Sunday, June 24, 2007

Airport developer sues Allegheny, others - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Stop! In the name of emails.
Airport developer sues Allegheny, others - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review While being sued by two banks that claim he defaulted on loans for improvements at his airport, Rock Ferrone is suing Allegheny County; its executive, Dan Onorato; a few other county officials; and several people in the private sector.

Ferrone's two lawsuits allege the defendants violated his civil rights. He is suing for compensatory damages and an injunction 'ordering the government defendants to cease their unconstitutional conduct.'

Ferrone claims in one suit that Onorato blocked e-mails Ferrone sent to various county officials, including county council members.

To PIIN and friends of PIIN: about Pgh Police and stops to brown skin folks seeking 'papers'

This is a call to action in solidarity with our immigrant sisters and brothers who have been the victims of some of the most reprehensible, immoral, and illegal actions by local law enforcement.

Just in this month alone:

Two times in the last month, workers at a house in the Pointe Breeze section of Pittsburgh were approached on private property by City of Pittsburgh Police officers and asked for “identification and papers” and were further asked about their immigration status.

A woman was stopped in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh where she was walking and a City of Pittsburgh patrol car drove up next to her and asked her for identification and she was asked about her immigration status. No suspected crime whatsoever.

Three men were working at a house in Braddock which because of bad electrical wiring caught fire. These 3 victims of this fire were never asked by the County Police if they needed water, medical attention, or any other kind of help, but were only asked for their ID’s, papers, and questioned about their immigration status. No crime suspected, they were victims of a fire. And all three were detained by police for over 8 hours and 1 remains in jail on an immigration hold.

This week, in the North Side of Pittsburgh, a car with 3 children, 2 mothers, and a man was stopped by the City of Pittsburgh Police with no traffic violation, 6 other patrol cars converged and all occupants were demanded to show their documents. The women and children were crying and all felt terrorized and intimidated.

One common thread in all these is: all were Latinos; all had brown skin; all were residents of our region; all were never suspected of a crime; all were victims of intimidation and fear; all of them are our sisters and brothers.

Sadly, these are only a few of many incidences we could relate. Yesterday it was racial profiling for African Americans (and even today), today it is racial profiling for people with brown skin, tomorrow you may be asked for your papers while working in your yard or walking the street. IN THE NAME OF OUR US CONSTITUTION AND IN THE NAME OF GOD, THIS ILLEGAL AND IMMORAL BEHAVIOR MUST STOP, NOW!

Last October, at the PIIN Public Action, City of Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl committed to meet with PIIN leaders before the end of January 2007 to formulate an immigrant friendly policy for the city. After being shown a similar policy adopted by Philadelphia he said, “It’s a shame you need to have a policy to say these things.”

Since that time, PIIN has met with Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato and Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala who have been supportive of our efforts for a new policy. We have even met with the Chief of Police as well as the mayor’s policy manager and assistant solicitor. The goal was to create a policy for Allegheny County as well as the City of Pittsburgh so immigrants would not have to live in fear.

It was agreed that a meeting with all three officials (Onorato, Zappala, and Ravenstahl) would accomplish a comprehensive immigrant friendly policy for our region. We have been trying in earnest for this meeting since March and while Onorato and Zappala have been ready to meet, Ravenstahl has never given a date to them or us.

It is tragically ironic to us that the mayor had time to run to Oakmont uninvited to cajole Tiger Woods for a picture and cannot meet with us when families are being separated, people’s basic rights are being ignored, and some on his police force are instilling fear in an immigrant community that wants to help our city and region, just like most of our parents and grandparents did.

THE ACTION: Nonviolently, we will all meet on Monday, June 25th, at 9:30 AM on the 5th floor of the City-County Building (located at 414 Grant Street) to demand a reasonable date from the mayor to meet with us regarding the creation of an immigrant friendly policy for our city and county. Go directly to the 5th floor of the City-County Building.

As many people as possible are needed for this action. If the mayor refuses, then a number of PIIN members and friends of PIIN intend to make a public act of civil disobedience, or rather Divine Obedience. Those wishing at that point to retreat to the steps of the City-County Building or other point of safety are most welcome.

