applications matter. The state may have blown $16M in tobacco settlement money. Pittsburgh hoped for a tax-free zone and Federal Enterprize Zones. 

27. Weed, Seed, -- how about flourishing! 

 28. Fifth & Forbes, Plan C 

29. St. Nicks Church (Penn Dot) Glass Cathedral, Northside

30. Liberty Machine. Copyleft, Digital Theater -- such as the Earth Theater

Friday, January 12, 2001

KDKA Poll and Shouting "FOUL"

Media Alert and Quotes

News Source: Mark Rauterkus
Participant, Mayor's Race, City of Pittsburgh, 2001, Republican

Campaign Headquarters: 108 South 12th Street,
Pittsburgh, (South Side) PA, 15203-1226 USA

Messages: 412-481-2497

Local Poll about the Mayor's Race by KDKA-TV News and Political Nightmares

Date: Jan. 12, 2001

With the primary election four month away and the heavyweight candidates still unannounced as official contenders in the race, Pittsburgh's media elite is releasing polling data.

Republican challenger, stay-at-home dad, Mark Rauterkus, is calling foul and ringing alarms.

The poll asked voters about two candidates. Neither are on the campaign trails yet. The real candidates who have been making appearances got ignored.

The poll only asked about Democrats. The legacy of the city should not spoil the opportunities for new candidates in elections months in advance.

Today's faulty polls present only one slant could provide reasons for debate exclusion in the future.

Poll result listings that are devoid of challengers make it nearly impossible for political newcomers to raise campaign funds.

The voters should not be asked to choose among the options before the candidates are introduced. Putting the cart before the horse isn't prudent.

The success of democracy depends upon the reaction of the people to the opportunities presented. The advance poll is a ploy to squash viable opposition candidates. The well of democracy and our civic interactions are tarnished by this advance poll.

Celebrity or Politics
Polls centered only upon celebrities are not political polls. A popular poll isn't fair to the process of citizen engagement in the election process.

Job Approval Ratings
Perhaps KDKA TV News should have done a job-approval poll of the existing mayor. Those polls would have been valuable throughout the course of the mayor's career.

Republicans and Democrats
A poll conducted on only one of the political parties is without balance. Republican questions needs to be included in future polling. More than one race is happening.

KDKA News Desk 2: 412-575-2245
KDKA's Main Switchboard: 412-575-2200

Wednesday, January 10, 2001


In Pittsburgh reports:
01.10.01 - 01.17.01

There are several things that differentiate mayoral candidate Josh Pollock from his two likely opponents in the May Democratic primary. He's 18, much younger than Mayor Tom Murphy and Council President Bob O'Connor -- in fact, Pollock is still in high school -- he plays in a band and he is an active member of the effort to free Mumia Abu-Jamal. "Also, I'm probably the only guy in the mayor's race who rides a PAT bus because he doesn't have a driver's license," Pollock muses.

"It's been strange," he adds, since word broke that the Pittsburgh High School for the Creative and Performing Arts senior was going to take a run at Grant Street. "People walk up to me on the streets because they recognize me from the news and offer me money for the campaign. And then I walk into school and someone is giving me a message to call [WTAE-TV] Channel 4 because they want to interview me."

Pollock, who says he is more than a little displeased by the way Murphy has conducted himself as mayor, is very serious about his campaign. He doesn't have a platform, but his ideas include creating youth centers throughout the city and starting a task force to study alleged racial bias and profiling by the city police department. Pollock didn't expect this much attention.

Republican candidate Mark Rauterkus has been in the race since August and only got his first sniff of mainstream press last week -- as an afterthought in a story about Pollock. "Maybe this will also help Mark's campaign get noticed," Pollock says. In fact, he adds, nothing would make him happier than a November run-off with Rauterkus.

Pollock will gather signatures to get his name on the primary ballot -- even though it is questionable whether an 18-year-old can legally hold the job. A Post-Gazette story last week cited a state law that requires the mayor to be at least 25. Pollock contends that because Allegheny County's home rule charter doesn't carry an age limit, he can run, and is investigating a possible legal challenge to the state law.

