Friday, March 30, 2007

Insights to a campaign for US President via Congressmen's Ron Paul's campaign

I've been asking locals to switch out of the Republican and Democratic parties to support effort as a Libertarian. Here is another call going the other way, but for 2008.
First and foremost, the goals that we hope to accomplish are:

1. Bringing the message that liberty can be reestablished in American only by respecting the rule of law, the U. S. Constitution.

2. Saving America from bankruptcy, world war and a continued fascist regime by getting Ron Paul elected President.

What you can do:

1. Republicans need to get involved in the party. Become voting delegates at your precinct, county and state conventions. Support Ron Paul at all these events. Ask them to invite Ron Paul to speak at their state conventions! (1-800-RON-PAUL)

2. Republicans need to call the county chairs, executive committee and state chairmen of your individual state. Ask that they support and endorse Ron Paul. Tell them that it is imperative at this time in history that we have someone who in incorruptible and a true conservative because this country is going bankrupt – financially and morally.

3. Those of you, who are not Republicans, hold your nose and take the plunge as Ron Paul is running in the Republican primary and believe it or not, most grassroots Republicans believe in limited government and want someone to believe in Ron Paul is that Republican.

4. Write letters to the editors of newspapers about supporting Ron Paul for President.

5. Continue to hammer talk show blogs and email commentary promoting Ron Paul for President. (you have done a great job at this). Ask them to invite Ron Paul onto their station. Tell them to call 1-800-RON-PAUL. Promote him and the issues of liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

6. Ron Paul has to win Republican primaries before he can get to the next step – the general election, so we need you to work in Republican circles to get that done.

Thanks so much. You don't know how much we love you as supporters. If it weren't for you holding back the tide of big government by supporting Ron Paul in all of his endeavors, we would have little hope for freedom.

So, because of you, there is Hope for America!

The Daily News - Onorato addresses Twin Rivers assembly

Where did I put my decoder ring?
The Daily News - Onorato addresses Twin Rivers assembly 'Part of the reason this got accomplished (new arena for Penguins) is I would not budge on not using tax dollars,' he said.

Onorato goes 0 for 3 with court cases this week. Swartz prevails and is a ballot opponent to Onorato for the D primary

Lawyers on behalf of Dan Onorato put a legal attack up against a citizen soldier today. Right before the session was to occur before the judge, the team of attorneys blinked and pulled the objection. The despicable legal attack, groundless, without any merit and an insult to the citizens of democracy, was going down in flames.

Rick Swartz is on the ballot for the May 2007 primary against Dan Onorato.

From people & vips

And, for good reason. Swartz has a right to be on the ballot.

Swartz fights to have his voice heard

2 Political Junkies: Swartz fights to have his voice heard Candidate Swartz is determined to remain on the ballot, and his campaign will help Chief Executive Dan Onorato hear the messages he's not currently getting from his inner circle. To that end, Swartz asks supporters to code their contributions: donations ending in $.95 for people who are upset about the transit situation; donations ending in $.96 for people who are upset about the voting machine fiasco; $.97 for road and development decisions; $.98 if you feel the assessment issue has not been fixed; and $0.99 for people who generally support the democratic process and want the county executive to listen better on ALL issues.

Bring your video cameras to the planning hearing on Tuesday

Now is the time to bring video cameras to the planning meeting. They don't want video cameras. I do. I want open governement. I want cameras to point at public officials and public acts -- not on citizens.
Casino panel created Mr. Ravenstahl said the formation of the task force coincides with a public hearing scheduled Tuesday before the city planning commission on PITG Gaming's master plan for the casino development.

Lane 9 News World Record for the United States

Lane 9 News Archive: Flash! World Championships: Victory in 800 Freestyle Relay and Another World Record for the United States: "Winning his fifth gold medal and setting the 21st world record of his career, Phelps led off in 1:45.36 and was followed by Lochte's effort of 1:45.86. Keller then hopped in and delivered his best swim of the meet, a mark of 1:46.31. Vanderkaay handled the anchor leg in 1:45.71 and the U.S. had another global standard. Keller's leg was key, as he's struggled this week and it was uncertain how fast he'd go. For Lochte, it was his second world record of the night, joining his standard in the 200 backstroke.

'You could say I had a good night,' Lochte said. 'These other three guys and the crowd made it happen.' "

Casino panel created with 39 people

Thank goodness the Pgh Gaming Task Force is gone. I'd love to see some proof of that death, however.
Casino panel created The Pittsburgh Gaming Task Force is gone, but another one will be taking its place to help ensure that the proposed Majestic Star casino in Chateau will be a quality development and a good neighbor.
One step forward is quickly followed by one step back, given the bigger government leadership of Dan and Luke.

