We have two judges to toss off the bench on November 8.
Vote NO to Newman and Nigro.
Ending the tenure of these two Supreme Court justices is Job #1 in the effort to take back Harrisburg. Don’t count on someone else to do it.
As fit citizens, neighbors and running mates, we are tyranny fighters, water-game professionals, WPIAL and PIAA bound, wiki instigators, sports fans, liberty lovers, world travelers, non-credentialed Olympic photographers, UU netizens, church goers, open source boosters, school advocates, South Siders, retired and not, swim coaches, water polo players, ex-publishers and polar bear swimmers, N@.
pjs' no_wehav home page: "I Note a few things:
- Mayor Murphy did not sign the Resolution.
- There has been no mention that I know of regarding requiring a public disclosure of the West Pittsburgh Partnership's WE-HAV bookkeeping, nor any investigation thereof.
(the 'Partnership was involved in John Peth's lawsuit when it permitted the spending of approximately $15,000 of the illegitimately-collected WE-HAV tax funds.)
- There has been no mention that I know of regarding holding accountable for re-imbursement, the persons and entities responsible for the short-fall of the tax funds,
--instead, other public funds are apparently being used to make up the difference
(this seems to me like using public money to repay someone who has been swindled, while letting the swindlers off the hook.)
What kind of message does this send to those who are looking to pull a fast one on the public? try, try again?
- No City Council member that I�m aware of has ever publicly spoken to
-- the matter of the passing of Bill No.5-2002,
in defiance of the NID Act procedures, in July 2002;
-- the matter of the blatant unanimous persistence of Council through May 2005, blindly(?) following Mr. Hertzberg's lead, desires, and stubbornness in ignoring the details of the State NID Act, the opposition of the unquestionable majority of the targeted District 2 residential property owners, and outright trampling of the due process rights of those owners.
- No one that I�m aware of has ever publicly questioned the motives behind the irresponsible and reckless hell-bent-for-leather attempt by the Mayor, Mr. Hertzberg, and Council to perpetuate the exposed illegitimate WE-HAV scheme through 2002-2004.
Does the mentality of trying to get away with whatever gets past the people continue as usual until “next time”?
It is only the dense grassroots opposition of most of those District 2 owners that protected the rest of the neighborhoods of the entire City of Pittsburgh from their own WE-HAV schemes.
Konnichiwa, Aurora They also met with various city leaders, including Mayor Tom Weisner, Alderman-at-large Bob O'Connor and Director of Community Outreach Tess Wackerlin, in hope of learning from the successes and failures of local government here.
SI.com - Olympics - Italian senate opposes Turin doping proposal - Wednesday October 19, 2005 1:53PM
Under International Olympic Committee rules, athletes face disqualification from the Olympics for any doping offense but no legal penalties.
Mario Pescante, an IOC member and government supervisor of the games, is trying to get the Italian Parliament to adjust the law for the period of the games to comply with the host city contract signed seven years ago.
'Penal sanctions are OK for those that peddle (drugs),' Pescante said. 'For athletes, sporting sanctions are much more severe.'
Fiorello Cortiana, a senator representing the Greens Party, voiced the sharpest opposition.
'Every state determines its own penal code,' Cortiana said. 'To the contrary I believe it's the IOC that must adapt to the states where its games are held.
'We understand that as an IOC member, this could be an embarrassment for Pescante. But Pescante is also a member of the Italian government and you can't be in the Italian government if you don't support its laws.'
At the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Chuck Pennacchio will be talking to Democrats about the stakes of the upcoming election for U.S. Senate race. Come meet the candidate and here what he has to say. Chuck is a strong supporter of equal rights for GLBT Americans, including hate crime laws, and civil unions with the full federal and state benefits of marriage (i.e., adoption rights). He opposes the federal "Defense of Marriage Act".
At 5 pm on Wednesday, November 9.
University of Pittsburgh: exact location is pending.
?NEPA News PITTSBURGH (AP) _ The ongoing legal feud between Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. and Coroner Dr. Cyril H. Wecht found itself in front of the state Commonwealth Court.
A three-judge panel heard arguments Monday on Wecht's appeal of a lower court ruling that prohibited him from convening an open inquest into the Aug. 28, 2004, death of a 91-year-old woman at a suburban Pittsburgh nursing home.
Prosecutors argued an inquest would force investigators to discuss the case publicly and they want to preserve testimony for a pending criminal probe.
The coroner's attorney countered that any pending charges do not address the manner of death in this case. The lower court ruling halting the inquest intrudes on the coroner's powers and duties, he argued.
Zappala has accused Wecht of overstepping his authority by ordering open inquests into cases after the prosecutor ruled no criminal charges were warranted."
The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition
PO Box 309
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
Voice: (610) 543-8427
Fax: (215) 572-9248
Onorato's property assessment plan prevails Allegheny County Council last night approved an assessment plan that won't change values for any of the county's 550,000 properties next year and, possibly, for years to come.The best stability for homeowners would come with an assessment buffering plan that has been part of my platform. I still think assessment buffering would save the day for families in Allegheny County.
One dissenting Republican, Doug Price of Carnegie, predicted a quick legal challenge.