He's hoping the other candidates in the race show "good will" and don't challenge his candidacy: "Let the voters decide if I am old enough," he adds.

Regardless of whether he wins, Pollock's candidacy begs the question: Which makes an 18-year-old guy more attractive to women, being in a band or running for mayor? "Sadly, neither," Pollock replies. "The opposite sex used to see me as that loser in the band. Now, I'm that loser running for mayor."



The Buzz Continues

The writers at In Pittsburgh (now defunct) did not fall into the same trap as the elite, daily newspapers. Mentions of the candidates were not inserted into the news coverage.

A Rauterkus vs. Pollock run-off in November would have been wonderful.

Josh was promised that I won't challenge his right to be on the ballot.

Saturday, January 06, 2001

Civic Arena hosts sell off of 3RS seats and urinals

The auction was packed. I was there to shake hands with 300 or so. Got to watch some of the mob. The prices and pace was brisk, but fun. I didn't have a handout, sadly. But, this was more of a place to be seen and mingle.

I didn't buy anything.

I wonder what it will be like when the Civic Arena closes. They recently put in new seats in the Civic Arena. There was a bit of a scandal too. Why didn't they sell the old seats?

Any new arena deal should also have a seat license income stream. That fetches good money as well.

Friday, January 05, 2001

Introduction from 2001

Understanding begins with a true awareness:

I'm Mark Rauterkus, son of a retired teacher from the Pittsburgh Public Schools, Leo M. Rauterkus. But, be assured from the get-go, this campaign is not about me. Sure, we need to post a candidate's bio. A face-lift to the site is past due, and it is on the way. But there is more, much more to share. The bulk of what follows isn't centered upon me. Being a South Side, internet advocate, with a German sir-name (the first letter of my name matches my party's ticket) matters little.

In the future Pittsburgh, in my more ideal Pittsburgh, we'll better concentrate upon what is being said and less upon who that person is when it is said. But now, sadly, a time for an introduction and some personal grounding is in order.

I'm a citizen. I'm a Pittsburgher. I'm with time on my hands, a chip on my shoulder, and thick skin. I've got two sons and a great, brilliant wife. I'm white, 41, and a big-brother to four sisters. A cousin party in our clan can hit 100 people, average age is 5 -- but my math and spelling skills are suspect.

I'm entering this Mayor's Race because I'm not happy with what we got nor with the options unfolding in the future. Our potential is so much better than our existing execution allows.

Many other Pittsburghers can fill these shoes. The Mayor Candidate role isn't intimidating and many others can do just as well, if not way better. We all need to shoulder the load and take the roles that need to be filled. If you want this spot, please step forward.

I'm not here to fight for you. I'm here to fight for ourselves. This is our town. This is our battle. This is our future. We want certain things and expect certain behaviors, and frankly, they are not happening to our satisfaction. Let's work to make ourselves and our outlooks and our spaces much better.

A call to this endeavor exists to a smaller degree than the call to community. I'm fortunate at this juncture to be one of the few who are more insulated than most. I'm a stay-at-home dad. I've got no assets to protect. I'm not a business owner with a payroll to cover. Ours, now, is a mission to grow equity, not protect equity. I can enter the fray in the Mayor's race, expecting some attacks. Vengefull attacks will come in vain, unless they are targeted at ideas, the platform, and things such as the budget proposals we'll be making Then, we all win when those public-policy attacks are considered and delivered.

Teacher's kid, professor's spouse, boys' father, and former swim coach are roles that now blend with candidate.

think again

Coach's Lesson:

Sports are games of space, time and relationship.

I think like a coach. I've been a coach most of my life. Coaching and sports make a connection to who I am and to others in the community. Pittsburgh calls itself a sports town. To understand my nature and roots, witness my thoughts about sports.

I hope to govern like I coach. I consider myself a great coach. Inspring perhaps. I can manage people. I'll take folks out of their comfort zones, and we'll improve greatly.