Furthermore, Dan and Luke are co-chairs.

Let's call the new Gaming Task Force what it is, a Political Action Committee. Are these guys going to chair the Gambling Adiction Meetings too?

I'd love to see the mayor and county executive do something else. It is called "govern."

Oakland Road Construction

Penn Dot has detour information for the Boulevard of the Allies construction project in a PDF newsletter that just sucks. The newsletter looks good, but at first glance, people who drive these roads can't figure out what's what.

The newsletter provides the specific timelines month by month of the road closures. This project begins next Monday, April 2nd.

Students, patients and workers in Oakland and South Side are sure to feel the impact of these closures immediately. Allow the appropriate travel time or pack a swim suit to cross the Mon. saves bundles for city governments

German City of Freiburg moving to and ODF

According to this German article the German City of Freiburg will deploy on 2,000 desktops and expects to save 0.5M Euro over the next two years compared to a migration to Microsoft Office 2007. The City of Freiburg also adopts ODF in order to become vendor and product independent.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Perils of Unearned Wealth

TCS Daily - The Perils of Unearned Wealth: Scarcity is a tutor and when it is no longer there to restrain our appetites, only character remains. If character was never developed... well, just watch today's news and you'll see.
Interesting article by Jerry Bowyer.

[412] Community gathering about city-owned, closed ice rink on South Side -- PLUS -- running mate news with an final invite for YOU to RUN too.

My email blast went out on a Thursday night. If I don't have your email address, I'd love to get it.
[412] Community gathering about city-owned, closed ice rink on South Side -- PLUS -- running mate news with an final invite for YOU to RUN too. [412] Community gathering about city-owned, closed ice rink on South Side -- PLUS -- running mate news with an final invite for YOU to RUN too.
I've got some "running mate news" and an invite to you to consider running for public office.

First, a non-political invite: I'm holding an open community meeting to discuss the city-owned, presently closed, indoor ice rink facility once called Neville Arena. We are going to gather at 7 pm on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 in the cafeteria at Phillips Elementary School on Sarah Street. A RFP (request for proposals) has been issued by the city.
Now for exciting election news:

Weeks ago I announced my intention to run, or I should say, STAND, for six offices for the November 6, 2007 general election. Now the count has been reduced to five. Everyone in Pittsburgh knows that Bill Peduto dropped out of the race and left the field vacant, other than for the incumbent. This isn't the case for me. I'm dropping out of a race, but others are coming in to take my place. I'm moving to increase competition, voter choice and accountability.

A fellow Libertarian is going to work with me and get onto the ballot for the slot for the member at large seat on the Allegheny County Council.

Furthermore, others have stepped up. We are just about to begin our quest to get signatures for our nomination papers. The ELEVEN following candidate roles are now filled.

1. Allegheny County's Chief Executive, -- Mark Rauterkus
(I'm the only candidate other than Dan Onorato and Rich Swartz, both Democrats. And, Mr. Swartz faces the judge tomorrow morning, Friday 3-30. Lawyers working on behalf of Onorato are trying to knock him off the ballot. Despicable.)
2. Allegheny County District Attorney -- (not me)

3. Allegheny County Sheriff -- (not me)

4. Allegheny County Treasurer -- (not me)

5. Allegheny County Controller -- (not me)

6. Allegheny County Council Member, at-large -- (not me any longer)

7. Allegheny County Council Member, district 13 -- still me, Mark Rauterkus

8. Mayor, City of Pittsburgh -- Mark Rauterkus

9. Controller, City of Pittsburgh -- Mark Rauterkus

10. City Council, district 3 -- Mark Rauterkus

11. City Council, district 7 -- (not me)

A few of the above slots are still in a 'place holder status.' For example, I'm still listed five times. But, by the end of the summer, I hope to better target and focus my race to one spot and have five other citizens standing with me -- all of us running for the various,
respective offices.

Many other municipal seats are still without opposition and are wide open for challengers. More are considering the options and possibilities. How about you? For instance, to run for boro office in Sharpsburg, only only needs 10 VALID signatures to get onto the

However, to be a candidate for the general election on November 6, 2007 -- you need to be certain to opt OUT of the "D" and "R" parties within the next week. Do it now. You can't run for public office as a Libertarian or as an Independent if you are a member of either old
parties within 30 days of the PRIMARY election.

Early April -- right now -- presents the last opportunity for YOU to change your registration so you are eligible for the ballot in the fall.