If you are planning to attend this action, please call or email anyone from the list below:

Alfonso Barquera, 412-715-1750,

Sr. Janice Vanderneck, 412-578-0402,

Scott Fabean, 412-398-4000,
Put this into the report card rankings, P-G Or, perhaps because this is an agenda item that is beyond what Luke wants, it can be ignored. The P-G graded Luke on what he wanted to be graded upon.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

PA CleanSweep Opinion: Who Is Really In Charge?

When most Pennsylvanians think of government, a certain image comes to mind. They imagine policemen protecting us from violent criminals, clerks diligently processing paperwork to administer justice in the courthouse or green-vested highway workers heading out to fill potholes in the spring.

Others think of the continuous struggle of ideologies under the dome in Harrisburg. They imagine their conservative or liberal heroes going into battle on the floor of the House and Senate to win the privilege of steering the Commonwealth on new paths of righteousness.

While these elements of government in action do exist, a closer examination reveals that government is actually an industry, providing profit and investment opportunities to anyone willing to adopt the proper business model. The payoff can be massive. After all, what better way to guarantee a return on investment than by putting the force of law on your side?

There are plenty of experts to help you on your way to success by stepping on the backs of average taxpayers and short-circuiting the lawmaking process. For a price, of course. Two stunning examples of such modern-day privateers have come to light in the past week.

You may remember one Michael S. Long. The former chief of staff to Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Jubelirer and brother-in-law of former Senate Majority Leader David "Chip" Brightbill wrapped up his career on the inside by pocketing $41,000 in taxpayer-funded bonuses in his last two years and collecting a $95,000 severance package on his way out the door.

While Jubelirer and Brightbill were ultimately tossed from office for their big spending ways, Long was a master engineer behind the scenes crafting their "conservative Republican" game plan. Also a prominent member of the Lebanon County Republican Committee, Long was perfectly situated to take on the "liberal Democrats" at every turn.

And you may also recall one Ray Zaborney. As 2006 Republican gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann's campaign manager, Zaborney was eager to bash Ed Rendell on any issue whenever a microphone or camera was nearby. In his effort to get a Republican in the governor's office, Zaborney even contacted this writer in an attempt to lend anti-pay raise and reform credence to Swann's campaign after an independent gubernatorial bid was sideswiped by Pennsylvania's ridiculous petitioning requirements.

But the "conservative Republican" ideologies of Long and Zaborney seem to have taken a back seat to personal profit of late.

Long is now lobbying Harrisburg for the environmental and renewable energy causes, working under the guise of a lobbyist for PennFuture, an organization closely tied to Rendell's vision for greening up Pennsylvania. This plan could arguably give Rendell front-runner status for the position of US Department of Energy Secretary in a future Democratic administration in Washington.

Zaborney, who has long been politically linked to Long but is not listed on the state's lobbyist disclosure website, was witnessed this week arriving at a Senator's office in the Capitol "to advocate for a sensible environmental plan for the Commonwealth." When asked to clarify exactly what he was pushing, Zaborney replied, "the Governor's plan."

Widely reported in headlines recently was PennFuture's CEO John Hanger touting a poll claiming that Pennsylvanians support renewable energy. (The same poll likely would have revealed they also support puppies, Mom and apple pie.) A bit less reported was Hanger's odd tirade earlier in the year defending Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen McGinty and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Michael DiBerardinis - both Rendell appointees - on the issue of ethics questions surrounding public dollars and their spouses.

The government business model is pretty straightforward. Place your investment dollars into campaign contributions and/or lobbying fees, make a few public statements revealing whose team you're really on, and soon enough you too can enjoy the profits of social policy backed by the force of law.

Such programs are not only lucrative for recipients of the resultant taxpayer funded state grants, but also for the lawyers who deal with bond issues, the lobbyists who help push them through and of course, supportive incumbent legislators who may receive special consideration from program backers during the next election cycle.