After athletes understand the true meaning of sports, and all the details of the four components of the definition, then great focus and inner strengths can be found and mastered. The purpose blooms. Efforts are justified.

Yes, Leroy Hodge, I am not in this to "win." I told him that the other day and that just could not be understood. I'm in this campaign to do the best I can do. I'm going to try my best, and then hold my head up. It isn't if you win or not -- rather it is how you play the game. I say sportsmanship matters. Leroy says he is a coach and he is in this campaign to win.

Yep, I'm a little soft on the "fire-in-the-bellie" routine. However, I'm quite hot when you look at my soul. The fire isn't in my bellie -- it is in my soul.

Candidate's Lesson:is about space, time and relationship.

Life and sport are similar, except life is not a game. The elements of space, time and relationship matter.

Politics is part of life. Politcs has its own flow with its own space, time and sets of relationships. The talk of politics and sports is often similar. For example, the USA Swimming Core Objectives are:

  • Build the Base
  • Promote the Sport
  • Achieve Competitive Success
A political party would do well to hold the same values dear. The promotion goes to the public policy ideals.

Holistic outlooks, global views, big-picture ponderings and just plain-old "getting it" is to be expected from our politicians and our civic leaders.


Life isn't fair. However, there is one place where we need to insist upon fairness, justness, freedom and due process -- and that is with the actions of our government. We need moment to moment justice in Pittsburgh. That is where my campaign is going to focus for the next few weeks. Watch for the next chapters in the book, Compelling Sense.


Is it really possible to live our lives, moment to moment, as if life were a work of art? In sport, it is not only possible, we are called to it.

A calling to politics tugs now.

Standing in relationship to a task in space and time we must be present, radically aware and in the flow. Standing in relationship to others we must be prepared to give fully of ourselves with gratitude, respect and appreciation. Standing in relationship to ourselves we must be willing to know, accept and express ourselves in all of our varied capacities. And, in doing so, we stand in relation to the Divine, at an intersection of two flows, and become capable of creating art and cultivating soul in everything we do.

The dance continues. The process evolves.


Kevin DeForrest, coach, athlete and author of The Treasure Within, provided some of the above quotes. In prior years, various insights and skills were developed by publishing titles (such as the swimmers' logbook by DeForrest), crafting ideas, and managing the content and its delivery. A spectrum of education and interactions with diverse people is understood, respected and perhaps, even mastered, with our team at We'll be able to craft and deliver our message. Our vision and platform will take shape and get out. The people of Pittsburgh and throughout the region are going to come to understand and consider the issues and the personalities associated with our political landscape and the Mayor's Race, 2001.

My political legacy has not been established, yet, to the degree of tenure of others. Existing bureaucrats and incumbants are sure to have an edge in experience in terms of red-tape wranglings. Life experiences are another matter.

The entry into our public policy realm needs to be open. This race is made possibile by rights afforded to all citizens. Furthermore, the scope and depth of the issues at hand for our community are welcomed discussions in this campaign. Standing steadfast as a clear communicator and an artful, principled, empowering leader is our nature and duty.

Around Town

We hope to see you around town. More so, we need to get together on-line and at some political gatherings in the very near future. Find out what's happening by bookmarking our web page. Jump in and contribute. There is a place for everyone here, guaranteed.

Wednesday, January 03, 2001

The Man Who Would Be Mayor (InPgh news article)