I can help you. I will get you the voter registration forms if you need one. I will tell you want offices are open in your area. I will ponder and talk with you about what we are doing and how we can work together so that the present flock of politicians are not give a 'free ride' come the fall election.

Thanks for your consideration.


Mark Rauterkus
412 298 3432 = cell

PS: Michael Phelps, USA swimmer, is making waves at world championships in Australia. He has four gold records and is going for eight. So, this could prove to be the perfect season to enter multiple events and head south of the equator. FYI: On April 28, my family and
I are traveling to Christchurch, New Zealand, for teaching, study and writting. Go Phelps!

Michael is up to four golds

Go Michael Go!

Republicans -- dead in the water and Dimiti covered both sides of the issue

Dimiti spent 90 minutes of air tim on KDKA Radio talking to two Republican Party leaders, Bob Hillen and Bob Glancey. They reached a deal so the boss of the would not need to get smacked down by the judge. The court date was looming large.

I'm glad that a new love fest is starting in the Republican realm. For a few years now, the chairman of the Republican Party in the County didn't speak to the chir from the city.

In 2007, the local republicans are putting a few candidates on the ballot. There are some judge candidates. There are two )used to be three) running for Allegheny County Council At-Large. The guy with the office now has had enough. There is a guy for sheriff. Perhaps a few are running for office in the municipal races, but none in the city, except David Adams, who is going to mount a write-in campaign shortly for City Council District 9.

The killer of that entire spell of interivews and remarks was Dimiti who said at the end. "Well, there you have it. We covered both sides."

Producer at KDKA Radio, "Mark, we can't take your call because we have equal time concerns."

Dan Onorato was on the air talking about a few different issues with the Honz Man today, after 2 pm. I called.

My pre-air conversation with the producer when like this: I'd like to point out to Fred that Dan is interested in letting the voters decide about the sheriff but his lawyers are working on his behalf to knock off his lone Dem party challenger in court tomorrow.

Dan will be zero for three tomorrow.....

Then I'm on hold for two minutes.

Then comes the voice of a producer, "Mark, we can't have you on the air as we are worried about equal time concerns." click

Say what?

Onorato blasts judiciary. Onorato is ZERO for TWO and the third is on deck for Friday.

Dan Onorato is blasting the judiciary. He struck out twice in the last two days. Well, his third at bat comes tomorrow, before the judge. His lawyers are bringing the challenge to the bench to knock Rich Swartz off the ballot.
Onorato blasts judiciary - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
This reminds me of Ben Howland, UCLA coach, saying that the deck was stacked against his team after the NCAA picked the brackets for the March Madness. Oh well, it worked out for the Bruins.

Dan's real problem with property tax assessment isn't because of anything that they are doing in Beaver County, Westmorland County nor Butler County. Dan's problems are in Allegheny County.

Dan doesn't have the magic to turn the clock back to 2002. And he tried. And, he thought that his turn-the-clock-back solution was viable.

Dan is also crying the blues because the voters will choose who is going to be the sheriff, not him.

Dan Onorato is not good for democracy.

Dan Onorato is not good for a modern Allegheny County. Dan, you can't turn back the clock. Time has its ways. Once you're bald, even your hair won't grow back.

Dan says "home rule" is about voters controlling their own destiny. Duhh. Voters are going to control the destiny -- by electing a sheriff every four years.

Talk about frustration.

Dan won't win in the challenge and Dan won't win in the removal of the challenge either. His lawyers, when they see that the challenge is not going to stick are going to back away.

Community Meeting called. Huddle to discuss the city-owned, vacant, closed indoor ice rink in South Side Park

Come one, come all.

I'm calling and hosting a meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday, April 17, 2007, to discuss the stituations with the now vacant indoor ice rink located in South Side Park.

The Neville Ice Rink was closed in 2001. A private operator let it die and the city did little in oversight of its operation.

Now the city has issues a RFP, request for proposals. See it on the city's web site. It is a long PFD.

Feel free to pass the word about this meeting. If you'd like to speak at the meeting to insert an agenda item, call or email me in advance. 412 298 3432. Everyone will be able to speak. But, if you have more to say or present -- let me know, please.

I expect I'll release an agenda the day before the meeting.

I love viable, open alternatives. Progress in the real world. Get

The Community announce the release of 2.2, the latest version of the leading open-source office suite. With upgrades to its word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, and database software, the free software package provides a real alternative to Microsoft's recently-released Office 2007 product - and an easier upgrade path for existing Microsoft Office users. 2.2 also protects users from newly discovered vulnerabilities, where users' PCs could be open to attack if they opened documents from, or accessed web sites set up by, malicious individuals.