The ability of citizens to influence their government is a good thing. The notions of protecting the environment and making Pennsylvania energy independent are good ideas that markets just might support someday. But if these issues truly warrant the power of governmental force, wouldn't they already be at the top of every legislator's priority list rather than needing a constant barrage of monetary influence to get there?

Rendell, in a recent bizarre twist on morality, claimed that Jesus himself would support some of his bold initiatives that use force to generate the resources required to fund them. One could more easily imagine Jesus, upon glimpsing the pillage and plunder of the common man by the speculators and lobbyists controlling Harrisburg, angrily tossing these moneychangers from our temple.

What Long and Zaborney are doing is not illegal. In fact, it's sanitized by laws currently in place. But let's not be confused about their ideologies. Their former cover under the umbrella of "conservative Republicanism" appears only to be due to its ability to put money in their own pockets.

This is the ideology of self interest, not public interest. For true believers in the causes of conservatism, liberalism, republicanism, democracy and even environmentalism, Long and Zaborney serve as sad case studies in gaming the machinations of government for personal benefit. How many other proponents of the ideology of self interest are currently lurking about in Harrisburg, eager to prey on the common taxpayer in search of personal treasure?

Pennsylvanians would do well to think about this government-as-industry model the next time they find themselves waiting for a crime to be solved, a legal case to be heard or a pothole to be filled.

Russ Diamond is the founder of PACleanSweep and an avid believer that government should do what's best for all citizens, not just the privileged few.

About PACleanSweep

PACleanSweep is a non-partisan effort dedicated to reforming state government in Pennsylvania. For more information, please visit

[412] Summer invites from Mark at Rauterkus dot com

Email blast, 412-public-campaign, message archive: [412] Summer invites from Mark at Rauterkus dot com

Hi All,

We are home and thankful for a wonderful trip to New Zealand. Lots of our photos are on the web. Come over on the evening of July 4 to check out the scrapbooks.

My blog, Mark Rauterkus and Running Mates, was recently named the 7th most influential political blog in Pennsylvania.

There is plenty to do. Hope our paths cross soon. Consider yourself invited to:

  1. Our 4th of July house party. (more)

  2. Water polo clinic and shoot out, July 1, 2, and 3 in the evenings. (link below)

  3. A new Biathlon = 5 K run and 1 K swim on July 4 (with Crafton Celebrates) (link below)

  4. Water polo clinics starting July 30 to August 17 (drop in any time for three weeks) (link below)

  5. Help with getting signatures so we can field candidates for the November 2007 general election.

  6. Introduction to Dr. Ron Paul, a native of Pittsburgh, and a member of US Congress who is all about peace and common sense -- and his run for the White House in 2008.
It is too soon to talk at great lengths about presidential politics because we still have some work to do for 2007's general election. However, I'm loving what presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, former Libertarian, is saying. How he is delivers his message and the grass-roots energy is nearly as impressive as what he stands for. Take some time to understand his positions as Ron Paul bring a needed and most welcome change to the national political scene. Google "Ron Paul" or check out his videos at

My efforts to stand for office in 2007 and get onto the ballot for multiple offices as a 'stand-in' are in full swing. But, ... we need more signatures. Some have been very encouraged at the opportunities and messages I'd bring to the campaign trails. However, hundreds of signatures on notarized forms are needed to help make this occur.

I'll be meeting with Mark DeSantis tomorrow to talk with him about his views, campaign and community engagements in issues in the weeks to come. It takes two, or more, to tango. I'm at a cross-road. We'll have plenty to talk about, in person, by our 4th of July gathering. Arrive at 6 pm in the park to play badminton, Sarah and 12th Street. Or arrive at the house by 7 pm. More at my blog.

PDF handouts for other events I'm organizing are attached.

We're hosting a Biathlon: 5 K run + 1 K swim on July 4 in the morning. I'm leading water polo for 3 nights with Crafton Celebrates, July 1, 2, and 3 from 7:30 to 9. August features three water polo clinics, M-F, 9:30 to 11:30 am. Everyone is welcome.

Links to one-page PDFs of various events listed above:
Stay safe.

