Thursday, September 29, 2005

October 6 -- WQED Community Reception

Go there and demand community meetings on issues that impact the community! Go there and demand that candidate debates occur.
Meet WQED personalities, hear about upcoming programming on WQED tv 13, WQED fm 89.3 and Pittsburgh Magazine. This is also a great time for input on issues affecting your community, and how WQED can better serve you. This Community Reception will be held at Robert Morris University.

For more information and to RSVP, call 412-622- 1313.

Economic TV -- or -- DoWop?

What would YOU do if you had two weeks in Hong Kong, starting early next week??

We are headed to Hong Kong. This is your chance to give us last minute pointers or tasks.

My wife is a visiting scholar / teacher at HK University.

We are staying in an apartment in Discovery Bay. We'll take a ferry to Hong Kong Island.

Our group includes our sons (Erik is turning 11 there, Grant, 7), two Pitt Graduate students in their own apartment about a 10-minute walk from ours, and a HS senior from CT (step-nephew).

We'll touch down there on Monday and spend Tuesday at the new Hong Kong Disney. There is a serious Disney connection with the step-nephew.

My note of introduction to the faculty of the HK Univ. Human Performance (Physical Education) follows in the comments. I've already got word on when they hold swim practices.

I'm thinking that we'll shop for plenty of 'tea' -- and host a few 'Pittsburgh tea parties' so as to warm up the mood for a revolution of sorts. The same worked in Boston some time ago when they held the Boston Tea Party. But, we'll drink ours and take the revolution to the voting booths on election day.

So, note if you have a favorite tea from China, please.

Time to junk the Microsoft Office Suite and go to -- because it is community driven, free and better. 2.0 has gone from being a Beta to a Release Candidate

As an RC, 2.0 RC still -- even more so -- needs to be downloaded and tested by the community. You are urged to download and start the application. The sooner we clean up the bugs, the sooner we can come out with 2.0. 2.0 is the world's best and easiest to use free productivity suite. Read the product page and features pages for more information.

* Product
* Features

*** NOTE: Windows user with's older, beta and past developer builds should remove them prior to the installation of the RC because of an incorrect interpretation of their version information by the Windows Installer. As a matter of course the stable version 1.1.x (most recent: 1.1.5) can be used concurrently.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Free Pennsylvania = highly moderated. Yuck.

Good luck Jason. First order of business, get rid of the moderation. Just nuke it.
Free Pennsylvania, It is a highly moderated discussion site for political discussion among those that consider themselves conservatives: whether fiscal, social, or both. There are forums for general discussion, news, and a Campaigns section to discuss the various political campaigns currently being waged. Over the last few days I have had a few friends register and make a few posts in order to make sure that everything is functional. Now that thebugs are worked out (I hope), it’s time to let the masses know that Pennsylvania conservatives finally have a home on the Internet. Please take a moment to register and help to get this community started.

Ticket given to woman sitting on park bench -- without a kid

In Pittsburgh, we are about to get finger-printed and ticketed for being in the cultural district without a home or without lunch money., WABC-TV A woman was given a ticket for sitting on a park bench because she doesn't have children.
The Rivington Playground on Manhattan's East Side has a small sign at the entrance that says adults are prohibited unless they are accompanied by a child.
Forty-seven-year-old Sandra Catena says she didn't see the sign when she sat down to wait for an arts festival to start. Two New York City police officers asked her if she was with a child. When she said no, they gave her a ticket that could bring a one thousand dollar fine and 90 days in jail.
The city parks department says the rule is designed to keep pedophiles out of city parks, but a parks spokesman told the Daily News that the department hoped police would use some common sense when enforcing the rule.
The spokesman told the paper that ticketing a woman in the park in the middle of the day is not the way you want to enforce the rule.

Laws and rules are sure to be enforced in stupid ways. Laws need to be smarter. Often, the smartest law is no law at all. Otherwise, things like this happen.
Parents, don't leave your kid alone in the park. Plus, if there is a problem with a person in the park -- call the police. Police, meanwhile, need to arrive on the park scene and deal with the issues.
Playground area in a park we visited.
Pittsburgh's City council is trying to fight, "aggressive panhandling." Yeah, right.
Councilman Peduto wants to take the fight to all solicitations.
Meanwhile, County Executive Dan Onorato has a 10-year plan to help the homeless. That might start in a few years.