Firearm Owners Against Crime is holding our 8th Annual Fall Banquet on October 22nd at 6pm at Jamies Restaurant & Lounge in Dormont (just outside of Pittsburgh) and we would like to invite you to attend. There will be good food, prize giveaways and the opportunity to discuss the issues with many of the candidates running for office and elected officials. A flyer for this event is attached along with a FOAC membership application and we hope to see you there. (IF you cannot make the Banquet please try and send a donation or Chinese Auction gift as we are gearingup for next years election and it would help FOAC greatly-Thank you!). The cost is 30 per peson for members and 75 for non members. If you have any questions please call me at 412 759 0682.
Please pass this along to anyone you fell would be interested.
Jamies Restaurant & Lounge
3220 West Liberty Avenue
Dormont, PA 15216
6 PM Saturday October 22, 2005
Herb Ohliger
Vice President Firearm Owners Against Crime
950 Lindsay Road
Carnegie, PA 15106
Dear Candidates and Elected Officials:
Once again it is time for Firearm Owners Against Crime’s Sixth Annual Fall Banquet. The festivities will be held at Jamies Restaurant and Lounge in Dormont on Saturday, October 22, 2005, beginning at 6:00 P.M. We will have a sit down dinner and a cash bar. The cost of this entertaining night is $75.00 per person. If you are able to attend, please respond by Wednesday, October 19th. If you cannot attend, any donation you make will be used in the production and distribution cost of our Fall Voter’s Guide.
We will be having another Chinese Auction this year. Anyone can donate items to be auctioned off. If you are going to donate an item, please call Herb at 412-279-1222 prior to Wednesday, October 19th, so that we can make labels for the items with the donator’s name and item description. The auction is our primary source of revenue for this event and will be used in the production and distribution cost of our Fall Voter’s Guide. We would like to thank all our past donors for their continued support over the last five years. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you at Jamies Restaurant and Lounge in Dormont on Saturday, October 22, 2005, beginning at 6:00 P.M.
Herb Ohliger
Vice President
412.759.0682 Cell
412.279.1222 Home
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- More than 80 percent of area residents would favor a bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics, though nearly half doubt the city would be chosen, a new poll showed.
A telephone survey of 1,000 households in 10 counties in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware was taken on behalf of a volunteer panel looking into the feasibility of bidding for the games.
About half those who supported making a bid said they thought the event would be good for the economy or create jobs, while opponents worried about the cost to the city, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Wednesday. The newspaper said it obtained a copy of the results.
These results are unusually positive, compared to the tone we've seen in other cities in other years, said Joe Goldblatt, a Temple University professor of tourism and hospitality management who has done research for the International Olympic Committee.
Joseph M. Torsella, chairman of the Philadelphia 2016 Working Group, declined to comment, citing a gag order imposed on local committees by U.S. Olympic Committee Chairman Peter Ueberroth.
Officials from the U.S. committee are expected to meet with potential bidders in the coming weeks.
The U.S. organization is expected to determine an American candidate, if there is one, by mid-2007. The International Olympic Committee won't select the 2016 host city for nearly four years.
Britain hopes to field a team of 720 athletes at the London Olympics -- more than twice the number from the 2004 Athens Games -- in a bid to finish fourth in the medal table behind the United States, China and Russia.
"We want to be the top nation in Europe and I think the challenge is also to beat the Australians because they have invested heavily in sport," said Craig Reedie, outgoing chairman of the British Olympic Association.
Pay grab: It gets better and better But Madonna advised reporters not to report on this.
'Because the survey release has some serious defects that make it impossible to draw any sensible conclusions about the findings.'
According to Madonna, the defects involved not listing the exact wording of the questions or saying who paid for the survey.
But when a Pittsburgh reporter, Dimitri Vassilaros, checked the polling company's Web site, all that information was there. All of it. You can see it at www.pollingcompany.com.
Why not report it? Are the powerful so powerful that even honest brokers are drawn into their web?
PAT CARROLL: 255-8149 or pcarroll@patriot-news.com
RCAC 26 Days until the General Election!
Candidate's Corner
Meet Joe Weinroth - GOP Candidate for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh
Joseph Weinroth is a first generation American and the only member of his immediate family born in the United States. He is the son of Holocaust survivors who came to this country to live the American Dream.
Joe was born and raised in Pittsburgh. He is a graduate of Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and received his undergraduate dual degree in Economics and Political Science, summa cum laude, in 1980. He received the Asher Isaacs Prize in Economics as the graduate with the highest grade point average in the field of Economics. He is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa honorary society. Joe attended the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and received his JD degree in 1983. He has been a practicing attorney since his admittance to the bar in 1983.
Joe is an elected member of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania; he is the elected Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Pittsburgh; an elected member of the Republican Committee of Allegheny County and a member of the County Leadership Committee; He is the founder
and Director of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a national grassroots organization; Joe was proud to be elected a Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 2004 and was proud to be on the
floor of Madison Square Garden when Pennsylvania had the honor of putting our President over the top in the nomination process.
Joe has been a registered Republican since he turned 18.
To learn more about Joe's candidacy, please visit his website at www.joeweinrothformayor.com
Joe's Lever Number is 11B.
KDKA - Pittsburgh's Source for Breaking News, Weather and Sports: PA House Speaker Mum On Pay Raise Debate PA House Speaker Mum On Pay Raise Debate
Oct 12, 2005 8:02 pm US/Eastern
Beechview (KDKA) The uproar over big pay raises for state lawmakers can still be heard.
The man who spearheaded the pay raise was in Pittsburgh...