New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon - Yahoo! News

New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon - Yahoo! News 'The Pentagon has become a kind of litmus test for rationality in the study of 9/11,' Fetzer said. 'Those who persist in maintaining that a Boeing 757 hit the building are either unfamiliar with the evidence or cognitively impaired. Unless,' he added, 'they want to mislead the American people. The evidence is beyond clear and compelling. It places this issue 'beyond a reasonable doubt'. No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon.'
So there.

Meeting of the Marks, plus, Bits & Bytes in Biz: DeSantis and Mobile Fusion's fulltime boss, now

Mark the occasion. I was able to visit with Mark DeSantis today. Two Marks. Two with strong political opinions. We agree and understand that our city, the City of Pittsburgh, is on the brink.

I took a few notes. But, a real interview with all sorts of fact-finding can unfold elsewhere. Mine, now, is a hype posting. We gathered. We talked. Little else is going to come of this update posting. We didn't do any 'Vulcan Mind Melt' nor even 'Have a Good Sandwich Tuna Melt.' Our schedules merged with face-time for an hour. Discussions began.

I ran for Mayor in the primary in 2001 in the GOP party. I gave him some of my insights. Meanwhile, I listened to what he had to bring.

We agree that the present mayor is out of time. The sky is falling. The city is half of what it used to be. He predicted that the city would be legally bankrupt in two or three years unless something is done. And, he doesn't see anything being done from Luke Ravenstahl's administration.

I said that we (naysayers and I) had been talking about the financial distress of the city since 1999. When Dr. Carmine and I were running (2001), we predicted the financial collaps of the city. Ours was a near term warning as well. But, it didn't resonate. We got oversight, thanks to Tom Murphy and the city's one-party rule, as we predicted, two short years later.

The city is going to go bankrupt. It already, nearly, has. Nothing is better. Ho hum. That prediction and situation is grave -- but it isn't going to win an election.

The city doesn't have any more tricks. Phantom budgets and phantom revenues are, we hope, a thing of the past.

We agree that things are bad. But, I'm not sure that the message of "Oh My Gosh -- Life Sucks for City Government" is going to convert to changes on Grant Street in the Mayor's office. It counts. Some votes will flip with the understanding that 'enough is enough.'

DeSantis is confident that he offers a range of experiences and maturity that isn't within our young mayor. Luke being Luke coupled with the condition of the city presents a formula for getting more voters. The mayor's office, in a time of pressing crisis, is not the place for on the job training.

I agree with DeSantis: Luke Ravenstahl will make serious mistakes every month. These blunders, big and small, will be visible and drag down his popularity. This city can't afford mistakes. City voters will tune into the trends from this administration's tenure.

Furthermore, doing nothing is perhaps the most serious mistake Luke Ravenstahl could make.

Thank goodness for the forward thinking City Council and its cat legislation, said DeSantis. (That's his joke. It was funny. Guess you had to be there. Having a sense of humor and history helps.)

He'll use history in his statement on Tuesday while launching his campaign at the central train station, The Pennsylvanian. Trains are important to me. He likes the rotunda. He'll announce that his race is 'on' then and there. I'll be at swim practice so I can't attend. I'm working with future voters, I guess.

My reflection of history puts today's Pittsburgh in the same situation as the people of Poland in the mid to late 1930s. Hitler was to the west. Stalin was to the east. There was no place to hide. Poland had no place to go. Change was bad. Mark DeSantis needs to convince the people of Pittsburgh that he is neither Hitler nor Stalin and moving his way will be a change for the better.

Mature managers with a sense of political duty in our beings are called to act. We both feel that we've got to do something. As a coach, I understand that the mind leads and the body follows. Well, there are many things to think about. Junctions ahead. Decisions are looming. Time will tell.
Bits&Bytes: Big-name investors betting on BubbleMesh GOP mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis confirmed he's taken over South Side-based startup Mobile Fusion in the absence of former CEO Ric Castro, who left the firm recently to 'pursue other business interests.'
Prior to becoming Mobile Fusion's president, Mr. DeSantis was an adviser to the young firm, which is developing a prototype for a softball-like device equipped with a camera and sensors that when tossed into potentially dangerous situations acts as the eyes and ears of "first-responders" and soldiers.