What is going to happen to Mardi Gras in 2006? Predictions are welcomed. Would you go?

Transcript: Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent Mark Roosevelt

Transcript: Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent Mark Roosevelt duck Q: Mr. Roosevelt, do you feel that the current system is able to survive financially with out cutting programs?

Mark_Roosevelt A: We do have serious financial issues. We are spending about 40 million dollars more than we have in revenues. And we have spent down the surplus that we had so that it will be entirely gone at the end of 2006. There will have to be cuts. And we will have to work with the state and the foundation community to gain as much new revenue as possible. But there is no way that this problem can be solved without making some very difficult decisions.

So, what do you do about tax give-a-ways? The URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority) is now calling upon the city, county and THE PGH PUBLIC SCHOOL District to build parking garages with tax incomes. Please say "NO." We can't give anything away.

Family Flashback (Aug 7, 2004)

Flashback! Top row: Phil, Bill, Leo (my dad), John, Kevin and me (Mark). Bottom row: Mary Lee, Margie, Audrey (my mom), Geri Ann, Michele and Catherine (my wife). Those are my four sisters and their husbands. We are with the giggles because we always have a great time together -- even when the camera's automatic shutter is the focus.

Our kids. To be exact, my two sons are in the photo along with their cousins. Since the photo, one year ago, the family has grown by one.

IT: Forbes Fund -- yada, yadda, yaddda.

Photo shows a nonprofit playground computer workstation.
The Forbes Funds is pleased to announce that the 2005 research studies funded under The Tropman Fund for Nonprofit Research are complete. These studies address many of the strategic challenges and opportunities affecting nonprofits in the Pittsburgh region.

You are cordially invited to a special half-day conference on November 2, 2005, featuring these new research findings. At the conclusion of this special event, we will announce the recipient of the fifth annual Alfred W. Wishart, Jr. Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Management, as well as present the 2005 Frieda Shapira Medal. Also, The Pittsburgh Foundation will present the Isabel Kennedy Award. (We’ll have lots to celebrate!)

This year's Annual Nonprofit Research Conference is presented in cooperation with Robert Morris University (our host), as well as Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz School of Public Policy, Duquesne University’s School of Leadership, and the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 3:00-4:00 pm Workshops
4:15 pm - 5:30 pm Research and Awards Presentations

5:30 pm Reception

Hosted at the Sewall Center, Robert Morris University, Moon Township Campus, Main Campus, 6001 University Boulevard, Moon Township, PA 15108.

PARKING NOTE. Parking is available in the upper lot for which the campus will have electronic signage posted.

RSVP: Amy Thomas at, accepting RSVPs by e-mail only.

When you RSVP to Amy Thomas, please indicate if you will:

A. Attend a workshop; and, if so, which one. (Please see the list below.)
B. Attend the research and awards presentations.
C. Attend both a workshop and the research and awards presentations.

Three concurrent workshops will be held from 3:00 until 4:00. All rooms are located in the Sewall Center, Robert Morris University, Moon Township Campus. All 3 workshops will be limited to the first 30 respondents.

1. The Cost of Meting Compliance: A Case Study of Challenges, Time Investments and Dollars Spent (please designate this as session 1 for RSVP)

2. Service Clustering: Building Cohesive Public Service Capacity (please designate this as session 2 for RSVP)

3. Why Engage? Understanding the Incentive to Build Nonprofit Capacity (please designate this as session 3 for RSVP)

These 3 research projects will be presented and discussed in brief during the session beginning at 4:15pm in the International Suite at the Sewall Center. (Seating for the research and awards presentations is limited to 300 people.)

Please RSVP soon. We apologize, in advance, if we cannot accommodate your participation in one of the workshops. As with our recent conferences, we will maintain a waiting list, if necessary, and advise you about openings.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to explore emerging issues and cutting edge methodologies for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of nonprofit organizations in Pittsburgh.