In version 2.2, users will immediately notice the improvement in the quality of text display in all parts of The reason for this is that the previously optional support for kerning, a technique to improve the appearance of text written in proportional fonts, has now been enabled by default.'s unique pdf export function has also been enhanced with the addition of the optional creation of
bookmarks feature, and support for user-definable export of form fields.

While 2.1 functions well on Microsoft's Windows Vista, version 2.2 makes use of some of the new cosmetic changes available in Vista, the new file dialogues being an example. Apple Mac users will notice a smaller download and a smaller installed size. The Apple Mac Intel version has many stability improvements, and bug fixes ranging from .ppt export to improved UNO connections. Version 2.2 now requires Mac OS X 10.4.x running X11.

Turning to some of the enhancements made to the individual components of, the Calc spreadsheet has received additional enhancements to its support for Microsoft file formats, including improved support for Pivot Tables and some specialised trigonometric functions. Base, the database component, has improved SQL editing functionality as well as a new "Queries within Queries" feature. Compatibility options for some database drivers, such as Oracle ODBC, have been improved. Impress, the presentations component, offers improvements in the handling of hidden slides which has been made more intuitive.

It is important to remember that is not just a software package, but is also a development and user community. One demonstration of this is the ability of third party developers to create extensions in a simple manner. Third party extensions can now be more closely integrated and features have been added to dramatically simplify the installation and updating of these. In addition, features have been added to assist those participating in the translation and localisation of

In addition to being immediately available for download from the traditional download servers, is also available from a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. Alternatively, Community Distributors supply the software on CD-ROM in many countries and native language translations will be available from their relevant communities.


The Community is an international team of volunteer and sponsored contributors who develop, support, and promote the leading open-source office productivity suite,®.'s leading edge software technology (UNO) is also available for developers, systems integrators, etc to use in extensions or in their own applications. supports the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS Standard (ISO/IEC 26300) as well as legacy industry file formats and is available on major computing platforms in over 70 languages. software is provided under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) and may be used free of charge for any purpose, private or commercial.

The Community acknowledges generous sponsorship from a number of companies, including Sun Microsystems, the founding sponsor and primary contributor. 2.2 may be downloaded free of charge from

Pgh Public Schools Parent Involvement Policy sees light of day

The Parent and Family Involvement Policy recently passed by the Board is now available on the web in the policy section,
It is also posted from a link from the Parents Page, under Parent Involvement, on the left navigation.

The district is planning and providing Professional Development to principals, staff and parents. Information and opportunities for parental engagement both district-wide and school based will be provided.

Please feel free to begin discussions on the Policy through your PSCC, PTO/PTA meetings.

There have been plenty of changes in the way the district interacts with the parents. Not all for the good, in my humble opinion. For the past couple of years, there have been walls created. Let's take a peek and see if this policy works to build more division or make for better interactions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Running Mate Meeting

That's me, (on the left) with the newest member of the Libertarian Party. A new dawn is about to break!

The Housing Bubble Blog - Both Lender And Borrower Underestimated The Risks

Someone with a blog in Arizona points out some twisted logic. Downtown housing is happening. So, our mayor wants to give away free rides by lowering taxes to the elite. Meanwhile, the rest of the city gets to pays more.

Condo sales are happening without the tax break. Don't provide a tax break for some, and not for others, when the tax break is not necessary. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul. Don't rob neibhorhoods to pay for downtown. Don't rob some and give to others.

Even if this tax abatement plan is bigger than downtown, don't do it. Do it for everyone or do it for none.

Don't reward neighborhoods that are in decline. That is the type of reward that only provides benefits to the speculators.
The Housing Bubble Blog “Both Lender And Borrower Underestimated The Risks” The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. “David W. Bishoff is so pleased with condominium sales at the Carlyle, the soon-to-be-converted Union National Bank building at Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, Downtown, that he’s ready to try it again — right next door.”

“While it might seem like too much to some, Mr. Bishoff has no doubt the market can support it. ‘The question isn’t whether this city can absorb 200 or 400 or 600 or even a thousand. This Downtown should easily absorb and keep filled several thousand units,’ he said.”

“Mayor Luke Ravenstahl used the ribbon cutting to pitch his proposed tax abatement program for residential housing that is now before City Council.”

“One Carlyle buyer, Brian Ritz, likened his investment to ‘owning a piece of the Golden Triangle.’”
People are less interested in owning a piece of the Golden Triangle and more interested in owning the people who govern. Who owns the mayor? Who owns the County Executive?