"We decided that it was time for a reorganization," Mr. DeSantis said of the shake-up at the year-old firm.

Mobile Fusion experienced a growth spurt earlier this year, securing an undisclosed amount from private "angel" investors in addition to roughly $300,000 from startup generator Innovation Works.

Mr. Desantis' quest to unseat Mayor Luke Ravenstahl won't distract him from manning the six-person firm, he said. "Mobile Fusion is my full-time job. My spare time is running for office."
This gadget that DeSantis and others are working on is a probe. It provides detatched eyes and vision in unsafe places.

I say that the mind-leads and the body follows. Humm. It would be nice to have a softball like device to toss forward to sense what the future holds. That's an extension of the body. The mind still has to think and understand when and where to chuck sensory devices.

On the campaign trails in the weeks and months to come, DeSantis might wish for the functionality of Mobile Fusion. He'll be walking into some awkward situations. But mostly, he'll be in a sea of nothingness. Community groups are not going to have debates. And, should Luke get put on the ropes in public, so to speak, I expect Dan Onorato to quickly rally to Luke's defense.

DeSantis sees a great divide between Onorato and Ravenstahl. Ravenstahl is baggage that Onorato doesn't want, he feels. Mergers are a wedge issue too. Ravenstahl is against mergers and Onorato is for them. So DeSantis sees the two going their own ways. I don't agree.

I see Onorato and Ravenstahl in morph mode. And, a third character in that mix is Rendell. I expect DeSantis is going to see a lot of tangled relationships as he tries to battle Ravenstahl. Ravenstahl won't go toe-to-toe, one-on-one because others will swoop in just as the bell sounds. And, the stage won't be set with the voters in their seats.

Oh, the webs we weave.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Grant gets a day of "Lump Camp"

We've made "Lump Camp" a regular part of our summers. That's when you sit around like a lump. Generally it is an all-day thing. But, we've been moving more and more to half-day lump camps.

Grant gets a full day of lump camp tomorrow, Saturday. Erik is in a two day meet. But Grant is only in events on Sunday. So, Grant has Saturday 'off.'

The summer schedule for Mondays to Fridays includes a swim practice from 7 to 9 am at Carlynton High School (indoor, 25 yards). Then there is a short drive and another swim practice, outdoors, 25 yards, at Crafton Swim Pool, from 9:30 to 11:30.

On some days the boys take a run and then swim in the second practice. Or, they'll do some sculling, reverse swimming, and other skills/drills with a script in the diving well for a good part of the second practice. But, Mike has been doing a lot of work on turns in that outdoor practice. I've been trying to teach lots of fly and breast in the first couple weeks. Almost all of the younger swimmers have mastered breast.

48 hour film event in Pittsburgh in August

Hello, my name is Rick Frisco and I am the local producer for the 48 Hour Film Project coming to Pittsburgh for the first time this year.

I am contacting you or your company to spark interest for Pittsburgh’s first annual 48 Hour Film Project.

Here is a little about how the festivities will be produced:

Write - Produce - Shoot - Edit ... All in 48 hours. That's the mantra behind this unique project.

The 48 Hour Film Project will be kicking off at The Star City Theatre in Bridgeville, PA, on August 3rd at 5:00 P.M. At 7:00 P.M., more than 40 Teams of filmmakers will be rushing off with their blind picks of; Genres, Characters, Props and Line of Dialogue to Write, Produce and Edit their films which are to be returned within 48 Hours.

We are expecting more than 40 teams of filmmakers to produce a 3-5 minute video for their entry. Our expectance is to have 3 screenings of 14 films at each screening, starting on the Tuesday, August 7th 2007 at The Star City Theatre and ending on Thursday August 9th.

Our Awards Ceremony will be held once again at the Star City Theatre on Saturday August 11th at 4:00 P.M. We are expecting to show 14 different films with the winning titles such as “Best use of Prop”, “Best use of Character”, "Audience Choice Winner” and also crowning “The best short film in Pittsburgh 2007” which will move on for a chance to face other cities in their quest for the Grand Prize. That team of filmmakers will have the chance to win the Showdown and win an HD camera and $10,000 from Visa.