Forrest City -- sits on property in Cleveland

This is a great read.
Peirce for Ohio Governor 2006 - On the Trail -- Can Cleveland Use Property Taxes to Prod Intransigent Developers? Forest City had hyped similar plans in 1989, after it gained control of much of the property, but nothing happened. The convention center's implosion has the company reverting yet again to squirrel mode. "It will sit for a long time," the co-chairman of Forest City, Sam Miller, said of the peninsula.

Peirce for Ohio Governor 2006 - Eminent Domain comes to front in race and state

Eminent domain is getting attention in Ohio, now. My recent eminent domain talk/blog posting got attention and a link from a site in Oregon.
Peirce for Ohio Governor 2006 The Supreme Court of Ohio will hear oral arguments regarding the demolition of Joe Horney's and Carl and Joy Gamble's homes on Wednesday, September 28th at 9 AM.
The Libertarian Party of Ohio, the Peirce for Ohio campaign, and other property rights groups are currently organizing a petition effort to amend the Ohio Constitution.

Murphy wants more state help with budget

The big elephant behind the three Americans, (Erik, Mark and Grant). Talk about the elephant in the room already.
Murphy wants more state help with budget - 'We did not talk about what some people call the elephant in the room today,' Murray said. 'We didn't talk about 20 percent of the budget going to pay that debt service.'

Step Trek -- Volunteer in my absence -- but do it for yourself

We missed the South Side Slopes StepTrek -- but we hit some other steps in the hopes of generating some good karma with those back home.

Erik's taking a trek.

This year's South Side Slopes Steptrek,, occurs soon -- while we are in Hong Kong. We'll walk Victoria's Peek and make other treks on the other side of the world -- and we'll be thinking of you on the South Side Slopes. Does that mean that when I'm over there walking up a pathway, it would be like walking downward over here? However, check out this opportunity to participate with a last call from Bev, one of the great community organizers. Good group of people, nice cause, splendid views.
StepTrek Volunteer Meeting! We will need upwards of 50 volunteers this Sunday and we have ~ half that amount. Please help us out!

There will be a meeting, at which you will receive a free Trek tee shirt, on this Thursday, September 29th at 7:00 pm at my (BEV's) house 126 Pius Street. It will be a quick meeting. We will go over the event and where volunteers are needed.

There are many jobs. We need a driver, people to walk the route and put up direction signs, we need a couple of people along the route to direct walkers. We have 6 artist venues with 3 water stations where people need to be. We need people to help park cars, put up tents, take down tents, set up tables & chairs, register people, sell pedometers, cut fruit, you name it & there is a job for that!

Please email me here if you want to volunteer & can't make it Thursday. We also need pick up trucks to deliver to the water stations. Volunteers times go from 8:00 am to - 4:30 pm. On hour, or as many as you can give!

Volunteers Saturday, October 1st! We will quickly walk the routes one last time this Saturday. The majority of the litter was picked up last Saturday, but we want one last check of the route. Also, I will be at the Triangle Garden 18th & Josephine. Lamar is supposed to fix it by Friday - I am not holding my breath. For those who missed it an overzealous subcontractor weed-whacked it - 3 weeks ago. Anyway it looks like crap. It will need some sprucing. The Greeley Garden also needs some TLC. We will meet at 21st & Josephine Streets at 9 am.

StepTrek October 2, 2005! Here it comes, our 5th Trek! We would like you to come & be a part of it. The website is full of details. Our Honorary Chairperson is Adelaide LaFond, she has graciously allowed us to use one of her designs on the tee shirt front. It is beautiful! The event formally runs from noon to 4 pm. Trek it out!