Article by Charlie Deitch, ran on January 3, 2001, in the now defunct InPGH , a weekly newspaper.
Unless, he says, there's anyone else better qualified.
It's fascinating to watch mark Rauterkus watch the political process. As he sits in a council meeting or in a public hearing, this stay-at-home dad and inactive swimming coach is constantly observing what is going on around him while taking care of his children -- who may have a better attendance record than some current council members. 
Rauterkus assists his oldest son, Erik, who is coloring a picture he just drew, while helping his youngest son, Grant, build a car out of Legos. All the while, Rauterkus listens to citizens' concerns like a man with the power to help them. 
But he's not that man -- at least, not yet. 
 Republican Mark Rauterkus wants to become mayor of the city of Pittsburgh so the next time he hears someone complaining to city council about a problem, he can do something about it. 
"That's all I've been doing since August," says the 41-year-old between bites of a tuna sandwich at Mario's on the South Side. "I've been listening to as many people who will take a moment and talk to me." 
It was, in fact, the current administation's inability to listen that prompted Rauterkus, a political rookie unknown to the Grant Street contigent, to enter the upcoming mayoral race. 
"This city needs a new mayor, whether it's me or somone else," he says. "They need a myor who will listen to their concerns and then actually do something about them." 
Rauterkus was upset at Mayor Tom Murphy's refusal to listen to anyone concerning Fifth and Forbes development, but something more personal prompted his decision to run: the city's refusal to allow him to serve on a new task force designed to study how best to use the city's 32 swimming pools. He says he was rebuffed despite his knowlege and ideas. In fact, Rauterkus announced his mayor candidacy at the very August city council meeting at which we was turned down for the pools committee. 
And since that one public forum, his candidacy has been ignored. 
The mainstream press, along with political watchers and insiders, has only been touting the upcoming primary clash between Murphy and Council President Bob O'Connor, the guy who fell short in the primary four years ago. 
"The Post-Gazette may as well just sponsor Tom Murphy's campaign," Rauterkus muses. 
"And the Trib?" Shortly after Rauterkus announce his candidacy, a Tribune-Review reporter interviewed Rauterkus and a Trib photographer took pictures of him at home. But don't search through the paper's archives looking for the piece, because it has never run. 
"I don't know when or if it will ever appear, but it's been done for months," Rauterkus says. 
"When I asked the editors about it, all they did was offer to sell me ads. It is hard to run a campaign when the city's two major newspapers refuse to give you any coverage." 
But that doesn't mean he plans to stop. His campaign homepage -- -- is up and running and full of his views on city happenings. The site is so comrehensive that it linked to this article weeks before it existed. 
In the meantime, Rauterkus is still in the listening stage. There are many problems facing the city, he opines: if elected, he says, he will have a lot of ideas on how to make things better. But for now he is spending time in the streets, time talking to people and of course time in council chambers, addressing its members. 
When he does speak before the panel, he's not just sounding off, he's proposing solutions so that others can listen -- unlike, say, the recently deceased half-billion dollar Downtown plan Pittsburghers found themselves shut out of. 
"Nothing ever seems to be organized or planned out," he explains. "There is no political will in this city to do the best thing. We find the worst option and then do one step above that." 
That's why Rauterkus says it's important to pose solutions, not just to harp on problems. 
At a council meeting last month, for example, Rauterkus noticed tension building among several residents who had to come to address council members. Several emotional speakers were upset over what they called harassment by officers assigned to the meeetings and by a perception that council members, who constantly start meetings late, didn't respect them or care about their problems. Rauterkus took to the podium in their defense. While it may have seemed trivial to political insiders used to grandstanding, it seemed genuinely important to Rauterkus. 
He suggested a resolution be passed that the cable access cameras be turned on at the regularly scheduled 10 a.m. meeting time. Whether the meeting had officially started or not, to 'let the people speak for a while. I guarantee after one meeting you guys will start getting here on time." 
Would his idea redevelop Downtown or fix the city's multi-million dollar structural defects? No. But by actually reacting to the will of the people, Rauterkus has shown the characteristic most lacking in many current city leaders. 
He is now readying his campaign headquarters on the ground floor of his home -- an old South Side shoemaker's shop on South 12th Street. His next step is deciding how he wants to run the campaign. 
A former Democrat, Rauterkus is trying to decide whether to make a run under the GOP banner or to go under the flag of one of the third parties. None of these options is the ideal way to take a stab at unseating the city's Democratic machine and a two-term mayor in prosperous times. 
Ideally, Rauterkus says, O'Connor would defeat Murphy and become complacent about a November showdown with the Republicans, who usually aren't worth fearing in a citywide election. That's where he says he will need public support and every bit of the $100,000 he hopes to raise. 
O'Connor would be better than Murphy, Rauterkus says, but having any consummate politician back in the driver's seat would just lead to more of the same in city politics. And change is what Rauterkus' campaign is all about. 
"I've said all along. I don't have to run for mayor," Rauterkus says. "If someone else came along who was better qualified and wanted to make a serious run, I would step aside in a minute and work diligently for them. "We need a new mayor a whole lot more than I need to be mayor."
Photo showed me holding Grant, my son, in our home/office. Caption: Mark Rauterkus' only political experience has been dealing with the lobbying of his kids, like three-year-old Grant, above. Apparently Rauterkus can handle the pressure.