More than 66 cities across the nation have promoted this project with spectacular results and sell out crowds at their screenings. Please take the time to review the projects website and see all the other happenings with this international phenomenon

We would like to extend the invitation not only to attend the screening of the films but to spend the weekend on set with any of the local film teams. Please let me know if you would like more information or to speak to me, or any of the local filmmakers competing in the weekend.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,

Rick Frisco, “Local Producer”, 48 Hour Film Project
Email: rfrisco -at- remnsproductions -dot- com

Rick Frisco, RemNS Productions, 85 Williams Street, Brownsville, PA 15417
Email: rfrisco -at- remnsproductions -dot- com
Sign up for Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Festival August 2007!
I nuked the guy's cell phone number. But it was sent to me in his invite.

Saturday, June 30 -- parade in Crafton

I'm going to be in the Crafton Parade on Saturday, June 30 to represent the Crafton Crocodiles swim team.

We will meet at First United Presbyterian Church on Bradford Ave. @ 3:30 p.m. Parade Starts @ 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ron Paul -- swim dad

Ron Paul's son was a nationally-ranked butterflier as an age group swimmer when he was in high school in Texas.

Hat tip to fellow swim coach, George Block, from Texas for that insight.

Water Polo Opportunities: July 1, 2, 3 -- and for 3 weeks in August in the mornings

I'm organizing two different water polo experiences. Anyone who can swim 4 lengths of the pool is welcome. Boys, girls, and adults. Rookies to the sport are encouraged to give it a go as well.

Our Crafton water polo team is still undefeated. That's right, we've never lost. (giggle)

We always have a good time and a great workout.

Info at these URLs (PDFs):

Three-weeks of clinics in August (from July 30 to August 17) from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Just $5 per week. More details.

With Crafton Celebrates, we'll do an intro clinic and a 'shoot-out' in the evenings of July 1, 2, and 3. Come to the park's swim pool and then go eat a hot dog or funnel cake without any guilt. Cost, again, is just $5 for one, two or three nights. I'll give away some fun gifts to those in the shootout. More details in PDF.

Feel free to pass the word about these events. You could take these one page posters, print them and display them at your local swim pool, library, school, or church. Feel free to give them out to neighbors too.

Biathlon: 5 K run + 1 K swim, July 4, 2007

Details, in PDF, about the Biathlon with Crafton Celebrates on the morning of July 4.

This is a brand new event. It is not expected to be large.

Want some free fatherhood info for your organization?

National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) just released two RFPs for bundles of resources that community-based organizations can apply to receive at no charge. All that is required to potentially receive these resources is a little time and effort to write a brief proposal.

Please spread the word among your contacts. I have attached an announcement about the resources.
RFP for Daddy Packs
National Fatherhood Initiative Announces Two Request for Proposals (RFPs):
We are currently offering quality resources
FREE to eligible organizations.


Through this great opportunity, we're offering the Daddy Pack, our BEST SELLING product, to organizations working with new and expectant dads!

Up to 100 Organizations will receive $2500 worth of Daddy Packs!

Filled with important information about child health and safety, child development and more, this innovative resource has what new dads need to know to get involved with their little ones right from the start.

Learn more about the Daddy Pack™ here


Complete with curricula, interactive resources, brochures, and posters, these resource centers have what you need to get dads involved!

There are 145 fully-stocked resource centers available - each with $3,000 of resources!

You can apply for the custom option which best suits your needs:

24/7 Dad Package

New and Expectant Dad Package

Comprehensive Fatherhood Package

For more information about the Daddy Pack opportunity, or to apply, click here

Questions? Email us

For more information about the Fatherhood Resource Center opportunity, or to apply, click here

Questions? Email us

*organizations may apply for, and possibly receive, both sets of resources*

To learn more about the National Fatherhood Initiative

Visit FatherSOURCE Learn more about our programs

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Part time job

Environmental work in the city

The Pennsylvania Resources Council is currently searching for four to six part-time contract project assistants to support PRC staff in implementing a neighborhood recycling awareness campaign in the City of Pittsburgh. Interested individuals should send a cover letter and resume to David Mazza, Western Regional Director, via fax (412-488-7492) or email ASAP.