Thanks, all! We need you! Bev :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Sprout Fund opens some murals in the near future

The Sprout FundCentral North Side Thu Sept 29 @ 6:30pm 1300 Federal St
Downtown Fri Sept 30th @ 5:30pm Smithfield St & Strawberry Way
Homewood Brushton Sat Oct 1 @ 3pm Meadows Bowling Alley at 7340 Frankstown Ave
South Side Tue Oct 4 at 5:30pm Don's Green Front Inn at 2341 E Carson St
Hazelwood Wed Oct 5 @ 5pm 2nd Ave & Elizabeth St

N-TEN : Global ICT Conference in DC about global crisis response

N-TEN: Global ICT Conference Answering the call: Katrina, the Tsunami, Darfur, Afghanistan -- lessons learned from the Global ICT responses

Well done in the state capital

The protest was a success. And, it looks like some of those pigs are cooked.
Nice photo of Mr. Shiller ran on the front page of the PG site.
Protesters urge state legislators to roll back pay raises ... Brothers Frank and Gerald Schiller, who live in Wilkins and own property in Downtown Pittsburgh, held signs reading 'The Costas cost too much,' referring to their legislators, Sen. Jay Costa Jr., D-Forest Hills, and his brother, Rep. Paul Costa, D-Wilkins, who both voted for the raise.

The Schillers said they supported the Costas for election in the past but no more. Jay Costa later declined comment...

The large inflatable pink 'anti-pay raise pig,'' which got statewide attention in newspapers last week, was back for another appearance at the rally.

The protest rally was organized by Harrisburg activists Gene Stilp, who has filed a state lawsuit seeking to overturn the raise, and Eric Epstein, who has led protests over the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg.

They joined a dozen groups including Common Cause, Pennsylvania Clean Sweep, the Commonwealth Foundation, Democracy Rising PA and others that have kept alive the protest against the raise."

Firefighters union backs Republican for mayor

I don't expect to get a thank-you note from Joe Weinroth, but I'll chalk up some self-absorbed high-fives on this news. As an estimate, I bet I called and poked and visited and dropped in on the firefighters' brass -- in one way or another -- more than 100 times in the past five years. Some of those brushes with perspective paved the way for this news.

Think beach-head.
Firefighters union backs Republican for mayor The union representing Pittsburgh firefighters has endorsed Republican Joe Weinroth's bid for mayor in a surprise break from labor's usual preference.

International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1 President Joe King said the decision made Friday by the union's political committee was unanimous. 'It's probably the first time, that I remember, that the fire union has backed a Republican candidate for mayor,' said King.

However, you know what they say about playing with fire. But then again, there are times when you need to set a fire to stop a firestorm. The puns can flame away all day and night in the comments.
Way to go Joe. I'm glad to see the union putting some wind in your sails.

Roosevelt holds chat

Tuesday log of the chat is available. Search the PG site for Roosevelt and chat. What was raised for the new Superintendent of Pgh Public Schools, Mark Roosevelt.

Online chats could present many excellent opportunities for the community and the school's parents to raise questions -- but this is hardly the case with the Post-Gazette's style.

I was part of a PG chat when the Bassmasters Classic was in town. The chat is so -- 1983. There is no real-time interaction. It is all moderated.

If the Post-Gazette wants to get serious about online interaction, we'd have a lot to look forward to.

In the case of Pittsburgh Public Schools, it would be wonderful to have online chats so that questions can be raised in a faceless way. Teachers, principals, volunteers, and even bus drivers could go to the chat and put something into the mind of the boss and have little fear of a backlash on the whistleblower.

Are you aware of such and such at this school on that date? What's going to be done?

Furthermore, the Pgh Public Schools might be able to make an online chat work without the Post Gazette's help and restrictions. Why can't weekly chats happen just among the resources within PPS?

Mark_Roosevelt: Thanks to everyone who participated. Sorry that there was not enough time to answer all of the questions. Maybe we should do this again.

Carnegie Urban Hike on Saturday

My kids play violin at the Pittsburgh Music Academy, in Carnegie, often on Saturdays. So, I'm hopeful I'll stop by -- if we are not swimming from 9 to 11 am.
Carnegie has been through a lot in the past year, and now they have to deal with us! Urban Hike is in Carnegie this Saturday to look at how one community is working to come back from last September’s floods. We’ll visit the home of a Pirates legend and check out Carnegie’s thriving arts scene. Meet us outside a rather artsy café called Eccentricities, 222 Third Avenue, 10 am, October 1st. There should be plenty of street parking. The hike will take about three hours. As always, comfortable shoes, sunscreen and water are excellent ideas. We’re glad you thought of them!

Click comments for directions.

The South Side Sabres play against Chartiers Valley this weekend too.