scan from the web site

Monday, January 01, 2001

Profile on Mark Rauterkus by freelance writer

Exact date, not certain.

This is our business -- city council actions

This Is Our Business

For sure and shore!
The preceived roles of the URA Board, of City Council, of the School Board of Pittsburgh Public Schools, and of the County play a large element into the outcomes of this process.

Should City Council spend its valuable time to "micro-manage" the URA on land sales and developments?

Should any of the three governmental agencies try to halt local happenings by going against the wishes of the other agencies? Stopping the TIF would slow down development that has been given the fast-track go-ahead by the Mayor's office and by the good people at the URA.

Yes! City Council should get involved and should shoulder effort in these decisions and discussions as both the outcomes and the process are highly suspect. It is the duty of City Council to show the diligence. City Council provides a true check-and-balance within this process for the people within the city.

To have City Council get its hands dirty with this decision at this time would do much long-term good. This can be a water-shed decision to deny the sale to UPMC. And this can be a way to re-direct control and set a new course for this outcome and for better policies, philosophies and long-term endeavors yet to happen.

Some of the problems need to be illuminated. But this position paper goes the next couple of steps by putting forth some additional principles of understanding. And, finally, when it comes to the specifics of the UPMC Sports compound on the LTV site, some better solutions are uncovered that make for a better fit for all parties for a much brighter future.

This Goes Beyond Micro Management

In the largest view, this position paper asks City Council to stop the sale of URA owned land to UPMC. To stop the sale is a bold move by City Council that would go counter to the administraion and it would assert City Council's authority into a contract-like issue. Here the contract is the bill of sale of land for specific payments and compensation.

We ask City Council to say: No Sale Yet!

For many reasons we ask City Council to look at the sale, the process, the policies and the philosophies. Let's make a re-evaluation and re-examination because of global sticking points and not a micro-management ones. But in any condition, the sale of land to UPMC is a bad decision.

We ask the School Board to say: No TIF on the South Side, Yet! The URA might come to the realization that the borders of the TIF zone should not include any Steelers practice facilities. The URA might re-draw the TIF and delete the 20-acres of the UPMC site. Just say no TIF unless and until the URA comes to the realization that the School District needs some financial assistance in the South Side, and one need not look any further than South High School. More discussion elsewhere.

Friday, December 01, 2000

Citiparks Pool Fees

Schedule of fees for swim pools for 1999 Caused Plenty of City Council Discussion

Some Points:
  • The no-charge options should be part of an overall policy.
  • No-charge admissions reasons can be for income or policy.
  • The City could use the revenue.
  • No-Charge admission to young people has some support with city council members.
  • The swim pools can become splendid opportunities for young people and others.

  • The City leaders, staff and citizens need to systematically sit down and begin collaboration to come to some findings and understood policies for swim pools.
  • Let's explore and find ways to make the pools more meaningful.
  • More programs cost, and the participants or other revenue streams need to be paid for. How is the city to pay for overhead of the new or expended programs.

    New programs need to be created with the expectation that extra funds not going to be forthcoming out of the existing budget.

    One of the suggested ideas is to close some city facilities. This suggestion could become a reality if the closing decisions are not made in a vacuum. The closings need to be augmented by better run facilities as an outcome of the closing. The point of engagement for the community is to beef up more regional pools can be a distortion.