Invite: You can visit with us on the 4th of July

We are having our annual party / open house. Last year, Russ Diamond came to mingle and socialize.

Schedule: 6 pm badminton in the park by our house, 12th and Sarah Street. If you don’t want to play or watch badminton, plan to show up at the house (108 S. 12th Street) any time after 7 pm.

We’ll have the usual arts and crafts and some “water” games.

We supply napkins, plates, utensils, cups and lemonade and chips. If you want something more exciting (and we hope you do), please bring some to share (food or beverage).

You’ll be viewing the downtown fire works from our NEW deck just after dark. Yes, it is NEW. The deck is higher, larger, and really, really nice.

Plus, the room on the third floor where heads were often hit on the ceiling has changed as well. Come see the new room with 3 meter tall walls. We invite you to write a message on the unfinished inside walls (This year only!) that will be preserved with the house when we put up the final walls.

Everyone is welcome – please feel free to bring friends, relatives, etc.

If you need to reach us, email at

Hope to see you. You can check out some of our New Zealand scrapbooks too.

Mark, Catherine, Erik, and Grant (plus our two cats)

PS: We're playing three evenings of coached water polo (any level) on July 1, 2 and 3 at the Crafton pool. Email for more information – it will be lots of fun.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The 'Burgh Works, A Pittsburgh Jobs Blog: Pennsylvania State Police Unveil New Cadet Recruitment Website

We have a problem with the recruitment of officers in the city and state. Perhaps one way to deal with the problem is to have fewer police forces. New Zealand has one police force for the entire nation. I don't advocate that solution, but it is interesting to study it. Today I talked to the Chief of the Pgh School District Police about that concept as we both were getting lunch at the Pickle Barrel.
The 'Burgh Works, A Pittsburgh Jobs Blog: Pennsylvania State Police Unveil New Cadet Recruitment Website We were notified recently that the State Police have unveiled a new cadet recruitment site at The intent of the website is to make it easier to obtain information on becoming a Trooper as well as testing schedules and what current requirements are in effect. We found the new site very easy to navigate and well designed from a graphics standpoint. Information was easy to find and the overall effect is very web 2.0 (audio and video). State Police recruiters will be in attendance at our next big job fair on July 25th at Mellon Arena. reports on White House visit: Brief - Body Suit? Bush Ops For Jammer Body Suit? Bush Ops For Jammer Auburn, which has won five consecutive men's national titles and five of the last six NCAA women's championships, presented the President with a beach towel with his name embroidered on it and both men's and women's Auburn swimsuits.

Blog Rankings:

This blog, Mark Rauterkus & Running Mates, was ranked #7 in the original rankings of the most influential political blogs in Pennsylvania.

Blue Flu Alert: Mayor wants 10 city officials to resign by Friday - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Insanity looks like this:
The mayor wants 10 city officials to resign by Friday - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Say 10 guys resign on Friday. And, say they walk off the job too. Hell might begin to freeze over.

I think this 'resignation request' might be the straw that breaks the back of a few of these guys. But, what about all ten? Solidarity could be very interesting.

Meanwhile, city residents get the shaft.

I know how hard it is to get good people to agree to run for public office. Getting great people to work in the public sector for goofy leadership, without being elected, is going to be much harder.

People vote with their feet. When things are not right, they notice. They walk. They don't subject themselves to crazy situations. People leave the city to live elsewhere. And, people will not have a great attraction to come to the city as residents nor as directors.

Rudy missing in action for Iraq panel -

Rudy missing in action for Iraq panel - WASHINGTON -- Rudolph Giuliani's membership on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt end last spring after he failed to show up for a single official meeting of the group, causing the panel's top Republican to give him a stark choice: either attend the meetings or quit, several sources said.

Giuliani left the Iraq Study Group last May after just two months, walking away from a chance to make up for his lack of foreign policy credentials on the top issue in the 2008 race, the Iraq war.